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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 95 KB, 510x768, better for bread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6606727 No.6606727 [Reply] [Original]

is it just me, or does bread flour produce really shitty bread?

there's just too much gluten. the resulting bread is very dense, chewy, and plastic-like.

is using 100% bread flour wrong? am i supposed to cut it with all-purpose flour?

>> No.6606813


I use that to make my pizza crust, it's fine with that...probably a waste of money though.

>> No.6607472

pretty sure that's for if you want to make sourdough style bread, without using artificially added yeast.

>> No.6607502

No. It's meant for crusty bread with open crumb structure. Sourdough might be the only variety of bread like that where you live (US?) but it's strong flour/bread flour is apt for any bread where a strong crust and/or springy, open crumb is desired.

>shitty bread?
Depends on the type. If you use it to bake American-style breads, such as those that come packaged in plastic at your supermarkets, it'll be bad. Those sorts of breads are made with plain flour because it's softer.

>100% wrong?
For American-style breads, yes. For crusty breads, no.

>am i supposed to cut it?
Again, depends on the sort of bread you're making. For a brioche, for example, you would /not/ want to use bread flour. American breads, though not as buttery or eggy, are more similar to brioche than to any bread made with strong flour/bread flour.

What sort of bread are you trying to make?

>> No.6607516

American style bread flour which is usually around 14% gluten does tend to make fairly tough bread. European style bread flour is typically around 12% gluten, which I think is the sweet spot. Even with 12% gluten you still need to be careful not to overknead, since it's the development of that gluten that counts.

>>6607472 may be right. I've noticed that my sourdough culture is very protein-hungry, much more so than regular yeast, so the wild yeasts and bacteria will quite literally eat the gluten in the starter. Based on the thickness of my starter, I would guesstimate it tends to around 8% gluten though I feed it with 12% flour every 12 hours, so when I mix that with new dough to make bread, it drives the total gluten percentage down.

>> No.6607774
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i make my bread with all purpose flour.

>> No.6607784

looks very nice

>> No.6607812

80% hydration
10% whole wheat
10% sifted rye
80% ap flour
20% sourdough
2% salt
fold 4 times every half hour and once every hour until it feels nice and fluffy or is 30-40% bigger.
bake in dutch oven at 450 for 30 minutes covered and 15 uncovered.

>> No.6607818

Whats the best brand of bread flour? (In the US)

>> No.6607837
File: 7 KB, 160x160, 10868136_10152431270991986_3532987921198177150_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6607935

This is called baker's percentages. Flour is always "100%" and then the other ingredients are percentages of the weight of the flour.


>> No.6608511



OP here. I was trying to make soft and fluffy/American-style loaves and dinner rolls.

Thanks for clearing all this up.

I guess I'll use my remaining bread flour for some crusty sourdough.

>> No.6608866


>> No.6608872

no, lol :3

>> No.6610685

You sound like a douche saying "American breads" so much, and you obviously don't know much about them...

>> No.6610695

>saying "american breads" so much
>appears literally only once in the post
You sound upset about your country's poor culinary reputation, Anon. Maybe you ought to enjoy some of your cakebread and have yourself a nap, crankypants. :^)

>> No.6610696

It's just you. You're a homosexual.
When you deal with your mental r deficiency then your family will come to grips of the reality that they pushed out a mental defective.

>> No.6610882
File: 6 KB, 249x249, 1416739105198.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bake with white flour and baker's yeast
>beautiful tall and round loaf, great open crumb, crisp crust, great texture
>tastes like almost nothing

>bake with whole wheat and rye flour with a sourdough starter
>amazing complex taste
>flat loaf that's dense as a brick, crust goes chewy in hours

Proof that God exists and he hates us.

>> No.6610921


Pro bakers uses all strange additives to make perfect bread.

>Examples of dough conditioners include ascorbic acid, monoglycerides and diglycerides, ammonium chloride, enzymes, DATEM, and calcium salts such as calcium iodate.

Too much wizardry involved. My homemade bread will never get anywhere near as good as a bakery's.

>> No.6610956

why not use white flour with sourdough, whole wheat/rye with bakers yeast, or actually blend flours until you get something desired?

>> No.6610964
File: 65 KB, 634x423, 294BFAE100000578-3105676-image-a-20_1433260809191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how retarded can you be? Americans were ingenious enough to invent 'eating food on a train' and so had to make the kitchen compact. They developed a bread type/shape that packed well into a kitchen the size of your refrigerator.


Since all bread in America is and can only be one of 30 types, does that mean all Brits teeth look like pick related? The pic is of an authentic Brit cunt; obviously making it representative of 100% of Brits.

>> No.6610969

Y'all both realise what you're calling "American bread" is white bread made with the Chorleywood process, which was invented in England?

>> No.6611006

TIL this shape is called Pullman loaf

We need a food facts thread.

>> No.6611017

Except American-style bread isn't made that way. Way to be wrong, fagoid.

>> No.6611030


ive been unemployed by choice for the last 2 weeks and have basically been browsing animal gore threads every day and those fucking teeth are the first thing I've seen that have made my stomach churn a bit.

How the fuck is it even possible to have teeth that bad? I've seen meth addicts with better teeth.

>> No.6611035

No, that's true. In Burgerclapistan you add 1 ton of sugar and call it the Freedom Eagle Guns God Process.

>He thinks the gluten content of the flour matters

>> No.6611049

>i can't prove you wrong, so here's a bunch of unrelated words loosely strung together in a semicoherent sentence

>> No.6611063

>N-no anon, my mom told me that OUR mass produced white bread is totally different to YOUR mass produced white bread!

Sure it is anon, and America is the best at everything ever. Go Eagles.

>> No.6611074

>thinking i'm america
>using "american" as an insult
Apply yourself.

You're still not proving me wrong. Isn't the burden of proof on you? Show me how you know that Americans use the Chorleywood process. I'll wait. :^)

>> No.6611080

>Show me how you know that Americans use the Chorleywood process.

Because they eat mass produced white bread with a short crumb.

>He's read Pikiwedia

tip top kikity lel

No, please, post more meme faces my le friend. *tips fedora*

>> No.6611121

>read wiki
Nope. But clearly you have. And you're upset that it agrees with me. If you're so sure, show me the proof of your claim. If you're right, there must be some proof somewhere online. But you're not. So there isn't.

For example, I can claim that the average German is less intelligent than the average Mongolian. You could rightly demand proof. And I'd be able to provide it because I'm not just making things up to strangers on the internet like you are. See how that works?

>> No.6611128
File: 39 KB, 634x444, britmom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's some Brit chic that was doing self-dentistry for a bit. She would have a tooth break and would repair it with super glue (cyanoacetate).

She blames it on the superglue, but me thinks its a chicken/egg scenario. Super glue did her gums no favors, but someone self-obsessed with their mouth enough to wind up nauseating a hardened 4chan /ck/ minion was probably up to more than just repairing a tooth and/or causing more teeth to break in the process.

Just curious to all your Britbongs... how many "pints" does it take for you guys to bareback these homely twats? For what they lack in common sense they certainly make up for with their allure and subsequent fertility.

>> No.6611134
File: 35 KB, 700x700, actually.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you're so sure, show me the proof of your claim

I don't need to prove your negative, anon.

>> No.6611138

Where can you get salmiakki bread?

>> No.6611143

You need to prove a claim. You would if you could but you can't so you won't.

>> No.6611170
File: 31 KB, 324x278, oh_you_too.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No U!

Stay classy.