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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6599103 No.6599103 [Reply] [Original]

What does see-kay think of this movie?

>> No.6599126

Makes the point but is a bit self-indulgent in how it goes about it.

>> No.6599134

Entertaining but statistically shaky. See Fat Head for a good counterpoint.

>> No.6599141

People moan about how silly stuffing your face then acting all surprised when you throw up all over yourself is a, but really that's just a hook. The film's really about corporate exploitation of America's obesity crisis, and to a lesser extent people's ignorance about their own diets.

Also some people who think documentaries = news get confused by it, but they're just idiots.

In a completely coincidental act I am just about to ride my bike to McDonald's.

>> No.6599639

Morgan Spurlock makes a strawman logical fallacy for 2 hours.

>> No.6599649

Very informative. Who would have guessed McDonald's is unhealthy?

>> No.6599654

only he doesn't. Not in the slightest.
You show me one logical fallacy that he asserts?

>> No.6599657

morgan spurlock is a fucking retarded knob and by all rights should have been the next jeff foxworthy or larry the cable guy rather than someone that the public actually takes seriously

>> No.6599676

Morgan Spurcock is a sham artist. He claimed to eat 5000 calories a day of McDonald's food which is impossible unless he ate like 10 Big Macs with fries and cokes a day, which is no where near the "average" consumption. He also refused to show his food logs.

>> No.6599683

He actually kind of looks like those two guys put together.

>> No.6599695

remember that old lady who put a hot cup of coffee with no lid between her legs and ended up getting burned?

he's her, plus tumblr social justice warrior DNA mixed in

>> No.6599707
File: 44 KB, 378x395, McFatty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does it feel being wrong all the time?
Research before posting tends to make you not look like an asshole.
I bet you're the sort of hopeless junk food addict who tries to justify their over consumption.
>beetus and die fatty.

>> No.6599713

the point is that no normal human being could or would eat five of those in a single day, numbnuts

>> No.6599714

Movie is kind of bullshit but I had to pause it midway through to go grab some food from McDonalds. Even though he's putting them in a bad light, it's like a 90 minute commercial.

>> No.6599718

>unless he ate like 10 Big Macs with fries and cokes a day,
That would be over 10,000 calories.

>> No.6599719
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>no onions

>> No.6599723

Way to prove your incompetence, fuckbundle.

Three of those meals (Spurlock ate 3 square meals a day) is still only just under 3400 calories. A typical McDonald's breakfast doesn't come close to 1000 calories either.

>> No.6599725

fat head was shit and full of pseudoscience

>> No.6599749


>> No.6599785

Morgan Spurlock go away

>> No.6599845

>Let me ignore the actual argument and instead make up a new one which doesn't even make sense and attack that with more things that don't make sense.

>> No.6599850

Reddit, just go.

>> No.6599854

Why did you feel the need to mention that, when literally no one was talking about fat head and the thread is about Super Size Me?

Why do you feel the need to complain about something that wasn't even mentioned? You wouldn't go to a steak thread and say "Salmon is better than Cod"

>> No.6600163

the only thing this "documentary" consistently does to me is make me really really crave a big mac

>> No.6600199

That's because you lack self discipline my American friend.

>> No.6600561

>Fat Head


>> No.6600564
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> being a fat yuropoor

>> No.6600578

You are right, I wouldn't say that, becuase salmon is shit-tier.

>> No.6600591

not that guy and not backing up the fallacy claim but he refuses to share his data on his diet during that time and scientists have tried and failed to repeat his claims. So theres that.

>> No.6600610

he has refused to produce his diet log. you would think if he was making a movie about how food makes you sick he would want that information to be public.

in fact all we know is he got fat, ate mcdonalds, and allegedly nothing else.

why is he refusing to show people his diet log? because the numbers likely dont add up and will reflect him either eating more mcdonalds than he said he did, or other foods to try and put on as much weight as possible in 30 days

>> No.6600640

He was an idiot for making up arbitrary rules to eat as badly as possible.
>he didn't have to supersize it anytime they asked
>he could have eaten a salad or had diet soda
>he could have skipped meals if he wasn't hungry or didn't do much work or exercise that day
>he said he lost energy to exercise, which was just an excuse, most people wouldn't if they could get out of it

>> No.6600645


Lol go look at the pictures of her burns and tell me she didn't deserve the lawsuit. McDonalds fucked up bad but had the money to trick retards like you into being lifelong corporate bootlickers

>> No.6600649

if coffee scalding causes third degree burns it's way too hot, regardless if she had a lid on or not.

>> No.6600658
File: 8 KB, 217x250, 1376465751993.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/ck/ is actually defending fast food
Are you all overweight fucks? Holy shit

I thought /ck/ was supposed to be about making your own food at home and not defending companies that sell the most unhealthy food in the world.

Stop living off the dollar menu and make something you fat lazy idiots from /v/

>> No.6600694

i'd like to see his diet/routine/lifestyle before he got on this whole spiel

>> No.6600701

/ck/, like every board, is dedicated to being contrary for the sake of being contrary.

>> No.6600715

its just entertainment dont take the specifics so seriously. obviously eating mcdonalds everyday is bad for you

>> No.6600720


Food Inc. and Fed Up make all the same points but better and without the attention whoring gimmick.

>> No.6601002

>don't put hot cups of coffee between my legs and remove the lid
>corporate bootlicker
common sense

>> No.6601030

>people buy hot coffee
>coffee is hot
>they sue because they spill it on themselves

if you get into a car accident because you were driving too fast is it the car companies fault?
>they shouldnt have put such a powerful engine in the car!
you are the one that put your foot on the gas pedal. she is the one that took the lid off the coffee and crushed it between her legs

>> No.6601047

McDonalds was running a promotion at that time that their coffee was 10 degrees hotter than any local competitor.

>> No.6601056

and? there are coffee machines that brew coffee at even higher temperatures than what mcdonald's was serving it at. i haven't heard of any lawsuits with those.


>> No.6601057

Therefore it's safe to give out unsafe beverages?
Therefore she's meant to be aware of all promotions of all companies she purchases from?


>> No.6601264

>underage child who has no conception of how reality actually is
Just face it asshole, I'm not going to spend 3 hours preparing a meal, when I'm working 2 jobs just so I can survive, when I can spend 5 minutes to eat at mcdonalds.

>> No.6601292

>what is cooking in advance

I eat fast food too and I love it, but come on.

>> No.6601957

he ate breakfast, lunch, and dinner. and they were usually supersized. he would also order more than one number sometimes. mickey d's breakfast sandwiches are like 360cal a pop plus hashbrown plus OJ or whatever. then you take into account the parfaits, and other stuff he order along side his regular meals. maybe not consistently 5000 but i believe he got close a bunch. still way more than a normal person needs, plus he wasnt doing anything active, he was doing the minimum amount of walking per day and shit. so add the calories he would normally lose in a day to that total as well. i know for mcdonalds thats not fair but for arguments sake against fatties that need to move sometimes its valid. my opinion of the movie has always been this though, "uhhh yeah we fucking know its bad for us." but then again a lot of people in the south probably dont know. plus you got people living in food deserts. idk, theres a lot of fucked up shit in this country and it wont change ever. no matter how much we think the government is in control, the dollar rules all. theres a reason the president has a somewhat secret meeting with the richest/most powerful people in the country. its not even like they have evil agendas. they are just happy making as much money as possible so long as they can get away with it. i was shocked when all the bans on cigarettes happened. i truthfully didnt think itd ever happen

>> No.6601986

only 9 out of his 90 meals were supersized.

>> No.6601997

is that true?

ok well i didnt know that, i guess he cherry picked hard in that documentary then cause they mustve used every clip then.

>> No.6602003

>the most unhealthy food in the world.

Given how the majority of the world still buys food from street vendors that deep fry insects in lard you can fuck right off.

>> No.6602007
File: 101 KB, 566x216, yikes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

true dat. plus if i were to go food chain id say outback steakhouse probs.

either that or one of the "super fun time bar food" places (ie applebess, tgif's)

>> No.6602013


Deep fried insects in lard might sound gross, but at least it's freshly prepared.

The problem with most fast food is that it's not fresh. It's loaded with preservatives and cooked in factory weeks before it is re-heated and served.

Given the choice I'll take the mystery-meat-on-a-stick from a street vendor any day .

>> No.6602016

the issue with that case was that the coffee was so hot it caused third degree burns within seconds of skin contact.

the reason you think the court system is broken is because you're an idiot and mcdonalds wants you to think it's broken so they can recraft it to their liking

pls research your anecdotes in the future

>> No.6602017
File: 28 KB, 500x289, dysentery..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6602020

travel channel parrot, pls go

>> No.6602028

preservatives don't make you fat
eating too much does

>> No.6602034


I never said anything about being fat anon. I agree 100% that eating too much is what makes you fat, not preservatives.

But unnecessary chemical additives are unhealthy in other ways, and the food just plain tastes bad in comparison to freshly prepared.

Nah, nothing's gonna survive the heat of the frying oil.

>> No.6602073

>But unnecessary chemical additives are unhealthy in other ways
All those feels

>> No.6602078

McDonalds coffee case was hilarious
>Boiling water has a temp of 90-100C depending on how close you are to the sea
>Coffee can get hotter than 100C before boiling
>Coffee contains slightly more energy per C
>McDonalds actually served her boiling coffee(!) as opposed to boiling water used to make coffee
>That fucking McD container for the coffee

Brewing != Storage
Brewing means you get boiling water, and it only gets so so hot
Storing boiling coffee means you are storing something that boils at a higher temp than water

>> No.6602392

Also the multi million dollar payout wasn't that unreasonable. It was based upon mcdonalds sales of coffee, over the course of a single day.

>> No.6602898
File: 51 KB, 720x800, 7 wife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh i heard she just asked for enough money too pay her medical bills, but maybe I was mistaken.

>> No.6602906

Makes me wanna eat a big mac tbqh

>tfw haven't had mcd's in at least 5 years

>> No.6602921

>vomits after eating first super sized meal
>cant stomach a single meal with meat in it
>lies about all his statistics
>proven wrong by scientific community
>all statistics they made up have no actual records to back up their claims

>> No.6602964

>not getting a double double plain with medium fries.

God tier night game from dons. Does anyone actually very big macs and shit?

>> No.6603055

But Morgan spurlock is le evil liberal and everything he does is wrong xD

>> No.6603058

>You show me one logical fallacy that he asserts?

"To give you an idea of how this food breaks down in your body, I'm just going to put it in some jars to show you how it breaks down on its own...." I'm not sure if this is technically a straw man argument, but the whole experiment is deceptive bullshit. Putting food in a jar is nothing like what happens to food in your stomach. And McDonald's french fries behaved just like any other small-cut french fries. They didn't grow mold because they of low moisture content and being fried with oil and salt.

It's been too long since I've seen it to remember the other details, but my impression was that it was full of silly gimmicks like that. Eating McD's is crap for you, no doubt, but he spouted a lot of BS because just saying "this has a shit-ton of calories from sugar and fat, and if you ate enough of it you'd gain weight" wouldn't fill an hour and forty minutes.