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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 83 KB, 798x600, burger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6598560 No.6598560 [Reply] [Original]

Okay /k/, serious question. Should you let your burger rest before eating it? Is it wrong to cut your burger in half? I remember watching a show about a joint with a particular burger they serve, and you are NOT allowed to cut it in half. Can't remember the place unfortunately, sorry.

Anyway, my friends brother has his a degree in CA, big fucking whoop, and he said there is no point to not cutting a burger in half, and that the chef was a retard. He also said you need to let your burger rest. I think he is full of shit, and he doesn't own a place of his own and I doubt it would be successful.

So I come to you for enlightenment, should you ever cut your burger in half? I hear it's better to leave it whole so you get all the juices and shit.
>inb4 the bun is there to suck up the juices

Soggy buns are fucking gross.
Enlighten me /k/

>> No.6598563

I kind of think you're over-thinking it, but I'm sure there will be a bunch of idiots here in record time to debate the finer points of burgery with you.

>> No.6598565

Just eat the burger how you want to holy shit.

>> No.6598567

Okay thank you sir.

>> No.6598568
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I'm going to cut my burger in half, I don't give a shit. Sometimes there's a knife sticking in it when it's given to me so I feel obliged to do so anyways.

Plus if it's too big to fit into a mouth, even a mouth that loves huge dicks in it, I'm going to disassemble it.

I don't see the appeal or point of burgers that are so big that you're going to have to take it apart to eat anyways. Simple rule: if you actually have to pierce it to keep it together, it's too fucking big.

>> No.6598573

Should you let your burger rest though? I thought you only let steak rest.

>> No.6598593

I would imagine that by the time the burger actually gets to your table it would have rested up enough.

I can see both sides to this but since it's ground meat I don't know if it matters.

>> No.6598597

I guess you'll just have to run a test and get back to us. Try the same burger with and without resting.

>> No.6598610

So, are you guys basically confirming that he was full of shit? Or do you not know anything either?

>> No.6598618

/ck/ doesn't really know. However, a ground meat vs. a whole piece... well, they probably would not act exactly the same way. Letting a steak, piece of chicken, whatever rest is important. No one here is coming on an saying letting a hamburger rest is important. I would say it might help a little bit, but it would need far less resting time and have less of an impact overall.

>> No.6598634

Well shit...... I fucking knew that fucker didn't know shit about proper burger etiquette.

>> No.6598635

>burger etiquette

Are you fucking kidding me?

>> No.6598651

No I am not fucking kidding you.

>> No.6598660

Then you should feel ashamed. Whatever you like is what is good, it's not like burgers are an acquired taste.

I like them all cut in half (usually big batches for a crowd) because they get eaten more, and you always can go for another half instead of a whole burger. You don't lose anyting by cutting it in half.

>> No.6598668

you should let it rest for a few minutes so all of the juices don't run out when you take your first bite.

i prefer burgers cut in half because the corners give a good starting point to bite at.

>> No.6598671

I'll eat my hamburger whichever fucking way I want.
>I like to cut mine in half and they can fuck right off

>> No.6598680


So you do you guys think the chef has any basis at all for not allowing you to cut the burger in half?

>> No.6598683

I don't give a fuck what kind or where I'm eating a burger, I'll cut it in half so it doesn't fall apart and so I don't look like a piggy trying to eat it.

>> No.6598691

Probably some obnoxious snob asshole with his ass up his ass. What are they going to do? Throw you out of the restaurant because you cut your burger in half?

>> No.6599105

i never really cut my burger in half, if I knew of a place that forbid it, I would go there and order the burger and cut it in half as obnoxiously as possible just because I am an edgy rebel.

i usually let my burgers rest a few minutes to let the cheese melt more and to cut down on the soggy bun

>> No.6599112

>Okay /k/, serious question. Should you let your burger rest before eating it? Is it wrong to cut your burger in half?
why are you asking /k/? do you want to cut down on the chances of getting shot at in your favorite burger restaurant?

>> No.6599143

I cut my hamburgers in half laterally

>> No.6599145

>you can't cut it in half
>you should let it rest
objectively true with any kind of meat that you cook on very high heat. If you don't let it rest, the excited water will just pour out.

>> No.6599146

I let them rest before they go on the bun so it doesn't end up all watery, I enjoy my burgers quite rare.

No butter won't fix how much juice are left in my burgers.

>> No.6599150
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A few years ago in Germany I noticed people cutting their burgers in half. I thought it was weird but I guess if anyone knows about "hamburger etiquette" then it would be the Germans.

>> No.6599354

i've never heard of this. seems weird when some places serve you the burger with a steak knife, as if i'm not supposed to use it...?

the only food you are not supposed to cut is pasta, namely spaghetti and other longer varieties.

>> No.6599370

>Be from Europe
>Go over to my American friends house for dinner after school
>His mum serves up hamburgers they look so good
>Start taking apart the burger, making a salad out of the vegetables, cutting the meat into strips, cutting the bread into slices
>Look up at my friend
>His just shoved the whole thing into his mouth
>literally just eating it all together
>took a bite right out of the middle like some retarded starving kid
>never went back to his house

Americans really eat all that junk together? they've completely missed the point of a burger.

>> No.6599389

im laughing so hard right now. how do you even come up with this shit?

>> No.6599393

In Sweden it's common to eat the burger with your fork and knife. In fact, in some areas (especially up north) this is the norm.
McDonalds were outcompeted in a city by a local chain (Max Hamburgare) because McD's didn't give people forks & knives for their burgers, while Max did.

>> No.6599394
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Why should two people represent a whole nation? These type of posts are so fucking ridiculous.

To answer your question (albeit obvious bait), NO.

>> No.6599407

So you are saying that Americans really do eat all that crap together at once?

>> No.6599413

>To answer your question (albeit obvious bait), NO.

>> No.6599415

I think that was you who confused burger with a meat salad.

>> No.6599418

So Americans don't eat it all together, they disect their burgers as well? I'm confused.

>> No.6599419

thats how a hamburger works, you dipshit. its a type of sandwich. you dont disassemble a sandwich and eat the components separately. how its handed to you is how you eat it.

>> No.6599422

Jesus Christ. Fucking savages.

>> No.6599424


>>taking a troll post this seriously

>> No.6599425

>the excited water will just pour out.
how can water be excited?
what you wrote makes no sense

>> No.6599434
File: 44 KB, 500x294, bait oh right anons bait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6599440

>I was only pretending to be retarded

>> No.6599450

I would say you have to rest the meat before assembly of the burger so it loses uneeded juices so the buns dont get soggy, and that the sauces that you put in the burger doesnt melt out. Same goes for cuting it in half, i would advise not to do it so the sauce doesnt come out in the middle. But what ever you really want to do, if i had my own joint i wouldnt be serving it cut in half.

>> No.6599663

>NOT allowed to cut it in half

Fuck any restaurant that tells you what you can can't do with your food. Serving suggestions are fine, but if I'm paying for something I'm gonna eat it however the fuck I want. I've never even cut a burger in half before but I'd do it just because fogjfucjducirdv we shcdgf

>> No.6599704

>So you do you guys think the chef has any basis at all for not allowing you to cut the burger in half?
no, he's needs to tone down his 'tism.

>> No.6599706

>and you are NOT allowed to cut it in half.

I think I fucking paid for the fucking burger so I'm going to do whatever the fuck I want with MY fucking burger

what the fuck is this, europe?

>> No.6599794

Well, when it comes down to the resting of the burger, I suppose that it depends completely on the quality of the burger. If it is ground a bit coarse, with plenty of hard fat, the patty definitely needs some resting. It's like a good steak, the collagen is broken down in the cooking process and turns into gelatin, which binds water. In order for the gelatin to bind the liquid from the meat, it needs some time to set slightly. In a shitty, dry burger with no particular fat or collagen content there would be no need to rest it.

I do not see the problem with cutting the burger in half, seen from a gastronomical perspective. Again, it's just like a steak, as long as the meat is rested properly, most of the juices should stay in the product. Personally I don't cut my burger, because I see every burger as a test of my manhood. Can I eat it without making a mess? Are my burger eating tactics up to date?

>> No.6600321
File: 1017 KB, 2688x1520, IMAG0205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



I'm about to school you bitches. Take a wild guess of what my biggest pet peeve about eating burgers is. It's probably the same as yours

Give up? It's when the damn thing falls apart

Usually this can be chalked up to one single factor: a shitty bun/not enough form for the patty.

Either one can result in a single bite of a burger breaking it up into a million pieces

The solution?

A sesame seed bun isn't always the best bun to use.

I prefer using ciabatta. It's not too hard that the top of your mouth gets fucked up, and it's not too soft in that it absorbs all the juices of the patty and gets soggy

Pic related. This is the hands down best burger I've ever had, at a local place in the Western Suburbs of Chicago

>> No.6601516

I worked as a linecook at a pub that specialized in burgers.
The only people who would send their burgers back to the kitchen to be cut in half were women.
Do you eat a hotdog with a knife and fork?
Women and Children are the only ones who have an excuse to cut a burger in half.
You're all pathetic.

>> No.6601586

if juicyness is goal

>let rest
>don't cut in half if reasonable sized burga
>cut in half if very big much topping burga

>> No.6601623

Bong detected
>bongs knowing about burgers
Kill yourself, you pretentious faggot. The only ones who care about what other people do to their food are women.

>> No.6601654

The irony of this post is palpable, but clappyfats never really got irony.

>> No.6601669

>The only people who would send their burgers back to the kitchen to be cut in half were women
>sending back food to have it cut in half
I didn't know bongs had it so bad with knives, that only professional chefs were allowed to use one.

>> No.6601800

>I don't have a real, feasible reason to say you don't need your burger cut in half, so just let me appeal to muh masculinity cause I ain't no faggot

Shut up already, you're embarrassing yourself and future generations of you.

>> No.6601886

Not the anon you're replying to, but I work in a cafe and I have many a retard ask for their bagel or sandwich cut in half. Fucking ridiculous.

>> No.6601895

I'm German and nobody I know does that.

>> No.6601900

>I worked as a linecook at a pub
should of tried harder at school.

>> No.6602060

>burger ettiquette
really just fuck off

>> No.6602096

>"not allowed"
If I fucking order and pay for food, it's mine, and if I want to take a steaming shit in the middle of the plate, I will. No self-righteous cunt is going to tell me what I "can't" do with my food. There are some pretty disgusting things you can do to ruin the integrity of a dish, but I'm pretty fucking sure cutting it to make it more manageable to handle and consume isn't one.

>> No.6602124
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>> No.6602133
File: 10 KB, 251x200, DBBistroBurger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anyway, my friends brother has his a degree in CA, big fucking whoop, and he said there is no point to not cutting a burger in half, and that the chef was a retard.
Tell that to Daniel Boulud (pic related).

>> No.6602338

I wouldnt say its common to eat a burger with fork and knife in Sweden. Not even at the local korvmojs do I get fork and knifes when ordering a burger. Instead I get those paper wraps that makes it easier to eat the burger with your hands.

>> No.6602739

the burger looks shit

its falling over, its too big, just cause some famous ass fuck frenchie made it doesnt make it right

>> No.6602766

jellz poorfagg

Lemme guess... Wait wait this is gonna be good...

You can make it just as good at home, RIGHT??

>> No.6602777

At first I thought you were actually going to post a reason to why you shouldn't cut it in half. Shame

>> No.6602796

Not who you are responding to but if I knew what was in it then I definitely could, looks like a meatloaf on a sandwich.

>lol only chefs can use quality ingedientz, burger is worth $100

>> No.6602819

im sure it tastes fine....but its too big(looks impractivcal to eat), and the foie and truffles seem like needless luxary....its just bells and whistles that let you charge 100 $ for a fucking burger....ive paid decent money for burgers made with nice meat, cool toppings, and house made sauces.....but im not gonna drom a 100 dollars for this burger, its a joke, just the the 5000 dollar hamber hubert keller serves or served

>> No.6602828

>Daniel Boulud

literally who? that burger looks like shit

>> No.6603233

Are you okay, anon? What the fuck happened to the end of your post?

>> No.6603243

>I'm a dumb fuck who worked in a pub
>blablabla thus I'm more of a man than you
Jesus christ how embarassing

>> No.6604221
File: 172 KB, 788x563, pervasive autism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't have to let it rest if you order it at a restaurant. It's rested plenty by the time it's gotten to your plate.

Cutting a burger in half won't affect the flavor, but it's a bit like eating pizza with a knife and fork - you just look like a dickhead.

>> No.6604269

A dick would have to be pretty big to even approach the circumference of a small burger.

You're sucking off humans right?

>> No.6604956

who the fuck eats a burger sideways you moron

>> No.6605172

If that fuckin burger is too big and sloppy to fit comfortably in my hands or mouth, then it's getting cut in half.


>> No.6605201

When a hamburger is too tall to fit in your mouth I'm not sure that cutting helps it. It stays as tall and un-compressable as before, you can of course fit a corner of it in your mouth but then you're kind of eating it vertically rather than horizontally so it's weird.

Basically hamburgers that don't fit in your mouth should not be made.

>> No.6605212

Here's what I do when I get a burger that's insultingly big. I just drop a couple napkins on the burger, put it on my chair, give it a quick sit, then eat. Flattens it enough to fit in your mouth without totally squishing it. It's worked 100% of the time.

>> No.6605217


That's what I was getting at. I'll corner that bitch if I have to.


>> No.6605241


I laughed for a solid two minutes at this, just imagining someone chomping through the top of a bun and in to the lettuce/tomato before ever getting to the meaty goodness and they are just covered in condiments.

>> No.6605291

Any meat that you sear will seal itself from the outside, even if it's ground meat; and that outside layer will help retain a lot of water inside, resting allows the meat to be able to retain some of those juices and also the juices themselves gel up. Thus you should always let any meat rest after any dry cooking methods, specially seared meats.

>> No.6605317


Jesus fucking Christ. I could barely finish.

>> No.6605386

>Some anon tries to entertain with their vertical while adding some phrases/memes(whatever) that were relevant in 4chan back then when it was made

Honestly, grow up guys.

>> No.6605395

>fallout 3 on console
the worst part of the whole thing

>> No.6605570

fuckin genius

>> No.6605588

Maybe you should *have* tried harder at school yourself, anon.

>> No.6605638
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>> No.6605664
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>> No.6605697

Yeah, its only in the norhern part where its more common to eat with a fork and knife than with your hands.

Source: Lived in both Stockholm and Umeå.

>> No.6605710

flipping the burger is obvious
its even fucking more comfortable for your hands to pick it up then flip it, unless you have t-rex length manlet arms