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6590865 No.6590865[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Order delivery from Papa John's
>It's freezing cold outside; 50 mph wind
>Delivering to remote address on the outskirts of their delivery zone
>"Okay, sir, that's $11.91 plus tip."
>plus tip
>he thinks I'm going to pay him extra money just for doing the job he is already paid to do
>tell him, "I'm not fucking tipping, are you kidding? You want a tip, kid? Here's a tip: Get a better fucking job!"
>grab the pizza and throw a $10 and two $1's on the ground
>slam the door in his face
>hear him say "Pff, whatever you asshole."
>report him to his manager
>he got fired

>> No.6590870


>> No.6590871
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>>yfw the manager just told you what you wanted to hear and put you on their shit list.
enjoy your colder, latest dilivered, half ass pizza. since its papa johns you probably couldnt tell the difference between them anyway though.

>> No.6590873

Ha I wish this wasn't just a story on 420chan.

>> No.6590876


>> No.6590902


> things that literally never happened

>> No.6590920
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>Papa John's

>> No.6590923

Who doesn't pay with a card when they order pizza nowadays?

>> No.6590939


>plus tip

No delivery driver says this. They'd get fired.

I have to wonder at this. I mean is it the same person, time and time again? Endlessly posing these greentext stories to see who he can lure into his thread, quietly steepling his fingers as he stares at his screen, the light illuminating his Mt. Dew, sweat, and Cheetos-stained wife-beater. His brow dappled with shiny sweat, and his hair greased from lack of bathing.

What kind of a man is he? What kind of a man is OP?

>> No.6590966

probably bored and wanted to trigger people about tipping

>> No.6591011

Whenever I have a shit ton of change to get rid of, I order delivery and pay the pizza guy in nickels and dimes.
You know how delivery people will expect to keep the extra cash?
I'm not giving them the satisfaction.
I also count it out really slowly to waste their time they could be using to deliver other orders.

Also, no tip, but that goes without saying.
I don't even like pizza.

>> No.6591018
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and here i am thinking of applying to become a pizza deliveryman.

does this abuse really happen?

>> No.6591028

people dont take into account car expenses, ticket/accident risks, and the quality of service you are fucking providing when you deliver. Fuck you OP

>> No.6591031

Please tell me nobody actually fell for such obvious fucking bait.

>> No.6591032

Only if you give people a reason to hate you.
Like saying "plus tip".
I've withheld tip from arrogant delivery people like that.

That's not our problem.
Your employer should be covering your fuel and car maintenance costs if they expect you to use your own car.

>> No.6591034

that doesnt happen, i am being swindled, but i do make $80 some on a good night

>> No.6591038
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Who would do that sort of thing....just go and tell lies on the internet?

>> No.6591052

My neighbor is a far-right Republican and he pulls this kind of shit all the time. He likes me though so he gives me free stuff.

>> No.6591069

Why the fuck not, I'll bite.

Driving out to your sorry ass to be treated like shit only gets you a comment on our computer. Case like this? "Driver X can't deliver here, cust asshole, take double when possible".

We know you won't tip, this just makes sure none of us expect it. We've refused delivery to people like you before, remarking the name, number, and address as a no delivery address.

We'll do it again. You're seriously so pathetic as to throw the money on the ground when it's windy out? Yeah, I would just give you lip service, and let the driver know he can't deliver to you again.

You're shit, op. My drivers barely get paid enough by the hour to keep showing up. Most of them work two jobs. One guy delivers Chinese on weekends, one of my weekend only drivers work retail during the weekdays. Tips are what cover their fuel, insurance, and maintenance.


Yeah, anytime a driver says they were told that, I immediately black list your ass, then call my friend down at dominoes. Doesn't take long before you can't get any pizzas delivered to you at all.

I feel stupid for taking the bait, but fuck you, op. Go die of heart attack with your dragon dildo up your ass.

>> No.6591079
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Looks like a faggot poorfag shit frozen pizza maker caught the bait lel.

>> No.6591091

> whinge moan grovel cuss
> my employees don't get paid enough
Only you can fix that. Pay them a better wage.
If the customer pays their wage then the customer is entitled to keep a percentage of their wage for tax.
Do you also expect the customer to contribute to the employee's superannuation fund?

>> No.6591092
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It'd be kind of funny if you minimum wage pizza boys actually had your own union and brotherhood of pizza delivery boys who rub each other's backs and look out for one another, but you don't.

>delivery charge counts as tip, right?
>here you go ;)

>> No.6591094

>Yeah, anytime a driver says they were told that, I immediately black list your ass, then call my friend down at dominoes. Doesn't take long before you can't get any pizzas delivered to you at all.
Good for you. I imagine this guy is full of shit and just trolling, but still...there are people who act this way. I waited tables at fucking Waffle House in college. The food is cheap, so tips were small anyway...but then I'd get fuckers who were like "yeah I can''t afford to leave you a tip"...I got paid $2.13/hr. If you can't afford to tip (in the USA), get fast food. Don't be a dicknugget. If I made so little tips that it was less than minimum wage, I could report it and they'd make it up on your check...but if your tips were 10% of less of the total sales for your shift, you get to be "retrained"....after 2 retrainings, you're fired. So most people wouldn't report and would just take the loss. If fucking sucked.
If you can't afford to tip, go to McDonalds or some shit. Don't sit at Waffle House for an hour getting 10 refills on coffee and waste my time and not leave a tip.

>> No.6591095


> employs drivers
> doesn't provide company car
I hope you pay for their fuel, at least. Even offer to pay for vehicle maintenance. If their cars don't work then they don't work.

>> No.6591100

It's not my fault you have a shitty job.
Maybe you should take your own damn advice and work in fast food, at least there they'll pay you minimum without wanting to fire you for it.

Also, you should note that if you're not cute, I'm not tipping you.

>> No.6591104

>hurr durr get a better job
Then you'd have no one to wait tables, no one in minimum wage jobs at all. Society needs those jobs filled. I have since graduated and am making 75K/yr, but since I'm not an entitled 16yr old in my mom's basement, I tip people well when they do a good job. Because I'm not an entitled cunt.

>> No.6591107

>Then you'd have no one to wait tables
I'd rather the chef come bring me my food, at least then I know who to tip when the food is great.

All you do is bring people food.
You're a replaceable cog and literally anyone could do your job.
You're not entitled to 15% of my total bill, kill yourself.

>> No.6591112

>i graduated and only make 75k a year
Let me guess, liberal arts?
People get paid more than that just to drive trucks, and that certainly doesn't require a degree.

>> No.6591120

You really think that's all they do? The place where I worked, I:
Took orders
brought orders
refilled drinks
cooked waffles when ordered
pre-made salads every shift
washed ALL dishes
Bussed my own tables
Clean out the sanitizer every shift and refill
Run cash register
Sweep floors every shift
Cutting up pies, putting each slice on a plate and covering with cling wrap, along with some other food prep
Making fresh iced tea (both sweet and unsweet), fresh OJ
Not to mention stuff like refilling ice bins, refilling coffee bean grinder, and a host of other things.
Bringing people food was the easiest part.

>> No.6591123

If you're getting paid $2 an hour to do everything, including cook, then that's your fucking problem, you cuck.

>> No.6591126

You'd make more money busking.

>> No.6591134
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>'Muricans serving round pizzas
>'Muricans thinking pepperoni is an actual pizza topping
>'Muricans not even making their own fresh dough for their pizzas
This is why I don't tip. You can't even get a simple Italian dish right.

>> No.6591137

>pay them a better wage
Can't. Pay is capped by the franchise owner. I just start all the drivers at the maximum in allowed to give and justify it to the franchise owner by "staying competitive".

As for reporting taxes. I require my drivers to report 100% of card tips. They need as much as they can get. I'm not telling them to report their cash tips.

We've got three people by name and number blacklisted, posted at all terminals, two apartment complexes due to attempted robberies, and one building in the industrial center due to canceled payments on their cards.

Have you checked the insurance rates on company cars for pizza delivery!? They're fucking insane.

I can't directly pay for their fuel, but I did what I could to make sure my drivers get at least 75% of the delivery fee (not technically a tip, and due to " insurance fees ", I wasn't able to get the drivers the whole fee, but I fight for my drivers where I can. Two years without increasing the fee because it would damage my drivers' earnings.

If you've ever eaten in a place worth eating at, then the chef is gonna be too damned busy actually making food to bring it out to you. Without servers, you'd sit there for an hour while the chef gets orders, cooks then, and brings them out.

Most severe and drivers get paid less than five bucks an hour. Go wait tables for a month. Try living on that wage alone. Most of us don't have a sugar daddy to pay our way through college.

>> No.6591138

Like you aren't an American yourself.

>> No.6591143

Italian pizza is just a slab of burnt bread with tomato slices and bits of cheese on it, a peasant food.

The only acceptable form of pizza is american pizza.

>> No.6591493

Not when I was a driver. I worked for Pizza Hut for a while and it usually worked out to about $15-16/hour, closer to 11-12 after gas, maintenance, etc. and that included $7/hr wage. I don't think anybody never tipped me but there were a few 50c or $1 tips.

>> No.6591525

>Order delivery from Papa John's.
>Kind of out of the way neighborhood that a lot of people get lost in.
>Driver shows up a bit late but I didn't mind because I was just happy to eat.
>Open the door and try to pay them once I have the pizza.
>They say it's free because they were late and insist I keep the money.
>Have a bittersweet free pizza and feel bad for the delivery person partly because she was sort of cute.
I'm against tipping in general but I don't mind tipping delivery drivers. I look at it as a "thank you for saving my lazy ass from having to leave the house" tax. Waiters, however, can go fuck themselves. I don't give a shit about some snot nosed, self-entitled teenager whose job is to walk around a air conditioned restaurant all day, while somehow failing to copy what a person says onto a piece of paper.

>> No.6591531
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I always pay cash for a pizza
I have never ordered it on-line
I always tip
feels good man

>> No.6591539

>Your employer should be covering your fuel and car maintenance costs if they expect you to use your own car.
I've gotten two job offers in my life that required the use of a car (at two different points in my life). Once when I was young I was offered a job as a delivery boy. I had to pay for gas and other related car expenses, but was offered minimum wage.

The second time I was offered a job as a property manager for a company that invested in, sold, and managed commercial real estate proprrties. They offered me a $45k salary, plus benefits, and offered to pay for my gas, maintenance expenses, and $0.15 per mile driven for wear and tear on the vehicle (so $15k for every 100k miles driven).

These jobs, while both requiring a car, are no where near the same. The second job required a bachelors degree with related real estate experience, while the first required a car. To expect employers to compensate some little know-nothing faggot for his car expenses is ridiculous, and if you really think it should be the employers responsibility for an 18-22 year old kid with no education, and (probably) no better job prospects, then you are too stupid to really be able to afford to tip anyway and should probably not be ordering out in the first place after coming home from your job as a mechanic or assistant manager at your local supermarket.

>> No.6591540

>order pizza for pizza joint semi-regularity
>tip well when pizza arrives
>my food always comes super fast and hot, extra free dips and condiments
sometimes it doesn't hurt to not be a cheap fuck like OP.

>> No.6591546

I just got back from europe. You don't appreciate the tipping system until you eat at a mediocre European restaraunt. All of the nicest restaraunts have great servers anyway, but go anywhere serving anything that costs less than €20-40/plate, and the service is god fucking awful. Slow as shit, the wait staff never remembers to bring you drinks or anything else you ask for aside from your food, and they're usually rude as shit, even if you speak their language.

In my experience in america, even the cheapest diners have much better wait service. Sometimes you'll get a bad experience, but it's usually random and is a result of a single dipshit waiter who doesn't care about keeping his job. Happens at both the best and worst restaraunts, in my expeirnece.
Plus, all of the food in europe is slightly more expensive because the service charge is built into the price of the dish, so you don't even get a choice in the matter.

Id rather I be able to decide what my waiter is compensated based on the quality of his or her service.

>> No.6591559

>People get paid more than that just to drive trucks, and that certainly doesn't require a degree, but they'll never make more than $100k in their entire life, no matter how hard they work

FTFY. Just graduated in May with a four year degree. My school has an average salary of $157,000/year five years after graduation, and my specific degree has a $243,000 average five years after graduation. Enjoy never being able to make that much money. Ever.

>> No.6591561

>243,000 ten years after graduation

That's what i meant to say.

>> No.6591562

The manager doesn't give a fuck, a customer is more important than an easily replaceable employee

>> No.6591564

That's not true for Europe mate.

You must of just been in some bad restaurants. The only time I ever have bad service is in big franchise dine in establishments.

>> No.6591573

Yes it is.