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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 65 KB, 494x671, beer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6600663 No.6600663 [Reply] [Original]

Nearing the limit for the other beer general. Talk about beer here. Whether it's something you just tried, bought, loved, or hated: talk about it all here.

>> No.6600686
File: 479 KB, 918x527, RGPanter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Borderline /alc/ here. Beer is my drink of choice, probably the only reason I'm not a full-blown /alc/.

My go-to is usually a 30 rack of Busch. If I can find it, I'll get a 30 rack of Busch Signature. I usually can't find it in anything over a 12 of bottles though, so sometimes I'll just get a 6 pack of pounders to start off the night.

My favorite is probably Leffe Tripel, but I can't find it where I currently live. We have a few nice hipster bars and a large place that specializes in alcohol and is an old warehouse of sorts so they carry A LOT of different ones. They have the Blond and Bruin but no Tripel.

I don't like Sam Adam's Boston Lager. For some reason this is just one beer I will not drink. I like other flavors of Sam Adam's, but there's just something about the regular Boston Lager I don't care to stomach if I don't have to.

The last beer I tried was >pic related. It's a local place that has some great stuff. This was pretty good.

Also, I prefer (if I'm going out to a bar and not getting wasted on 30 racks of Busch) Belgian-style ales. Post your favorites and I'll look for them.

>> No.6600698

Hang out in the thread for a bit and check out the last one. Lots of beer gets posted but they usually take a while to get going.

What types of Belgians do you find yourself preferring, mostly tripels? Or do you branch out to other Belgian styles such as Dubbel, Quadruppel, Saison? Maybe even some Geuze or Lambic?

>> No.6600706

Why the fuck would you start a new thread when old one still has 100 posts left?

>> No.6600710

I like them all. Just depends on my mood/season. I've never heard of Geuze and had Lambic a couple times. Didn't really like it though.

>> No.6600735
File: 296 KB, 800x600, troegs-troegenator-double-bock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This beer is the shit. Discuss.

>> No.6600750


>> No.6600756

>tfw live in twin cities and have 25+ great microbreweries and brewpubs within 10 miles

Life is beautiful.

That said, who makes the best Radler?

>> No.6600762


>> No.6600767
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I'm a fan of sours and lamics Belgians and general funky (brett) beers. I will drink a macro brew every now and again but I prefer to smoke buds not drink them. Getting tired of ipa because once youve had some great ones and I have the rest just can't compare. This was a good brew I had a few days ago.

>> No.6600773

That's an awesome label.

>> No.6601499

Having another Saint Archer Mosaic IPA (posted it in the last thread). This is too drinkable. I really hope they make it a year round brew. Super glad I got multiple bottles of it.

Also got a couple packs of Kellerweis and Oberon for the barbecue I'm throwing for my dad come Sunday afternoon, though I might have one or two over the coming days.

>> No.6602506
File: 106 KB, 250x350, 1_94238123_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

give me your best light beers, /ck/. pic related?

>light beers

>> No.6602521
File: 182 KB, 230x449, Hell-or-High-Watermelon-3d-can-copy1-230x449.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had this on tap last weekend. Convinced all of my friends to try it. They all hate wheat beer. I'm not crazy about wheat bear unless it's very fresh. It ended up being amazing. I might return to the same bar just to get it again this weekend. It tasted like a Jolly Rancher, and kind of has the refreshment of a cucumber.

>> No.6602575

Yeah that stuff is super hit or miss. Some of my friends love it, others hate it. I think it's great. It's not overly sweet and is probably the most refreshing beer I've ever had

>> No.6602593

Eh, I hated it. Watermelon and beer just don't go. That's the third of fourth that I have tried. All of them a miss for me.

How can they hate wheat beer though?

>> No.6602594

Anyone else a sucker for minimalist/dystopian labels like this?

>> No.6602596

Agreed with the other anon. It's really refreshing though the cans I had weren't Jolly Rancher sweet, they did have a really pleasant melon (almost melon soda) flavor. Super under-rated imo. The brewery also makes a great session IPA.

>> No.6602597

Looking for some beer to get my dad for Father's Day. Something that I could find at a BevMo preferably. He's a simple man that gets whatever is cheap, Miller Lite and PBR right now. Grolsch is his go to fancy beer.

>> No.6602604
File: 654 KB, 920x549, AllDay_15pk-920x549.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know, I think they have limited experiences with wheat beer. Stuff like Blue Moon and Shocktop exclusively. The lighter wheat beer is better. I have to get them to try Brooklyn Brewery Wheat Beer.
pic related

>> No.6602605

I was actually planning on trying this the next time I want a dark/heavy beer. I have heard good things.

>> No.6602621

Probably a session IPA or something lighter like a Hefeweizen/Kolsh. Kellerweis is pretty good and should be available at most BevMemes. Actually, just get a Sierra Neveada summer 12 pack. It has Kellerweis, Kolsh, Pilsner, and their Pale Ale. It might be cheaper at a local grocer though.

>> No.6602655

If you drink coors, Budweiser, or some other light beer (piss in a can) you are trash.

>> No.6602704

who /homebrew/ here?

Currently fermenting: American Red Ale

Currently drinking: IPA, Summer Pale Ale

Currently Priming: Dark English Bitter

Gonna be picking some elderflower when they start blooming and make a blonde ale with elderflower.

>> No.6602749
File: 26 KB, 474x401, 100723-brewdog-beer-hmed-140a.grid-6x2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why isnt pic related a meme

>> No.6602774

This is what I like to bring to the beach.
Pros: Cans not glass, relatively inexpensive, easy buzz maintenance, goes well with doing nothing at all.
Cons: None.

>> No.6602776


oh is that the 40% ABV beer

I remember reading about that years ago

>> No.6602821
File: 136 KB, 490x693, hob.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just picked up a 6 bottle pack of Hobgoblin as it was on offer, it's a decent ale at 5.2%, it doesn't set the world on fire but it's a proper beer with a full body.

Would recommend as its fairly cheap, serve just below room temperature.

>> No.6602850

I've had most of the other beers they make all are good but nothing to write he about hobgob is the best imo

>> No.6602882
File: 7 KB, 159x200, worry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's he doing with the other hand?

>> No.6602886

It's alright, pretty much everywhere in the UK. Can be pretty good on tap.

Jacking off

>> No.6602903


The beer they make at the silverstone race track is amazing, Pole Position tastes like liquid caramel.

>> No.6603042
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Picked up pic related with a 6 pack of grainbelt. It's pretty damn good. Pretty fruity, but has a bite that's balanced out with the malts. Will buy again for 4$ a bomber.

>> No.6603076

Hi cu/ck/s, I'm going to visit Prague soon and I heard czechs have good beer. Any recommendations? I like dark beers, but anything is good.

>> No.6603085
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>> No.6603101

Endorsed by the bullet club. I'd try it

>> No.6603119 [DELETED] 

going to germany on friday

what beer should i try?

>> No.6603123

At least one of the 3 styles they serve

>> No.6603137 [DELETED] 


>> No.6603160
File: 110 KB, 750x1000, Aecht-Schlenkerla-Urbock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try some Rauchbier

>> No.6603211

It means they don't have much for variety

>> No.6603225

No, but I'd be interested in learning more about it and maybe getting into it. Any good books or websites you can recommend?

>> No.6603249

Same, I would love some good reading on the topic. I have a buddy who has been doing it for the past year and, while he's able to make decent beers, doesn't know a thing about it, just follows directions from prepackaged stuff.

>> No.6603268

Aging bottle beers is pointless.

>> No.6603269
File: 46 KB, 500x500, CompleteJoyofHomebrewing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Pic related
There's also a bunch of suppliers selling starter kits.

>> No.6603273
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I know it's not beer but they sell it in the beer aisle. I really just wanted something that wasn't beer today because I drink beer almost every single day. I've had it once before but I didn't really remember what it tasted like. It just tastes like non sweet apple juice even though it's 6.9% abv. Because there is so little carbonation this goes down super fast. I'm probably going to finish the whole 22oz in 30 minutes. It was only $5, it's not that bad.

>> No.6603662
File: 692 KB, 1944x2592, IMG215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your still wrong

>> No.6603667

Drink it you mad man!

>> No.6603677
File: 59 KB, 571x382, 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get drunk on these because I'm poor and they're like 8.5%

don't even taste that bad for a beer from india

>> No.6603680
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>> No.6603691

I did and I have more in the cellar from a few months old to a few years old most people who drink them prefer them between 2 and 3 yrs old.

>> No.6604270
File: 97 KB, 1024x1024, my rose rene.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who here /lambic/ /oudegueze/ /flandersred/ here?

>> No.6604277

>>6604270 yes yes yes

>> No.6604282
File: 330 KB, 1200x1600, 07bb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thadda boy

>> No.6604461

My co-worker was saying this shit is delicious. Anybody try it? Has 7.8% so it should give you an ok buzz.

>> No.6604468
File: 276 KB, 1600x1200, IMG-20110407-00033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

>> No.6605055

ayy lmao

>> No.6605635


Just start simple with buying a starter kit and brewing from malt extract. Then if you like it, read about brewing online, and in books and escalate. Your local brewshop is probably staffed with friendly people who will help you get started.

>> No.6605708

Bump pls respond

>> No.6606867

It's like 55% or something

>> No.6607250

Where's that guy that tried trolling people for liking stouts? He was funny.

>> No.6607383

It's Saturday tomorrow, and I have a day off for the first time in about a month. So I'm going to drink beer all day and post in beer general.

I'm excited and I just want you all to know.

>> No.6607394

You mean besides the fact that is tastes like hop-flavored water?

>> No.6607742

>guy who comes into a beer store asking for some Pliny the Younger or Heady Topper

>> No.6607743
File: 965 KB, 1064x3626, březňák.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related isn't bad.

>> No.6607786

I'm in Ontario (GTA to be specific) next week, what stuff should I check out at the LCBO? I head the selection at your government-mandated stores are ehh.

>> No.6607805

I was in WI and there was a can of heady topper at the counter so I asked. Apparently some one just brought it in so the store could add it to their collection of empty rarer beers. I was disappointed

>> No.6607807

I look forward to it m8

>> No.6607809

Same here. I'm sure there'll be lots of people doing the same. See you there?

>> No.6607831

I'll be here, GF out of town for the weekend so I have nothing else to do.

>> No.6607834

>gf out of town
Don't lie to us. She never existed.

>> No.6607836

What about kozel?

>> No.6607838

¯\_(ツ)_/¯ whatever you say

>> No.6607898

Oh fuck off

>Hey do you guys have
>*checks phone*
>Pliny the Elder...and...Heady Topper

Dude this is South Carolina when am I just going to have those lying around? And also if they were here you wouldn't even care because they just taste like hype.

>So you don't have them? Do you know who would?

Yeah. Drive to Vermont.

>Ok keep being a smartass, bye

I'm tired of that shit. If you just come in looking for whales then I'm going to tell you to screw off. If you're a loyal customer then maybe I'll keep something in the back for you.

>> No.6607901

Really shitty stuff.

>> No.6607903

That guy who was saying we only liked sugar beers? Yeah he was pretty retarded.

>> No.6607904


>> No.6608120

I love store owners like you.

My go-to store is awesome loke that. He always keeps some Heady, Sunday morning stout, Kbs, whatever in the back for me cause he knows I come to him every time I grab beer.

Only thing that sucks is that he doesn't get a lot of traffic, so his IPAs and hoppy stuff either sells out quick cause he buys too little, or he buys too much and he has it sitting on the shelf for way too long.

>> No.6608166

>living in the birthplace of Grain Belt
>drinking anything but
What a fucking pleb.

Just kidding, some of the shit that's brewed up there is worth the hour drive from Mankato(though Mankato's got some great breweries, too), but GBP is my go-to. It's hard, not to mention expensive, to drink nothing but microbrews all the time.

>> No.6608173

Can't be as bad as the lime one.

>> No.6608176

I like the design but I think i'd also be really wary of that first sip too

>> No.6608205

Anybody every use a french press to do any infusions? Thinking of trying it out but would like to hear opinions.

>> No.6608262

How poor are you?

>> No.6608406
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I'm back. Very tasty.

>> No.6608415
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Also picked these up today on my lunch break

>> No.6608445
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Friday, Friday, gotta get drunk on Friday

I just had some spicy food and I can't really taste this one yet...

>> No.6608447

That stuff doesn't have much taste to begin with, honestly. Widmer brothers have been slipping I feel like.

>> No.6608489

I'd imagine that any wheat beer + a mildly sweet/citrusy fruit pulp would be good. A hefeweizen plus some nice pulpy orange juice or strawberry juice sounds pretty good right now tbh.

Patrician taste right here. Probably my favorite porter.

Never had it, kinda put off by the whole spiced beer thing though everyone and their mother says it's GOAT.

>not Weihenstephaner or Kellerweis
Still good though.

>> No.6608548
File: 2.33 MB, 1520x2688, IMAG0169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one is deceivingly delicious


Going to founders fest here in downtown GR tomorrow. I'll take some pics for my /beer/ bros

>> No.6608659 [DELETED] 
File: 289 KB, 1280x960, IMG_2523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guy at my liquor store has been changing a bunch of stuff around so I grabbed 6 Big Sky Trout Slayers, 6 Capital Brewing White IPA, and 6 Capital Brewing IPA for 3.99 a pack. Pretty happy about it, probably going to open a bomber of Points Unknown from Stone/Wicked Weed/Ecliptic tonight.

Drank this last night, "Imperial Farmhouse IPA" from Solemn Oath in Naperville, IL. Insanely good beer and probably one of my favorites that I have tried lately. HUGE tropical flavors with awesome hop bitterness and a dry finish with some of that yeast funk. I'll probably go try some at the brewery next week.

>> No.6608666
File: 266 KB, 960x1280, IMG_2523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guy at my liquor store has been changing a bunch of stuff around so I grabbed 6 Big Sky Trout Slayers, 6 Capital Brewing White IPA, and 6 Capital Brewing IPA for 3.99 a pack. Pretty happy about it, probably going to open a bomber of Points Unknown from Stone/Wicked Weed/Ecliptic tonight.

Drank this last night, "Imperial Farmhouse IPA" from Solemn Oath in Naperville, IL. Insanely good beer and probably one of my favorites that I have tried lately. HUGE tropical flavors with awesome hop bitterness and a dry finish with some of that yeast funk. I'll probably go try some at the brewery next week.

>> No.6608720
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Final beer before I go home and eat

And drink a little more

This one is actually very good. Tastes just like squirt grapefruit pop (soda for the non flyovers)

>> No.6608739
File: 8 KB, 194x259, steigl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mah nigga.
I also recommend Stiegl's grapefruit radler, tastes similar.

>> No.6608768


>> No.6608798
File: 40 KB, 736x585, hardywood cream ale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like this a lot

>> No.6608802
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Ah snap the bar where I was posting all my pics from actually had this on tap

I couldn't tell if their chalkboard said it was 2.5% or 25% so I was scared lol. I'll get it next time.

But this boozy root beer is actually really good. Tastes just like root beer with a hint of alcohol. Thinking about making a float with one soon...

>> No.6608849

It said 25.

>> No.6608860

Just had the 07.04.15 Enjoy By IPA. It was decent, actually really good, but not close to the 03.14.15. I'm a little tipsy from it, which is kind of a bummer. Regardless, shit was tasty. I would have at least taken a picture of the glass, but I busted it trying to throw it away before I got on /ck/

>> No.6608888

Oh fuck, another Cincinnati friend. (maybe?) If so, I hope you've been to their brewery downtown. They make a lot of great stuff that never gets bottled or canned like their "Steve." Panther is really tasty; one of the first porter's that was more savory than sweet that I really enjoyed, but I prefer Truth. It's just a perfect IPA.

>> No.6608920

they have been really advertising a lot recently here, they must have some bigger beverage company backing them

>> No.6608931
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I've been into dark beers for many years and not interested in IPAs until recently. I tried a few a couple years ago and didn't really like the floral tastes of them. But suddenly I wanted that, I don't know how else to describe it, that "bite" the stronger IPAs have. Pic related is one of my tops I've come across for that bite I crave. Anyone dig this brew here?

>> No.6609152
File: 8 KB, 150x300, 1708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

beep beep best beer coming through

>> No.6609156
File: 392 KB, 1140x952, Hanson-Brothers-Mmmhops.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody tried the beer made by the Hanson brothers? Yes, the boyband Hanson.

>> No.6609160
File: 105 KB, 645x900, Rochefort_10_trappist_beer_900.jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's pretty good, but I prefer pic related

>> No.6609174

If it ain't darker than Wesley Snipes, it aint good beer is my motto

>> No.6609186

Got one in the fridge right now, just had the other earlier.

>> No.6609192
File: 353 KB, 420x358, image_thumb%25255B1%25255D[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think sierra nooner should be on tap at every bar, replacing bud light

but thats just me

>> No.6609211
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Branch out! I was once like you. Still prefer the dark stuff but there's other good stuff out there.


That would be fine with me. The Lagunitas Czech pils is good too. Haven't had many of that style.

Drinking pic related tonight. Expensive but unbelievably good. Maybe the best sour I've ever had.

>> No.6609225

Cooking a pot of beer right now guys. This one's gonna be good!

>> No.6609368


What kind?

>> No.6609591

This is an incredible beer. I had it for the first time a couple of weeks ago. So tropical, with a lovely bitterness.

>> No.6610025
File: 455 KB, 960x1280, hitthelights.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drinking this right now.

It's tropical, fruity, piney. A lot of grapefruit. It tastes a little dull though with an odd aftertaste, so I think it's slightly skunked.

>> No.6610114

And now I'm drinking this. I know it's 2014, but the best before is October 2015, so it's still good. Very piney, but I'm surprised by the amount of toffee malt. Good beer.

>> No.6610116
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Oops... picture here.

>> No.6610288
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MA NIGGA WHERE YOU AT? I'm starting off strong with this Stone Collaboration that I said I would open.

Pretty bitter with citrus flavors that don't meld that well with the sweet funkiness of trippel. Barrel certainly comes through and ties the flavors together a little bit. Nice to try but I wouldn't seek it out again.

>> No.6610293

Never seen them before as I'm in the states, their website is pretty terrible but how are their beers normally?

>> No.6610312

I'm right here!

I'm the guy who posted two beers within the last couple of hours. I'm now just about to crack open a Stille Nacht.

Their beers are normally pretty good. Nothing astounding, but nice nonetheless. I wouldn't say that you're missing out by not having them.

>> No.6610328

Stille Nacht is incredible. Fruity, yeasty, alcohol-y, wonderful toffee malts. Lots and lots and lots of yeast floaty bits in the glass though! More than I've ever seen, by a long way.

>> No.6610359

I'd like to try Stille Nachte one of these days. Where do you live anon?

My father loves Ballast Point Sculpin so last night I brought a bottle of Habanero Sculpin over for him and we tried it out. Man that is spicy stuff, he loved it. I wasn't that crazy about it as I couldn't really pull much in the way of flavors besides spice out of it.

>> No.6610364

It's so nice, but I can feel that alcohol affecting me already.

I live in England. Are you in the US? I've never had anything by Ballast Point.

>> No.6610390

I am in the US, I am >>6610288 >>6610293 Ballast Point makes some pretty good stuff but their Sculpin is certainly the most noteworthy along with Victory At Sea. I tried some of the Wahoo wheat that was kegged with thai chiles, ginger, and lime and it was worth a try but it was pretty electric from that combination of flavors.

They also rum barrel aged their Calico amber ale which was pretty outstanding.

>> No.6610407

>full body
I've tried pretty every wychwood beer I've ran into in the UK and it always dissapoints. I think I had one a week ago and on the bottle it actually advertised that they only used "delicous english taget hops" like it was something to be proud of.

>> No.6610447

I'll have to seek some out. I'm on the smoked Bamberg Weizen now, but I'm not too impressed.

You should try their Piledriver. It's their only good beer.

>> No.6610456

I just had the Urbock from them, good thing I like Black Forest Ham. It was like PURE smoke flavor, I liked it though especially after it had come to room temp. Have a bottle of their Helles Lager in the fridge still.

>> No.6610498

I find their beers too smokey. I like smoked beers, but theirs really just seem to mask every other flavour.

>> No.6610536
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>beer from the US

>> No.6610559

(/ ̄(エ) ̄)/

>> No.6610747

Would you say Weihenstephaner imports are representative of German beer? I don't want to judge German beer like how the rest of the world judges American beer by Budweiser.

>> No.6610754
File: 49 KB, 610x250, HopBack-f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of my favorites and coincidentally the only Belgian beer I can stand to drink.

Pic is what I'm drinking tonight.

>> No.6610755

Sure they're good representatives of the styles, there's better you can do though.

>> No.6610796

I make 50k a year. I'm no Glenn Taylor, but I'm not poor.
I just don't feel like spending $100+ whenever I want to get drunk.
Besides, half of the microbrew shit around here is way too hoppy for my taste. If I wanted a super bitter taste with my supper, I'd use an aspirin tablet as a dinner mint.

Besides, why the hell do you feel the need to judge people for their beer-drinking habits? What are you compensating for, being a bitch manager that nobody likes, so you have to go to hipster bars and drink nothing but expensive microbrews to pretend that people like you?

>> No.6610798

I think it's a combination of genetics and smoking, but my tastebuds are shit. I can barely taste a difference between beers, so since I like the general beer flavor, that means I end up liking most beers.

Does that make me shit or not?

>> No.6610800
File: 1.73 MB, 1520x2688, IMAG0174.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Greetings from Founders Fest my /beer/ bros!

More pictures to come...

Drinking the porter right now. They have specialty beers like KBS and CBS but the lines are absurd so I'll be sticking to the basics today. I've had all the fancy ones before anyway.

>> No.6610805

Well, they cost more than cheap beer, therefore they're more expensive by definition.

>> No.6610809

>half of the microbrew shit around here is way too hoppy for my taste

Then drink the other half until the IPA fad dies out.

>> No.6610812
File: 2.01 MB, 2688x1520, IMAG0175.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Get your hillbilly on nigz

>> No.6610816

cool, I haven't been able to go to Founders yet. Do they have a lot of brewery-only beers on tap?

Bell's and Dark Horse are as far as I've gone (from northern Indiana).

>> No.6610840
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Most of their taproom only beers are weird experimentals that are hit or miss. Everything really good they bottle

I feel like I should be drinking moonshine

>> No.6610849
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just bought this...

is it really all it's cranked up to be?

>> No.6610877

It's delicious but imo it's def overhyped and they control they supply to make people go crazy for it.

Still a delicious beer, esp if you don't get a batch that is bourbon city, unless you long like that

>> No.6610894

>esp if you don't get a batch that is bourbon city, unless you long like that
plz translate

>> No.6610899

Looks like a good enough time, are you there solo or did you go with some friends?

>> No.6610925
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I went solo initially but I got some friends showing up now. I avoided the lines.

Pic is founders brewing company all stars. Cover band currently playing pink Floyd

>> No.6610971


This is the band I most wanted to see. Elephant Revival. Look closely and you'll see my waifu playing the washboard

Current beer is dirty bastard. Just like me. Sigh.

>> No.6610987
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Oops must be getting drunk.

Pic Related

>> No.6610990

violin girl is superior looking
>going on 4chan
>on your phone
>in public

>> No.6610991

>washboard player

simply ebin.

>> No.6611029
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I've got to agree and say violin girl looks superior.

I just had Uranus while I was doing some prep for dinner (pun intended). decent enough but I don't think anything from this series is going to top the Saturn. That being said, for $2.99 a bottle I'd buy it again.

I'm either going to have an Enjoy By with dinner or Firestone Walker Opal. Any votes?

>> No.6611050

Violin Girl is a qt but she would never even glance at me. Washboard girl might have a physical deformity hiding under those gloves and I might have a chance

>> No.6611117

not of fan of that

>> No.6611122

I've been meaning to try that one. It's at my local beer spot. I always end up getting something sour though.
How is that beer?

>> No.6611126

Its my favorite style. Though sometimes flanders is hit or miss for me.

>> No.6611130

I like that beer but it always gives me heartburn.
I live right next the Bruery. I love about anything they do that is sour, but honestly I am unimpressed with their clean beers.

>> No.6611147

Aren't they sour only? Maybe I am mistaken.

>> No.6611156

No not at all.
I just looked at their website, it doesn't look like they have a single sour in the tasting room. I could have missed one.

>> No.6611163

Must be thinking of somewhere else, sorry m8

>> No.6611173

Its no problem at all.

>> No.6611358
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I got a six pack of this and I'm on number one. It tastes pretty good. I'm glad I picked it up. I paid less than $10 for it and if I see a six pack for that again I'd get one if I was in the mood. Ten-Fidy was really good but overly expensive. Dale's Pale ale way way too creamy and gave me this weird creamy diarrhea after drinking a six pack.

Over all I think it's a good brewery. I'd be interested in trying their other big beers but I've never seen them around. I like that the beer is in cans too.

>> No.6611364

First time getting buzzed on an empty stomach here, feels weird man, not sure if I like this feel.

>> No.6611391

I prefer it but I'm an alcoholic. I spend like $10 to get drunk on craft beer multiple times a week and it's nice to get more bang for your buck.

>> No.6611396
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Orval is one of my all time favorites it varies by batch and age. Headey is always a good so is lawsons sip of sunshine if your into ipa one of my favorite porters Is this Drayman's porter also from new England

>> No.6611429
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Taste is so subjective. Best way is to just try anything you think you may like. You never know just because you've had one stout or ipa or whatever you didnt like Doesn't mean you won't like the next and visaversa. With so many micros popping up might as well try and have them all. Keys is to find a spot that will allow you to. Join rate beet or untapped and find people who have similar tastes to yourself and you can see what they liked and maybe try that. A good beer shop or pub with a good staff should be able to steer you to beers you'll probably enjoy just by knowing a few you have had and liked. If not then find a different spot

>> No.6612657
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First pint poured from my first try at an ESB. very drinkable, would love more aroma though.

>> No.6612670
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Typical macro stuff.

>> No.6612677

>IPA general

>> No.6612685

Orval fuck yes

>> No.6612718
File: 416 KB, 1664x1248, IMG_20150621_161016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very good Oatmeal stout, nice mouthfeel as expected. I would have loved some coffee in it.

>> No.6612739
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over the past year my taste for beer has been changing and I dont know why

I used to hate beers that were overly hopped like IPAs and even some pale ales, so I stuck to porters and stouts. Now I can't handle those because they're too sweet and I love IPAs, and the bitterness is no longer overwhelming. What the fuck happened? Do hops desensitize your taste for bitterness over time?

>> No.6612751

Perfect head.

>> No.6612753

Why do people care about the head? I scoop that shit out into the sink if Im at home. It tastes like metal and ass.

>> No.6612754

I just wait for it to die down. It looks nice but tastes like bitter, metallic soap bubbles

>> No.6612757

It shows that the beer was poured correctly. Lacing from the head dissipating can more often than not be used to determine the freshness of the brew as well.

>> No.6612762

Thanks. The beer really did look super nice in the glass!

Not just that for homebrewers. It also indicates the level of carbonation to me, could also show if somethings way wrong with the brew if the head is thin and weak when i know it should not.

Had a bad batch once that produced a head of really large bubbles that fizzed off in ten seconds.

>> No.6612767
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Very thick Imperial IPA. Muddy water in the glass, very juicy and piney taste. Like it alot!

>> No.6612828
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Probably the last one of the lower abv IPAs i picked up this month.Second best after Founders one. Very nice IPA considering the watery body of it!

>> No.6612839

I live about 45 minutes from the brewery and even super fresh this is one of my least favorites from them.

>> No.6612854

Compared to regular strength ones it´s shit of course. What i put it up towards would be macro lagers of the same abv range, like Coors light i guess.

Would take this over that type of beer every time!

>> No.6612891

Oh man this is great. I need to see if I can find it again.
Purchased another watermelon beer the other day thinking it could be as good, but it sadly was not.

>> No.6612949

Has a lot of the scent of the beer in it. Like a punch in the nose. Also it looks nice

>> No.6612962
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>> No.6612963
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>> No.6613335
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Posting from iPhone so picture will probably end up sideways. Came here to get GF a growler of raspberry wheat ale but of course she missed her flight while I was on my way here so I am just drinking their IPA. Cute little brewery in Lemont, IL called Pollyanna. Much better than Two Brothers in nearby Naperville, definitely check it out if anyone is in the area.

>> No.6613355

GF? Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

>> No.6613360

You didn't even meme right. Get out

>> No.6613363


>> No.6613464

i think growler must mean something different where you are to here

>> No.6613471

A growler is a 64 oz jug of beer

>> No.6613475

in england a growler is a hairy vagina

>> No.6613484

>$6.50 a glass
good thing I don't like beer

>> No.6613530

Anyone had Left Hand Milk stout, or any other "nitro" beers?

How do they compare to Guinness? I actually don't mind Guinness, despite it tasting like water compared to pretty much every other beer i drink.

I'm curious how a stronger tasting stout woild be with the nitro head.

>> No.6613891
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Having a beer with comrade kitty. The beer is great, the kitty is too fat.

>> No.6613958

>not Chairman Meow

>> No.6613988

Milk Stouts are fairly sweet, unlike irish style stouts

Basically a sweeter, much more flavorful Guinness, the nitro works well with it

>> No.6614063

Ehhh super overrated. Popular to borderline craft drinkers at the bottle shop I work in

Down To Earth is a great session. Its right up there with Easy Jack from Firestone Walker

>> No.6614071

Havent tried yet but would like to. Any tips or websites/blogs you could direct me to?

Co worker just gabe me his homebrew, smerican pale ale, probably trying it tonight

>> No.6614075

Dat Heady

>> No.6614079
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good beers
god-tier can designs

>> No.6614083

I found this to be pretty similair with the green tea collab they did

>> No.6614089

I found this series to be pretty disappointing. Idk why, just expected more from Bells

Whats for dinner?

>> No.6614463
File: 1.72 MB, 3264x2448, Photo Jun 21, 10 02 16 PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sour Monkey. Victory's one off variation of Golden Monkey, brewed with brett.

Im not a tripel fan so I find this to be 1000x better than Golden Monkey

>> No.6614480

Fuck england

>> No.6614563

atta boy with the Premos

moved out of Minneapolis and can't find it anywhere

>> No.6615275

I recently had a Eggenberg Samichlaus. 14% alcohol, very sweet.

>> No.6616082

Recently tried this for the first time, I bought it because they were out my standard supping ale (black sheep) and was pleasantly surprised. Fruity and refreshing with grassy hops. 7.5/10 would recommend. Good for a larger brewing company.

>> No.6616089
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Shit forget picture in my semi drunken fugue.

>> No.6616351

Anyone have any reccomendations for wheat beers?

I usually like dark beers, but I've been liking Blue Moon as a summer drink, and was wondering what the better stuff might be.
Live in Oregon, if there's any good local labels.

>> No.6616357

Sierra Nevada kellerweis, bells oberon, paulaners hefeweiss, weinhestaper or however you spell it. Really anything is better than blue moon. Not that it's bad, it's just one of the worst wheat beers out there. I'll still drink it from time to time though

>> No.6616375

Recently tried berliner kindle weisse. Its a 3.5% sour wheat beer. Really unique sweet/sour flavour, beautiful golden hazy colour and strong carbonation.

>> No.6616381

Not sure about locals for you. But a few good ones that come to allagash white, franziskaner is always good others will hate me for saying but magic hat circus boy is a decent hefe. If you've only had blue moon you have barely scratched the surface of wheats. Most you'll see end up being fruit flavored with berries. Or citrus 21st amendment has the hell or high watermelon. Which is decent on a hot day

>> No.6616397

Thanks for the suggestions, I'll be on the lookout for these

>> No.6616410

Sorry, you won't find that (berliner kindle weisse) locally, I managed to buy it in England at a speciality beer shop and even then the bottle was entirely in german, it didn't even have the unit labels that beer for import into the UK has. My guess is it'd be even harder to find in the US.

>> No.6616869
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my local savemart closed so they were having a 50% off which included beer so I bought 10 cases (12pks) of general sherman and sierra nevada for 7.50 each and a couple of lagunitas. I pretty much have beer to last me all summer if not longer

>> No.6616878

>beer sales at stores in general
Local WinCo had those Sierra Nevada Summer Sampler 12-packs for $12 last week and had 22oz-ers of Torpedo for $3.25. Got four of the samplers for the Father's Day barbecue I had and a good amount of Torpedos just because. Shit was cash.

>> No.6616893
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reporting in with the better bottles in my beer fridge. also have some enjoy after, strike IPA, and a bunch of homebrew coffee oatmeal stout. saving these to share with friends and for special occasions.

>> No.6616897

>homebrew coffee oatmeal stout
Do tell how that turns out, sounds delicious.

>> No.6616903

was pretty tasty. have about 6 bottles left of the ~28 I made. came out just over 7%, real thick and you really get the oats.

>> No.6617095

Tonight I had a Cigar City Vanilla Maduro Brown Ale.

Was fucking mind blowing. It was a nitro beer, so it had a thick, tight head with vanilla sweetness and some burnt malt flavor. It was one of the best beers I've had in my life.

>> No.6617303

I tried this one and wasn't too fond, but I tend not to be a big fan of IPAs and such, which this reminded me a lot of. I do like their Old Crafty Hen quite a lot though, and the Speckled Hen is pretty good too I think.

>> No.6618076

tried Aldi American Light
not bad, especially for five bucks a six pack in bottles

>> No.6618131

>Aging bottle beers is pointless.
>what is bottle conditioning

>> No.6618322
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Nice can, horrible beer. Drain pour.

>> No.6618324

That sounds incredible. Good job!

>> No.6618330

I think Old Crafty Hen is a great brew. It has a massive amount of depth for a cheap beer from a large brewery.

>> No.6618341
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Very nice bourbon taste on this one. Not as thick as they often are with it´s lower than Imperial abv.

>> No.6618372
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Another horrible lager. Mostly undrinkable, bad haul tonight.

>> No.6618408

try Bernard, they have great dark beer

>> No.6619515
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got a bottle of this tonight at the ABC. Apparently it aims to replicate a near extinct style of german weiss beer. excited to open it later. yeast sediment at the bottom so you know it was bottle primed.

>> No.6619518

beer looks like it came from ikea, I like that style of pint glass though. Personal favorite to drink from.

>> No.6619521

been meaning to try this. Sours are so hit or miss, but I really liked the golden monkey so i'd be curious to see how it is with some brett.

>> No.6619530
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Had this a few nights ago and I swear it tasted identical to malted chocolate milk/milk leftover after drinking cocoa puffs. Blew my mind. Not so much in a beer way, but just the sheer fact that fermentation could create something this candy-like. Give it a shot.

>> No.6619547

stella is shit. i have no clue how this beer got elevated beyond the level of heineken becauses that's essentially what it taste like.

>> No.6619565

Had one of these on tap a few days ago and loved it. Sweet but not cloying with a rich maltiness.

>> No.6619663

I doubt anyone will see this before I leave, but what's a good "college beer"

Cheap, available at a shitty liqueur store, not necessarily sophisticated etc. A good beer to drink when chilling with bros.

I'm leaving in like 15 mins, but I'd also like to know for future reference.

Probs not IPA.

>> No.6619738

It was the fall of 2010. Somebody showed up with a six pack of Magic Hat seasonals. Oddly, nobody drank any of them, so I just took the whole pack home. I began to drink them later in the week. There was the no. 9. Ok, you've all had it. Raisiny and weird. The HIPA one. Crazy hoppy. It grows on you like moss.

But then... at last I came to the Others. The Dark Ones. Not in color, but in spirit. Pure bottled evil. An eldritch skank bottled in the bowels of Hell. I dare not speak Its name even if I could, for at that hateful moment the Black Nectar touched my lips all memory of Its strange symbol was erased from my mind and I was compelled to vomit foul chunks. To this day I sometimes awake from a nightmare of sucking evil bile and unspeakable fluids from the reeking, puckered anus of the Dark One himself. My eyes bleed now as a consequence of trying to recollect the horror. I can feel the maggots writhing on my tongue. I only hope this story saves some of you.

>> No.6619766

I drink six of these 24s a day.

Am I an alcy?

>> No.6619770
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Shit. Too drunk.

Forgot pic. Am I an alcy 4chins?

>> No.6619789

PBR or Yuengling

>> No.6619792

are you drunk?

>> No.6619794

how drunk are you right now?

>> No.6619800

if you do the math that comes out to drinking a 6 pack a night which comes out to 1740 calories for keystone light.

Not my place to say if you're an alcy, but I know I was drinking real heavy for a while and I had to get my shit straightened out. Now only get drunk every now and then and have a beer every other day or so.

On a health level-yea it's not good for you.
One a mental level-depends, too many people use the word alcoholic when they are really just using it as a crutch with no physical addiction. I'm that way I think (unless I really go on a bender).
It doesn't really matter if it's "alcoholism" or not. If it's causing you issues, then you know whether or not it's a problem.

>> No.6619802

shit meant 12 pack a night and keystone ice

>> No.6619812


I guess not. Doesn't really cause any problems. I've gained a few pounds since I've started drinking this much but otherwise it doesn't affect my life in any way. Other than drinking a shit ton of water the next day and having some mild heart burn for a few hours.

>> No.6619832
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One of the few I had today.

>> No.6619877

just keep an eye on it. shit will wreck you get older.

hepatic congestion leads to heart congestion, and peripheral swelling. I don't drink as much as you anon, but I do drink pretty frequently. I'm just getting it in now because I know i won't be able to in professional school/married life/no fun land

>> No.6619885
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This shit is tasty as fuck.

>> No.6620146

Best Lindeman's I've had by far. All their fruit lambics I've had have been cloying. The gose is awesome.

>> No.6620749

I thought that beer was shit. Had it a little less than a month old, and it just tasted like bitterness on more bitterness with none of the citrus/fruit/pine flavors that usually come along with hoppy bitterness.

I actually poured out my first glass of it because i thought the glass may have had some soap or dish washer detergent left in there, but then I poured the second glass and it was the same deal.

This doesn't really make sense to me, as I'm a huge pale ale and ipa fan, and this was supposed to be one of the best pale ales out there.

>> No.6621004
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>Buys a six-pack for a great price
>Bottled and brewed in Australia

My life is fucking over

>> No.6621093
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Drinking these right now.

>> No.6621356

>Can't have beer until friday.
>Mouth is fucking watering at this thread.

God DAMN I am going to drink so much beer.

>> No.6621449
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Had this tonight.

Not bad by any stretch (gets nicer as you drink), but massively overhyped.

Still, one to tick off the list.

>> No.6621499

That is my fave, one can gets me a real good buzz, it's not to light or heavy, and goes awesome with some snacks. I'm never too hungover the next day either. I'll usually have some random other average beer that I'm in the mood for after to keep the buzz going.

>> No.6621506

My thoughts exactly

Then again I'm not a big whiskey guy

>> No.6622726
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Joining in thread

>> No.6622786

Beer tastes so much better when you haven't had it for a while, same goes for most anything that's enjoyable in life. Carry on mang.

Yeah, I felt it was waaaaaay overhyped for me. It was really good, yes. Though I feel that there are some local stout options near me (West Coast) that are just as good, if not better.

Their Oatis oatmeal stout is criminally underrated.

>> No.6622839
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>criminally underrated

this nigga gets it.

Those new stout glasses look so silly...

and this is what I'm drinking tonight, I've got a fresh 12 pack of Samuel Adams in the fridge and a fucking tank of Miller Lite my grandpappy gave me for some reason.

>> No.6622865
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Drinking the last Kolsh from the Sierra Nevada Summer Pack I bought. This is some nice stuff. Shame it's only available in the sample packs and on tap at random places. ;_;

>SS Organic Lager
>that slight dryness at the end
Pretty based for a lager.

>> No.6622884

Tasty stuff, my work carries a good bit of the SS and Ayinger line, so I've been slowly trying them. All that we have left for me to try is...the Cherry Ale, and the Cider I think.

>> No.6622917

Both are great. The Cider is probably the best cider that comes in a non-wine style bottle and the Cherry Ale is as good/better than the Apricot and Strawberry Ales.

>> No.6622970

Better be for double the price of the ale. I also know a place nearby that sells Stingo, but that's a solid 20 dollars.