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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 163 KB, 784x560, new mickey d's.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6581601 No.6581601 [Reply] [Original]

McDonald's is planning to rebuild its stand-alone locations in large metro areas to establish the brand as more "upmarket."

Pictured is a test location before national rollout.

>> No.6581607

Sooo they're trying to be like Apple?

>> No.6581610

Looks pretty cool, they should spend the money on robots who make perfect meals thought.

>> No.6581612

Hey OP, what's the weather like in the land of Twomonthsago, where you're obviously posting from?

>> No.6581613

can you stop shilling every single press release by your bullshit dying company

there have been at least 5 "mcdonalds are doing x" threads in the last week

>> No.6581620

So they think restaurants that look like something out of Dwell magazine will somehow make people stop thinking about them as ghetto food? That's ambitious, but I doubt it'll work. Rebranding is a bitch.

>> No.6581677

If you want McDonalds to seem classier do a package redesign
brown sacks with a black horizontal line and the classic McDonald's emblem (in black) across them
all of the beverage containers clear plastic with minimal markings and black straws
salad containers could remain the same
All hamburgers wrapped in tan colored paper with black writing
Specialty hamburgers wrapped in foil underneath and held together with a simple sticker
fish or chicken sandwiches could use light gray paper

People would feel less dorky holding a McDonald's bag

>> No.6581686


>> No.6581700

Or make it edible.

>> No.6581712 [DELETED] 

could I have dubs with that?

>> No.6581729 [DELETED] 

Sorry sir, we are out of dubs for today. But singles are now on the dollar menu!

>> No.6581742

what does this mean rebuild? they have uniquely designed McD's all over the world already.

>> No.6581750

true, mcdonalds bag designs are very cheesy

>> No.6581766 [DELETED] 

out of trips, too?

>> No.6581781


>tfw only person who liked the Arch Deluxe

>> No.6581787

That's a great idea, actually. The packaging is so juvenile.

>> No.6581804

This will expose how shitty the presentation of their food is though by simplifying its delivery system. Then they would be forced to make their food look better. They know customers don't want drab dull packaging, that only works with high end luxury products.

>> No.6581847


>> No.6581856


Since Pedro and Shaniqua are still making the food it will still be shit.

>> No.6581876

and steve and mike will still eat it, leading to heart disease and diabetus. why do cumskins gotta be so insecure?

>> No.6581883


Stay salty.

>> No.6581890

lol not as salty as the average white diet. and you started it by calling out my homie pedro and his girl shaniqua

>> No.6581907

>Thinking whites have saltier diets than blacks

Have you ever SEEN traditional black cooking? Shits loaded with salts and fats.

>> No.6581914
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>> No.6581932
File: 29 KB, 644x362, obesity-manuel-uribe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>meanwhile in Mexico

>> No.6581936
File: 11 KB, 744x520, a-pclassic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop trying to go upscale, dammit. All people want is mediocre simple food cheap and a place for their kids to drown in a ball pit.
You are doing the opposite of that: a shitty complicated menu at Wendy's prices and an atmosphere like a brighter Starbucks with less outlets.

Stop getting trendwhores for your test studies and focus on what's always been your demographic: inter-city blacks, obese stay at home moms, and broke college students like myself who only care about getting the most possible food for $4 and change I found on my car floor

>> No.6581937


Mexico is exactly as fat as the USA, and it's funnier because the people are shorter. They're like little globe-people.

>> No.6581940

doesn't matter; food will still shit

>> No.6581943
File: 58 KB, 682x400, obesenegro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, what's your argument again?

>> No.6581947

dont have one, just hate white peoples

>> No.6581948

how do you even get that fat?

>> No.6581950

at least he's eating fruit

>> No.6581954

ya white people suck! there evil!

>> No.6581959

"they're". typical uneducated cumskin

>> No.6581963

Relax cumskin, everyone's equally fat in burgerland, that's what makes this country great.

I don't understand why they don't see that maybe, maybe just going back to their origins could save their dying company. Keep it simple stupid.

>> No.6581965

niggers will just end up smashing those sleek buildings up

>> No.6581980

Joey was right.

>> No.6582008


As if that's going to change their clientele.

It's too far gone, too far culturally embedded that McD's is cheap fast food. So they'll have gangs of chavs sitting in their upmarket establishments eating their dollar/pound saver cheese burger! That's not going to bring in any more cash and will probably run their expenses higher having to maintain a more decorous and 'luxuriant' eating place.

>> No.6582207

i will totally eat at McDonald's if the food is better and the restaurant is nicer

>> No.6582246
File: 51 KB, 500x340, BiltmoreVillageMcDonaldsCopperCeiling2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Biltmore/Asheville mcdonalds..for years now..

>> No.6582253
File: 2.35 MB, 3456x2592, Gatlinburg-Asheville-060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6582256

grand piano that plays itself and a stone fireplace and upscale seating aka modern I guess? I don't have the photo of the bar seating. Cant find one

>> No.6582267
File: 55 KB, 500x500, 1398446472454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying you have had a negative experience at McDonalds

>> No.6582276
File: 38 KB, 138x200, 389724.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6582305

>implying implications
What the fuck does that have to do with my post?

>> No.6582327

McDonalds is the only QSR I have ever frequented that has never fucked up an order, most people I know say the same thing

>> No.6582350

So tacky it actually hurts

>> No.6582357

>dat thermally inefficient design

>> No.6582365


>grand piano that plays itself

it's called a player piano

>> No.6582369

I'm not even into architecture or engineering and that's exactly the first thing I thought, too.

>> No.6582442

>fat diabeetus wheelchair sacks of shit can't get to the upstairs area.
I like this change.

>> No.6582471

They'll have an elevator.

>> No.6582476

It just looks like a standard Maccas in Japan.

>> No.6582480

mfw the doctor is happy to see this man like this because it means a steady paycheck

>> No.6582488

What the fuck?

>> No.6582493

>Stop trying to go upscale, dammit. All people want is mediocre simple food cheap and a place for their kids to drown in a ball pit.


only reason Ive gone to a mcdonalds in years is if its a rainy saturday and I can't take the youngin to the park. Buy a coffee and have him fuck around in the pit for an hour or two and its time to go home.

>> No.6582495

The glass could be super insulated, you don't know.

>> No.6582498

I figured but I can't find one in OP pic
I hope they never add one.

>> No.6582501

It's a continuous flop for the franchise

>They will never trim the menu
>They will never reduce costs
>They will never downsize the physical size of the stores

>> No.6582503

>focus on what's always been your demographic: inter-city blacks, obese stay at home moms, and broke college students like myself who only care about getting the most possible food for $4
That became their demographics starting somewhere in the 1980's. Before that McD's was generally considered a middle/working class joint It was the Dollar Menu that sealed their race to the bottom in terms of customers.

>> No.6582515

>still serve shitty food

>> No.6582517

Get a 3rd pound Angus Sirloin Burger!

>> No.6582526

why are they even fucking around with "third pound"? just fucking offer a goddamn one pound burger and be done with it

>> No.6582531

It's just his inferiority complex speaking, don't mind him.

>> No.6582583
File: 22 KB, 500x333, tumblr_msucitfBvx1shc8ldo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

climb down off that high horse. Not perfect but rather eat there than.. many places. Jeezze. no name but actually help some people better than DQ jack of in a box or some Indian ot t6hi veg place at 40 -50 each. if gonna be f'd I at least ask for some lube and a kiss.

>> No.6582589

they're still shitty, just slightly more like a normal hamburger

>> No.6582619

Uhh... call CPS?

>> No.6582700

That's the stupidest thing I've read today.

>> No.6582704

Or those bagel breakfast sandwiches. And mighty wings. And hot mustard.

>> No.6582709

Are they still going to serve shit food?

>> No.6582722
File: 232 KB, 1023x811, 1432668472519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cum stain haha

I like white people but I am still going to use that term.

>> No.6582746

What board was this?

>> No.6582755

So this is how they're dealing with the 15$ minimum wage deal.

>> No.6582760

Looks like maybe /fa/. Sounds like what an /fa/ meet would be like.

>> No.6582776

Yeah, that would explain the shoes and the 2gud4u behavior.

>> No.6582818

/fa/ doesn't even have close to 19,000,000 posts for it to be considered. and how does that explain their shoes, their shoes look like shit.

they just sound like 4chan losers in general who couldn't manage to make conversation.

>> No.6582833

>their shoes look like shit

That's my point

>> No.6582852


If they want to waste money so badly, why not just put it all in a pile and burn it? It'd be less embarrassing.

>> No.6582924

McD can't get it in their heads their product is seen as being made by poor people for other poor people.
>stay in school or you'll end up working at mcdonalds.
>nigs, ghetto rats, teenagers, and poor college kids are all you see when you drive by

also, if we want to talk about their product, their food is lacking. other fast food places have some variety or 'specialty' such as dairy queen or sonic's ice cream. or arby's curly fries. mcd is just too boring in terms of variety and product currently offered.

>> No.6582925


Haven't they been doing this for years? I mean that's a lot more upscale than I've seen, but they've been going for a more sleek look to emulate starbucks for the past few years

>> No.6582930

this anon right here.
turning the building into an apple store isn't going to change the perception when they walk in and see the same nigs working behind the counter.

>> No.6582942

It's a /fit/ meetup.

>> No.6582979

This is pretty funny. I think I understand why he had a following sometime ago.

>> No.6582992

Not so much in the US. Pretty common abroad though.

>> No.6583001

At what point do you just stop thinking that this is killing you and causing a strain on everyone you know? Just start thinking that it's okay to be like this? And that there's nothing you should do about it? It fucking sickens me.

>> No.6583004


I work at a restaurant and it's surprising how big people get and don't think twice about it. My aunt is at risk for a heart attack, her diet is a few bags of candy and at least 2 soda bottles/a few six packs a day. I cannot fathom how she made it to her 60s

>> No.6583026

all i can think is, "how do you let that happen?" didnt he get to like 300 and have second thoughts about the direction his life was headed?

>> No.6583035

The one in San Francisco just got shut down lol. It was a fucking magnet for homeless, druggies, and degenerates anyway.

>> No.6583036


is that why you went there?

>> No.6583069
File: 277 KB, 810x1607, fat lady.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>At what point do you just stop thinking that this is killing you and causing a strain on everyone you know?

My mother is about as fat as pic related (a little less fat than that), and has been for years. She is 50 years old
She has had diabetes her since the 80s. She has been plagued with health problems.

She literally has had a minor stroke, bells palsy, had a third degree burn that turned to a bad infection, cat bite that turned to a bad hospital stay level infection, a blown out knee, her teeth rotted out of her skull, she is going blind and cant read for shit anymore, broken bones from falling, recently had a very bad concussion from falling onto concrete,she chokes all the time from strictures in her throat, passing out from not taking insulin, and one time she took way way too much and ended up at the hospital and was put into a medically induced coma.

I understand you are supposed to be there for your family, but she has had INSANE amounts of health issues all my life because of her weight and lifestyle. There have been several times where we have thought she was going to die.

And the worst part is, I routinely see other fatties who weigh much more than she does out walking around. And I know all of them have health issues, or will in the near future.

I cannot fathom these huge 3-400 pound monsters get around on their scooters, or the bedridden 500 pounders.

Its really terrible because it DOES drag down people around them.
I cant deal with it

>> No.6583104

I love how he has such a smug look on his not-fat face, like he's all "yeah I'm riding in the fat-tank today and poking my head out of the hatch, hop in if you ain't a little bitch, doc"

>> No.6583243

>to establish the brand as more "upmarket."

lololololololololololol are they fucking serious?!?!?!?!?!?

you could sprinkle that fucking slop they call "food" with fucking DIAMONDS and MOON ROCKS and it will still be what it is.. absolute SHIT unfit for human consumption.

mcdonalds is so fucked. the baby boomer "if its in a can then its clearly the superior food / anyone who disagrees is a communist faggot" generation is LITERALLY going to drag mcdonalds into the grave with them when they go.

lol mcdonalds.

>> No.6583336
File: 8 KB, 259x194, mctriple.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank goodness they are really upping their food quality.
Look at the new McTriple!

>> No.6583368

Lipstick on a pig

If you want your brand to be considered "upmarket" you need food that someone other than bottom-feeders would actually eat.

>> No.6583373

What kind of magical Christmas land do you live in where the workers at McDonalds work with such a consistent statistical anomoly to be able to create every meal both perfectly and to an acceptable standard that you feel the need to point it out

>> No.6583458

>mfw the local mcdonalds has a player piano
>hasn't been tuned since it got put in 15+ years ago
>third of the notes don't even work
>the result barely even resembles western music considering the horrible tuning and only 2/3rds of the notes sounding
>management insists on turning it on any time the dining room is open anyway

>> No.6583468

that would be like a bad dream to eat in there with that going on

>> No.6583470

yeah wouldn't it be great if McDonalds became a fashion accessory...

>> No.6583477

It seems like this could help them some for at least a little while. People would think the more upscale packaging would mean they have slightly better food now and maybe drag in a different demographic for a few months until they can come up with something better

>> No.6583481

It was /fit/. According to one anon, it was staged and they actually had a decent time but I don't know if that's true.

>> No.6583553
File: 362 KB, 800x532, starfucks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

double-paned glass can be very thermally efficient

the biggest problem is that those massive glass panels are very, very expensive. they would have to be cleaned every day with a big squeegee, and if they crack, you have to replace the whole god damn thing.

the design actually reminds me a lot of my local starbucks, which looks so out of place in the 80s era strip mall parking lot it's in the middle of

>> No.6583560
File: 229 KB, 1504x1000, Bauhaus McDonalds--Monroe & Clark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is a mcdonalds i pass by on my way to work. I would say it's pretty cool looking, already incorporates some of the features in OP's picture like glass panel walls

of course you can't just plop a typical-looking mcdonalds in the middle of a plaza in downtown chicago

>> No.6583569

>And mighty wings.
I once ordered the mighty wings and I couldn't even finish them. It was almost all breading soaked in grease and barely any meat on the bones of the wings. if you want wings, go to a proper wing joint. don't go to mcdonalds for them. mcdonalds tries to do everything, which has been one of their problems. they should just stick to doing a few things really well.

>> No.6583574

Now that I think of it the "literally everyone buried in their phones while someone takes their picture" does seem kind of staged.

>> No.6583584

I don't know why they want to seem uppermarket. That costs a lot of money and someone has to fill the cheap niche.

>> No.6583593

They should have two menus.

One for the window and one for the restaurant. Obviously the restaurant gets the better meals.

The lesson: Quality takes time.
Then their competition would be more anxious about delivering faster service.

>> No.6583598

>I don't know shit about architecture or thermodynamics but I'm obviously qualified to make calls like this

>> No.6583687
File: 29 KB, 357x249, 1412401270599.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It would be great, great for McDonalds. If they are going for the 'hip hipster' market then it is not a bad idea to turn it into a fashion accessory.

>> No.6583700

Something tells me that this is going to send investor confidence down the tubes. I mean, haven't the majority of their restaurants already go through a major overhaul over the past decade? It seems like they're investing even more money than before to do it all over again.

A big issue as far as I can tell is they haven't addressed the menu at all. You can gift wrap a piece of shit but you're still giving somebody a piece of shit.

>> No.6583703

People that buy 15 burgers for a dollar couldn't give 2 shits about quality though, nor would the people actually going to the "lesser quality window"

>> No.6583728


All the ones in my area have been completely overhauled to look like "McCafes," as best as I can describe it. Predictably, the quality of the menu hasn't changed in the slightest.

>> No.6583741


Also we're paying for their bullshit.

I don't mind paying for someone that fell ill if they attempted to stay healthy, but I feel we should stop taking care of people like your mother at some point.

>> No.6583750

I think that's the point though. You wouldn't get 15 burgers for a dollar in the restaurant, just at the window.

Though if this was to happen then, while I acknowledged that I learned about American culture via the internet, I think that the future will see all whites eating inside while blacks will be using the window. I know how racist that might sound but I say it in relation to economic diversity. Whites just seem to earn more.

Also, it could be a way for McDonald's to introduce tipping. Starting in the restaurant and eventually it will flow to the window as well. Resulting in more profit.

>> No.6583753

Thank you for bring up McDonalds. Now I'm off to buy 10 cheeseburgers to split with a friend for lunch. Cheers!

>> No.6583768

Oh Lord I know that Starbucks, it sticks out like a sore thumb compared to the rest of the buildings in the area

>> No.6585290



>thinking whites are offended by this term

>> No.6585330

>have $9 in wallet
>see this thread
>Large Double Cheeseburger is $8.52
>I want to feel like shit tomorrow night

Oh lordy I can't wait for lunch.

>select all the food
>fucking jello photos

>> No.6585343

He means tear them down and put them back up with a new design. They can do it because they're not paying for it and fuck the franchisees.