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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 37 KB, 363x267, Screenshot MokBang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6594877 No.6594877 [Reply] [Original]

How does /ck/ feel about mukbang?

>> No.6594888

What is the appeal of this?

>> No.6594889

why does she look so fake?/

>> No.6594892

I was waiting for her to take off her shirt but she never did.

south korean

>> No.6594893
File: 70 KB, 500x331, pillow date.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i imagine ronery asian guys eat their own dinner while watching these.

it simulates dining with a girl.

>> No.6594897
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>> No.6594902
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>> No.6594912

...I am now probably going to eat my dinner with some Internet person.

>> No.6594925

this is really weird tbh

>> No.6594937

Every time she's posted I have to watch to see how much she eats.
She must have a black hole in her stomach to be able to eat that much.

>> No.6594941

For someone who gets paid for eating food in front of people she has no table manners.

>> No.6594947

Fucking slurping. I can't stand it bros

>> No.6594958

She's a gook.
Fucking sub-humans.....

>> No.6594982

I bet you wouldn't mind it if she was slobbering on your knob

>> No.6595018

Wew lad, this is a Christian board.

>> No.6595097

I like it. I think it's fun.

>> No.6595114


>> No.6595154

>stupid fuck plastic gooks pig out like degenerates then vomit off-camera

asian culture is truly subhuman

>> No.6595177

I'm on disability and live in a 450 sq. ft. apartment in the southern U.S.

I leave twice a month to get groceries and drop off my bills at the post office.

I like to eat while they eat.

Then I'll watch people play video games on twitch until I get tired.

Kill me.

>> No.6595187

Someone want to explain what she's eating?

Looks like instant noodles, a loaf of bread, some egg rolls(?), maybe kim chi and some stir fry? What's that thing that's split open like how you'd cut a mango?

>> No.6595227

Its in the description of the video.

>> No.6595230

Cuz she's asian and asians have no souls.

>> No.6595238

How is she not fat? She just ate like 2500 calories in one sitting.

>> No.6595239

I have a question: why does anybody care?

>> No.6595253
File: 28 KB, 330x270, 1431205850872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

14:25 a cute doggy pops up, kid has a nice weave on his mug.

>> No.6595264

:^) Exercise, silly

>> No.6595266

Yeah, exercising her pinkie finger down her throat.

>> No.6595268

that was a lot more than 2500 calories.

>> No.6595272

Post your address on /b/ and someone will probably come and kill you. They'll probably rape you too so fair warning

>> No.6595281

/b/ is a bunch of bitch ass 14 year olds. The most that'll happen is a bunch of pizzas will show up at your door

>> No.6595333

would love to get paid to eat tbh
if only i was a cute korean girl

>> No.6595393

Get lots of plastic surgery. I doubt you'd look any different.

>> No.6595399
File: 261 KB, 758x669, 1434015790969.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What pisses me off is whatever the fuck she's frying, her oil isn't hot enough. Holy shit, wait for a minute, woman. Your long eggroll ... things .... are gonna be soggy and greasy as FUCK. Smh.

>> No.6595410
File: 27 KB, 335x350, whaaambulance..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll call the whaaambluance for you if you want.

>> No.6595429


South Korea is filled with cute girls who are godless heathens.

>> No.6595431

You're gonna die young. Some video blogger pisses you off? Why watch it? Nobody is forcing you watch that shit.
Be careful or your head might explode.

>> No.6595465

What're the things she's frying? They're too long to be eggrolls.


>> No.6595477

I think they are "Big cheese sticks" according to the video description.

>> No.6595492

So they are. Well, they sound good as fuck, so I'm grabbing a package.

>> No.6595501

You can make them yourself pretty easy. Take a cheese stick, wrap it tight in wonton wrappers. Stick it in hot oil, fry 'em up and call it a day. You can probably find a million recipes for them on Pinterest - search "Homemade Mozzarella Sticks" and boom.

>> No.6595605

Oh, God. Asian table manners are so disgusting.

>> No.6595614

that was like 6000 calories at least

>> No.6595695

>asian woman
>not hiding her mouth while eating

She's eating like a slob even by Asian standards.
Might even be on purpose, depending on her target audience.

>> No.6596232

Which video game/tv movie/short is that from?

>> No.6596271


in Korea, this is the norm. My family had a Korean homestay student staying with them last year, and every time I was there she would eat with her mouth open, noisily as was probably possible. It was disgusting, and when my mother told her about it she said it was just the way she always ate.

In comparison, they had a Japanese student a couple of years ago, who ate quietly, politely and neatly. I also am friends with a couple of Chinese nationals, over here to study. They both eat messily and noisily, with open mouths and spit bones out onto the table. The girl has gotten better after realising people are actually disgusted, but the guy says that's the way he was raised and fuck western manners.

You can't really lump them all together.

>> No.6596275
File: 2.86 MB, 305x229, Its time.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine how he shit must taste and smell.

>> No.6596277

You had a Japanese student who ate quietly? Even with noodles? You were lucky.

>> No.6596281


to be fair, she predominantly ate the western stuff my mum is capable of cooking. I helped her make okonomiyaki and kakiage, cream stew and curry, those kinds of things, but yeah. We went out for ramen a few times (I study Japanese so she was useful for practice) and she ate quietly, surprisingly.

>> No.6596300
File: 126 KB, 480x608, tumblr_inline_nm1bepWhty1qg36k6_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Id like to mukbang her right in the pussy

>> No.6596319

And you couldn't even close the deal and fuck her. Pussy.

>> No.6596341

She only eats every other day and exercises 3 hours a day.

>> No.6596350

In Korea making noises while you eat is kinda like showing appreciation for the food.

>> No.6596364

That's what they say in most Asian countries. And yet they don't make less noise when the meal is shitty. They're just brought up to make as much noise as possible for every meal to be polite, at which point it is less a demonstration of enjoyment and more an unnecessary annoyance.

Not that I'd be better able to tolerate it if they only did it when they were actually enjoying the food. I was simply brought up to find any expression of internal bodily functions unpleasant. That is my culture.

>> No.6597066
File: 362 KB, 375x482, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is she holding her ingredients.

>> No.6597077

That sounds healthy

>> No.6597110

so basically her whole life consists of eating for hours, then going to the gym to burn all that food and sleeping I guess. A girl that pretty managed to live a life way sadder then the lives of her pathetic followers. well done, korea

>> No.6597113

wanna bang

>> No.6597115

I mukbanged your wife haha stupid faggot

>> No.6597119
File: 21 KB, 400x400, bzPH7mT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6597438


>> No.6597463



>> No.6597475


it's not even possible for her to burn off all those calories unless she's sprinting for like 5 hours

>> No.6597476

She doesn't eat the next day. So that may help.

>> No.6597488

What a truly bizarre country

>> No.6597509

I think it's along the lines of societally being fat is wrong/disgusting/sign of a shitty person

it's like fantasy fulfillment to see someone gorging this much

>> No.6597741
File: 354 KB, 194x169, 1434348622043.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It isn't... but she gets paid soo

>> No.6597765

There is currently a trend/New fetish some guys there have where cute, skinny girls appear to eat as much as they want and not get fat or ugly.
It's to counteract with the hype for girls to eat basically nothing, and proudly, but I guess that started to make them seem less attractive and more finicky and annoying.

>> No.6597769


Sounds like dirty anal sex.

>> No.6597777

and anorexic grills that watch this when their hungry

>> No.6597802

Apparently "Mok Bang" is the kind of show it is, people like to watch the hosts eat, it reminds them of home while they eat and live alone in an isolating urban environment. "The Diva" is the name of the girl in op's video.


>> No.6597859

No she's just Korean. Koreans make like 400 side dishes with every meal.

>> No.6597960
File: 28 KB, 600x928, B61jCGxCEAAW7e4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now describe the differences in their panties- texture, fabric, smell,

We know you went through their stuff anon.

>> No.6598184

Wtf? Were they too stupid to come up with compliments?