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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6602391 No.6602391 [Reply] [Original]

I'm broke as hell, I have 45$ a month for food; is this manageable?

>> No.6602394

enjoy eating rice

>> No.6602396 [DELETED] 

it might be time for suicide

>> No.6602398

nope, time to kill yourself

>> No.6602402

11.25 / week.

It's gonna be shite, I suggest dumpster diving and food banks.

>> No.6602405

It's possible but guaranteed to be shitty. Learn to appreciate beans, rice and chicken leg quarters.

>> No.6602408

rice and beans every day

mexican diet. be careful, you will start smelling like shit and get irrationally violent.

>> No.6602410


>> No.6602411

people on welfare are going to eat better than you


>> No.6602413

I live on less than that if i didn't eat candy.

Shampinjong + Root vegetables + more root vegetables
Or beans + whatever
Or bread + whatever

>> No.6602418

Depends where you live. You wouldn't last long in NYC or London, but most places I reckon it's doable if you have access to cheap rice and beans and other poverty staples like potatoes, pasta, canned tomatoes etc. But it's not going to be easy.

You should probably look at alternative sources of income/food anyway though. Dumpster diving, food banks (or whatever they're called), soup kitchens... Hang in there Anon, I've survived in the city for months on nothing but my wits, squatting in a place with no gas or electricity and now, years later, my life is pretty sweet.

>> No.6602421

>tfw spend $150 a month on food and I'm never hungry

>> No.6602422

vegetarian pasta with cheap tomato paste and cheap pasta. Some rice with some sambal. Some cheap potatoes carrots with cheap gravy powder. You should be just fine.

>> No.6602424 [DELETED] 

how did you do it?

>> No.6602430


Sure, but this guys is completely new to this kind of thing. Also he might not have access to the same stores and deals that you might have.

For example I'd probably be able to mooch some eggs off my neighbor, and I already get free veg from him as it is. My other backdoor neighbor has ducks so I could also get some of those for very cheap. However a lot of people don't have those kind of opportunities.

Sounds pretty brutal. Good to hear things worked out for you.

>> No.6602439

If you can't get access to lose weight root vegetables, you are the Nigger John.
Or at the least in the ghetto. Not that it matters much.
Just don't live off canned food. Canned food is expensive as fuck.
Nodles is also more expensive than root vegetables, hilariously enough.

>> No.6602441

Last time i had a budget like that i basically made a cheap pad thai that i ate twice a day..

Red peppers
Sesame oil

By the end of the month you should still have enough of everything besides mushrooms and be nutritionally transcendant

Also not sure where you live because produce is cheap in california

>> No.6602444

nutritionally deficient idea, fuckwit.

>> No.6602448

doesn't make you properly full. And it needs side ingredients, so it becomes expensive
Eat bread instead, pasta is almost cheap, but its not cheap. And it forces you to buy so much side ingredients
>Canned tomatos
Puree is cheaper for cooking.

>> No.6602453

Here's your grocery list OP, adapt it to what you eat and your area.
>Dry rice
>Dried beans
>Dried lentils
>Root vegetables
>Whole, raw chicken
>Frozen vegetables
>In season/ on sale fruits and vegetables
>On sale meat
>Cooking fat of some kind
Optional for taste/variety but expensive:
>Hot sauce

Look for ethnic grocery stores that cater to immigrants, they usually have slightly lower prices than most other grocery stores. This is especially true for foods that are staples of a particular cuisine. Buy perishable food on sale- when it's close to the expiration date, take it home and freeze it until needed. Also. if you're really hard up for cash and don't mind doing so, you can get free food entirely. There are soup kitchens, food banks, dumpster diving (ask /diy/ about this if you're open to it), and you could also apply for food stamps or similar. You'll be fine.

>> No.6602466

That's a doable maintenance budget, but a difficult and likely nigh impossible start-up budget, so it depends on how well-stocked your pantry, freezer and/or larder is/are.
I'm loaded for bear, so I can do $45/month. I don't. But I could. I spend about $65/month on average, currently, and eat very, very well.

>> No.6602469

Some mega churches offer free groceries, also bigger super markets offer many free samples like this mexican place i went into one time and i was able to get 4 free huge tacos as a sample the whole time i was in there. Foraging food might work for you also, many edible wild shit out there

>> No.6602481

Rice and beans, my friend. Oats are also good. My sister often ate rice mixed with frozen spinach when she was working her way through school.

Also, don't be afraid to visit the food bank. If you feel bad about it, then just keep track of what you take from there and donate it all back once you get back on your feet.

>> No.6602494

>Rice and Beans
Buy in bulk from sprouts.

>> No.6602496

Don't listen to this idiot. Bread is more expensive than rice and pasta combined. The cheapest bread you can get is supermarket bread, which is full of air (among other gross shit) and will in no way fill you up. Just eat rice. Keep in mind that brown rice will fill you up more than white.

>select all images with bread

>> No.6602525
File: 146 KB, 1024x674, am_453648_5379396_59924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll give you a Mexican relatevely cheap recipe for desperate times.
You'll need:

4 tortillas, 2 eggs (optional), 1 tomato, 1 onion and cooking oil (obviously)

Preheat the pan in low for 3-5 minutes, then, chop 1/8 of the onion and put it in the cooking pan. Chop the tortillas while the diced onion cooks, it's a personal choice of when, but when you're done with the onions, put the tortillas in the pan as well. Fry the tortillas and onions until they're crispy, if you're a faggot, fry them until it gets darker. Dice the tomato and add it to the pan, move all that shit around until the tomato gets thin. Add salt and eat it all with a fork.
Optionally, add the eggs when you're done with the tomato and cook the eggs scrambling together all of that shit. Add salt and use a fork.

>> No.6602527

And, like mexicans, this will make you fat.

>> No.6602528

That's why the eggs are optional, faggot

>> No.6602529

>eggs optional
>not less or no tortillas

wow how fat are you

>> No.6602530

alternative with tomato and chili I have enjoyed many times
even about 1/10 of a chorizo in there will give out enough oil and crunchy spicy meat to make it better

>> No.6602532

I invented something I called "fast food safari," where I would go out at about 3-4am and scavenge any discarded takeaways I could find on the street. I'd usually eat about 3 times a week from this.

I'd steal milk from people's doorsteps (never their last or only bottle), shoplift (not from family owned stores, only national/multinational chains), drank a LOT of water, smoked a lot of dog ends from the street. I hd an acoustic guitar and if I could muster the courage (and soap) to have a freezing cold shower and find clothes that weren't completely disgusting I'd sometimes go busking in town. One time, I was literally spat on while doing that. If I could get some candles together I'd have light for the evening and read/write, otherwise I'd just sit in darkness waiting for the 3am safari or the 6am milkman, sometimes trying to play depressing blues on my guitar.

After some time of living like this (maybe 4 months) the benefits agency (welfare) decided to accept the doctor's sick note regarding my mental illness, and they started paying me again, I moved out of the squat and got a nice flat. Everyday I feel grateful for basic shit like food, electricity, hot water... Life's pretty sweet when you know first hand just how rough it could be, although I do get scared I'll end up like that again one day and never recover.


>> No.6602534

>Tortillas, onions and tomatoes
What have you been smoking? Also, I'm 150 lbs
This, I use chorizo a lot for this recipe, gets better with hot sauce

>> No.6602537



yeah nah, you're a fat cunt if you think less eggs vs 4 tortillas is a good choice

>> No.6602538

*potato and dried chili soaked then shredded

when you're poor and can't spend much on food cheap carbs are the best

>> No.6602545

I've been saying this a lot recently, but there really does need to be a /ck/ sticky detailing essential groceries and recipes for different income levels, starting at zero income, with links to dumpster diving and food bank sites/advice, working up through the rice and beans income bracket, then up to cheap cuts of meat (and what to do with them) and so on, all the way up to high end restaurant eating (choosing wine, how much you should tip etc).

Shame we're all either too dumb, ignorant, lazy, selfish, or busy to put this thing together.

>> No.6602548

>doesn't make you full

eat more of it

>> No.6602552


A 20lb bag of rice is $9 and provides ~32000kcal, which is enough food for 16 days. You'll be fine, just get used to rice, beans, and eggs cuz that's what you're eating.

>> No.6602554

I've been smoking green crack and skywalker og.

>> No.6602555


fuck a sticky right in the ear. there's no way to not make it a shitshow.

>> No.6602558
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I'm not fat because there's this great thing called "exercise", but I see your point.

>> No.6602561

Imagine rescuing this little girl from whatever hellhole she resides in, cleaning her up, giving her all her shots, and keeping her as your personal sex toy.

>> No.6602563 [DELETED] 

Nice watch friend

>> No.6602570

...or learn to bake brown breads

>> No.6602571

Other boards have a half-decent sticky, but I think I know what you mean, ours would be all over the place. Those of us qualified to make it are too busy to do it and the rest of us would fuck it up with bullshit. I don't even know how we'd begin to get organised.

Maybe if someone made a regular thread with links to a well structured pastebin/wiki that anyone could add to, with a reasonably competent... Never mind.

I did hear a rumour that there was somebody working on a sticky re:kitchen essentials though.

>> No.6602572

Could just be a farm fence and she lives happily milking cows and such?

not really- the same dozen or so images get posted for simple recipes and flowcharts/budgeting/nutrition

>> No.6602574

How does showing us your brown spic hand prove youre not fat?

>> No.6602577

It's a thin arm, compare if you want with other people, but I'm not posting my face in 4chan

>> No.6602588

My ex had skinny arms but was a fatshit elsewhere. No one cares, darkie.

>> No.6602632
File: 335 KB, 2197x1463, Man-Stealing-Food.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Go grocery shopping
>Bring backpack
>Put beans & rice in cart
>Put meat and dairy in backpack
>Pay for poverty food
>Walk out with good food

>> No.6602648

Now now let's not be racist. /ck/ is place where everyone should feel safe to post without fear of hurtful words.

>> No.6602649


>> No.6602683

How do you reach a point where you have a computer, internet access and probably similar things but only 45 dollar for food?

>> No.6602701

Pretty much every phone has internet access and you can use public WLAN spots or steal it from your neighbor.

>> No.6602709


So you consider your pocket toy to be more important than buying food?

>> No.6602714

buy cheap bulk food items like rice and beans. try to find some cheap cuts of meat on clearance and portion it up so you can have a little every day. Get bulk spices or bouillon because beans and rice with a small portion of protein doesn't have a lot of flavor. Next time you have money, try to put aside some so you have a little bit of something to fall back on in dire times.

>> No.6602722

I'm not OP.
A basic phone is a one time 50$ payment and gives you more opportunities to not be a poor bastard.
How do you know he isn't just posting from a public library or something? Getting access to the internet really isn't hard these days, certainly doesn't prevent poor people from accessing it.

>> No.6602736

>A basic phone is a one time 50$ payment
Yeah, but not having food will kill you. Not having a phone will not. Plus there's the cost of the plan/contract/monthly fee/etc

Yeah, that's possible. And frankly, if that is what Anon is doing then I'm proud of him/her. But perhaps I am jaded; I think that is terribly unlikely and that OP is yet another moron who made poor financial decisions. I hope that OP jumps in an corrects me, and that he is in fact not paying for a smartphone while claiming he cannot afford food. But I'm not holding my breath.

>> No.6602757

>22 results
Rice is actually a terrible idea if you're in this position. It's virtually pure simple carbs and therefore has very little satiety value. You will feel awful if you're relying on it in this situation. Buy a few different kinds of beans--lentils, black beans, chickpeas, and mung beans are particularly good.

>> No.6602817

Those are some fat wrists you got there, fatty.

>> No.6602883

steal little kids lunch.

soup kitchens.

save up your money for one or two good meals in a month.

>> No.6602890

Spend $20 at a grocery store for 4-5 packages of meats. Use $5 on a bag of rice. $18 on canned shit. $2 for a big Lipton iced tea mix container.

Prices will vary a bit but it'll be roughly $45. Doable for yourself and the meat with fill you up.

>> No.6602928

Ok man. Been there done that. Buy rice. Rice is cheap as fuck. Rice OR beans, you're too broke for both, nigga.
Remember to properly clean/soak beans if you get them.

Lets hope you have salt/pepper or you are really fucked.

get cheap ass oil. Get potatoes (Local Smart and Final has them on sale for 10lbs for 99 cents. Even if you dont find a deal that good they will still be cheap.)

Rice for breakfasts and lunch, rice plus fried potato for dinner.

If you have a slowcooker or a big pot, cook the beans and dice the potates into small cubes, salt pepper and fry the potates until very crunchy, put them in a bowl, pour the cooed beans on top, add more salt and pepper, enjoy your poor man food (It isnt too bad, but dear god you will get bored. Hit up a foodbank for breads, baked sweets, canned veggies, and pastas)

>> No.6602930

My nigga you better hop to that dollar store. Ramen noodles are your best friend right now.

>> No.6602931

Get ready MUH nigga. I'm poor as fuck too and I spend $10 a week or less on groceries.

I get those one dollar hotdogs, one dollar loaf of bread, a few cans of beans, pasta, and sauce. I switch the pasta with rice weekly to switch it up. Anything left you can stock up on milk and butter.

Butter and cheese make anything taste good. Remember that

>> No.6602935

As a student I lived on rice/chicken/eggs/carrots/apples. Mix with soy/spicy/ketchup for flavour.

Enjoy your month.

>> No.6602956

OP, it's definitely doable. There was a "eat on a dollar a day" challenge that people blogged about a few years back, google those for some ideas.

Some general tips: Walmart or other cheap-ass food stores make it easier. Farm stands sometimes offer good deals if you live near them. Look at grocery store sales online before you shop. Produce prices fluctuate pretty frequently, so keep an eye on what might be especially cheap. Potatoes are unusually cheap this year. Apples, carrots, onions, potatoes, and cabbage are among the longer-lasting produce staples, so they tend to be cheaper than things like peppers or loose leaf lettuce.

^ This poster offers solid advice, though personally I favor lentils over beans - you can cook them without soaking. (Canned beans are out of your budget - get dry beans/lentils, of course). Rice, lentils, and whatever produce you got cheap is a nice meal.

>> No.6602957
File: 1.48 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try fit tuna patties theyre pretty good and inexpensive and eat em with rice. Pic related op something you dont get to eat for awhile.

>> No.6602968

Is there a sprouts near you? If so you have a huge crockpot full of food fresh fruit or vegies for around 7 fucking dollars... bag of potatoes ,onion,a zucchini, etc.
plus beef or chicken broth(buy more expensive shit at wallyworld or dollar tree).barley(or oatmeal). A one person weekly budget of 10 or eleven bucks is doable. Bland yes but can be done.
This is supposed to last your bitch ass a week.

>> No.6602976

where do you live that potatoes are 99c/10 lb??? nigga potatoes are 3~5$/10lb here. i need to move where you live god damn man. oh and i always switch between rice and beans as often as possible if i can't afford both, the slight variation helps slightly stave off madness.

>> No.6602979

i---i--is that ketchup ?

>> No.6602983

I really love beef stew for around 10 bucks you can eat that... Excluding the beef and substitute with canned beans... right now gonna eat a burger tho.

>> No.6602985


I guess Lentils are a much more solid option, I've just never cooked with them.

Also I'd like to suggest some cheap meat cuts (At least cheap in my experience)

Walmart has chicken leg quarters for 74 cents a pound, it's at 3 Walmarts I know of so maybe it is a thing everywhere.

Check local russian or other ethnic stores and look at their butchers. I buy Beef liver, cvhicken liver, and pork leg for crazy cheap (Pork leg is the cut they use for hams, but unsmoked it is hilariously cheap and still tasty just is really dry if you don't cook it with a broth or liquid.)

Lotsd of places sell chicken hearts/gizzards for cheap. They taste good, don't let organs scare you, you're too broke to be squeamish.

Also Beef heart, you can get a 3lb beef heart for like 4 bucks. Then trim it yourself you end up getting around 2 and a half pounds of super lean tasty meat out of it.

Boullion Cubes are nice if you have the EXTRA money. Add them to rice, meat, pasta, potatoes, beans, lentils. Anything, and you can make a cheap tasty soup/stew. Hell, if Im late but need a pick me up I drop a cube into hot water and just drink it as a plain broth, fuck coffee in the morning, I need me some chicken juice

Everyone is talking trash on bread but I say check out local food walmarts (As in, Walmarts that ONLY sell food, they do exist) they almost always bake too much bread, and mark their huge italian bread loaves to like 38 cents each (The size of french bread, but they have poppys, onions, garlic, and oils on the outside. Delicious man.)

Sacramento California. Food is dirt cheap here, everything but beef is the cheapest in california. The KP International market here sells green onions for like 15 cents a bundle whereas safeway charges 70 something. Just gotta shop around.

Talk to safeway deli and butcher employees.
(More in next post im at limit)

>> No.6602986

>rice doesn't make you full

jesus. how fat are you, fatty?

>> No.6602992

Bonus tip continued

Catch the butchers early in the morning while they are prepping. Ask them if you can speak to a manager. Offer to buy their trimmed animal fats and excess bones. Let them know you are desperate for food. They'll cut you a deal.

Hit up their Delis right before they close, offer to buy their stuff for cheap or maybe get some things for free. They throw everything but the salads away most of the time anyways

>> No.6602998
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Maybe the person prefers barley the better stuff <3

>> No.6602999

dude i live like an hours drive from sacremento and potatoes are 3~5$/lb i'm a little upset. if i ever go up there i might just have to fill the back of my truck with potatoes.

>> No.6603001

Californian here love my cheap food :)

>> No.6603004
File: 71 KB, 467x700, Coracao de frango.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lots of places sell chicken hearts

Chicken hearts used to be extremely cheap, then this got popular and the price skyrocketed

it's so good

>> No.6603008


It really depends where you live but only shop at cheap local hispanic markets.

They'll have pork chop and chicken breasts on sale for 99 cents/lb once in a while. Stock up, get 20lbs of each (40bucks total). 8-10 lbs of either should be enough lunch AND dinner to last about a week.

Use the remaining 5$ on 10lb bags of potatoes (probably only need 2-3) can find them on sale sometimes for 99 cents for 10lbs.

Meat and potatoes. Make fries, potato/gravy (use the leftover from frying chicken or porkchop and deglaze it). Baked potato as breakfast or snack.

>> No.6603017


>Doesn't know that there are tons of cameras in every grocery store
>Gets stopped by loss prevention at the door
>Holds you until the police comes
>Police writes you a fine for hundreds of dollars or you go you jail

>> No.6603029

Smart and Final is usually 1.99 for the 10lb of potatoes, but they are on sale till next week for 99 cents. If you eat lots of potates it's probably worth the gas but only if you finish other shopping too. If you are in the area do yourself a favor and hit up KP International. It the the BEST frugal store ever and if you love to cook you'll be in there for hours looking at all the crazy cheap exotic foods. Their butcher rocks too, living flounder swimming around, super cheap (I got a whole flounder for under 3 bucks, delicious and bones are super easy to eat around compared to other fish) Live catfish, chicken, bass, carp, snapper, turtles, cheap ass fresh sushi, their bakery is INTENSE, I spent 6 bucks for a thing of Miso + Tofu + green onions, lunch for 2 weeks with that guaranteed.

It's the best. Probably the best place to be broke.

Another poor man recipe: Get cheap polish sausage, chicken boullion, potatoes and cabbage, chop all that shit up, heat up the boullion in water, add it all together, delicious sausage soup and the sausage flavfors the broth for you. Easy as fuck and costs like a dollar per serving (I'm big as fuck, I eat like 3 servings. 6 foot 5 inches tall, 328 pounds, stacked hay most of my life so im built like an overweight Mr.Universe, It sucks I need to eat more, if I dont I feel so drained and start dropping weight near instantly, permanent beer gut isn't too bad)

Same with Oxtails and beef tongues, so shitty. I swear if they get to my pork legs and jack up the price I'll go insane. Pretty much the only way I get in enough protein with a low budget, and I can add it to damn near anything thankfully.
Also a bit of another addon here. Pickling is cheap fun and tasty. I used to pickle stuff all the time, it can save money but it's also just a way of breaking up the monotony

Bread and butter pickles are tasty and easy look up an online recipe, buy a bag of "Pickling"(russian) cuccumbers, super cheap

>> No.6603032


Right, forgot most of you were American.

>> No.6603037

>Doesn't know that there are tons of cameras in every grocery store
>Gets stopped by loss prevention at the door
>runs out and gets away with it because loss prevention isn't willing (or in most cases allowed) to stop you
>don't go back to the store ever again
>eat, better than dying

>> No.6603056


>> No.6603082

>Go to jail
>Don't have to worry about food anymore

sounds good

>> No.6603216
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>go from 4chan to jail

>> No.6603226

multi-vitamins OP. the bigger bottle you can buy the cheaper it'll be. then with what you got left, stock up on rice and beans. then hit up a foodbank or student aid office. when you're going hungry you should set aside your pride, survival comes first.

>> No.6603328



>> No.6603332


yeah stealing is illegal in America

>> No.6603401
File: 108 KB, 232x292, black-beans.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely. You have to starch it out. Im vegetarian though so meats not an option anyway. Do bread, beans and rice. Get olive oil,cayenne pepper and curry for spice you'll be good.

>> No.6603402


>> No.6603406

Screw these guys sounds like a good economical meal.

>> No.6603407

Watch a few episodes of Man VS Wild.

>> No.6603408

Theres a thread in random or Pol incorrect asking if the shopkeeper went to far. I advise you check it out before posting this.

>> No.6603411

Your gonna have a fucking stroke. Earn more money.

>> No.6603425


>random or Pol

please fuck off

>> No.6603540

Energy balls. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z9HMej4NmBw

>> No.6603574

Hot water, a roof, and bedding are blessings. For anybody.

>> No.6603598

I would have to double check but this actually looks pretty nutritionally balanced.

>> No.6603803

This was fucking painful to read. Go back to where the hell you came from.

>> No.6603843

Start collecting cans that shit going to be your splurge when you want some protein kek.

>> No.6603919


Take up fasting, get used to not eating anything one day a week. The first time you try it it'll suck but your body will adjust.

Is there a local college? Scope out the joint for free food. Lots of times they have catered events with free refreshments. Or there is leftover pizza lying around. The other day I saw them throw out like a whole buffet of food like sandwiches, brownies and grilled chicken breasts, it's a disgrace.

>> No.6603928

my god that sounds like heaven i might make a point to head up there just for that

>> No.6603951

Dude that's what I spend and I'm not really worried about a budget.

Rice, chicken breast, greens, eggs

Get one giant thing of rice and a rice cooker.

Buy those giant value packs of chicken breasts that are near dollar per breast value

Giant egg flat, again for the value

Get whatever frozen veggies/fresh ones you can afford with whats left.

The hardest part is the first buy because it will be over budget, but after that you only really need ro replenish chicken, and veggies if you're not buying frozen

>> No.6603965

That kid has really good teeth. She'll probably grow up to be a model.

>> No.6603971

30cent packs of instant noodles, 3x a day.
You'll still have $15 or so left at the end of the month.

It'll be the most boring-tasting month of your life but it should give you time (like 2-5 weeks) to find another job and get back on your feet.

>> No.6603976

Or you could've, you know, just gotten a job instead of being a lazy piece of shit.

>> No.6603982

8 pounds of potatoes $5
10 pounds of chicken breast $20
$10 worth of rice, however much that is (it'll be a shit ton)
lol idk figure out the rest.

>> No.6604076 [DELETED] 


>> No.6604131

Fuck off /pol/

>> No.6604134 [DELETED] 
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>shitskins giving orders

>> No.6604172
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>> No.6604223

I would travel to this 3rd world county, guns and American dollars in hand and take this creature as my loyal wife, make her my slave and have her bear my half breed children. She would be my little queen and she would raise our brood in the conservative way, forcing the wains to be obedient and study the ways of the white man and eventually continue breeding with the white devil to potentiate my superior white genes. I would mold her into the perfect woman and establish my own region where she would become the wellspring mother of countless familial marriages so my genetic material will condense into a solid society and eventually encompass all local tribes. Our offspring would mate with each other and force all surrounding surviving peoples to become our family so our traits will concentrate and become the basis of a new worldwide society.

Yum yum eat em up

>> No.6604232

>race mixing


>> No.6604244


Can probably find cheaper, but less than a minute searching got me to these
shipping cost is a no-go, but check your local stores for stuff like that. Bulk bins at some stores can be comparable.

>> No.6604250

easily lmao

>> No.6604258

OP here, I don't live in America, I live on the german/french border. I have easy access to both countries' supermarkets and shops.
I'll spend 10€ on grocery today, following your advices.

>> No.6604852

I remember being broooke as fuuuuuck. I only got 50$ for the month and I threw it in Alcohol. No money, drunk and hungry. Then I found wallet with 500 $. Learn the lesson. Work if you want to eat properly. Don't waste money in parties and alcohol. And God exist

>> No.6605156


>> No.6605207

Fixed up ramen can make a lot for pretty cheap. Once you have all your veggies in bulk just add em in to the boiling pan or cook them and add them in.
Ghetto poor people food also includes Spam. Eggs are getting expensive and so are all meats in the US with our shortages and blah blah blah food news.

>> No.6605225

this is /ck/ not /biz/ tits or gtfo

>> No.6605813

>tits or gtfo
this is /ck/ not /b/

>> No.6606193

in my country it's manageable, but you have to prepare everything yourself. I could have good proper meals but not too much variety. very basic. but I can still eat meat everyday with that amount of money(mostly chicken though). currently I spend like 60$ a month on food because I prepare everything myself (no take out whatsoever). would be even less if I kept it simpler. basic food items are very cheap here. I recently bought a pack of chicken leg quarters(US import) of 4kg for about $8.

>> No.6606288

Consider getting a job at a restaurant, part time even. Access to life giving food will be yours.

>> No.6606444

>Canned beans
Get dried beans you fundamental retard.

>> No.6606460

$45 a month seems really hard. You should look into getting government assistance. If you're a single white male, you probably won't get as much as a black woman with 5 kids and no father, but it should help at least a little.
Rice, beans, frozen veggies
Get what chicken you can(save the bones)
Get what ever is on sale/coupons you have with the money you have left
Hopefully you already have salt, herbs and spices on hand

>> No.6606491

I wish this were still true.

>> No.6606500

>I found wallet with 500 $
I used to work part time at a dry cleaner sorting out clothes
One time I found $500 cash in a costumers pocket.
Most I ever found, second most I found was $350

>> No.6607076

carl weathers stew

>> No.6607080

>Arizona hoarder arrested, used cats for stew

>> No.6607371

What country do you live in?
Look for packs of lamb heart at your local butchers, they should be really cheap.
Get rice, beans, lentils.
Where I live, I can get a KG of banana for literally a dollar, if you're willing to make a relish out of tomato, you can have banana and tomato relish toasted sandwiches, which as horrifying as that sounds, are actually pretty good.
Oats are good.
Buy flour and water and you can make bread over the course of a few weeks if you make a sourdough starter.
Or you can get some cheap yeast and use it for 10-12 loaves.

>> No.6607376

45 a month for food is a lot.

the reality is though, this is only a lot because when you buy food, you buy staples, which cost a lot and can be purchased in bulk. using these staples, you combine with cheaper food, and then you get your under a dollar cost to make meals. so the real question op, is how prepared where you before this? if not at all, I hope you make it through and learn your lesson.

you may want to get a hold of snap/ebt if you qualify.

>> No.6607380

I think it's more likely that that's just the weekly money left over after rent for wherever the fucko goes to university/college, seeing as he's probably on govt assistance.

>> No.6609436


>> No.6609473

Are you retarded?
Scratch that. You are retarded. What plan? What contract? What monthly fee? YOU have a very good imagination. OP could be using a phone from a decade ago with no contract. Or could have purchased a 2nd hand cheap phone with no contract. Even if OP got a new phone he would not have to get a contract. I'm also poor but I have a quad-core snapdragon brand new phone that doesn't even require a contract. Who needs a contract/monthly fee/phone anyway? These days everyone use free services like 4chan/IRC/IM/EM/FB/VOIP.

>> No.6609479

rice is the main dish and you can think about the side dishes later rice is the cheapest thing per kg available as far as i know.

pasta rings in second, two dollar per kg

>> No.6609482

if your rice costs more than USD$10 for 10kg, you're getting ripped off

>> No.6609500

what did you do to the cash? used it to buy gunja or cannabis? Or maybe everclear?

>> No.6609519

learn to bake bread and cakes- sugar is very cheap and so is flour.

go to the BACK DOOR NOT THE FRONT of every restaurant you find and ask for scraps, anything theyre throwing out. offer to clean the kitchen or bathrooms in exchange for food. ALWAYS ask to speak to the owner first, then the head chef if hes not there. if whoever you talk to says "who are you what do you want" and they arent the owner just say you need to speak to the owner.

>> No.6609535

lentils and root veggies
occasional chicken
chicken bones along with veggie ends can be used for stock

also learn to make bread
not hard and very cheap

>> No.6609986

beans and brown rice

>> No.6610051
File: 599 KB, 1280x1707, butternut squash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no premade stuff
DRIED beans, lentils, chickpeas
brown rice, bulk oats, dry pasta
peanut butter
potatoes, onions, carrots, frozen veggies, canned tomatoes
vegetable oil
bulk chapatti flour (if you have local indian population, brown bread flour if not) and yeast if you want bread
about 7 cheap freezable microwavable containers if you have spare cash, cook everything in bulk
spices if you can invest

for meals think oatmeal with water and peanut butter, daals, vegetarian chilli, rice and beans, vegetable soup with lentils, tomato bean stew

things like stews and daal you can serve with rice, cook a weeks worth at a time and portion up and fridge/freeze, heat up every evening and serve with rice or potatoes