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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 110 KB, 422x500, Chicken_of_the_Sea-Canned_Oysters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6593102 No.6593102 [Reply] [Original]

I got a couple tins of oysters, what can I do with these?

>> No.6593106

Throw them in the trash.

>> No.6593108

Put on toast with hot sauce

>> No.6593115

I can deal with that, maybe an Italian bread.

>> No.6593116

Use a toothpick and eat each individual oyster on a cracker with some balsamic vinegar or a cracker and an olive

>> No.6593118

crackers when you're camping and super hungry and drunk and need some salt and energy

>> No.6593120

That sounds good too, if kalamata olives with garlic on crunchy italian bread.

>> No.6593146

make smoked oyster stuffing bruh, it'll be a good practice run for something to impress the fam with over the holidays

>> No.6593148

try eating them

>> No.6593153

That's a decent idea. I'm gonna do that next round if these are any good.

Thanks Sherlock!

>> No.6593154

; )

>> No.6593155

If these are good I'll get a whole stack of them, they're inexpensive that's for sure.

>> No.6593164


>> No.6593307
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to be honest, not a big fan of smoked oysters, unless in oyster stew/ bay scallops in a can?n thanks, and this from a prort guy eats potted meat and ranch,last extenity

>> No.6593338
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to be blont Ihad chose twisxt "smoked oyster" and bay scallops. have to think a bit. otay. potted meat. hagis, and neverending stuff from ck? no problem.

>> No.6593372


They're fucking gross

>> No.6593381

Throw them out.
If you can't afford fresh oysters, save your money until you can.
Buy fresh oysters.

>> No.6593393

It's not about the money, I just saw some at a store and decided to get them on a whim.

If I didn't get them to try them out then I wouldn't know personally about them... it's two tins, big fucking deal.

>> No.6593399

Blend them with cream cheese or goat cheese. Smear on crunchy bread.

>> No.6593403

dub dubs don't lie

>> No.6593417

oyster soup

canned anything is made for soups and stews. make sure to adjust the cook times since the canning process heats the food as well.

>> No.6593421

Did you see them and think, "this is going to make a great /ck/ thread"?

>> No.6593430

No it was pretty random, but after the fact I figured some folk here might have some suggestions, unlike yourself who is clearly a homosexual.

>> No.6593433

I tried these once. They were terrible. My dog wouldn't even eat them and that bitch will eat anything

>> No.6593434

I'm figuring that in, since they're already cooked, I'll chuck them in when whatever I'm going to add them to is done but still warm.

They don't need to be cooked since they're cooked already as we both know.

>> No.6593436

Amazing. I was just blown backwards out of my chair. Ten years from now I will be a disheveled underpaid janitor wondering why I never had the confidence to get anywhere in life, and I'll think back to your sick burn and remember how it totally shattered me.

>> No.6593437

Ya only live twice!
On a slightly jollier note, if I didn't get them to try them out, then I wouldn't know from personal experience.

>> No.6593438

if you havent opened them yet theyd make great paper weights.

canned seafood is bush league as fuck. its 100% of the time inferior to fresh seafood. money spent on canned seafood is literally money squandered. i guess canned tuna is alright, but i only eat that out of desperation

>> No.6593439


U just meme slammed him dood

>> No.6593440
File: 79 KB, 755x960, oh you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP is pretty funny

>> No.6593442

You're still a fagit, what excuses can you make for that?

>> No.6593443

I like being entertaining from time to time.

>> No.6593445

Daddy touched me when I was a child.

>> No.6593446

I wouldn't say "sqandered" it's only a like a buck fiddy per can, it was something that I saw that I hadn't seen before so worth a try. Why not?

Haven't you ever tried something before that you've never tried before or have you never left your mother's basement?

>> No.6593452

I never try anything new before making sure the anonymous people on 4chan approve of it.

>> No.6593455

Eat them on toast with cream cheese. Damn I love those things, I'm gonna have to go get some soon.

>> No.6593457

Too late, I bought them first then asked, I was just asking for suggestions, not commandments.

You have some mental issues, please don't have children.

>> No.6593458

That sounds good.
So what if it's anon, there are some smart people here in anonland.

>> No.6593470

Too late, but I'm not allowed to see them anymore so maybe they'll be fine.

>> No.6593471


>> No.6593578

canned smoked oysters actually feel exactly like vagina flesh just mash them into a mold and you have the most reliable pocket pussy on the market

>> No.6593584

34 year old virgin here. I'm going to buy some canned oysters just to feel them, now.

I doubt mashing them into a mould would work. They'd lose their texture. Maybe if I just filled a plastic cup with them and squeezed the sides for added pressure. I might try that, too.

>> No.6593629


Try them with bread, soy sauce and hot sauce or olive oil, salt and vinegar. Also, salted diced tomatoes never hurt.

>> No.6593639
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>> No.6594021

Take a fork, go to town.

Shit's good. If you wind up with a can of'em, make you some mufuggin' stew. I can guarantee you that your dad made it.

>> No.6594024
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We opened a can of these and when we saw the green we figured they were bad and tossed them in trash.

Educate me on tinned oysters.

inb4: slam yer dick, etc.

>> No.6594043

Green is fine, and normal. Shit is 100% delish.

>> No.6594049
File: 52 KB, 600x451, shakeandbake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you are correct
just GOOGLED the crap out of this for answers and it's okay

>> No.6594079 [DELETED] 
File: 89 KB, 540x720, 1419211575219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6594084

Make a chocolate milkshake. Add these as a bonus.

>> No.6594162

I fucking love Tinned Oysters.
Just eating them with a tooth pick.

>> No.6594385

There's a reason they're right next to the tinned fish in the same aisle. You just enjoy them out of the can, maybe with crackers. You don't need to do any fancy shit to the sardines in mustard sauce, you don't need to do anything with the oysters.

>> No.6594493

Just get a hooker, man. You're embarrassing your ancestors.

>> No.6594510

You can just eat them straight out of the tin. Might recommend to put them on crackers or something.

Pretty good snack tbh.

>> No.6594522
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I'm copying that for later use

>> No.6594525

What the fuck happened to her :'(

>> No.6595423
File: 52 KB, 496x400, lindsay-lohan-before-and-after-face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6595456

Fucking comedy gold. Thank you, kind anon.