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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 69 KB, 550x313, energy-drinks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6600493 No.6600493 [Reply] [Original]

What are your thoughts on energy drinks?

>> No.6600497

I drank about 4 Nos or Redbulls every morning. Quit them two months ago to get in shape for my wedding. I quit them along with dieting, but i have to say I have never felt better being off them. My body has adapted to not needing/wanting them anymore. Because of this I drank nothing but water. Water Gives me the energy those drinks did in in the morning.
They are tasty as fuck though, so to each his own.

>> No.6600503

terrible for your kidneys and pancreas

>> No.6600531


I drink two monsters daily at least

There pretty good

>> No.6600555

I don't like the sour taste.

>> No.6600647

based on what?

>> No.6600687

Bacchus is true patrician. Sometimes Amp. Cuckster, Cuckstar, Cuck Bull, and Bull Throttle are all for cuckold plebs.

>> No.6600692

They're all fucking horrible (taste-wise and diet-wise).

>> No.6600697

I was in great shape until I started eating way too much jimmy johns and drinking a Nos every time I studied.

>> No.6600704

addictive, bad-tasting if you aren't addicted, bad for u

>> No.6600932

I wouldn't say no to a rockstar if I'd pulled an all nighter. or any of the others if it was over 36 hours with no sleep.

But I too quit them a while ago, and after a few weeks without them they are pretty fucking rank, I'd need to be dead on my feet to deliberately buy one.

>> No.6600954

Not any worse than regular soda with extra caffeine. People in this thread are completely retarded. Momscience everywhere with no actual support

>> No.6600961

>people on ck actually defend fast food and energy drinks
Kill urself my man

>> No.6600967

i drink 1-2 every day because i crave caffeine and it is far too hot to drink coffee right now. whatever is on sale, really. they all taste subpar for the most part, but they get the job done.

>> No.6600975

You can just take caffeine pills and b-complex and achieve the same affect, and it's way cheaper.

The taste doesn't bother me (I like the absurd sugar bomb taste). The smell, though, is atrocious. Someone can open one of those up in the next room and you can smell it. That's truly disgusting.

>> No.6600981

I took a preworkout for the first time the other day

made my skin tingle and get really hot, I felt very focused, then almost shit my pants. when I came down off it I had a hangover like I just smoked a bunch of crack

>> No.6600982

>it is far too hot to drink coffee right now
How old are you?

>> No.6600983


Fuck off already

>> No.6600996
File: 2.28 MB, 4512x3456, IMG_1183.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always get bad headaches every Monday and Wednesday so I drink energy drinks on those days.

Pic related is one of my favorites. I love coffee+energy drinks. The blue one is okay.

>> No.6600997
File: 637 KB, 1210x583, starbucks-doubleshot-energy-coffee-mocha-vanilla-light-white-chocolate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are also great.

>> No.6601038

24. i actually really enjoy coffee, but the last thing i want to do is drink a steaming hot beverage and then venture out into the 90+ degree world first thing in the morning.

>> No.6601063

caffeine gives me the shits.

>> No.6601084

What I think is insane is that it is a whole product category that did not exist when most of us were kids. When I was in college it was Red Bull and Bawls (and those were only just coming to flyoverland) and that was _it_ - now there's four whole floor to ceiling fridges full of them at every gas station, two of which are Monster alone.

>> No.6601091

maybe to compensate for cigarettes.

>> No.6601112

Red Bull is the only one that I like, and I fucking love it. 'Metallic' is a very underrepresented flavour.

>> No.6601241

Get one of the vanilla ones pretty much every morning between classes when I'm on campus, they're pretty tasty, occasionally I'll do redbull and shitty gin or vodka with my room mate if thats all we have around that weekend

>> No.6601245

I only drink redbulls but they're known for giving people the shits. Although the new flavors seem to not do it as much.

>> No.6601250

Those things give me fucking instant diarrhea but they taste so fucking good.

>> No.6601468

I like NoS.

There also used to be Sobe Adrenaline that was good.

>> No.6601475

Literally half the threads on this board are devoted to fast food

>> No.6601481

I used to drink a Full Throttle every day for many months at a time. I've had multiple instances in my life where I've done this, at least three. I seriously used to slam them, though never more than one a day, and I wouldn't always finish them. Eventually I got used to the caffeine, but what really drew me to them was the taste. God damn, they're awesome. I have no doubt they're shockingly unhealthy and I probably shaved off some time from my overall lifespan by drinking them so ardently, but...that taste, though.

>> No.6601502

I usually go through 6+ cans of monster a day, is this bad for me?

>> No.6601510

i think ur dead man

>> No.6601520

Hella bad yo-
Like, caffeine is bad enough, and you probably already have heart disease coming your way, but most energy drinks (monster included) have taurine.
Very good for the intended effect, but chronic use makes your brain think it's got a shitton, and to compensate, it downregulates taurine production and ups its removal. Considering taurine levels are pretty fickle already, it's not exactly... Well.. U fukd.. Gu'n die bish

>> No.6601529

tasty and more convenient than coffee

caffeine is nice every now and then when you're having a rough day but anything beyond that sucks, withdrawal and cravings are really not neccessary

>> No.6601530

I only drink them rarely but they're pretty good as mixers and since it makes you less you can be drunk longer so you get more drunkness for your money.

>> No.6601551

Less tired*

>> No.6601603

Fucked up my liver...still drink them! Does that answer your question?

>> No.6601629
File: 156 KB, 658x1194, 88e0d068366596c791e07b45e89a9633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have this crazy built in immunity to caffiene, energy drinks or coffee have 0 effect on me. It's not even a built up tolerance, always been this way. So they don't really have any uses for me.

That said, i'll never turn down a can of pic related. Red Bull is disgusting though.

>> No.6601631

You're expecting too much. Caffeine isn't speed.

>> No.6601663

Disgustingly sweet poison with zero beneficial value.

>> No.6602046

Low-carb Monster is my spirit animal.

>> No.6602214

Do you have any idea what you're talking about ?

>> No.6602231

same way alcohol is bad for you, kidney filters out all the shit, high level of caffeine is bad for you.

It is, however, the one thing I know that bad for me that I drink regularly.

>> No.6602258

>same way alcohol is bad for you
alcohol is completely different
>kidney filters out all the shit
kidneys filter out all the shit from everything
>high level of caffeine is bad for you
if you have crazy high blood pressure? otherwise it's not

>> No.6602268

where did this "spirit animal" stuff come from? everywhere i go both irl and online im bumping into people gibbering about their spirit animal... this seems to be a recent thing.

i bet furries are invlved

>> No.6602273


I'll have an energy drink if I know I won't have time to make coffee in the am

But if i do have an energy drink it'll be either green monster or 16 oz red bull

>> No.6602275

i have a coffee and a cig everymoring to 'grease the runway' morning poos are best poos

>> No.6602277


Gooey stinky gut wrenching coffee and alcohol fueled morning shits are the best

>> No.6602539

Start my day with a SF Redbull!

>> No.6602544

Acid reflux in a can.

I much prefer coffee.

>> No.6602549


It is literally impossible for sugar to cause acid reflux, whereas an actual aid like coffee is much more likely to cause it

Not only are you lying, but your a huge retard trying to act smug and knowledgeable to anonymous internet users you will never meet

>> No.6602553

They contain more than just sugar, son.