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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 105 KB, 600x450, Sushi-5-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6606255 No.6606255 [Reply] [Original]

can we all at least agree that properly prepared sushi is the all-time best food of all-time?

>> No.6606263
File: 171 KB, 550x365, pho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weeb detected

How does it feel knowing that some 3rd world country makes better food than all of Japan?

>> No.6606446


>Soap cuisine

>> No.6606459

Sushi is the best appetizer.

Pho is the best soup.

Burgers are the best entree.

Russian imperial stout is the best beverage to finish a meal with.

>> No.6606482

It's not even the best food of that particular culture.

>> No.6606520

thats just not the best soup at all. bun bu hue is the best soup ok

>> No.6606836

>bun bu hue
how is it different from pho?

>> No.6606935

aguachile >sushi anyday

>> No.6606981

Sushi is great, but after living in japan for years you wouldn't be able to tolerate american sushi.

>> No.6606991

Chinese food gives me the shits.

>> No.6606996


>> No.6607658
File: 2.80 MB, 400x225, taco time.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lets agree to disagree should you stand by that sushi is "all time best food all time".

>> No.6607663


>> No.6607668

>that much meat on a taco
>guacameme on a taco
get fucked faggot

>> No.6607693

> interjecting 'meme' into words unironically

>> No.6607800

he faied taco school

he only used one tortilla
he used too much filling
too much guac
meat looks dry
no onion cilantro mix
wtf is the lettuce for?

>> No.6607814
File: 67 KB, 388x598, sushi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well /ck/?

>> No.6607832

>literally your first day on /ck/

>> No.6607847

Bottom right and top center

>> No.6609185

the last time I ate any "proper" sushi was the day I got food poisoning.
I had to get fucking hooked to an IV and have my stomach pumped.

I was forever scarred to eat Sushi again.

fuck the Japanese.

>> No.6609207


please explain more

were you put on any parasitics, what symptoms did you have

>> No.6609216

they took a fucking tube, and shoved it in my throat, wtf is a parasitic

All I remember was me having the most excruciating stomach pains, I was vomiting, diarrhea, all that shit.
I couldn't eat for 2 days before I realized I needed medical assistance.

>> No.6609218

Why do ppl eat this stuff?? It's literally cat scraps!! You weebs just go ahead and shove it in your mouth!?! THEY DIDNT EVEN COOK IT

>> No.6609222


its just fun listening to people claim they got food poisoning from eating sushi

its easy to tell the ones who are bullshit

>> No.6609228

you're confusing sush and sashimi

>> No.6609230

Yes, I feed off the implicated pity off of some unknown person on an online internet image board.
I'm just merely stating my past experiences with the tasteless, gelatin like shit-waste of food that the human dumpstergarbage people of Japan produce.

I can't bear to eat sushi, and I know there's some people who will argue that it's the most delicious thing on the planet.

I cannot comprehend anyone who will say that it has a good taste.

>> No.6609237



>> No.6609257
File: 64 KB, 500x288, mdrwyx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6609266

>with which to finish a meal

>> No.6609275

Come on man, don't be like that.

>> No.6609278

hundreds of cavemen didn't die inveting fire so we could revert back to eating raw food, plebs

>> No.6609281

>your breaking my heart
1953 trolls

>> No.6609307


Second world

>> No.6609326
File: 1.82 MB, 320x180, NVPTTev.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As much as I love sushi, it is far from being the "best" food of all-time. I wouldn't even have it in a top 5.

>> No.6609693
File: 71 KB, 600x492, katsudon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP is spot on. sushi is the best food in the whole fucking world. nothing at all beats it. at all. there is good ass food out there, but sushi is on a whole other fucking level. it just tastes so clean and, dare i say it, good for me. snobby white yuppies deciding they like raw fish is the best thing to ever happen to the west. this motherfucker named koba at one place i go to presses the rice into a block and topps it with slightly torched mackerel. fuck i love sushi.

why do people piss themselves over broth with slices of beef in it? and tripe for gods sake. pho is a total fad food. sushi is also a fad food but at least has the benefit of being good.

also here's an honorable mention for the second best thing to come from japanese kitchens, see pic

>> No.6609854
File: 197 KB, 286x379, 1433096046631.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>katsudon on HOT rice

my fucking dick

also, there is no way pho is a "meme" food nigga
if you cant recognize that pho has a simple yet complex beauty to it yet love sushi u need to get them buds fixed m8

>> No.6609859

>why do people piss themselves over broth with slices of beef in it
>after pissing yourself over rice with slices of raw fish
you sound pretty... bad. just bad.

>> No.6610019

Why can't people just love pho AND sushi. They're both great food.

>> No.6610859

Fucking this.
I used to work at a top tier sushi restaurant, and we would weekly have people calling in, claiming to have got food poisoning from our sushi.
They would always demand to be given free meals as compensation.
I always gave them the "Sure thing! Just bring a copy of the toxicology report you recieved from the hospital, and we'll comp you a meal!" speech. Never had a instance experience where they would actually show up with the report in hand.
Fucking poorfags.

>> No.6610985

Sushi encompasses hundreds of different flavors and preparations to suit all tastes. Pho is a meat broth with sliced meat in it and some basil and noodles and other shit.

>implying there is only one kind of pho

There are many kinds and they are all broth. The same people who eat pho also consistently dump sriracha in that shit because it is so bland. My mom's matzoh ball soup is way fuckin better and comparing pho to based sushi is retarded.

>> No.6611021

what happened to /ck/

>> No.6611025

you know, there was a japanese warrior who preferred to be the bottom in homosexual relations, and this kind of describes japan after getting nuked by america. japan wants to fuck everybody but if they get fucked they can enjoy it too.

>> No.6611026
File: 2.84 MB, 3443x2840, IMG_20150620_152131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First time I ever had real sushi in a sit down restaurant, I threw up as soon as I walked out of the place. I was really freaked out by the fact that I had eaten fish eggs and I kept thinking about how fish eggs were in my stomach and I guess that thought alone made me puke.

Sushi is my favorite food now, haven't puked from eating it since

>> No.6611059

No it sucks and is nothing more that glorified fish bait.

>> No.6611061

You could say the same for sushi as its usually fish and rice

>> No.6611077

>pleb and proud

>> No.6611111

I guess it just boils down to only occasionally wanting salty broth as opposed to always being down for refreshing yet filling sushi.

>> No.6611120



>> No.6611141

>I am such a patrician that I eat food with wooden sticks as to not sully my hands

>> No.6611148

Nah rice is terrible m8

>> No.6611172
File: 584 KB, 1728x1152, wood fired pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the best: wood-fired pizza using the highest quality ingredients possible.

>> No.6611195

I get it, you're a pleb.

>> No.6611206

better ingredients
better pizza

>> No.6611213

I bet you don't actually know anything about sushi.

>> No.6611223


>> No.6611224


>> No.6612717
File: 752 KB, 2560x1440, another kind of tako.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he faied taco school
> faied
>he only used one tortilla
>he used too much filling
>too much guac
> guac
>meat looks dry
>no onion cilantro mix
>wtf is the lettuce for?

how new ? really how new


If you know anything about tacos zero complaints are the correct amount image & YT link related.

>> No.6612737

that isn't even how you eat sushi you stupid fucker

>> No.6612740

Do you tell people that you eat sushi? I always think "faggot" etc when I hear a man say he enjoys sushi but I eat it myself

>> No.6612741

I'm scared to try sushi because it's raw fish, and I don't like the fishy taste of fish too much.

>> No.6612746

Not all fish has that taste, maybe someone else can give a list of common fish that don't
If I remember right, that taste is generally absent in most fish used for sushi, like tuna, salmon, yellow tail

>> No.6612845

>herb derb I think you eat sushi with chopsticks

>> No.6612847


Except for the fact thats the complete opposite

>> No.6612856

Sorry, no. Close, but fresh sashimi is better. You can't fully appreciate the flavor of something like o-toro if the rice is interfering.

The "fishy" taste comes from the fish not being fresh. If you go to any sushi place not worth burning to the ground, nothing will have that taste, or smell.

>> No.6612867

It doesn't really taste if anything. It's only popular due to weebs and hipsters.
Overrated as fuck.

>> No.6612872

I'd eat pho more pften if the old ladies at the place that serves it didn't sound so fucking angry and hostile everytime I make an order. Or maybe it's just how Vietnamese people talk.

>> No.6612888

>Vietnamese sounds hostile to me and it intimidates me
Don't take this the wrong way, but how in FUCK did you ever manage to order sushi?

>> No.6612890

Sashimi sucks. Fish needs something else to balance it out

>> No.6612897

We're going to have to agree to disagree. Sashimi moriawase is what the saints eat in heaven.

>> No.6612902

No. I don't eat raw fish from the sneak attack japs.

>> No.6613119

The sushi chefs I know are quite and just grunt "hai" when they get my order. While the Vietnamese old lady in the front desk is yelling at the person right next to her whenever I want some pho to go.

>> No.6613172

can't we all just get along?

>> No.6613183

I had sushi made by that Gyro guy in Japan.
Nothing special tbh.

>> No.6613187

No thanks, I like being worm free.

>> No.6614197

>This thread brought to you by the Department of Redundancy Department

>> No.6614216

>buttblasted rice eaters

>> No.6614346

Yakisoba is objectively a better japanese food.

>> No.6614828


nigga these are tacos


>> No.6615167


>> No.6615194
File: 23 KB, 500x450, no13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>weeaboo fanatic
Not all sushi is good food. Try some nattou.
I won't stop you if you want to keep eating your maguro sashimi though. Keep in mind that there are different grades of maguro.
For your reference, the top 3 maguro sashimi starting with the best:
1. Indo-maguro
2. mebachi-maguro
3. kuromaguro
See if you can get to try them. You probably won't get a chance though, they're not for the uninformed common folk...

>> No.6615216

fucking weeb.

>> No.6615228

>angry weeaboo pwned so hard