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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6593616 No.6593616[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

> drunk and hungry
> decide to order pizza
> girl on the phone asks "would you like to donate a dollar to help end world hunger?"
> mfw
> guy shows up with my order
> "alright, that'll be $15.67 plus tip"
> slam the door in his face
> mfw

>> No.6593618

Come on, put a little more effort in.

>> No.6593623

No one likes these threads, why do people keep making them?

Like I'd rather have a fucking tendies thread.

>> No.6593637

Well, just don't give them the cash and try not to be rude. I am from a region where tipping is not a custom but some people do it anyway, for the rest of us, just politely decline, don't have to get all smug about it.

>> No.6593878 [DELETED] 

I would shit on your doorstep and leave tat 4 u

>> No.6593887
File: 67 KB, 486x575, interdasting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You were hungry, ordered a pizza, and then refused to actually take and pay for the pizza when it showed up?

Not such a great idea!

>> No.6594508

Isn't this some shit in Amerifat?
>price listed
>plus delivery fee
>plus tip
>then they ask you about donating to the Caitlin Jenner LGBT fund or some other some other shit.
Why, yes, thanks! I want to make my $10 pizza cost $20
>Why the fuck don't you just pay your employees right, include delivery in the price, and tell fucking charities "no, we are a private business and it annoys our customers when we solicit for you"...

>> No.6594545

LPT: When a store asks if you'd like to donate to something, they have actually already donated to it, and are trying to recoup their money. Any over what they donated is often kept as profit.

tl;dr: Companies asking for donations to things is a scam.

>> No.6594553

Why are cats such assholes.