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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 464 KB, 1664x1248, IMG_20150612_160448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6589289 No.6589289 [Reply] [Original]

Lets give this another try then. Weekend soon and no beer general.

KBS 2015, nice beer, not up the hype i recon but still one of the best stouts out there, wish one could buy more than two where i am, probably will never have this one again after these bottles are gone unless Founders expand their production of the stuff!

>> No.6589303

Every time you guys have a beer thread it makes me sad. The only liquor store near me has one of the worst selections of beer imaginable. Maybe a couple dozen different kinds and none of them are interesting. It's all major US brands.

>> No.6589311

Tonight I'll drink

Weihenstephan Heffe-Weisse
A pilsner & a Pacficic Pale Ale from a local craft brewery that just opened

Maybe a Timothy Taylors Landlord after.

>> No.6589314

where do you live?

i live in a bumfuck town in michigan and all the shitty liquor stores (we call them party stores) have great beer selections that rotate often. i usually just get the 79 cent cans of molson ice 24oz though

>> No.6589317
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It's pretty much impossible for that stuff to live up to the insane amount of hype behind it. This year's wasn't as good as last year's was but still very good. FYI it's not worth aging more than 5-6 months.

I'm gonna be drinking pic related and Bayou Teche's biere joi. Never heard of them but they're from the south and have good reviews. A coffee, cacao, and chili pepper dubbel could be really good or really gimmicky so I guess I'll find out which one it is.

>> No.6589351

Southwest Florida, 30 minutes from anything that would even be considered a town. The store I go to is tiny and 5 minutes from my house.

>> No.6589366

Clown shoes puts out really good stuff. I've been wanting to buy crasher in the rye but I've just been putting it off

>> No.6589408
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One of the best lagers around. Regular strength then i mean, i enjoy alot of the recent wave IPL also!

It will probably not make even this summer in the cellar, promised a buddy a couple of bottles before hearing of the two bottle cap, said i would share one of the ones i got with him though and i know he is hungering for this beer!

>> No.6589435
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A bit watery like most sessionable IPAs but you still get the taste (mostly atleast!).

Good option if you want to prolong the night or just not get hammered at all!

>> No.6589508


Yeah their darker beers are amazing. I think that's their best one if that helps you decide to get it. I've bought it a few times. It's gonna be nice to drink one with a few years on it.

>> No.6589511
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>> No.6589514
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Last pint from the keg this time around, as mentioned in earlier threads this is high on the next brew list for sure. Wonderful pale ale right until the last glass!

>> No.6589516
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This got me into berliners and goses. I'll hopefully find some in a few hours. Really good stuff for drinking and not getting wasted.

>> No.6589517
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>> No.6589546
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Feels quite flat coming from the KBS, i lack alot of chocolate and bourbon in it. More dark fruits and malts though. Alright for an not cellared stout!

>> No.6589582

>Yes dish soap
>What looks like IKEA "Snitta" in a knife block like it's a proper knife and not an utensil
>honing steel instead of ceramic knife sharpener because that's what you saw "the pros" use on TV
>having to use a bottle opener like a n00b
Fucking faggot plebeian swede detected

>> No.6589590

that's the perfect beer for the everyday drinking, specially if you drink it directly from the holzfass in the westend original factory. Definetly the best Munich beer.
Definetly not the best beer in the world, as some muchners believe

>> No.6589600

Relax, man :)

>> No.6589606


I agree on the hype thing for KBS. I got to try some at a bar in Michigan recently and while I thought it was really good, if you gave it to me blind I probably would have just said "huh, pretty good" instead of freaking out. There are so many other good bourbon barrelled beers out there now that KBS has really been living on hype alone.

>> No.6589621

Agreed. I had it last year and it was one of the best beers I had ever had. But I had only begun drinking nicer beers around the summer of 2013. After an entire extra year of drinking absurdly delicious imperial triple double fancy schmancy 500 year bourbon barrel stouts this year's KBS was just another really good one and nothing worthy of celebrity.

>> No.6589627

Oh, and let's not forget:
>40 types of brand specific beer glasses like it makes a difference
>drying out old beer bottles in the dish drainer because you no doubt have some homosexual wall with beer glasses and bottles of beer you've drunk
>feeling like a connoisseur even though you have that stainless steel kitchen bench popularly installed in cheap homes targeted at poor people with kids in the 90's
>tiles on the wall doesn't even go all the way up to save money and silicone sealant is lacking for some fucking reason on the rightmost tile

>> No.6589637

Wow, you guys are just SO COOL! AHhaha making fun of that guy! HAHaha! I am sure you are just super cool, fun, not miserable people at all! AHAHah!

C-could you criticize me next!? aaaAAAHHHHHHHH I am literally cumming imagining it. I will suck both of your dicks right now no joke.

>> No.6589652

Never seen such a concentrated type of hate before, fellow swede for sure, anything beyond that is just speculation so i should not go any further.

I was going to try to make some kind of clever and snappy comeback but the no go signs saw in your posts just allows me to do this and no more!

Why? why all the anger on here, there are alot of more appropriate threads to let it out?

>> No.6589653


You guys both forgot

>taking pleasure in life

Fucking pleb OP btfo fag gay idiot queer

GTFO off my board and NEVER come back haha >:(

>> No.6589686
File: 12 KB, 350x350, 208469[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's fake pleasure and trashy. It's like the guy who buys a 500$ designer gear knob for his 1500$ car. Or listens to jazz music from video games.

If he just drank the beer from the bottle like a normal person there wouldn't be a problem. Or at least, make sure you don't live a mundane life in a beyond mundane home before starting to focus on making your beer drinking fancy.

>> No.6589687

Why would you drink nice beer from a bottle in your own home? It's a five dollar glass for a $2-4 beer so your analogy is pretty inaccurate. If you're out somewhere I get it, but why not? I wouldn't go to the trouble of using a different glass for each beer like OP has, but I'll definitely use a snifter or an irish pint glass whenever I'm drinking at home. It only adds to the experience.

>> No.6589689
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This is what I have in the fridge today. Need more stouts.

>> No.6589690

what an overly angry keyboard warrior. i... i think i hear something...


>> No.6589691

You literally have no idea what you're talking about. Please just leave the thread. A gear knob makes no difference to how a car drives. The proper beer glass DOES, and this has been scientifically proven.

>> No.6589697

>Or at least, make sure you don't live a mundane life in a beyond mundane home before starting to focus on making your beer drinking fancy.
It has nothing to do with whether it "adds to the experience" or not.

>> No.6589702

>The proper beer glass DOES, and this has been scientifically proven.

Peer-reviewed citation please.
I always used to belive this, but then after reading the section on wine tasting & wine glasses in Modernist Cuisine, and reading the various studies they cited, I'm quite confident that it's mostly "emperor's new clothes" type bullshit.

>> No.6589706

>uh oh better repeat my irrefutable opinion since my other ones are too weak to stand

You've seen 3 square feet of this guy's entire life. Get fucked.

>> No.6589707
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Man, I'm really really glad I'm not you.

>> No.6589719

Autism is a word thrown around this website as a misnomer for pathetic and retarded

I think this is a fenuine actual case of someone being autistic

>> No.6589720


>> No.6589723

How is the the real Zombie dust? only have my my own homebrew to go from, more malts than from your regular APA but still even more hops than most IPAs is my picture of it, turned out real sweet in my first go i think.

>> No.6589724

You're gonna need to cite that, my spastic friend :)

>> No.6589725

They're not too weak to stand. You lack the basic reading comprehension to put them into context, as showcased with you thinking it was about whether it makes a difference or not.

Stop self correcting yourself. Nobody has ever needed a correction like that to understand the post.

>> No.6589733

What we spend our money worth whatever it´s worth for each soul out there should not be something you spend all your hate on, i´m sure there are more worthwhile things for you to blow off steam on?

>> No.6589734


I wasn't the one saying it made a difference. It does though, and it's such an easy thing to add that whatever state your life is in, you can still use a cup to drink your drinks out of. It's okay, really.

He probably corrected his misspelled word because a raging autist is on the prowl.

>> No.6589742

Now you're fucking sperging out about someone correcting themselves

Get help because its obvious your own priorities are completely out of order, being exactly the person you're criticizing OP for

>> No.6589754

nigga have you seen my house?
It looks pretty much like you'd expect. Meaning my life is in balance

>> No.6589971

Good thread

>> No.6589973
File: 214 KB, 1080x720, Photo on 6-12-15 at 4.58 PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Transmigration of Souls - Orpheus Brewing
Laughing Skull - Red Brick Brewery

A double IPA and an amber ale, respectively. Both local breweries here in the ATL.

>> No.6590027

Drinking one right now and it's fucking amazing. Almost like an fruity IPA up front, but with a sweet maltiness that comes through at the end. Reminds me of a session IPA but with more malt.

>> No.6590087

My nigga. Hope that's fresh Orpheus. Just got five cases of that at my liquor store. Also snagged some Tropicalia from Creature Comforts, man that shit is hard to get ahold of.

>> No.6590092

Bring me some. Some Athena too. I'll make you dinner.

>> No.6590102

I'll have to check out Creature Comforts. Got my Orpheus at Total Wine in K-saw. Thought I saw some of the CC shit there, hadn't heard of'em before today.

>> No.6590130

What's on the menu tonight?
Definitely try it if you see some, you can find it on tap in some restaurants now. There's a few places in Marietta that I know are serving it. Moxie Burger and Common Quarter to name a few.

>> No.6590136
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Curry, sausage, rice, and my friend's boypussy for dessert.

>> No.6590138

logan pls go

>> No.6590152

The wife and I are hitting up Atlanta tomorrow (just got a job. I work union construction, so you work some, get laid off some, repeat ad nauseum). Breakfast is going to be Highland Bakery in Virginia Highlands. You know anywhere for lunch/dinner that might have'em on tap, or hell, even in bottle/can?

>> No.6590165

Try the Porter in little five points, they have a huge selection of draft and package beer, even a vast cellar of aged goodness. Not far from Virginia Highlands too.

>> No.6590169

(Just checked their draft list, yep, they have three different CC brews on the menu.)

>> No.6590176

Ok so...I was wondering if any of you guys had suggestions. I used to hate beer. I thought that shit was gross. Recently at The Pub though I decided to order a little snifter of Kentucky Bourbon Barrel Ale. Stuff was fucking delicious. I bought myself a 4 pack at my local Total Wine for 13$(yes I know, it's expensive).
Anyone have alternatives I can try? I've had Sierra Nevada Torpedo IPA and honestly, it's a good beer but taking more than a couple sips at a time is wretched. I don't like big hops, waaay too bitter. Malty booze all the way.

>> No.6590178

Looks warm.

>> No.6590181

>Timothy Taylors Landlord
Overrated as shit

>Weihenstephan Heffe-Weisse
I have a bottle of this in the fridge currently

Is there anywhere a little further away that you can stock up at?


Could we get back on-topic please? Thanks

I've just enjoyed a Rochefort 6 and 8, what other really malty beers could anyone recommend? Brit here

>> No.6590183

Uhhh that's generally what bottle openers are for. What do you use, the door?

>> No.6590188

Love L5P, was probably going over there. Haven't ever been in Porter because my wife doesn't like beer, lol. I'll bribe her with a skullcrusher. Appreciate it, friend.

>> No.6590191

Not sure where you're from, but Monday Night Brewing out of ATL has a beer called "Drift Kilt Ale" that's pretty good, and I'm not even big on malty beers. Check it out if you can find it. Good ABV, great taste.

>> No.6590195

Thanks for the recommendation, I'll give it a shot.
I also wanna try Samuel Smith's chocolate stout and their nut brown ale. Those two are on my list. McEwan's is also really good as well. I think I'm eventually gonna drift to the stouts but idk for sure yet.
Hell there's so many choices. Total Wine is ridiculously xbox hueg.

>> No.6590197

Non-retarded people can easily open bottles with literally anything that has an edge. Like: spoons, dinner plates, lighters, keys, coins, another bottle, or 100 other common household items.
Using a bottle opener immediately identifies you as a retard

>> No.6590199

Correction, Drafty Kilt Ale. Sorry, a little bit on the buzzed side right now.

>> No.6590201

I use my door but it took me awhile to do it without spilling any

>> No.6590204

Barrel aged beers are always gonna be more expensive. Dogfish has an extremely dark brown ale called Palo Santo Marron that is one of my favorites. More of a stout than a brown ale. It's about hte same price for a four pack as those KBB ale four packs though.

>> No.6590207

No worries I found it. Ya scotch ale is great. Give McEwan's a chance if you haven't already tried it. Great stuff.

>> No.6590209

That's their best beer for sure. The barrel aged version was great too.

>> No.6590217
File: 62 KB, 640x640, sourmonkey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have got two newer beers from Victory. The Kirsch Gose and Sour Monkey.

The Sour Monkey was alright, underwhelming like the base Golden Monkey is, however, I wanted to try a sour beer, and it was not very expensive, about $10 for the 750ml bottle. Actually, it is a bit expensive for my blood, but as far as sour beer goes it was fairly reasonable.

Not many distinct flavors or aromas, and I could't really taste the Golden Monkey aspect at all except for some fruity tripel taste lingering in my mouth once the sour subsided. Definitely tart though.

>> No.6590218
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Pic related for one of my favorite Scotch ales. Founder's in general makes fantastic stuff.

>> No.6590229

>If he just drank the beer from the bottle like a normal person

Fucking idiot.

>> No.6590244

I'll check it out.

Honestly, I like Eye Patch Ale a lot. And if I'm at a beer, Blind Pirate is my go-to "get fucked up." But like I said before, not huge on malty beers. Drafty Kilt knocks it out of the fucking park, though.

>> No.6590248

God damn it.
>if I'm at a beer
>if I'm at a bar.

>> No.6590510

Any bourbon barrel-aged beer like BBA Narwhal, KBS, and Good Island Bourbon County. You may also like regular stouts/imperial stouts if you like those. Some easy ones to find are regular Narwhal, Old Rasputin, Stone Imperial Russian Stout. Those are all heavier imperials. There are also lighter ones like Sierra Nevada Stout, Stone Milk Stout, and Alaskan Oatmeal Stout. Pretty much just try stouts.

>> No.6590518

>I'm smart because I use things for purposes they are not intended for.

I'm guessing you're also one of those jackasses that uses screwdrivers as chisels.

>> No.6590523

>I've just enjoyed a Rochefort 6 and 8, what other really malty beers could anyone recommend?

Rochefort 10, and any other Trappist/Abbey ales really. They are all pretty similar, but with subtle distinctions that make it worth choosing one over the other. Look for Chimay and Westmalle. Unibroue is also good if you can find it, although their beers tend to have spicier characteristics.

>> No.6590525

>I also wanna try Samuel Smith's chocolate stout and their nut brown ale.
Those two are absolutely fine choices. The chocolate stout literally tastes like chocolate milk. And the nut brown was the first British beer I ever had, and still the finest example of a brown ale in the world. It's perfect.

>> No.6590550
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Underrated beer IMO. Love this stuff.

>> No.6590558

>Samual Smith Nut Brown Ale

I remember having some of that shit right after I turned 21, but I haven't been able to find it since. I don't know if they stopped distributing in my state or what.

>> No.6590581

Checked out a new brewery in Milwaukee today called Company Brewing. The beer and food were both excellent, but the food was kind of expensive

>> No.6590590

Great seasonal. I love the Festina Peach as well. I love peach, but generally beers with it are too sweet. This one is wonderfully sour.

>> No.6591177

He never said he was smart. Just not retarded.
Also the chisel analogy is invalid, you didn't think it though. A screwdriver will make a less clean split than a chisel, and the screwdriver is almost useless for removing material.

On the other hand, both a screwdriver and a chisel will open a bottle EXACTLY as good and fast as a bottle opener.

>> No.6591781
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>> No.6591918

But why would you use a screwdriver if you had an actual bottle opener? Why would you use cinder blocks and a piece of plywood if you had an actual table?

>> No.6591944

Another invalid analogy. Cinder blocks and plywood doesn't looks as good, isn't dimensioned the same and isn't as stable as an actual table. On the other hand, both a screwdriver and a chisel will open a bottle EXACTLY as good and fast as a bottle opener.
So to answer your first question:
1. Because in all probability, something that can be used as a bottle opener will be closer at hand than the actual bottle opener
2. Why would you even have an actual bottle opener to begin with? It serves no function other than opening bottles and you already have several tings that does that just as well.

>> No.6591966

bottle openers are tiny and fit in the pocket so they are usually the closest, most convenient and easiest option

>> No.6591978

>tiny and fit in the pocket
So does lighters, keys, pocket knives and all sorts of other "every day carry" that will open a bottle.
So I refer you back to point 2

>> No.6592159

please stop b8ting

>> No.6592280
File: 117 KB, 267x400, General-Sherman-IPA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just picked up a six pack of this

>> No.6592287

You can open a bottle with another bottle.

>> No.6592339

Even if it's bait. Explain how it's wrong.

Yes. Already covered >>6590197

>> No.6592382

What the fuck is this thread about anymore?

>> No.6592861

Has anyone here drank beer under medication before? specifically, anxiety medication?

>> No.6592867

Love the razethew0rl/teksyndicate glass

>> No.6593105

I've drank under pain meds. It really just enhances the drug. As for anxiety pills idk

>> No.6593250
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This shit is pretty good too. 9/10 for sure for DIPAs.

>> No.6593370

You gon git fugged up!

>> No.6593391

I have bent keys and a ruined desk edge because I used to think like that.

Now I just use a bottle opener.

>> No.6593885

>bent keys
Nigga you live in a wood house? How do you bend a metal key on a bottle cap made of thinner and softer metal than the key?
You're not supposed to do some retarded lever action, just stick the tip under the edge and pull straight up, done. You can do it with a fucking twig in the woods and it won't even ruin the twig

>> No.6593889

MI has a metric shit ton of brewers, you'd have to search high and low to find a place without a decent beer selection.

>> No.6593936

Went and tried it out. Bought a tropicalia, which was pretty good. Fruitier than your standard IPA. The Kosmic something or another, I got a sample of. It was balls to the wall awesome.

Stopped by Total Wine on the way home, they were fresh out of Creature Comfort, so got some Hoplanta instead.

>> No.6594082

Just returned from Germany where they make like three styles of beer only, but they have perfected each one.

My favorite was the Weissbier (wheat beer here in Murica, I believe).

What are some great wheat beers? Also, do any German companies (Palauner, Franzikaner, or Augustiner) export to the u.S.?

>> No.6594360

>Illinois detected
Can we maybe work something out for one of those Westys?

>> No.6594366

Anyone got a Pliny the elder/younger who wants to trade for a BCBS or BCBB?

I hear they're hard to get in California, but i have a shop near me that still has the 2014 release of BCBS and BCBB.

>> No.6594507

Drinking some St. Feuillen Grand Cru. It's excellent.

>> No.6595025

>So does lighters,
yeah, but I am not a fucking redneck so I don't carry a lighter

>> No.6595035

Paulaner and hacker pschorr do. Sierra Nevada makes a fantastic kellerweiss and bell's Oberon is pretty good too

>> No.6595043

>ignoring the rest of the list
Faggot bottle opener fag detected

>> No.6595065
File: 70 KB, 600x705, North-Coast-Brewery-Old-Rasputin-Russian-Imperial-Stout.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I drank a 4 pack of this yesterday. It was pretty good for $10 a 4 pack. It made my poop black this morning.

Today I drink flavored malt beverage.

>> No.6595072
File: 102 KB, 717x900, Kasteel_Barista_900[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone had this yet? Really nice chocolate and coffee flavour that has a nice sweetness to it. Also drinks really nicely, despite the high ABV (actually got really tipsy because I drank the first one I tried too quickly while cooking).

Also saw a Westvleteren 12 at the bottleshop today. Asked 11 euros for it. Might've done it, but I'm kinda broke right now and Sint Bernardus is really common here so fuck it.

>> No.6595188
File: 43 KB, 450x450, 371[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bragging about your beer tasting like women's candy

>> No.6595277

Describing =/= bragging

>> No.6595301
File: 4 KB, 125x125, 1434324098640s[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>making your beer so it can be described as tasting like women's candy

>> No.6595307

Roasting your ingredients will have that effect, yes.

>> No.6595315

>drinking an entire pack of imperials
>1400 calories
>you have most definitely violated the law

>> No.6595357

I am drinking some Golden Monkey from Victory. I don't know how you guys feel about it, but I like the taste.

At 9.5% abv, The Monkey is a favorite of mine when I want to get my buzz on.

>> No.6595379

I have yet to try that stuff. I see it everywhere though so I'll have to pick it up this week

>> No.6595395

bout to crack into a can of Yeungling never had it from a can before

>will report back

>> No.6595398

It'll still taste like yeungling

>> No.6595413

I paid $12 for a six pack, so be prepared for that. The taste is strong. I don't know how to describe it, but I assume it isn't for everyone. It will get you drunk, if that's what you want.

Yuengling from a can is great. I have some in the fridge I might drink later.

>> No.6595418

>Yuengling from a can is great.
yuengling is terrible regardless of container

>> No.6595439

It's not a fancy, craft beer. It's a cheap beer, and it's the best one. Completely incomparable to the Buds and Millers you can get for the same price.

It's a party beer, imo. Outside of that scenario, you should obviously drink something better. The Yuengling in my fridge is leftover from a party.

>> No.6595444

>It's a cheap beer, and it's the best one.
its the same as every other cheap beer

Its almost always a worse choice than High Life or PBR if you are going the cheap route

>> No.6595491

>best cheap beer
>not grainbelt premium
Jesus Christ /ck/ wtf are you doing

>> No.6595500

Yuengling must have some amazing marketing in Pennsylvania and the south

No other reason to explain how so many of you people are enthusiastic about such a bad beer

>> No.6595578

Yeah, we love it in Pennsylvania, Florida and Ohio. Either people in these states are retarded, or you have shit taste.


>> No.6595584

Never had grain belt premium. Sue me.

>> No.6595595

Given its availability in loose, 24oz bottles for $2.2 it's becoming a staple of mine. The double IPA is also good for getting drunk on economically without buying malt liquor.

>> No.6595597
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>> No.6595602

Come to Minnesota and try it out brah. We'll go fishing.

>> No.6595648


No shit Dick Tracy

>I'm byackkkkkkk!
>tried it in a can
tbqh I... don't like it a bit from a can. vastly prefer bottle. the crack was OK and the smell was good but all i got was a mouthful of suds and that 'canny' tastem and the bitterness and flavor didn't set in until well after I swallowed. I actually did the "wine breathing funny sucking sounds" to see if I could taste it

It's just fine in a glass, but I did not like the can experience at all.


It's a fucking delicious traditional lager with it's own yeast, a distinct bittered taste and aroma and a great cask pour.

and it is also cheap. These things are not mutually exclusive.


it had next to no marketing for almost 170 years and managed to stay massively popular, gee I wonder why

>> No.6595707

>a distinct bittered taste
Yuengling certainly does not have a distinct taste

it is Budweiser with a little caramel coloring

>> No.6595739
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why would you troll on this extremely falsifiable and nuanced point?

what do you get from it?

>> No.6595744

I had a backwoods bastard tonight.

First time I had it, it was very fresh. Tasted too much like bourbon - like a shot of whiskey dropped into a beer.

Now it has almost exactly 7 months on it, and its much nicer to drink. The bourbon flavour works well with the beer now. Tastes like vanilla, nuts, and kinda like creme brulee.

>> No.6595752

I'm just mad because I always heard you people talk about how great Yuengling is, then when I finally made my way to the south I tried it and it was entirely generic adjunct lager

If you people hadn't talked it up so much it would not have elicited any reaction by me, I just expected so much btter

>> No.6595755
File: 40 KB, 616x462, Three Eyed Raven..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just drank one of these
RIP in peace Stannis and Jon Snow

>> No.6595757

Yuengling is solid. Don't listen to these hipster trolls. Someone actually said PBR was a better beer lol.

Did you pour the can into a glass? I prefer the carbonation you get from a can over what you get from a bottle. To each their own.

>> No.6595761

>Someone actually said PBR was a better beer lol.
at best Yuengling is equivalent to PBR, its just another generic lager

>> No.6595766

yeah I would rather get a 30 of PBR or High Life for $15 than pay more for an inferior Yuengling

The fact that you would buy hipster fake craft beer like yuengling just because they add a little fake color is disturbing

>> No.6595774

I've had both beers a number of times. They're on the better end of generic, but Yuengling is far superior. It's a preference thing and everyone has a favorite. The price isn't that far apart.

However, I won't even humor the High Life guy. That shit is nasty.

>> No.6595783

>implying High Life isn't objectively the best cheap beer

PBR is probably second and Yuenling 3rd but fuck it for costing more

I don;t drink any of that shit any more, but you are delusional if you think Yuenging is significantly better than either PBR or High Life, its barely even better than Bud

>> No.6595785


wtf are you talking about

>> No.6595792

they don't sell yuengling up by me, I never tried it until I went to Florida

It seems like it is mostly southerners who have never had an actual good beer and Pennsylvanians who basically have southern style liquor sales laws that are enthusiastic about it

>> No.6595795


The can carbonation was not a factor when decanting


>hurrrrrr ima bitch about exact ppl that drink some beer based on memes

>> No.6595799

>ima bitch about exact ppl that drink some beer based on memes
what does this even mean?

>> No.6595898
File: 188 KB, 1024x689, #EatLikeYouMeanIt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>drinking macro lagers
>good taste
Pick one.

>> No.6595937

Probably the blonde one. Looks good enough for a poke

>> No.6596904

A bar that's kind of out of my way home from work has KBS on tap for $9.

Should I bother goijg to get some? Never tried it before.

>> No.6596939

If you're genuinely curious. That's what I did since I wasn't going to even try getting a bottle. Was nice.

>> No.6596991

I actually have a bottle, but i like to age heavy stouts so i was considering going to the bar to taste some fresh then saving the bottle I do have for about a year or two.

I might go and do it and get a burger after work. But fuck, New York is expensive and $23 is a lot to spend on a beer and a burger.

>> No.6597026

KBS isnt really worth aging, even the brewery agrees

Best to have it fresh on a nice cool night

>> No.6597698
File: 48 KB, 566x318, sixpoint-jammer-glass-can-e1430152143336[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoever thought putting salt in beer was a good idea...

...is a fucking genius, because he's absolutely right.

Are all Gosen this delicious?

>> No.6597791
File: 680 KB, 1632x1224, Enjoy By..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Having one of these now. Pretty good, most Stone stuff is (though I think that Ruination 2.0 is just a tiny bit better imo). Kinda wish they'd have a regular lighter beer like a hefeweizen/pilsner/etc or something, I think Stone would be able to make a great one. Hell if SN can make Kellerweis/Kolsh god tier, then anything is possible.

>> No.6597820
File: 104 KB, 756x504, kirschgose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have some Victory Kirsch Gose which also has some cherry in it and it is just great. Sweet, sour, salty, and the wheat and the cherry go well together too. Maybe I will try Sixpoint's Jammer Gose next, though I have seen very mixed opinions on it.

>> No.6597901
File: 308 KB, 1000x1000, IIPA_GreenFlash_Le+Freak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I usually drink everything I buy that night. A month ago I was already drunk and bought a 4 pack to Ten Fidy. I passed out after three so I had the last one the next day.

I'm currently drinking a 22oz bottle of this from my Liter sized glass. It's not bad but it tastes a little strange for an IPA. My brother's father in law gave it to me for my birthday. I wouldn't go out of my way for this. It has a ton of dead yeast in it which I'm used to because I bottle condition my home brew but I usually expect more from commercial ventures. I literaly can't see anything on the other side of the glass because it's so clowdy and I had this bottle sitting in my fridge upright for a few days because I saw all the yeast floating around in it.

>> No.6597938

Oh damn son that looks amazing. I love lambics and real fruit beers. My favorite so far is Samuel Smith, the fucking strawberry is delicious.

>> No.6597941
File: 47 KB, 525x425, cuckerson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic.

>> No.6597942

I 100% recommend it. Drinking my last one right now actually and I wish I had more.

>> No.6598095

>people actually think stannis died

>> No.6598098
File: 1.67 MB, 3264x1836, 1434417799700-629134810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Decided to say fuck it because YOLO

>> No.6598099

Holy fuck it's good.

>> No.6598149

It's not as good as Ten Fidy tbph

>> No.6598305

>all these hipster beers
literally laughing my ass off

Reinheitsgebot or bust

>> No.6598310

>Just returned from Germany where they make like three styles of beer only, but they have perfected each one.

- Bock
- Doppelbock
- Dunkelbock
- Dunkeldoppelbock
- Winter-Bock
- Eisbock
- Pilsener
- Landbier
- Kellerbier/Zwickl
- Export
- Kölsch
- Schwarzbier
- Dunkel
- Weissbier (Weizen)
- Märzen
- Weihnachtsbier
- Berliner Weiße
- Altbier
- Malzbier
- Helles
- Rauchbier

are german beer styles all being made and sold currently in germany.

>> No.6598333

You literally named several different styles of beer made in different ways and in different cities.

Like saying a milk stout and imperial stout are not both stouts.

Kill yourself.

>> No.6598336

>hipster beers

Stopped reading there. In the trash your opinion goes.

>> No.6598355

a dunkelbock neither tastes nor looks like a bright bock beer. and a schwarzbier does not taste like a dunkel either. so yes, you can call them different types of beers.

but I'm sure a person with your degree of expertise doesn't much discern between a pizza napoletana and a pizza pugliese either, as they are both pizzas, hm? :)

>> No.6598394

Kentucky Bourbon Barrel Ale is not my cup of tea, but my Ky friends fucking love it. You might want to just try some of their other stuff and expand from there. Kentucky ale isn't bad.

>> No.6598420

I kind of hate it. It's just not a good tripel, in my opinion. So many better ones out there.

>> No.6598429

Enjoy by is God tier.

>> No.6598495
File: 1.19 MB, 1280x800, image2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drinking Warsteiner right now. Pretty good.

>> No.6598503

It's better. Ten is great, but kbs is better

>> No.6598519
File: 177 KB, 960x640, bauhaus-sky-five.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally tried these guys. Really good ipa. Great balance with some good citrus in there. Will buy again, but the next one of theirs I want to try is the pilsener

>> No.6598858

>I'm sure a person with your degree of expertise doesn't much discern between a pizza napoletana and a pizza pugliese either

You sound like a faggot who throws around buzzwords to make himself feel smarter than everyone else.

>> No.6599163

so you're saying pizza napoletana and pizza pugliese are one and the same? gotcha.

>> No.6599215

Do you know what a buzzword is? I don't think you do

>> No.6599727


>> No.6599737

The only people who'd disagree are the ones who don't like kbs because of its hype. Which is you based on your dumb response.

>> No.6599755

>he thinks founders makes a better stout

>> No.6599843

A lot of breweries make a better stout

>> No.6599942

KBS is definitely the better stout out of the two as long as you don´t bring in factors like price and availability.

Tenfidy is a great beer, just lacks the things that make KBS great, coffee and bourbon tones!

>> No.6599957

I haven't had (or even seen) Barista but Kasteel's Donker is hands down the sweetest beer I've ever had. It's like insane mind-boggling amounts of sweet. Strong as well.

>> No.6600168
File: 451 KB, 1664x1248, IMG_20150616_204249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Two new beers tried so far this night. First one from cigar city for me, sadly it was old and it was clearly noticeable, more bitter than juicy!

>> No.6600183
File: 443 KB, 1664x1248, IMG_20150616_213919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Omnipollo makes some really good stuff and then they make some really strange stuff as well. This one falls in both i think. Wheat and oat pilsner? WTF? Very strange but still enjoyable and highly drinkable beer!

>> No.6600215

Man you really get a good selection of USA beers over there, I live in the US (Chicago) and I have wanted to try that Jai Alai for quite some time. Now I'm not involved in the whole beer trading thing, although I'd like to be, so I really just have to depend on my bottle stores to bring in some good out of town stuff.

>> No.6600227

Surely some place in a town as large as Chicago got to have Cigar city beers? Never got the impression of them being unavailable to other areas than the local (Alchemist beers, some 3F stuff),

>> No.6600240

I'm sure there's somewhere. I HAVE been able to find some really great stuff here, I suppose Cigar City stuff just isn't on the top of my list, although I have never seen anything from them before.

>> No.6600252
File: 424 KB, 1664x1248, IMG_20150616_220852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another Omnipollo offering, More traditional this time around, really enjoyable and quaffable ipa! Sad that it´s not readily available as it is better than their Nebuchadnezzar.

>> No.6600263

have this one waiting for me in the fridge. let me know what you think

>> No.6600323
File: 429 KB, 1664x1248, IMG_20150616_223711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Germans perfected their Pilsner awhile back, must be why they all seem the same to me. Great beer, just nothing exciting about it at all.

>> No.6600378

Jai alai is the shit when is fresh, but old it tastes like shit.

>> No.6600391

Tasted like an tired and old ipa, mostly malts and bitterness so i think my guess that it was old hold true, it was bottled in late February this year, and that would constitute as old for an ipa!

>> No.6600395

Yeah, that happens to it around the 4 month mark in my experience. Get it within 2 months and you're good to go. It'll taste all fruity and delicious.

>> No.6600406

Sources are often limited here in yuropoor countries so we are often happy getting it at all. There are irregularities though, we got two week old ballast point in our stores not long ago and people we heard from over there had to buy older in San Diego places!

>> No.6600459

Damn shame. I'm about two hours South of their brewery so I get Jai Alai everywhere fresh as fuck and it's fantastic.

>> No.6600544
File: 52 KB, 480x360, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not some hipster craft beer drinker, have a real mans beer

Pic related

>> No.6600569

Is it still like $12 a sixer around there?

>> No.6600612

There was a 7-11 near me with the wrong barcode so I got it for $6 a six pack for a while. Generally 9-12 is common. There's a bar near me that always has it on draft for $4 for 20oz.

>> No.6600618
File: 69 KB, 800x600, 1439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drinking this lately. It's OK but I find it a little watery sometimes.

>> No.6600666



>> No.6600671

>satanic trips
I came here to post some OC which thread should I post in?

>> No.6600699

This one. This thread still has 100 posts til its saged. That faggot is a retard.

This one will be around for at least another 24 hours.

>> No.6600700

Daily reminder aging beer in a bottle does absolutely nothing.

>> No.6600702

Nice trollpost.

>> No.6600713
File: 1.57 MB, 960x1280, IMG_2501.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool, I've been on /ck/ for a while but I guess I never knew what the bump limit was here.

What should I drink tonight? Just got back from a hike so I'll shower and then open something up. Let's make it something more refreshing, none of the stouts.

>> No.6600739

>no answers

I'll open that Souther Tier Tangier first, I'm sure it won't be that great anyway.

>> No.6600904
File: 1.18 MB, 2304x2304, IMG_20150610_191204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sour beers are great if you find the right ones

>> No.6600944
File: 53 KB, 378x500, dogfishhead_festinapeche.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one of my favorites I've had this summer

>> No.6600984

Schell's in general has a great line of cheap beers. I miss $7 six-packs of Chimney Sweep.

>> No.6601166

Nothing Southern Tier makes is great so you are probably right.

>> No.6601167
File: 81 KB, 540x486, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I turned 21 a month ago and I've just been trying different beers recently. Got a 6pack of Rogue's Hazelnut Brown Nectar today, it's pretty tasty.

>> No.6601364

KBS this year wasn't amazing. Much prefer Weyerbacher's Sunday Morning Stout at this point.

love clown shoes, pick up a 4pack of their Chocolate Sombrero if you haven't yet. Nice little chili kick

zombie dust was a little disappointing for the one bottle I was able to try but I'm still jealous as fuck that you're seemingly able to get 3 Floyds stuff regularly

I actually really liked this. I was expecting it to taste more like the golden monkey too but it really did end up pretty different.

Kirsch Gose is good too, need to actually get myself up a 4 pack soon. Was going to grab one the other day but ended up buying their Moonglow Weizenbock, which I really like. Feel like it might have been better fresh but it's still real solid

so how was it

>> No.6601503

Try their Mocha Porter(?), Oatmeal Stout, and Chocolate stout. Aside from those three and the Brown Ale, they pretty much only brew meme beers.

>> No.6601571

2funny. Those things are gross. The bud chelada is pretty good though

>> No.6601610

> americans having to be 21 to drink
ive been sold alcohol since i was 13

>> No.6602872

Really? I like a few of there beers what have you had you didn't like? I've had most of the 22oz bottles and only one or 2 didn't care for but I always pick when I see a new one

>> No.6602881

Try the white oak version if you see it

>> No.6602938

Drinking a founders porter.

Damn i always forget how awesome this beer is.

>> No.6602941

>KBS this year wasn't amazing. Much prefer Weyerbacher's Sunday Morning Stout at this point.
Gut at my beer store said the same thing.

Im fina go pick up a bottle or two of the Sunday morning stout

>> No.6603040

Eh, the Tangier was pretty weak. Normally I don't mind STs stuff but the Tangier smelled great and then somehow managed to taste ALMOST like nothing, faint bitterness from the tangerines but not much else going on at all.

>> No.6603427
File: 7 KB, 194x259, hardcorechimera..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drinking this shit. It's fuckin' awesome. Pleasantly surprised by my first taste of this brewery's beer.

>> No.6603430
File: 10 KB, 291x173, wenk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As both an alcoholic and a beer lover, this beer is awesome. It's nice and hoppy and refreshing, plus it does a great job of hiding its high abv.

>> No.6603432

It does. I honestly can barely taste any alcohol at all and it's 9%.

>> No.6603433

Finch's is awesome, try the facist pig next time.

>> No.6603435

Finch's is pretty top tier as far as Chicago breweries go, love their stuff.

>> No.6603463
File: 51 KB, 555x344, get a load.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I gotta admit, I'm not a fan of that beer. I generally love their stuff, but I just don't dig that one.

>> No.6603466
File: 172 KB, 228x800, finchs-beer-launches-barrel-aged-program-with-L-ZieS3p.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ambers aren't for everyone. I hated them up until pretty recently. I was, howver, lucky enough to get a bottle of their Pig in the Wood which was OUTSTANDING.
>pic related
Still one of my favorites of all time.

>> No.6603477

Honestly, I often find ambers boring in general, but with that one it just seemed like an overhopped boring beer pretending to be an amber.

>> No.6603521
File: 229 KB, 768x1024, IMG_20150614_175315_035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has any one had this before? I had it for the first time this weekend, it was okay. It looks, taste and smells like root beer, besides the after of beer. It has a 5.9 ABV.

All in all it was a pretty good novelty, had it at a family/friends cookout in the backyard on a lazy Sunday afternoon, had it with hotdog made me feel like a kid while drinking like an adult

>> No.6603545

Yeah I thought it tasted like a good root beer with a slight warmth to it. I'd buy it if it were cheaper but 10.99 a 6 pack? No

>> No.6603555

I am admittedly a novice to the beer scene.

My local liquor store had some St. Pauli Girl so I decided to try it. It's imported from Germany, so I figured it would taste ok. (great logic, right?)

Never again. St. Pauli Girl is the worst beer I've had in a long time.

>> No.6603561

is that really how much it is? I didn't buy it, but yeah that's just a little bit to much more than it's worth, I agree

>> No.6603562

>not drinking it on draft
>not imbibing large amounts of highly alcoholic root beer

>> No.6603607

Saw this in the beer store today and was like huh?

>> No.6603618

That's how much it is in my area. Mn here.
It's good. If you like root beer it's worth trying

>> No.6603682
File: 1.50 MB, 2448x3264, moose_piss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Straight garbage right here.

>> No.6603683

yeah it's root beer that gets you drunk, I'm actually sitting here eating ice cream and just realized how awesome ice cream floats would be with this stuff.

>> No.6603688

I make beer floats with pumking as well. Is good. Southern tier makes a couple that are good over ice cream

>> No.6603697


big surprise

>> No.6603701
File: 906 KB, 1944x2592, IMG311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I win every time

>> No.6603712
File: 44 KB, 360x511, dude.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ugh, like amaretto over ice cream, god I love alcohol over ice cream

>> No.6603715
File: 597 KB, 750x1000, seasons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are some good Canadian micros though. Bellwoods is pretty dope.

>> No.6603723

Win what? I've never been a big fan of trappists. Even beer from Belgium is sort of whatever. I tried a bunch while there and there were very few that I'd actually buy if I could. Idk why people cream their jeans over trappists and Belgian beer

>> No.6603726
File: 90 KB, 299x428, coming.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw i got to try KBS and CBS on draft at one of the local bars

>> No.6603730

>never even got a chance
I took that as a big fuck you from Founders. Why no bottling this year?

>> No.6603736

Distribution is tough for BA beers. Also tapping events bring people out of the woodwork that normally drink at home.

>> No.6603802
File: 194 KB, 1200x1600, jai alai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you can get your hands on cigar city's jai alai do it. little on the pricy side, but so damn worth it. Best IPA i've ever had.

>> No.6604006


Are you guys serious? Jai Alai is good, but nothing really special.

I live in Florida, so this is the best local beer I can find. It's a goto fresh beer, but it's nowhere near the best IPA on the shelf.

I currently have some Maduro from Cigar City. It's a rich, flavorful brown ale, but still not spectacular. These two are the only beers from Cigar City that I find noteworthy, yet they're not great. They're so pricey it's hard for me to buy them.

>> No.6604054

from tampa myself, i was the one who posted the second cigar city brew.

best is green bench, but they're so small didn't think anyone would know of them. they make my actual favorite beer. their russian imperial stout hnngg

>> No.6604111

I live a couple hundred miles from Tampa, so I get the select few they ship to retailers. (like five varieties, not the two you mentioned)

If I am ever in Tampa, I will visit their brewery, or store, or whatever. They certainly have my attention. Best brewery in the state by far.

>> No.6604507

Who has coins nowadays? And using kitchenware means getting your filthy hands on it.
I guess lighters and keys are decent back ups.

>> No.6604511

If you're an alcoholic like me, you'll eventually tear through the end of the lighter and a long stream of butane will rocket out.

>> No.6604804

I was actually in Tampa yesterday and found a small local brewery called Angry Chair. It was hip as fuck, but the beers were awesome. We tried their red sour, raspberry Berliner weisse, German chocolate stout, imperial fudge stout, coconut maple barkeywine, kolsch, and ipa. Brought a growler of the ipa home just because they didn't do growlers of the barleywine, but both were incredible.

Definitely well worth checking out of you haven't.

>> No.6604834

I wish they sold more micros at LCBO

>> No.6605054

i love this one. it's in my top 10

>> No.6605466
File: 618 KB, 2432x1492, Chimays.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>IPA-hipstershit everywhere

Step aside for the glorious belgian masterrace, ameritards.

>> No.6605473

Belgians are shit. German beers are far superior. And american beers are superior still.

Get fucked

>> No.6605491
File: 1.11 MB, 1936x1936, Fantôme-Saison.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drinking some Fantôme Saison for the first time in my life, it is probably the best beer i have ever tasted and i've been on that craft IPA game since 2010

>> No.6605492

>drinking ChiMayMay
Memes: The Beer

>> No.6605504

>german beers
>better than belgian beers
terrible opinion m8

>> No.6605689

Letting the drink breathe is a very real situation. Sort of like farting in a cup compared to an empty room.

>> No.6605705

Sam smith is tasty brew!

>> No.6606083

God damned Blaecorn Unidragon, with about half a case of 60 minute to sip on when it's done.

This is the first russian imperial stout I've tried and it's fucking blowing my mind, what are some other ones to try that I can get around MA?

>> No.6606308
File: 2.64 MB, 4160x2340, 0618152132[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I felt dirty pouring it out of the can but it was only to take this pic (and sort of to see the color).

Anyone else from the midwest have any Tin Man beers? They're from Indiana. I don't want to sound like a shill but Rosenweiss and this Damascene Apricot Sour are fucking delicious. Circuit is the only one so far I've not liked much, had it at a bar once and it was only okay.

>> No.6606310

I don't really like beer, what can I do to change this?

>> No.6606313

I felt a little dirty craning my head to look at your picture.

>> No.6606327

keep drinking until you do

>> No.6606329

Sorry man, I think if 4chan didn't strip exif it would be rotated correctly.

Spend several months spending $20 a week or so on a pack or two of semi-random (I look at beeradvocate to be a complete cocksucker) brews and find out what you like. You will not immediately have a taste for it. Personally, I spent a couple weeks drinking cheap beer and not liking it after turning 21 and then started ponying up more money for nicer stuff that I enjoyed progressively more. To speak of using a website again, try looking for highly or semi-highly rated beers from different categories, stouts, porters, IPAs, ales, etc. and learn what you like from them.

>> No.6606334

Everyone likes some beer. You've probably only tried beers you don't like. There's beers that taste like whatever you want them too. Belgian quads are common beers for getting non beer people into beers, specifically because they address the most common complaints.

They've got a lot of alcohol, so you don't need to drink much to get drunk.
Even still, they don't taste very acid-y at all. It's hard to tell they have all the booze they do in em.
They're not bitter like other beers. They're a lot more sweet.

Belgian wheats are also a good starting point. They have everything but the high alcohol content, and have a lot more flavors that non beer drinkers will enjoy, i.e. lemon, orange.

But at some point I'm talking out my ass. There's no way to tell what kind of beer you'll like, their's so many wildly different varieties. Just go to costco, grab a few variety packs, and enjoy.

>> No.6606337

>I don't really like beer, what can I do to change this?
Start with wine coolers. They are fruity flavored malt beverages now. Find something you can palate. I like citrus > berry flavors, personally. So maybe a mike's hard lemonade or a smirnoff ice for you. At some point it's too sweet or too much sour to drink all night. And beer is more for food pairing in my opinion. There's lime you can add to corona, or orange to blue moon.

>> No.6606373

I got into beer an entirely different way, but probably not the way the OP is talking about. When I was still a teen, my mom wanted to introduce me to alcohol before going to college, so the summer after high school she had me try a bunch of different wines, liquors, beers, etc. I ended up enjoying some of the better cheapo beers like Yeungling, Guinness, Molson, etc. When I'd comeback from college on various breaks, she'd let me pick some beer from the liquor store and shit. I'd go on beer advocate and shit, watch reviews and stuff before going home and ended up trying all the best stuff.

Now I'm a 23 year old beer lover, never really got drunk at any parties because I didn't need too.

Awesome parenting strategy too.

>> No.6606501

What do Belgian Quads taste like?

>> No.6606513

The dubbels and tripels I've had had a tangy sweetness to them. Can't recall well, but I assume the quadrupel is stronger.

>> No.6606543

Thanks for the tips guys.

>> No.6606551
File: 86 KB, 1000x1000, grond control.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I had that last week. Less flavorful/sour than I imagined it would be, but good beer.


had it only once, but very good.

Had this a couple weeks ago with splurging, very thick but full of flavor. Definitely worth the novelty.

>> No.6606561

I read the beer advocate entry, and it didn't seem all that descriptive. I grabbed two big bottles of high abv beers from the store today, and could only drink one tonight. The Belgian Quad was the second bottle I'm saving for tomorrow, so I'm trying to get HYPE'D. How do they compare to beers like high abv stouts or sours?

>> No.6606563

>Less flavorful/sour than I imagined it would be,
Well, it is only a 4.5% abv or something like that after all. I admittedly have been drinking mostly high apv beers since fall/winter, so I had been expecting a low apv beer like the Victory Kirsch Gose to have not that much flavor, but I was presently surprised, kind of had the opposite experience you did.

>> No.6606621

I hate them both but PBR is my most hated beer. I used to be able to at least drink it but lately it's tasted like piss and chemicals. High Life is the best shitty beer.

>> No.6606624
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Cringeworthy beer labels general?

>> No.6606628
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We don't get Jammer out this way. It's good? I've been drinking Boulevard's hibiscus gose lately. Got some westbrook too for the two weeks it was available. I had Evil Twin's mission gose last night and it was extremely good. You wouldn't think something that's 4% could be so powerful but it was.

>> No.6606820
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>refrigerating your beer

>> No.6606838

I've got a few in my fridge, this one is the cheaply massed produced to keep up with demands.
There are also 11% and a 19% but they're a bit harder to find. They taste like root beer as well.