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6612629 No.6612629 [Reply] [Original]

God tier

Fantastic tier

High tier
>Moka pot

OK tier
>French press

Hipster tier


Just barely drinkable tier
>Drip machine (unless it's an expensive as fuck corporate machine)
>That pod and capsule shit

Literally throw it in the trash tier
>Coffee teabags (yes, they exist)

>> No.6612632

I drink freeze dried decaf with nondairy creamer in the morning. it tastes just fine..

>> No.6612633

ive never had espresso before, how is it? should i buy it? is it all its cracked up to be? should i buy an espresso machine?

>> No.6612637

>ive never had espresso before, how is it? should i buy it? is it all its cracked up to be?
>should i buy an espresso machine?
no, too expensive. literally the only reason to go out to a cafe is for social reasons, some hard to make drink that you don't feel confident in or have the equipment for or espresso.
Good espresso requires an expensive setup, which unless you're rich, you won't have at a home.
might as well buy coffee flavoring

>> No.6612671

Competent French Press use belongs in Fantastic. Also, Turkish belongs in God tier because of the tradition and social aspect involved in making it.

>> No.6612682

>he thinks there's a difference between manual pour-over paper filter drip and automatic paper filter drip!!!
Jesus Christ, how pretentious. :-(

>> No.6612686

Turkish coffee is also god tier.

>> No.6612689

where is cold brew, you faggot?

>> No.6612695

I agree with everything except your spelling of the word "cigarette".

In fact you could have picked a much better image because that crema looks pretty shit. Plus the handle is on the wrong side. And the ciggie has a white filter but there's no lipstick on it. Dudes can't smoke ciggies with white filters.

Fuck it. 2/10 thread. Completely ruined by poor choice of image.

>> No.6612783

Moka pot is not even drinkable tier. The coffee gets overcooked and is very bitter.

>> No.6612887
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>God tier
My biracial brethren.

>> No.6612896

Lol not including Turkish coffee as your number one.

How do yoy expect anyone to take you seriously, op?

>> No.6613080

Turkish coffee is shit, because they have to load it with at least half a pound of sugar, to mask the horrible fucking taste.

>> No.6613083

>might as well buy coffee flavoring
might as well take caffeine pills. decaf is 100% coffee without the highly toxic stimulant. Fyi, 12 grams of caffeine is enough to kill an average adult. I also drink it with aspartame, which unlike caffeine, is completely harmless.

>> No.6613095

I know that you're trolling, but to clear up the misinformation for those who do not know:

decaf coffee is not really that good, because you're denaturing and processing the coffee in order to remove the caffeine. Unless you're okay with TV dinners, and cheese that comes out of a can; stay away from it.

Caffeine is particularly dangerous to those who have sensitives to it. Otherwise, it's very difficult to reach normal toxicity limits, if you're *only* consuming coffee. Also, as a general frame of reference, the lighter the roast, the higher the concentration of caffeine.

Aspartame, as well as other artificial sweeteners are potentially dangerous, despite FDA approval. They're known to cause excitotoxicity in the central nervous system of mammals, in sufficiently high dosages. It's also not entirely clear whether or not the effects are accumulative, either. To say that they're "completely harmless", is dangerous in its own rite.

>> No.6613106

Okay, I'll just make sure not to drink 60 cups of coffee today and I should be fine.

>> No.6613140

>12 grams of caffeine is enough to kill an average adult
do you even realize how many cups of coffee that would take you fucking moron?
I've taken 1g of caffeine, nobody's stupid enough to continue drinking coffee after drinking the equivalent of that.

>> No.6613146

>denaturing and processing
what is roasting?
coffee is decaffeinated with ethyl acetate, which is completely harmless.

Decaf wakes me up and tastes great. caffeine isn't necessary.

>> No.6613163


In God tier you missed out 3 in 1 instant coffee. Instant coffee with so much more, it comes pre-white and sweetened! While all of those suckers are waiting for the coffee machine, I have finished my coffee and used the time to do something productive!

>> No.6613424

>implying cappuccino is not God tier

>> No.6613457

Agree 100%, espresso has been my go to drink of choice for the past three years because of its simplistic beauty. It even inspired me to drop $600 on a high quality espresso machine.

>> No.6613476

Fun fact, no one except you cares how you take your coffee.
No one who matters cares at all.

>> No.6613501

Espresso is really a coffee offshoot. Other than that, nobody who had a cup of coffee put in front of them would be able to tell which method was used to make it by taste except for instant, which is indeed trash.

>> No.6613522

>instant coffee
>complete trash
instant decaf has 0 caffeine, unlike regular decaf ground coffee. So it isn't trash. Some people like coffee without deadly toxins in it.

>> No.6613852

Protip: Water is deadly if you consume enough of it at once.

And some of us prefer our coffee not having a chemical processed aftertaste.

>> No.6614002

I could tell almost instantly.
I'm sure I'm not the only one.

>> No.6614086


>ranking brew methods
So long as you can get an even, high extraction from it, it doesn't matter. Cold brew is lame because it all ends up being malty. Turkish is lame because it's full of sediment (and sugar). Rest is about even, though I'd prefer paper filtration over metal most of the time for the cleaner cup.

>> No.6614093

I too prefer espresso. It's the coffee equivalent of drinking scotch neat (or with a splash of water). I don't need sugar, flavored syrup, or any variety of milk or milk-related products. Just a double shot of something good.

I assume you began enjoying it in coffee shops, could you share what kind of machine you bought and if it's legitimately as good as coffee shop espresso? I've been shopping around but I'm afraid of dropping hundreds of dollars on something that makes shitty espresso.

>> No.6614114

Not the guy you are replying to, but I can give you my two cents.

You can make a great shot on a heat exchanger machine without PID, but not consistently, so don't bother with anything without PID control and dual boilers. The cheapest option for this is the breville 920xl at somewhere around 1100 buckeroos.
You should be spending more on the grinder, though. Avoid "espresso" grinders. All of them (save for the mahlkonig peak and a few others to a lesser extent) are designed with misinformation guiding them. They produce an uneven grind so as to make grounds that more easily slow the flow of the water. This also has the effect of giving you an uneven extraction, now matter what you do (the robur, an industry standard, can't do anything above 19% unless you flow a ton of water through there - which wouldn't give you an espresso as you know it). Go for a grinder with large flat burrs. Flat burrs make a more round particle, rather than an oblong one, which will be more suited to even extractions. If you can, find a particle distribution sheet, or even people reporting extraction yields. If people commonly say they are getting extraction yields above 20% that taste good, this is probably a good grinder. If you spend 1100 on an espresso machine, you probably want to spend 2-3000 on a grinder. Then you will be able to make better espresso than most shops.

If you only want the end result - the espresso - do not bother making it at home. You will spend way too much time, money, and effort dialing in and honing your skills. If you are interested in the process, and want a hobby (or to further your hobby's depth) and you have around 4000 to spend, then yes, look into it.

>> No.6614116

>instant decaff
>chemical processed aftertaste.
The solvent used to decaffeinate coffee is less dense than water, so it separates and floats on top of it, so there is no chemical aftertaste! The caffeine dissolves into the solvent because it is more soluble in the solvent than in water.

>> No.6614123
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I usually like drip but this brand of instant coffee had me like whoa. Freeze dry alchemy. in before shillery

>> No.6614161


>deadly toxin

Where the fuck did you get this, from one of those hippy guru bullshit magazines oriented for women?

>> No.6614196


What kind of pour over you fucking pleb?

>> No.6614213

This info is totally in line with what I've found as well.

I actually worked in a coffee shop for a while, the La Marzocca machine was so nice to work on, and I know anything I buy is going to get judged against that.

>> No.6614217

That's espresso based.

>> No.6614236
File: 40 KB, 266x383, Trussardi_full_flavour_l_20_h_black_austria.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn nigga carte noire was the shit back in post ussr russia, cup of that and a trussardi in the morning, fuuuuuark

>> No.6614263
File: 12 KB, 236x354, 704109b8ca3f3838aecc555cf6193426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone have experience with pic related? I was thinking of ordering one. I need an alternative to my french press.

>> No.6614386

V60s are great.

>> No.6614514

I like this.
So guys, I'm new here. How do I upvote?

>> No.6614515

>don't bother with anything without PID control and dual boilers
TBH I would never use the steam wand if I could afford a great espresso machine, I'd rather have them design one with only 1 group/1 boiler, thus making it cheaper and slightly less wasteful of power.

*La Marzocco
Sorry but it bothered me.

They made a home version of the linea, if you have 4500 bucks to spend.

When I visited their factory we had shots ground with a good old Mazzer, as well as a LM Swift (the one with ceramic burrs).
Of course if you can control to the distribution of particles and review the coffee Under an electronical microscope it's fine, but in any case good coffee + good grinder + good machine will already yield a better result than 99.9% of what you can get in any shop/restaurant.

Now I will tell something that will probably get a lot of espresso enthusiasts mad at me, but this is Anonymous so why not.

If you are like me: living in a place without a coffee culture, drink a couple espressos a day, are the only one in the house drinking coffee, and do not have an easy way to purchase AND preserve good coffee, nespresso is still the best result you'll get in terms of pods/capsules machines.

Stupid simple even a child can get you a cup, the coffee per gram is ridiculously expensive but less so than letting good coffee lose its aroma in 3 days, also I have one where you can select how much water you want so after playing around a bit with the settings I can get the best result based on the coffee origin.
Most people just let the pre set amount of water for every kind of coffee, so the 100% arabica are over brewed, and the results are watery and bitter.
However inferior to what I would get with a "real" espresso machine, the coffee I get from my nespresso is better than all the coffees I could get here.

>> No.6614536

>trash tier: OP

>> No.6614539


poor mans Chemex

>> No.6614593 [DELETED] 

Gonna have to correct you on a ccouple of points.

>Go for a grinder with large flat burrs.
Flat burrs I agree with (note for newfriends: Don't confuse flat burrs with flat blades) but large burrs are only necessary in a commercial environment where the grinder is used constantly. This is important as larger burrs dissipate heat better and remain at a constant temperature, and that's important because metal expands when it is heated and, given that the burrs are merely a fraction of a millimeter apart for an espresso grind, as the metal expands the burrs move closer together which results in a finer grind and ultimately an over extraction. Good barristas are constantly adjusting their grinder throughout the day.
But for a domestic environment where the grinder is used infrequently and not often then burrs over 50mm will be more than adequate.

>If you spend 1100 on an espresso machine, you probably want to spend 2-3000 on a grinder.
I think you may have accidentally added an extra zero there, but then your figure will be too low. If anon is going to spend $1,100 on an espresso machine then he should be spending no less than around $400 on a grinder. The Compak KS is a very common first espresso grinder and that's in the price range for an $1100 espresso machine. It has 58mm burrs too!

>> No.6614596

Gonna have to correct you on a couple of points.

>Go for a grinder with large flat burrs.
Flat burrs I agree with (note for newfriends: Don't confuse flat burrs with flat blades) but large burrs are only necessary in a commercial environment where the grinder is used constantly. This is important as larger burrs dissipate heat better and remain at a constant temperature, and that's important because metal expands when it is heated and, given that the burrs are merely a fraction of a millimeter apart for an espresso grind, as the metal expands the burrs move closer together which results in a finer grind and ultimately an over extraction. Good barristas are constantly adjusting their grinder throughout the day.
But for a domestic environment where the grinder is used infrequently and not often then burrs over 50mm will be more than adequate.

>If you spend 1100 on an espresso machine, you probably want to spend 2-3000 on a grinder.
I think you may have accidentally added an extra zero there, but then your figure will be too low. If anon is going to spend $1,100 on an espresso machine then he should be spending no less than around $400 on a grinder. The Compak K3 is a very common first espresso grinder and that's in the price range for an $1100 espresso machine. It has 58mm burrs too!

>> No.6614651

A chemex costs like $10 more and does the same thing.

>> No.6614692

>heat makes the grind size change
Not true. There have been studies on why your shot speed will change with the same bean/grind choice during a busy shift. The result is not that the coffee is changing size, but that the heat changes the solubility of the coffee, changing its resistance. The particle distribution was analyzed before and after, and remained the same. There are subjective reports that flat burrs improve flavor. I was primarily stating that large flats are better because currently the grinders that are producing grounds and subsequently extractions that are more even, are large flat burr grinders (k30, peak, mythos, ek43, etc) rather than small burr grinders. Though, these grinders are also all industrial, so perhaps it's simply that industrial grinders are able to more expensive, and need to produce a better product, and doesn't have anything to do with burr size.

Espresso machine matters less than grinder. He will probably want to make other sorts of coffee as well, which requires a grinder. May as well spend more money on something with more uses and more importance to the quality of your espresso. Again, don't go for an espresso grinder. They will make an uneven grind, and be less suitable for other brew methods, as well as for espresso. A grind as I have described will produce a more even grind, which will make all of your coffee more delicious.

>> No.6614700

why did you respond to the deleted post? did it take you an hour to type what you wrote?

>> No.6614753

>There have been studies
Link or it didn't happen.

>Espresso machine matters less than grinder.
Not in a domestic environment and arguably not at all. The two machines should work in harmony and having the best quality grind is pointless if you only have a simple thermoblock system (or a drip/press/etc) because you won't be getting the best out of the grind.
I don't mean to understate the importance of a quality grind but domestic users needn't spend many thousands of dollars on a commercial grinder for their $500 home espresso machine, unless they intend on upgrading to a better machine at a later date and even then a commercial grinder may still be overkill.

That said, if you have the budget then do what you like. But I wouldn't buy a $7000 samurai sword to chop carrots with.

>> No.6614915

>That said, if you have the budget then do what you like. But I wouldn't buy a $7000 samurai sword to chop carrots with.
Full pleb.

Nah just kidding I'm>>6614515 and I totally agree with what you said.

>> No.6614919


Don't you mean Greek coffee?

>> No.6614942

I've been drinking from a French press since I was like 19 because lazy factors. Its a weird process and you have to be aware of the time.

>> No.6615050

there is no difference between pour over and drip machine. There is minimal difference between french press , aeropress and vacuum, except vacuum takes forever and if you have finer grind it tastes like turkish which i dont like

>> No.6615069

I like instant coffee, it's quick and cheap

>> No.6615096

12g of any drug is quite alot, 12g of nicotine would kill about 20 people. Caffiene is hardly "highly toxic"

>> No.6615100

200 people sorry, forgot hot to convert units for a second there.

>> No.6615154
File: 17 KB, 401x373, retarded chuck norris.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>12g of any drug is quite alot
for you

>> No.6615158

but good point, though. caffeine is pretty harmless and is the most popular non-alcoholic beverage in the world.

>> No.6615188
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>> No.6615193

>implying pourover and drip machine are any different

>> No.6615237


>> No.6615259


here's how to up vote

>go to gun store
>buy gun
>buy ammo for it
>load the gun
>point it at your head
>pull the trigger

>> No.6615389

>The solvent used to decaffeinate coffee is less dense than water, so it separates and floats on top of it, so there is no chemical aftertaste! The caffeine dissolves into the solvent because it is more soluble in the solvent than in water.

I never drink INSTANT coffee unless I have to, and I don't think I've ever tried instant decaf in my life, so I don't know if the system used to decaffeinate instant coffee works better than the system to decaffeinate regular coffee. But there's definitely a weird chemical-like aftertaste to regular decaf. I always presumed it's because while the solvent and caffeine are skimmed off, that process is not 100% perfect down to the individual atom. There's always going to be a TINY bit of leftover solvent, and some people are simply better tasters than others (Google "supertaster" for more info).

I can't drink anything made with artificial sweeteners either, because they all taste like pure metal to me. SWEET metal sure, but it still comes off like one of the main ingredients in the drink is lead.

>> No.6615402


Far more important than that is cleaning your machine bi-daily, knowing how to compensate for air pressure and using proper water.

>> No.6615500

I'm about to cop an aeropress. I almost never drink coffee. Is it worth?

>> No.6615534

Not really, get a cheap 2 cup cafetierre, an aeropress isn't worth the investment if you can't tell the difference and won't be using it much anyway.

>> No.6615539

I currently almost never drink coffee but would like to start** I'm gonna be getting some sort of coffee machine soon no matter what.

>> No.6615560

the solvent, ethyl acetate, is present naturally in wine, coffee, and fruit. After the beans are roasted there is a minuscule amount of ethyl acetate left, probably less than what is naturally in it to begin with!

and aspartame has no aftertaste.

>> No.6615646

>and aspartame has no aftertaste.

You are not every human.

>> No.6615790

>link or it didn't happen
Here is a video where it is detailed, I don't have a link to the study itself. http://tampertantrum.podbean.com/mf/play/emgu2w/fumbcolin.m4v

I think you also missed the point of my initial post. I was saying that unless you have a large budget and a large interest in the craft of espresso, it isn't worth it to try to make it at home. The grinder is definitely more important than the espresso machine. You can sometimes make a great shot with a mediocre (HXC, no PID) espresso machine and a great grinder, the reverse is never true. A great grind will always improve your coffee. You can make cafe quality cups with a french press and a great grinder. I'm saying that their money is much better spent on a good grinder than a good espresso machine, both for brewing and for espresso brewing.

>> No.6615806

There is some difference between drip and pourover. Pourover allows you to manipulate agitation, brew time, brew bed geometry (by selecting brew device) and pouring location.

Yes, clean equipment and good water are incredibly important. You can't make good coffee without them. You also can have the cleanest equipment and best water, but not make a good coffee because your grinder makes a very wide distribution.

>compensate for air pressure
When will this myth die? What exactly is air pressure doing?

>> No.6615835

You're faggot OP

>> No.6617434

Greeks only make a fuss over the name because of their political tensions with Turkey since the '80's. They used to call it Turkish coffee.

>> No.6617947

Turkish coffee is THE shit, it's just the serving sizes are way too small

>> No.6617961

What's wrong with percolators? I think it makes the coffee get a nice kick, and it tastes full and powerful, not thin like it sometimes does with a french press.

>> No.6618008

air pressure alters the temperature at which water boils
it's hella important

>> No.6618010

What if the water is in a vacuum. Like, say, an enclosed boiler.

>> No.6618027

>nice kick, and it tastes full and powerful
The word you're looking for is "burnt as fuck"

>> No.6618035

>drinking coffee

>> No.6618058

I'm about to cop an aeropress. What up with them chickens guys?

>> No.6618095

tastes good man

>> No.6618137

>literal shit tier
any coffee

>> No.6618144

pleb as fuck

>> No.6618147
File: 8 KB, 240x250, tipsfedora5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Aye a coffee madam, why of course not!
>Do you white tea perhaps? No?
>I'll just settle with green then m'lady

>> No.6618154

>1:1 coffee to water cold-brewed
>add sugar to make simple syrup
>stir 1-2 tsp into milk

>> No.6618182

do you also drink prison toilet wine?

>> No.6618346

Yes, but this will not fluctuate an amount that has any affect on your coffee brewing.

>> No.6618945

There absolutely is a difference. The basket/cone in an automatic drip machine gets spooged with an uneven spray of hot water, invariably over steeping half the grounds, under-wetting the other half. Manages to make a brew that is both bitter and weak. Water temp, and time cannot be adjusted well enough to suit your grind or roast. Over time rancid coffee oils build up on the plastic parts and the taste can never be cleaned off. Only metal, glass and ceramic can be properly cleaned. Manual pour-over allows initial stir of grinds during swell, control of time and temperature of steep, full cleaning of equipment. Only downside is you have to stand there for 3 minutes. Some people are ok with this.

>> No.6620197
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>raw egg in coffee
found my new preworkout

>> No.6620856

I use a V60 almost every day (the exceptions being when I have beans that taste better using the cleaner, less-oily Chemex method). V60 is good. It takes some practice to get consistent results, though.

>> No.6621487

if youre not as pretentious as the rest of these fucks try Nespresso. its pod coffee but comes out better than any machine under a grand. not top tier, but certainly better than most cafes.

hipsters here will call me a fag, just go try a sample somewhere.

>> No.6621496

The nicer Nespresso machines actually have enough pressure to make bretty gud espresso

>> No.6621541

Interesting how you are calling people out for being pretentious and hipsters, but you are shouting your opinion with a real air of superiority.

Kinda confirms my suspicion that people who call other people pretentious hipsters are deeply insecure people with a superiority complex.

>> No.6621578

You kinda sound like a cunt too tho

>> No.6621669

My parents have one of those, so I've had a lot of it at every holiday for years. I'll give you that it's better than most other home machines that aren't expensive espresso machines. But honestly, with similar grade beans I can make coffee that's at least twice as good with a blowtorch and a sock. Taking the same amount of money per cup, I can buy really good beans and have a much better cup than that. I dunno. Everybody's got their own coffee thing, so whatever.

>> No.6621735

Aeropress fucking sucks. If anyone wants one I'll paint dicks on mine and ship it to you.

>> No.6621737

What's a good manual pour over dripper that has a steel filter?

>> No.6621745

Melitta would be the best pourover, but the new cones have a wider hole that drains water too quickly unless you make a completely full pot. I guess you could use a finer grind to compensate, but I don't see why the design changed in the first place.

>> No.6621753

It would start boiling at room temperature then freeze?

>> No.6622660

Thanx, but can you link to the the page where that video is embedded? The direct link isn't working for me.

>unless you have a large budget and a large interest in the craft of espresso, it isn't worth it to try to make it at home.
Some people are content with simply having something that is better than what they were using previously. If someone is used to drinking instant then they may buy a moka pot and be content with that (for a while). If someone is used to a moka then they may want something better than that in the form of a cheap (thermoblock) espresso machine. It may not be true espresso but it would be better than what they were using previously and they may be content with form of coffee for their home without wanting to upgrade any further.
In a commercial environment I'd agree with you. Café owners shouldn't skimp on cheap machines, but domestic environments have a different set of rules and requirements. So I'll have to respectfully disagree with you on this matter.

>> No.6622670

it would just boil
it wouldn't freeze

>> No.6622689

>it would just boil
but would it be affected by the external air density?

>> No.6622694


>> No.6622703


Agreed (I'm >>6614515)

I should add that maintaining the machine properly aka

- not letting used pods sit in the tray,
- using fresh, and in my case filtered, water every day
- descaling the machine on the regular

will absolutely make a difference in the cup.

>Taking the same amount of money per cup

If you manage to use up all of your good beans before they go stale, then I totally agree with you.
If you need several weeks to go through your beans (like I would), and especially if you keep different roasts/blends for different times of the day, then you'll have great coffee for a couple days, then your quality will drop significantly.

Not a nespresso shill, but I'm a satisfied user and I like that I can have at any time a peruvian, a columbian or an indian arabica blend without the hassle of storing different beans.

As you said, everybody's got their own.

>> No.6622705



that is all.

>> No.6622711

Ever time I've had espresso it has tasted like really astringent, sour coffee.

Is this normal or have I just had a dozen or so very bad but consistent experiences?

I love coffee in general, moka being my current favourite method with my cheapo Melitta pour over a distant second.

>> No.6622721

no matter how course I set my hario mill I get a ton of grounds when I use my french press.

Am I doing something horribly wrong or is it just a fact of life.

It was some cheapo press that was $20 from target, that may be the culprit.

>> No.6622750

Were you getting it at the same place every time?

A sour taste is usually the result of under-extraction, which could be caused by a few different things (water temperature and/or pressure, grind size, shorter brew, tamp pressure, etc).

>> No.6622761

A few different places, and on atleast 2 occasions my buddy who claims to be a espresso fan said it was fine.

Just barely tasted of coffee to me, tasted like someone forgot they filled up an autodrip with vinegar for cleaning

>> No.6622776

Maybe you just have more of a sweet tooth and need sugar. Everyone is different. Or your buddy may have been telling fibs to appear more cultured.

Espresso is definitely stronger and more potent than your moka, so maybe you just prefer the milder coffee. Like some people like loads of hot chilli while others (myself included) just like a mild hot sting. Maybe that's a bad analogy but I'm sticking with it. lel.

>> No.6622785

It definitely didn't taste stronger. And he is known to try to act 'cultured' though normally not around me.

I normally have my coffee w/o sugar, though occasionally do mixed sweeten condense milk into my moka.

Fuck it, now I need to know if its me or just bad luck. Guess I'll be spending this weeks lunch budget on coffee I think I hate.

>> No.6622794

Old coffee beans do that.

Allternately it could just be that modern third-wave coffee tends to lend towards fruity, acidic flavors. Which I hate.

>> No.6622796

Come to Melbourne and I make you an espresso that's so good you'll shit your pants!

>> No.6622890

If the grounds are large, it is probably the press's filter. If they are not, then it is probably largely your grinder. Hario hand mills don't do well at larger grind settings due to their floating lower burr. This causes a wide particle distribution, which will include many more fine particles (which may slip by the metal filter) than is normal. Hario mills are better at grind sizes appropriate for v60 and other similar brew methods.

Probably a little of both.

>> No.6622894

Milk and sugar?

>> No.6622967

This. I love roasted, caramel-y flavors in a good espresso, and now most arabica/blends are aimed at "long lasting" acidic notes. I don't see the appeal.

You may have been served pure arabicas that are distinctively selected for their acidity (you can say sourness). Also it may depend on the time of the day, if it was the first thing you add in the morning, when your mouth was still "asleep", then you were a lot more sensitive to acidity than, say, after a meal.

>> No.6622974

>time of the day,
Noted, but anon did mention his buddy which acts as a control group for the pupurposes of this study.
Also, you should give anon the benefit of the doubt and not assume that he's a fucking moron.

>> No.6622986

>freeze dried pre-ground decaf
>non-dairy creamer

Holy shit. I feel like throwing up just thinking about this. This is literally the most plebeian cup of "coffee" that could possibly exist. You sicken me.

>> No.6622992

Where did I hint he was a moron?

He's clearly not familiar with espresso, and some espresso blends are overwhelmingly acidic, so that may explain why he found it so sour.
Then his Buddy is either used to acidic coffee, or pretending.
I clearly said I disliked acidic espressos too.

>> No.6622998

Sorry, I may have been projecting something else in my public display of autism. Please disregard.

>> No.6623002

>Decaf wakes me up
>caffeine isn't necessary

>> No.6623004
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>wakes you up

>> No.6623008
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>decaffeinated coffee
>having the ability to wake you up

>> No.6623014
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>D E C A F

>> No.6623033

Does /ck/ like ristretto?

>> No.6623156

I do, but I can at least have 3 sips out of a regular espresso, if I had 3 ristrettos each time I feel like having a coffee, they would kill me eventually

>>6623004 (You)
>>6623008 (You)
>>6623014 (You)
Trying too hard, pal

Also not him but the same way people may experience an insulin spike from drinking a sugar free soda, I am sure your body can sometimes react to the taste of something.
>coffee = short energy boost
for years, your body may be tricked sometimes into
>coffee taste = short energy boost.

Someone study that shit up!

>> No.6623392

I think the words you're looking for are 'placebo' and 'effect'.

>> No.6623615

Kinda similar, but I meant more like the body getting used to something, and reacting accordingly even when provided with the "fake" stuff.
You can KNOW you are drinking decaf or diet soda and still EXPERIENCE the expected effect of the real thing.
Insulin spike is a real thing, not just a"feeling".
My idea was that cafeine usually affecting one's metabolism, the occasional decaf may trigger a metabolic response that would EFFECTIVELY be experienced...

>> No.6623658

>God tier
The $2 instant coffee that lasts me 4 months.

>Shit tier
Everything else.

>> No.6623698

cappuccio > cafe > macchiato > latte > lungo > americano > corretto > mocaccino

>> No.6623757

No. You can't get a proper extraction yield with such a low brew ratio. This leaves you with an overly concentrated, sour, and often even salty shot that lacks the sweetness, clarity, and balance of a properly extracted shot.

>> No.6623760


>> No.6625344

How is this brewed? Are any adjustments made to the machine to increase pressure or temperature or something? Or is it just the first half of a regular shot?
Seems like it would be a bit sour.

>> No.6625735

Is there different grades of half-and-half?
Because I bought some and it didn't really taste any different from coffeemate.
In fact, it tastes more watery and lifeless.
Should I be using heavy cream or something?

>> No.6625760

You can't use the same coffee as you would for an espresso, but you can get a good result.

You get to play around but with the proper coffee and grind you can make a good ristretto.

>> No.6626005
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I have a family member who is running a coffee shop, and I've just moved nearby. I have an unlimited supply of espresso (grinded in the store) or coffee beans (grinded in store or at home.)

I have a pleb-tier drip machine and a typical French press. I drink about four cups of strong coffee daily, but would rather have a lesser amount of espresso to make drinks with. What can I make without investing heavily into am espresso machine? I am willing to spend some money on hardware, I just don't have a lot of money for a while.

>> No.6626009

Please note that I am sort of a plebeian and usually take my coffee with cream and sugar. I acknowledge my failure but have not yet found a method wherein I can enjoy a coffee black

>> No.6626353

No, Turkish. Alexander the Great was Macedonian.

Don't you have an economy to collapse?

>> No.6626392 [DELETED] 
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Don't you have a flag to debate about.

>> No.6626456

You may be able to hit the first hump of extraction, but you can't make a proper extraction.

>> No.6626647

This is espresso so this must be in god tier.

>> No.6626653

So what makes a pour-over good? Isn't it just a straight up filter with grounds? I don't understand. French Press and Moka pot user here.

>> No.6626659
File: 95 KB, 940x450, moka-v-french-press.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moka pot.

>> No.6626756

The Macedonians of classical times have nothing to do with the modern day FYROM, other than occupying roughly the same land. Classical Macedonians, while on the periphery of Greek society, were still Greeks.

The coffee, however, is turkish yes.

>> No.6627093

It depends on how fast it drains and how large the base is

>> No.6627116

>pour over better than french press
>moka better than french press or vacuum or drip
>aeropress being rated higher than french press
>claiming something as hipster to avoid being recognized as supreme hipster bullshit post

>> No.6627212

Buy a brikka instead. Same shit with pressure valve for espresso, not moka.

>> No.6627782

Cleaner cup. Control over many brewing parameters. Ability to make a properly extracted cup free of undissolved solids.

>> No.6627933

>Cleaner cup.
Daily reminder that if you pour black liquid into a cup then the cup is going to get dirty.
Source: Science.

It's sedimentary, dear Watson.

>> No.6627949

Yo, it's all relative my brotha
-Roberto Einstine