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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6588617 No.6588617 [Reply] [Original]

What do you think of mcdonalds food?

>> No.6588629

Nowadays they focus more on the aesthetic quality of their restaurants than the quality of their food. I've seen McDonald's that look like 3 star restaurants but once inside I can feel the grease and oil and memories of crawling around in an unclean play place come flooding back.

It's been so long since I've had it. Last time I ate there I felt physically depressed and got this dark dull migraine. The time before that I got a big Mac and diarrhea. Never again.

Although I suppose if I was forced to eat there I'd probably order fries and maybe a grilled chicken sandwich.

Otherwise, low quality food for low quality people.

>> No.6588641

I ate there last saturday for the first time in probably 3 years.
It was around 3pm, I hadnt done shit all day, but after eating I felt bloated, sluggish and tired.

I actually took a 2-3 hour nap because of it.

>Last time I ate there I felt physically depressed and got this dark dull migraine

I wonder why, this happened.
Its not like I eat really healthy or anything, but it knocked me out.

It wasnt worth the 6 dollars

>> No.6588648

I think it tastes really good. You can't eat it (fast food in general) all the time because it will get old fast and isn't very smart, but sometimes nothing tastes better than a Big Mac some fries and a cola .

>> No.6588653

Most of the time it seems to taste like the inside of my own mouth with a little more texture. It seems as though the older I get, the faster the fix wears off and I find myself sitting in a pool of sweat and shame.

>> No.6588663

When I was really fat I'd go there semi regularly. I don't ever go there anymore.

When I began my diet I'd crave it, now it seems gross. Occasionally I'll want the mcmuffin but then I remember after I have it I feel tired and sluggish and it actually ruins my day.

I don't know wtf they put in them to make you so tired. Maybe they max out the sodium and sugar in the bun and meat? Like your body spikes insulin or something then you crash?

>> No.6588667

I like the classics, like big mac and fries, but their special are invariably disappointing. I also can't digest their fucking "smoke" flavour, it gives me toxic burps for the rest of the day.

>> No.6588669

tastes good, but shit nutritional value.

>> No.6588671

it's probably just too greasy and heavy. hard to digest and makes you feel tired because it sits in your stomach for a while.

>> No.6588673

Especially if you are eating it with hashbrowns and orange juice.
I love hardees breakfast, but it is the worst thing right in the morning.

>> No.6588682

Yeah all that carbs.

I guess it makes sense? Fat people love carbs and kinda need them to keep kicking their happy feels up. Fat people are more likely to eat McDs therefore make it for them.

Normal healthy people get a huge carb hit and their body goes into shock.

>> No.6588718

it's refined carbs soaked with grease. when they fry things at mcdonald's, they probably don't maintain proper temperatures and the oil soaks right in. top it off with a glass of sugary orange juice and ketchup, probably close to your max daily amount of fat and sugar just from breakfast.

>> No.6588973

As a kid I thought McD's was a treat, and something special. A Big Mac was a big deal. My mother cooked almost every night, and we could afford to have steak and roast chicken at home, so we didn't go out to eat very often.

When I got out on my own I tried hitting McD's as a treat, but it didn't taste as good as I remembered it, and left me feeling sluggish and thirsty after eating. So I just stopped eating there entirely.

That was years ago. As a kid the place had some appeal, but as an adult I want nothing to do with it.

>> No.6588985

The Big Mac is still the best burger out there.

>> No.6588993


>> No.6588997

I have one every once in a while. I get the chicken legend meal, with salsa not mayo.

>> No.6588999
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haters gon hate

>> No.6589003


>> No.6589005

McDonald's tastes like apathy. Food for people who don't care. Lukewarm calories with a side of self pity.

>> No.6589028


this is a terrible post.

>> No.6589031

When I was a little kid I would totally have agreed with you. As an adult the only thing the Big Mac has going for it is that it's cheap. And that's not enough to get me to buy it, because I don't like the way I feel after eating it.

Besides, a Double Double from In-N-Out and a double Shack Burger from Shake Shack both kick it's ass. If I want a fast food double burger I'll have one of those.

>> No.6589038

Cheeseburgers and nuggets are ok, cheap shit, for whenever one has a craving for cheap shit, and quick on top of it.

What's pathetic is how they try to make it seem as if it were healthy, with all that green and brown interior design, and whatnot. At least BK doesn't pretend to be healthy, it just gives you what you want: Big ol' burgers.

>> No.6589039

In-N-Out is overrated trash.

>> No.6589041

>4 serious replies to more than obvious troll
6/10 not bad anon.

>> No.6589095

Absolutely true, but it's still better than McD's.

>> No.6589113

>I wish they would deliver

>> No.6589466

From what I remember, the burgers were always unsatisfying, and the fries are garbage when they get cold. I've also never been able to finish one of their drinks in what I think is a reasonable amount of time.

However, I went there a few months ago after years of generally avoiding the place on principle because it was late and I was really hungry, and I had a couple of items from their cheap menu, like a cheeseburger. I don't think I felt boated or very uncomfortable at all.

As long as I look at the food as a $3 meat-like snack, it's pretty alright, but I wouldn't go there for an actual filling meal unless I was desperate.

Actually, there's one that's just a short bike ride from where I live. I think I'll pop over there and get a snack later on today.

>> No.6589471

>However, after years of generally avoiding the place on principle, I went there a few months ago. It was late, I was really hungry, and I ended up eating a couple of items from their cheap menu. I don't think I felt boated or very uncomfortable at all.
Wow, that was garbled. Here's the slightly less-dyslexic version.

>> No.6589485

Their sausage egg and cheese bagel is the only thing I will actually find a McDonald's for. You gotta substitute the paper folded egg for a scrambled egg and get extra aioli. Pair that with a black coffee and your good to go

>> No.6589487

Try the fish fillet mr gay, you will come back you might even stay, soft and delicious the catch of the day here at macdonalds we do it your way

>> No.6589497

I don't hate the food as much as other people on /ck/ but what I can't stand is they can never seem to get my order correct. I know they're minimum wage and not the brightest people but jesus christ, even wendys can get it right.

>> No.6589504
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McHaters ITT
I wish mcdoubles were still a buck.
If you don't like egg mcmuffins, mcchickens, or big mac's you need to be bombed by the US

>> No.6589519

Hating mcdonalds is the hip thing to do today. It's pretty cool, m8.

>> No.6589545
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My Dad works at McDonalds as a manager and brought me a McDouble with some fries while he was dropping by. It didn't taste good, but it didn't taste bad either. Towards the last bite I got sick of it and didn't feel like finishing it. I felt depressed and had a headache for a bit. Same thing happens with their $1 Sweet Teas.
Or you know, maybe some people genuinely dislike McDonald's food.

>> No.6589547

Flyover land here.
McDoubles are still a buck in these parts.

>> No.6589552

It really makes no sense. I've actually told a manager that he belongs at McDonald's after getting my order wrong twice and being a dick about it. Just read the receipt and do what that says.

>> No.6589553

Just ate mcdonalds actually. Got one of those new "sirloin" burgers. Apparently they're the same thing as the old angus burgers they had awhile ago with a different name?
Weird. Good burgers though.

>> No.6589554

ur dads doing the best he can you ungrateful bastard

>> No.6589556

total trash
just like all of the people in this thread who love it

>> No.6589609

I think it's close enough to my job that I can cut out and get food there while I'm on my shift.

>> No.6590018

its the most consistent fast food joint. Most other places very in quality from shit to edible, McD's is always 'ok'.

>> No.6590045

McChickens are complete garbage tier now.
They decided to make the patties smaller instead of raising their prices.

>> No.6590461
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I enjoy it on the off occasion. Big Mac usually, maybe a McChicken or chicken nuggets. The fries are decent, but I'd never get more than a small size and even after that I still feel gross. I used to get happy meals all the time as a kid and the dollar menu made up a significant part of my diet in high school, but now I am a mostly sophisticated adult.

I think there's a lot of unfair stigma against McD's but you could do so much worse for quick food.

>> No.6590534


It's like there's a party in my mouth and my stomach just called the cops to shut it down.

>> No.6590560

>What do you think of mcdonalds food?
It sucks you shill.

>> No.6591198

I'm not really enjoying their new direction, their redesigned restaurants and their faux-futuristic animated menus that can't even stay still for 2 seconds.

I go in there once a week for a mcgangbang and that's it.
The moment the price of a mcchicken and a double cheese burger costs more than the price of a burger at my favorite hole in the wall mexican burger joint, I'm dropping mcdonalds.

>> No.6591207

wcdoualds makes the worst garbage. It may taste good but it isn't even food! I'm poor and don't have money but I'll take a kilo of spaghetti over a mc chicken anytime.

>> No.6591210

I'm too good for it anymore.

>> No.6591217

The food is shit but the clientele are worse ......

>> No.6591224

mcdonalds always, always, without fail, gives me rock-hard dry flaky shits

>> No.6591227


Someone who works McDonald's here.

I've developed an extreme pet peeve towards decisiveness, usually because it's usually prefaced with a loud, grating "UHHHHHH."

Black people are the worst, because they also like to mumble the most.

>> No.6591369


>> No.6591376

>doesn't know the difference between decisiveness and indecisiveness

I wonder why you work at McSlaves

>> No.6591791

Ate last week for the first time in three and a half years.

Ordered a hamburger & sprite, my stomach started hurting 10 minutes later when I finished from how much my body was used to home cooked food.

>> No.6591903

3 mc doubles and an m&m mcflurry. Dirty bulking godsend.

>> No.6591907

bacon egg & cheese bagels are top teir

>> No.6591924

Mcdonalds' breakfast menu is pretty tasty. Hotcakes and hashbrowns are both acceptable for cheap-ass food.

>> No.6591956

It's fast food.
I'll eat it when I'm tired and hungry and don't have the energy/money to go somewhere better. Or when I'm drunk/high.

>> No.6591965

Do you remember this?


>> No.6591974

why does mcdonalds make my poo harder and drier than any other food i've ever eaten?

>> No.6591981

Lack of fibre?

>> No.6592059
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>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G4gSCQ3-he4 [Embe

Yeah, I'd like to hate Mcy de, but cain't Around here, they are tough to get a job with if ... never mind... they are clean... they try hard, to conform to "classy community standards (actually one close by that has a baby grand and full time pianist) Two all beef patties, special sauce etc... ( I eat about one or those, once a year, then feel like I've swallowed a cannon ball) and never won a damn thing from monopoly mc dodanads or others.. But honestly, not too terible. (shush, don't encourage them) Seriously, not perfect, but-9 bucks to start (they have to, many young people have learned they can make better at j crew shipping sweaters). and God help me, M Muffin ain't bad, nor biscuit and gravy, or mc doubles or mcchicken. and two pies for a buck Never understood why the fish sandwich was so expensive -make it at home for under a buck fifty, including the half slice cheese. Here is sack. go pick up the lower lot Great tits of america. There now, that should sufficiently piss every one off. Hate to admit, I do like them. occasionally. Pull around please.

>> No.6592325

but there's bread, there's onions, there's a bit of lettuce, gherkins, you'd think that would be enough but every time without fail it's a mcbrick

>> No.6592910


These people are disgusting fatties that would also eat playdough in a bun.

McDonalds is always shit.

>> No.6592921

i am a former college athlete, i eat mcdonalds pretty regularly.
Just eating it doesn't make you fat, i enjoy it
work out a little, depends on body type and shit too
nothing beats a sausage mcmuff with egg, split the hashbrown and put half on the sandwich and a little bit of hot sauce

>> No.6593271

I dont eat anything but the fries, the fries are so fucking addicting

>> No.6593276
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I'm mclovin it maaaannn!

>> No.6593283

Fuck mcd's no one should ever eat there.
That said, I enjoy a mcd burger on occasion, only as a snack and never as a meal.

>> No.6593286

The coffee's not bad. The ones near me were doing an any-size drink for $1 thing a few years back near finals, so it was nice to get an iced tea that would last me a few hours while studying for less than a bottle of water or can of soda from the vending machines.

>> No.6593290

McDonalds barely classifies as food, but honesty every once in a while I just have the desire to eat shitty McDonald's food. I think it's mostly a texture thing- like how love Little Cesar's despite it being awful pizza.

>> No.6593363

>the only thing the Big Mac has going for it is that it's cheap
where do you live? around here it's like $4 which hardly justifies the meh quality and small portion.

>> No.6593369

yer mum got meh quality last night!

>> No.6593384

Good for her. She's been needing a bit of attention for some time. I'm glad there are people out there with low enough standards to have a go with her.

>> No.6593385

xD what an epic troll!
upboated :^)

>> No.6593397
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I only start going to McDonalds when everyone else's limited edition stuff stops being on the menu and I'm not feeling like driving an extra 5 minutes both ways to go to BK.

I was irrationally upset when I learned tonight that Wendy's Jalapeno Fresco Spicy Chicken and Ghost Pepper Fries were discontinued. So pissed that I just left the fucking drive thru line I'd waited 10 minutes in, just to sit in BK's for another 10 for a Whopper meal and some chicken fries. Same thing happened when Taco Bell stopped serving the Sriracha Quesaritos.

My tier list goes like:
Sriracha Quesarito>Wendy's special stuff>BK's special stuff>McDonald's special stuff>BK>McD>Wendy's>Taco Bell

>> No.6593402

You think about the avaerage employee, and how their Breakfast menu alone they need to memorise the ingredients laid out in the EXACT ORDER
And then you remember they have a LUNCH MENU to remember too. And most of the employees are like, 15.
I might make a thread about this.

>> No.6593404

it gives me really bad indigestion, generally. all i can eat without feeling bad is the soft serve ice cream, so i appreciate that they've kept it so cheap.

>> No.6593410

It's just a few staples with a range of variations.

>> No.6593414

As someone who worked in a convenience store for a while, breakfast food is the easiest shit to make because not much goes into it.

Also >>6593397 here, forgot to mention that McDonalds' breakfasts rate pretty high on my list, probably above BK's special stuff. I haven't had the other places' breakfasts though because McDonalds is the closest to where I live and I'm not willing to go very far for food in the morning. Heard Taco Bell's is good though.

>> No.6593450

its literally not fit for human consumption and i have virtually no respect for people who regularly eat there.

>> No.6593600

For someone who claims to know everything, why did you cap "breakfast?" Why do you cap "exact order?" Why do you cap "lunch menu?"

Don't you think that you can write properly or are you some homosexual with an agenda? "are like?" That's good English m8. Now piss the fuck off.

>> No.6593602

> Getting sick at mcdicks.

Prententious pussies.

>> No.6593606

When i was young i was poor canned food majority of the time. Mc Donalds was a real treat growing up.

Every time i eat Mc Donalds I cry because it reminds me of my mother. Dont even taste shit just eat a single big mac alone in a booth every year.

>> No.6593621

eat it everyday

>> No.6593636

Bong here, im under the impression that the quality here is a lot better than in clapistan
Mcdonalds is legit tasty as fuck and is a nice treat every now and then now that i am /fit/
The mcchicken sandwich (especially the mayo) is one of my all time favourite flavours and not much else is tastier than the chips and nuggets dipped into mcd's barbeque sauce. The bbq sauce is different in france/spain/turkey/italy and imo nowhere near as nice as bong sauce.
Also, the 1955 burger when it was here was one of the alll time greatest things ive ever eaten, would berry weekly if it ever came back

I also remember when i was a kid the local market went through a stage of selling frozen mcsausage breakfast patties that were stolen from a mcdonalds lorry, they werent as nice when they were cooked at home

>> No.6593640

That's probably because white people own and staff the places. It's the same here in the USA, in white owned and run restaurants the quality of both service and content is a lot higher than what's seen in a city filled with niggers for instance where they take the lowest common denomitor as hirees.

It is what it is. Denying that truth is stupid.

>> No.6593657

Yep that is definitely a factor, inner-city paki/nigger-ran ones are noticeably worse

>> No.6593658 [DELETED] 


>> No.6593668

We have "subway" here in nyc, the stench of the indians and pakis running the places is a real turn off, it's pretty vile. That's just my own opinion, if I find the stench of a place repulsive then I won't patronize it.

>> No.6593676

/pol/ pls go

>> No.6593677

I'd rather have a white retard preparing my food then some socially "entitled" tawanna brawley taqueneesha type having anything to do with it.

>> No.6593680

This isn't about /pol this is about reality, deal with it. Your assertion is full of shit and belongs in /lgbt.

>> No.6593684

/pol/ pls go

>> No.6593690

/fagit pls go

>> No.6593694

you should really go to /lgbt or /faggit so feels wont be tusstled.

>> No.6593712 [DELETED] 

edgar pls.

>> No.6593764

tumblr/reddit pls go. Go shit up /co/ or something

>> No.6593794

I'm going to assume quality varies from country to country.
Even in my country the quality is very inconsistent between each place.

I like the McDonalds near me though. Sometimes, nothing is better than a bite into a fresh crispy chicken Texas, sweet 'n sour sauce and fries.

>> No.6594074
File: 29 KB, 500x375, 167ff2e6-0ff4-4f73-b4a1-e6ae2f6bf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

McDonald's is a once-a-month kind of thing for me now, and I always get the same meal.

The best meal.

>> No.6594118


Those things are legit nasty though. I'm not even snobbish about eating junk food and fast food, but McDonald's chicken nignogs have such a strong, chemical tasting acrid aftertaste that I can't stand them.

It's like washing your tongue with soap.

>> No.6594152

Your mouth may be broken.

See a doctor.

>> No.6594206

A few months ago, I had McDonalds for the first time. My friends dragged me there because they couldn't believe I'd never been. I got a Big Mac and fries.
The burger was incredibly greasy and I threw up afterwards. The fries were pretty good though, so overall 4/10

>> No.6594215

I can only eat their breakfasts, sometimes like once every two or three months I eat breakfast there. Last time I had lunch at a McDonalds was almost 3 years ago.

>> No.6594230


>> No.6594249

I love McNuggets and don't really care one way or the other what they are made of, but this looks like some Chinese Communist-tier propaganda.

>> No.6594267

>I had McDonalds for the first time
>I threw up afterwards

Lying on the internet benefits no one.

>> No.6594277

>burger was greasier than the fries

Big Mac patties are drier than your mum's snatch because they sit out all day since hardly anyone orders that shit anymore

>> No.6594298

>Big Mac patties are drier than your mum's snatch because they sit out all day since hardly anyone orders that shit anymore
"Big Mac patties" are the same ones that go on the McDouble.

>> No.6594302

If I'm in London I'll have a couple of those McMini pizzas they do over there. Not really keen on their burgers.

>> No.6594307

Well there's 2 clubs isn't there. The fat fucks who spend way too much time there and the people who think it's cool to hate on it constantly and post about how gross it is. They're both as bad as each other.

I think it's fine, for an occasional fast meal.

>> No.6594325

Londoner here, I have no idea what you're talking about

>> No.6594341

Never liked their burgers, but I liked their McNuggets quite a bit, and the fries were always good.

Coffee is alright and the sweet tea was pretty good.

Haven't been in a long time though, rarely get fast food these days, even then I try to stick to better options than McDonalds...

>> No.6594359

Depends what you order.

Basic shit like Big Macs and nuggets havent stood the test of time well.

For a good Miccy D's meal, you need to order something like a chicken Select meal, and order a double cheeseburger as a side. Suggested dips are the BBQ one that comes with selects, and sweet curry if you can get it in your country.

>> No.6594362


None of that batter looks very good. I'll bet that's what tastes so bad about them. Not to mention being fried, frozen, and fried again.

>> No.6594363

I'm in London too, i've never even heard of a McDowells pizza either

>> No.6594365


>> No.6594532


>> No.6594542

Loathe it except in the middle of a long, cold motorcycle ride. Nothing revives my spirit like a portion of greasy fries and a cola.

>> No.6594974
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>> No.6595100

UK here.

Expensive for what you're getting. A big mac meal will cost you around £5.00 here ($8ish?)
They aren't filling and make you feel hungry and ill all at once an hour later.
I had mcdonalds about a month ago for the first time in around 4 years and it tasted bad.
Somehow dry as fuck and tasteless. I remember them tasting much better around 15 years ago.
Fries are overrated and the pop varies from each franchise. I'd had coke in some places that was like black water as they spread the syrup mix so thin.

>> No.6595895

It's a bit too expensive now.
Fine enough for exactly what it is, they're nice enough to hang out in.
But I'm in Canada and there's nothing awful in our chicken and burgers.