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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6596191 No.6596191 [Reply] [Original]

What does it mean to eat healthy?

>> No.6596195
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Limit sugar, fats, salts and meat. Don't eat bread or drink soda.

>> No.6596198

Don't avoidbread. That guy is a retard.

>> No.6596202

To eat healthy just don't eat shitty. Avoid fast food and soda and that's a step in the right direction.

If you want to go another step learn how to cook and avoid processed foods.

>> No.6596205

To eat a mostly plant based diet of minimally processed whole foods with lots of fruits and vegetables.

>> No.6596211

It is to maximise nutrient uptake while limiting excess fat storage and carcinogens.

Avoid bread, unless you're poor enough to need such cheap filler. >>6596198 doesn't know what he's talking about.

>> No.6596214

avoid trans fat, products with added sugar, and processed and/or refined grain products

eat green vegetables. so yes, leaves.

that's my standard

>> No.6596219

nothing wrong with whole grain bread you double nigger

>> No.6596246

adding bran back in doesn't mitigate the negative effects of white flour as much as the FDA would have us believe

>> No.6596247

It means to be a woman or a fag.

>> No.6596250

Autist, shh.

Poor too I bet.

>> No.6596379

pay attention to calories, macros and micros

>> No.6596480

also cook with oil (grapeseed oil preferred) instead of butter

>> No.6596488

It means to pretend you'll live forever if you just eat enough lettuce.

>> No.6596495

To never forget activating your almonds

>> No.6596520

Know what your body needs and why. Then eat accordingly.

>> No.6596537


Healthy eating may be best achieved with a plant-based diet, which we define as a regimen that encourages whole, plant-based foods and discourages meats, dairy products, and eggs as well as all refined and processed foods.

>> No.6596556

avoid meat and animal by products.
Fruit, whole grains, legumes and vegetables will provide all the nutrition one could want.
Drink only water or fruit and vegetable juice.

>> No.6596557

>Straight in with shitty retarded advice with no basis in science at all.

Well done.

A balanced diet where the calorific intake is at or just above the amount you need to suit your daily work & lifestyle. It's as simple as that.

>> No.6596561

>calorific intake
But food is much more than mere calories, anon. There are vitamins and minerals to consider. As well as carbohydrates and many other nutrients.

>> No.6596564

Yes, which is why I said "A balanced diet" right at the start.

Thanks for the violent agreement though.

>> No.6596623

>Individuals who follow a plant-based diet that includes no animal products may be vulnerable to B12 deficiency40 and need to supplement their diet with vitamin B12 or foods fortified with vitamin B12.41

>follow plant based diet

>> No.6596657
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>dumbass has no idea what he's talking about
>forgets oat bread
>proper grain bread
>proper rye bread
>proper whole wheat bread
>forgets actual bread in general
Hey dumbass, try eating a real loaf of actual, homemade bread.

>> No.6596671


>Oddly, the researchers found no association between plasma B12 levels and meat, poultry, and fish intake, even though these foods supply the bulk of B12 in the diet. “It’s not because people aren’t eating enough meat,” Tucker said. “The vitamin isn’t getting absorbed.”

>eat animal products

>> No.6596683

So B12 doesn't come from plants, and it doesn't come from meat & fish?

I'm not sure I trust these researchers.

>> No.6596699

It comes from bacteria. Modern sanitation practices make it hard to get, so it's advised to supplement.

>> No.6596705

Lots of veggies. Home cooked meals from scratch. Small portions. Don't stress too much, don't smoke, don't drink too much.

Bear in mind that you're not going to eat veggies if they taste like shit. With this in mind, it's better to make a delicious vegetable based dish cooked in bacon fat, rather than pretending that you will live off salad and then binge eating cheeseburgers when nobody is looking.

>> No.6596720

How much of this is going in the sticky?

>> No.6596725

[sticky] Welcome to /ck/. Eat shit and die. [/sticky]

>> No.6596728

Mostly plants.
Not too much.
Buy local
Make sure your animal fare is treated with kindness and respect.
Spend a few minutes each morning pondering the plight of the native American

>> No.6596762

>How much of this is going in the sticky?
None of it because we're not ever going to have a sticky. Fuck, /ck/ has been talking up a sticky since the fucking dawn of moot but no one here can agree on a single fucking thing, so there's no reason to have one.

>> No.6596765



>> No.6596778

To prioritize the consumption of all essential nutrients and avoid caloric excess.

>> No.6596781

Apparently it's already being written and is nearing completion.

>> No.6596783

And no one's going to agree with it, and the fag that wrote it is gonna post it to some shitty wiki and will try to shill it here for a year or so.

This has happened before.

>> No.6596785

Word is that it's a joint collaboration with different people writing about their specific area of knowledge. It's going to be a great big tldr one.

>> No.6596786


I fucking hate summer.

>> No.6596813

learn your menes, kid......

>> No.6596827
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The ironing!

>> No.6596960
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>> No.6596974
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As much protein as possible, high fiber if possible, as much nutrients as possible.

Keep sodium in control.

That's everything.

>muh carbs

don't matter unless you're some piece of shit with bad genetics.

>> No.6598797

Is hot sauce healthy?

>> No.6598829
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The fucking creator of this site, you total dumbfuck. If you don't know that you might as well leave now

>> No.6598837

There's literally nothing wrong with "processed" foods you retard. Cooking itself is all about processing food.

>> No.6598848

The opposite, except for the vegetables part. Vegetables are of course important.
No, it is sapiens that are addicted to grains.
Do some reading and you'll realise that homo sapiens is the inferior form of human. Neanderthal genes are what you want. Neanderthals were herding animals before homo sapiens even thought of it. Where did the gene to process lactose come from? Why, from raped neanderthals. The less malicious form of human The form of human that has been subsumed by centuries of sapiens aggression. The form of human that will exist beyond the upcoming nuclear war.

>> No.6598862


>> No.6598871

>hurr grey areas made my brain implode
the definition of "processed food" is fuzzy but it's a hell of a lot different from normal cooking. ingredients for processed food are developed in laboratories. you can't do it at home.

>> No.6598885

I want summer to end

>> No.6598986

Eating healthy means tearing the flesh off animals and eating that delicious protein.

>> No.6599193
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when you take type 4 shits all the time

i do

>> No.6599197

I've been here all summer anon.

>> No.6599279

Everything in moderation

redpill yourself on animal fats
whole grain
limit red meat but no need to avoid it completely
eat fish, preferably high in o3 like salmon
green vegetables
plenty of water, at least 2 litres a day
buy a juicer and make your own juice, free from added sugar
sweets, soda, chips etc obviously need to be avoided as much as possible
be picky about your dairy products, if possible buy milk that is produced by a local farmer

it's alright to have a really shitty meal every now and then too