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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6611925 No.6611925 [Reply] [Original]

So what's the deal on chia seeds guys? Real super food with great benefits or fake and gay?

Just got a bag and started drinking the gelatinous bastards.

>> No.6611952

No such thing as superfoods. That's bullshit that people who watch Dr Oz believe because they're obsessed with taking the easy way out when it comes to achieving an actual human weight.

>> No.6611954

Well I'm already fairly thin so weight loss is not really my focus on this. I'm just curious if they are actually nutritious or if it's just recycled mexican shit pellets.

>> No.6611959
File: 8 KB, 251x246, 9222951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dr oZ

believe it or not, that fucker has a vacation home next door to me. Used to come once or twice a year, but now much more often now that his career is in shambles

He is even the spokesperson for the southern Oregon meth project...

Anyway. I doubt that faggot likes chia pets, OP.

>> No.6611964


Bahahaha, but seriously.

>> No.6611971

>drinking chia seeds

Ok, now shove scooby doo's head up your asshole so you can grow him an afro

>> No.6611975

Though the term 'superfood' is just a marketing gimmick, chia seeds do have health benefits. You can research them pretty easily using your favorite search engine. I used to drink/eat them for energy. Haven't bought any in a long time though.

>> No.6611978

>No such thing as superfoods
implying kimchi isn't a superfood

>> No.6611982
File: 1.12 MB, 1600x2696, Steel Cut Oats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anything to do with weight

I can't say if the benefits are real because I don't have a lab to test and verify the claims being made about them but they taste nice and add a different texture to my morning oats.

I've been meaning to start a thread about nutritional guides provided with food and how that info is obtained and if we can trust it. I mean look at this image. Same product, different stats.

>> No.6611986

It's like comparing two guns in Borderlands. They're exactly the same, save for one or two digits.

>> No.6611991

Chia pudding is a bretty good breakfast with some fruit

>> No.6611994

The difference in protein is huge, though.

>> No.6612000


chia pudding is nice.

the thick juice with chia seeds in it has a bad texture though.

>> No.6612014

Yea I did some research using "Google" (my favorite engine) and it all looked good, but I was wondering if you guys actually had any hands on experience .

Also I just got some lube in the mail today, so Scooby and my hippo will both be taking a trip to the barber...

>> No.6612062
File: 70 KB, 248x252, 4644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> The difference in protein is huge, though.
> 5.6 grams vs. 5.2 grams

>> No.6612076

Enjoy your no gainz faggot

>> No.6612092

Did you really compare the serving size figures without noticing that the serving size for each brand is different? Please don't breed.
The only constant figure (and the only one worth comparing) is the quantity per 100 grams.
>14.0 vs 10.3

>> No.6612214

Uhhh, so yea how bout dem chia seeds bros?

>> No.6612218

Confirmed for not being able to read a simple table correctly.

>> No.6612222

There is no such thing as a Super Food, it's just a buzz term, like when everything was 99% fat free, it doesn't make it healthy. Eat chia if you want. But if you want to be healthy, eating macca's + chia won't help. Just eat a balanced diet.

>> No.6612226

It's nutritious and more importantly, makes drinks more delicious.

>> No.6612239

>I got BTFO so I better create a diversion by getting back on topic while stating more absurd options as fact
Just admit that can't into logic or metric, anon.

>> No.6612241

Look at the serving size, one is 10g more than the other.

>> No.6612244

> I try to spell 'opinions' but it comes out as 'options' instead
ok I fukt that up but my point still stands.

>> No.6612261

Dude, I am already fairly healthy. Just want that extra nutrient boost in the diet and this seems like a nice way to get it. I'm not a /fit/fag so I don't care about weight building potential or dieting, I just want to know if anyone has eaten the seeds and saw any benefit other than the fun jelly texture of the drink.

>> No.6612297

Look at the nutrition pr 100g, you dumb shit.

>> No.6612430

I bought some chia seeds this weekend because I'd never tried them and was curious. Made some pumpkin, lentil and chia seed soup

Tastes alright

Sent from my toilet.