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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6596570 No.6596570 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: how you cook rice in a ricecooker

how do you season the rice?
white or brown?
what measurements?
how long?
do you do anything with the rice before you start to cook it? etc.

>> No.6596573

OP here.

im austrailian, but ill do the measurements how you americans prefer it.

>1 cup white rice
>2 cups water
>itll take 10-15minutes

taste good but its clumped up. my mum says to also put a pinch of salt but i rather not.

>> No.6596581

>how do you season the rice?
>white or brown?
White jasmine or white glutinous.
>what measurements?
3 cups/600g of rice to 350ml/1½ cups water
>how long?
12 minutes plus 10 minute cool-down while the the cooker depressurises.
>do you do anything with the rice before you start to cook it? etc.
Wash it, like God intended.

>im austrailian, but ill do the measurements how you americans prefer it.
Us Europeans use cups, too. Just our cups are 250ml while US cups are 237ml

>1 cup white rice
>2 cups water
Oh. I love sogrice.

>itll take 10-15minutes
Delicious, delicious sogrice.

>taste good but its clumped up. my mum says to also put a pinch of salt but i rather not.
>still living with mummum and dada

>> No.6596585


oh look you have a shitty attitude, strong opinions, a superiority complex, and no idea how to cook rice

thanks ck

>> No.6596588

>no idea how to cook rice
Says the guy making gummy rice and still lives with his mummy. :3

>> No.6596591

>ITT: how you cook rice in a ricecooker
>how do you season the rice?
>white or brown?
>what measurements?
3:1 ratio of white: brown
1:1 ratio of water: rice
>how long?
About 40-50 minutes
>do you do anything with the rice before you start to cook it? etc.
Clean, microwave brown rice with water in a bowl for around 3 minutes before adding to white rice and popping it into the rice cooker

>> No.6596603

I put some rice and water into the pot and then I turn it on.

>> No.6596611

Do you do a seductive dance of just talk dirty?

>> No.6596615

you dont have to be condescending about it you know. just because everyone talks down to you doesnt mean you have to do it to other people on the internet.

>> No.6596618

>waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!! strangers are mean on the internet!!!

>> No.6596620

he wasnt op, shitcunt. im at uni so im staying with my dear mummy to save move.

yummy rice* ftfy

>> No.6596628
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>> No.6596634

fooking hell, i meant money. to save money.

does rice always take 30 mins+ or is that only when cooking it traditionally?

>> No.6596654
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can never quite believe people need an appliance just to cook rice

>> No.6596665

It takes so long because you're using too much water and cooking sogrice.

>> No.6596670

can never quite believe people need an appliance just to make toast

>> No.6596672

How else would you make it? In an oven? That's a huge waste of power.

>> No.6596678

electric kettle: normal
electric toaster: normal
electric rice cooker: weird

>> No.6596681


>> No.6596691


>> No.6596696

i tried cooking rice "normally" and it always came out fucked up :(

literally everything else ive made comes out near perfect.

>> No.6596723

rice is literally one of the easiest things in the world to cook you spastic

>> No.6596727
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>this thread

>> No.6596730

So I make this jasmine rice in my rice cooker, and no matter how many times I wash it it always comes out sticky. How do I fix this?

>> No.6596732

I just put the rice and water in 1:2 proportions, throw some turmeric and salt in it and turn it on.
I've got one of those cookers than have a "cook until it's out of water" mode.

>> No.6596734

>wash clear
>get water ratio right after maybe 3 tries
>leave covered 5 minutes after it is cooked
>leave to steam off 2 minutes
>take a carving fork to it and fluff it up
perfect every time

>> No.6596736

Vietnamese here, we use this everyday. Before you cook the rice, wash it with water first at least twice. Then water should be around 1cm shallower than the rice. AND DON'T FUCKING THINK ABOUT SEASONING IT. Push the button then let the cooker do the work for you

>> No.6596739

Why not, pray tell?

>> No.6596744

what does salt do to it gookyman?

>> No.6596750
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It varies. That's why they put instructions on the bags of rice.

Season your rice if you find it is bland for whatever reason. Fat (and optionally toasting it in fat) helps a bit with clumping.

Your cooker will figure out how long for you. When all the water is gone, it's done and you can let it steam for a bit or whatever.

Don't wash your rice unless you imported it from some dirty cave in bangladesh.

>> No.6596751

Try sauteing the rice before cooking it

>> No.6596756


das gud

>> No.6596764

>Don't wash your rice unless you imported it from some dirty cave in bangladesh.
Wash the rice until the water is nearly clear. Every time.

>> No.6596772

Half of the conflicts stem from cultural preferences in rice.

Going from observations specifically in Australia. A lot of white people prefer dry rice that falls apart for some reasons because they'll be eating it with a fork or spoon anyway. Whereas the asians (of pretty much all varieties) prefer something that somewhat stays together (also applies to various rice, jasmine and koshihikari alike) so it can be picked up with chopsticks.

>> No.6596773

You're just wasting time. And water.

>> No.6596796

I'm from Japan; we have no-wash-rice here. It's called Musenmai and the rice doesn't need to be washed. Saves time, water and does not pollute the environment.

>> No.6596797

I forgot to say that it's usually slightly more expensive than regular rice.

>> No.6596812

Cooked rice already has a mild sweet flavor to it, why ruined it with salt? When you eat white rice with foods, the rice absorb the flavor of the foods and make a balanced feel in your mouth. If you want to make some rice dish like risotto then season it after you cooked it.

>> No.6596818
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>Cooked rice already has a mild sweet flavor to it, why ruined it with salt?

>> No.6596845


You're either a pretentious weeb or you really must hate yourself.

>> No.6596847

>needing a rice cooker
amazed at how shit you all must be at cooking

>> No.6596860

I put saizon goya and chicken bouillon in my rice.

>> No.6596890

Needing? Sometimes people just want things. Are you so impoverished? I guess not, I mean, if you were you'd be sitting in a café, right now, reading the newspaper and talking to your buddies about cooking, but here you are on the Internet, making use of this technological marvel, to tell other people how inept they are for letting a machine cook and keep their rice warm while they prepare the rest of their meal.

Amazing, truly.

>> No.6596898
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I usually just cook plain rice in a pot, then fold it into sauce like pasta. Sauce can be any from simple aglio oilo e peperoncino to something asian-tier like choped pork with star anise, freshly grated ginger, chili and soy sauce.
Aslo here in Russia we dont have ricecookers, only multicookers, which have multiple programs for rice, porridges, slowcooking meats etc.

>> No.6596920
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>Are you so impoverished? I guess not, I mean, if you were you'd be sitting in a café, right now, reading the newspaper and talking to your buddies about cooking, but here you are on the Internet, making use of this technological marvel, to tell other people how inept they are for letting a machine cook and keep their rice warm while they prepare the rest of their meal.
>Amazing, truly.

>> No.6596994

No one needs an appliance to make rice. But if you make rice often it's useful. Particularly when cooking dishes that go with rice and require your full attention, such as those cooked in a very hot wok, where 30 seconds of distraction can fuck up a dish.

It's a nice little luxury to have the rice cook itself while you're doing prep,then shut itself off automatically when your full attention is on a 400+ degree wok.

>> No.6596999
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>my rice cooker
wash rice
put however much i want in
purified water filled to ~2cm above rice level (i never do any measuring, haven't needed to)
>my gf's rice steamer
she has a steamer which you have to pour water in the basin and then place a platform and bowl that go inside, but i use the same formula (~2cm water above rice). you can steam multiple things at once so we can make a little dim sum for lunch if we wanted. pic related, shit's nice

>> No.6597047
File: 193 KB, 681x440, perfect.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I made short grained rice with a $2 wal-mart pot with an ill fitting lid on a piece of shit college dorm stove
>came out perfect
>sprinkled some furikake in it while I fluffed it up
>eating a bowl right now

Basmati can fuck right off this is the shit.

>> No.6597057


You don't need to use fat if you actually wash the fucking rice. You're not removing "dirt", you're removing surface starch.

>> No.6597065

Do you really use 3 cups rice and 1.5 cups water for jasmine? Ive been using a one to one ratio for it?

>> No.6597080

pressure cooker rice is good. I cook it in an open bowl on a trivet, inside the pressure cooker.

>> No.6597093

I do indeed. No special tricks or gimmicks, either. Just wash the rice, put it in the rice cooker with the water, level it off, close the lid and set it to cook for 12 minutes and wait for it to depressurise. That's it. Makes 5 servings.

>> No.6597109

I just cook it in the fasta pasta and eat it
fuck's sake it's not hard

>> No.6597235

i can either cook a single serving or cook for a fucking crowd. its convenient, you twat.