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6581447 No.6581447 [Reply] [Original]

This isn't really "cooking" related, but it is food related. On the topic of Sweet Tea. I know it's mostly a southern type thing and back up in NY we always had sun tea and out west..no idea because I've never been past Texas. But I don't like sweet tea a ton. It's too sweet. I make my own with less sugar and stuff but recently I have stumbled onto a new idea. What if I mix black tea with herbal flavoring tea and use hardly any sugar and use the fruity flavors instead? So I mixed 6 tea bags of PG Tips black tea and 6 tea bags of raspberry zinger herbal tea and steeped it until I felt like it was done which was around 4 minutes at 200 degrees plus or minus a few. Then I took the bags out and added half a cup of sugar. (also I used just under a gallon of water for this) The result was actually really good and refreshing tasting. I like it a lot more and it has far less sugar. (my fiance puts 2 cups of sugar in hers for example..per gallon)

SO Has anyone tried alternate teas/methods or have any ideas to venture on with cold teas?

>> No.6581476

use aspartame. sugar will rot your teeth.

>> No.6581478

Use sugar. Aspartame will make you fat.

>> No.6581482

aspartame is completely harmless.

>> No.6581483

I've tried with splenda and it tasted like chemicals for some reason. So did the splenda baked cookies I tried. SO I will stick with sugar but less of it. It takes about a week to go thru the gallon of tea so half a cup of sugar in one week or half a cup of fake syrup sugar in one can of soda basically in one sitting.. Sitting next to a 500 pound fatty probably entails breathing in over half a cup of sugar regardless.

>> No.6581493

Is not aspartame. Aspartame has no weird taste. It is perfect for drinks. They come in boxes with 250 packets for a couple bucks.

>> No.6581498

Well I don't know the difference. Does it come in brand names or just a box labeled aspartame? What about that "sugar in the raw" stuff?

>> No.6581501

Also is is "uh-spart-a-may" or "asper-tame" or "asper-tuh-me"

>> No.6581502

>Does it come in brand names
Ignore the brand names. Read the ingredients part of the label.

>What about that "sugar in the raw" stuff?
That's sugar that's been minimally refined. It still contains some of the molasses.

>> No.6581506

Do they have with with the aspartame listed as the one and only ingredient or other stuff added with it? Screw it I will just look next time I am at the store and find out. I will try it but if it tastes like chemicals I am going to hunt you down and offer you a aspartame tea and make you drink it and see.

>> No.6581528

>listed as the one and only ingredient or other stuff added with it?

They have both.

>> I will try it but if it tastes like chemicals I am going to hunt you down and offer you a aspartame tea and make you drink it and see.

In my opinion it does taste like chemicals. Or should I say it has a strange aftertaste. I am not the guy recommending you buy it, I was just answering the questions you asked.

>> No.6581546

Splenda is a chlorinated sweetener produced in chemical plants, it absolutely has a chemical-y taste to you shitwad sucralose shill.

Use Truvia OP, its natural stevia extract, has a bit of an aftertaste like other sweeteners but at least it's not made a beaker and test tube somewhere.

>> No.6581552

>I don't like sweet tea a ton. It's too sweet.
I know this may blow your mind, but you can make your own and make it as sweet as you want.

>> No.6581554

>In my opinion it does taste like chemicals.
>I will try it but if it tastes like chemicals I am going to hunt you down >and offer you a aspartame tea and make you drink it and see.

ok I just dumped a whole packet in my mouth. Aspartame tastes exactly like sugar, and does not have a weird aftertaste.

>> No.6581565

Works for me. I never much thought about using sugar alternatives until it was brought up by that person above except for the time I tried splenda with it. SO...
I am going to buy a variety of different sweeteners this weekend when I have more time and make a smaller batch of each, all identical except for the sweetener used and I will post results. Not that it is important in any way, but just because I feel like it and posting results. I will also use myself, my fiance and my two daughters as taste testers and post the words said after each sweetener by all 4 of us.

>> No.6581598

Equal is the name brand aspartame, but you can get generic walmart aspartame for about half the price.

>> No.6581638

Alright thanks. I will go to walmart then. I will get whatever I find that is all different, up to 5 types. I will make like 1 litre with each type of sweetener, same amount of tea bags in each, same everything except sweetener. This could get thrilling. I could find a healthier alternative which was what I was trying to do by mixing in the raspberry tea anyways to make it need less sugar.

>> No.6581642 [DELETED] 
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Try the secret feminist ingredient.

>> No.6581644

think I just puked a little in my mouth. Thanks for that. Well played

>> No.6581719


Yeah, I came to suggest stevia, and to warn to use only a tiny bit(stuff is potent, but bitter in large quantities).

Instead, I'm just going to go jump off of a bridge into the freeway.

>> No.6581731

>Not using Sweet-N-Low in your tea

At least I'll get to enjoy my tea as the cancer develops.

>> No.6581981 [DELETED] 

It's sweet and low if it's a feminists menstrual blood.

>> No.6582171

>But I don't like sweet tea a ton. It's too sweet.

I honestly don't understand this. If you are making it yourself then you control how much sugar is in it.

If you don't want it super sweet, you know, put less.

>> No.6582185

I've been taking empty Huberts Lemonade bottles and cold brewing tea with Tetley black tea bags. It's great because it continuously brews as you ad more water and you get about 3 bottles worth with 3 teabags.

>> No.6582193 [DELETED] 

2 much shit 2 read

>> No.6582194

>brew strong black tea
>pour over ice
>add lemon juice to taste
That is how I do it.

>> No.6582339

which is why I separated a single sentence at the bottom to ask what I'm asking..wow..

But then it isn't sweet? It's unsweet? I don't get it.

I don't like the lemon in it ever. I enjoy lemonade especially strawberry lemonade but just not lemon in tea. Otherwise I would use that more often. But thank you for the reply. It IS appreciated
Unlike Mr asshole above HERR HER DONT USE AS MUCH SUGAR bitch think outside the box more. I'm asking for unique suggestions not USE LESS SUGAR

>> No.6582580

>But then it isn't sweet? It's unsweet? I don't get it

It's unsweet if it has no sugar in it, did I tell you to leave all the sugar out? No. You could just use less and make it less sweet.

>> No.6583492

rawr baby rawr

>> No.6583744

>aspartame has no weird taste
And yet diet soda still tastes disturbingly empty

>> No.6583772

is that what is in diet soda? I seriously know nothing of this stuff. I just drink whatever I make at home and once in a while some soda and I've tried diet soda but it tastes like all fizz and weird and no real flavor. OP by the way

>> No.6583826

>is that what is in diet soda? I

Some. Different diet sodas use different artificial sweeteners.

>> No.6583828

this shit is too confusing. Do I literally have to read every single label for every brand of every type of everything?

>> No.6583842



Or just stop buying pre-prepared food and drinks. Buy raw ingredients and make the drink/meal yourself.

>> No.6583845

that is what I do with my tea but all these people have given me like 30 ingredients on a 2 ingredient drink. I don't get it

>> No.6583857
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Some people like to overcomplicate living.

>> No.6583946

those eyes show sadness

>> No.6584107
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>pour hot tea over ice

>> No.6584368
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Semi related to this thread, is orange ok to use instead of lemon? I figured the citrusy shit would be similar enough, but wouldn't be too cutting like a lemon is imo.

>> No.6584531

Microwave a spoon and stir the ice first.

>> No.6584533

Orange would be terrible. I once substituted lime and it came out ok but anything else would be awful.

>> No.6584540

I think that would be terrible tasting. Try it and report back I guess

>> No.6584577

This makes a gallon. I use a lot of tea in mine... but here goes:

2 quarts/litres of boiling water
2 quarts/litres of room temp water

23 g of black tea (about 10 bags of Luzianne or Lipton or Tetley)
23 g of chamomile tea (nothing in it but chamomile IE just dried chamomile flowers; about 10 bags of the brand of bagged chamomile tea I buy)

Sugar, to taste (about a ¾ of a cup for me)

Combine boiling and cool water; pour them out from one container to another so that it evens itself out in temperature.
Pour over all the tea.
Let steep until cooled to room temperature, then strain and discard used tea.

Dissolve sugar in a little of the brewed tea by putting it into a jar with a screw-on lid and shake the piss out of it then stir that back into the rest of the tea.
Chill in the fridge for several hours or the freezer for about 1.
Serve with lemon and mint.

I find the chamomile adds a nice sweetness, necessitating less sugar than normal tea would.

Hope this helps?

I got the idea from ice apple tea my mum makes (not American). Same quantities, except the room temperature water is swapped out for room temperature apple juice and the amount of sugar is reduced drastically.

>> No.6584601

Why do you need things to be sweet? Just don't add any sugar. It's bad for you anyway. Chemically processed sweeteners can't be much better.

Milk tea is better anyway.

>> No.6584617

THIS SHIT RIGHT HERE. THIS IS WHAT I AM LOOKING FOR. I will try this tomorrow. I add the raspberry tea to try to make it use less sugar/sweetener IE the other flavors have implied sweetness. Definitely trying this one Thank you

>> No.6584624

Aw, shucks. :3
You're welcome. Hope you like it.

>> No.6584629

Every morning I start with fresh brewed coffee cup of black tea and milk. My dad and his family are english. I like it. I enjoy it. I have it after lunch when possible, also. And after dinner. And before bed. But inbetween..I want something iced down and semi sweet but not this shit they serve down here with a pound of sugar and no tea flavor and made with boiling water and bitter still

>> No.6584636

Just chill milk tea then? Milk is slightly sweet for me, so I've never added sugar to tea. I think it would be fine iced, that's all boba tea is anyway.

I guess if you really want sweet, I would recommend black tea and honey, as at least honey is natural and not chemically processed.

>> No.6584638

I bet I will. Thank you kind anon. I guess I just have to mix up the raspberry and swap it out for other flavors and keep the sweetener super low as I thought. It could be a break through in my head. I just can't stand the whole pound of sugar in a gallon of tea thing they serve here. It's disgusting. Like sugar water. I like to have mostly flavor and just a hint of sweetness.

>> No.6584641

Never thought about that. I have never tried to cool down milk tea. May try this too. Thank you.

>> No.6584645

Well, you're welcome again, and post tomorrow letting us know what you think. Is chamomile common where you live? It seems difficult to find in some parts of the US for some fucking reason. I know several Americans who've never had chamomile.

>> No.6584652

It's not common where I live now but I have some I ordered because I liked that when I was up north. I think they sell the bigelow brand here and stuff though. Also I have english breakfast and irish breakfast, some South carolina grown black tea from local, oolong which isn't in bags and I have to use my little metal ball with holes (don't know the name of it) and some gunpowder green tea

>> No.6584663

Really? I'm used to "milk tea" not even having any real milk.
It's iced black tea put into a shaker with sugar and non-dairy powdered creamer or a bit of evaporated milk, shaken together, and poured out over ice. Where you are, it's actually milk?
How does it compare to traditional NDPC/EM version?

I know boba tea (Taiwanese milk tea) uses NDPC while HK, SG and Thai milk teas use evaporated milk.

>> No.6584671

I'm OP and I know milk tea as tea with cream basically. Sugar is up to you whether you want it or not but it's a single serving of tea and cream/milk whatever. I took that as what he/she meant. I could be wrong

>> No.6584675

Beats me. Never had milk tea with actual milk in it.

Well, glad that you have chamomile. The breakfast teas are the ones typically used in America for Southern sweet tea, have I got that right?

>> No.6584676


Why do you think they called it 'orange" pekoe? Go nuts friend! Using lemon in all teas is a terrible , a wife variety of chorus was once used. Who do you call lime?

>> No.6584679

they use whatever the cheapest shit for sale is at the local store. Normally store brand tea bags in "family size" bags

>> No.6584684

I only like my tea fresh and iced. So to make it cold after a hot brew, I pour it over ice. I take into account it will be watered down by virtue of the ice melting. So I brew a stronger tea.

>> No.6584700
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Since you don't care for lemon in tea, I'll let you know what my sister does. Since she like her tea sweet.
She'll make herself a simple syrup, sometimes with white table sugar, brown sugar, or even honey. Then she puts it in a squirt bottle. Similar to the picture I posted.
Then she simply adds the sweetener to taste.

>> No.6584705

how did this post get ignored lmao

>> No.6584710

unsweetened tea
mint simple syrup
fucking best summer sippin drink every

>> No.6584763

Step 1: Brew black tea to desired strength. preferably in a pot, but a cup will do.
Step 2: Pour some fucking normal fresh milk in it like a god damn human being.
Step 3: Enjoy your cup of proper tea.

>> No.6584773

But that's hot tea, Anon. We're talking about iced. Iced milk tea isn't made with real milk as far as I know.

>> No.6584796

Interesting idea. May try that as well.

I dunno I'm still waiting on my answer on how to pronounce that shit

Sounds pretty good. Over ice?

sorry my mouse is having issues and clicking shit multiple times with just one push. Sort of makes me feel like god..sort of not..but he was basically saying make normal milk tea and cool it down if I got it right. Using the milk/whatever as a sweetener. It is doable for sure and I will try that as well. Not conventional as per the US guidelines, but definitely an idea to try since I already like normal hot tea with milk. Or I could be way off. Who knows. Basically just trying to get ideas here on different things to try instead of five billion pounds of sugar. Stuff makes me want to throw up

>> No.6584799

Ass-purr-tame, but said quickly.

>> No.6584804

awesome. thank you, anoña

>> No.6584813

that's funny because i did a very similar thing for the first time this week. i have been drinking about 20 oz of iced tea a day (so, about a gallon pitcher a week). i don't sweeten mine at all and i dilute it a fair bit with water--it's more of a lightly flavored water than tea and it's something i can drink throughout the day.

anyway, herbal/flavored tea is much more expensive than family-sized black/green tea bags and so mixing them makes economic sense too.

i brewed family-sized black tea bags with 2 bags of vanilla-cinnamon flavored black tea. great results but i might go more than 2 small bags per gallon next time (although 6 seems excessive).

>> No.6584816

>a nonya
>h-how did he know?

>> No.6584824

Sounds like a plan to try. Much appreciated and will do. Thank you.

>> No.6585932

Aspartame IS sugar.

>> No.6586173

The number I've locked on for Sweet Tea sweetness is 1/2 cup per 2 quarts. So your fiance is doubling what I would use.

I think your mix sounds interesting, and might look into it.

>> No.6586198

Yeah hers is disgusting. Plus she either does not use enough tea or doesn't let it steep enough or waters it down too much. It is basically just syrup water with no tea flavor except maybe just a hint of tea once in a while. It's really gross. She does the same thing with everything she cooks, too. BBQ chicken? Mixes grape jelly and sugar and ketchup which is sugar. Disgusting. Baked beans? Add tons of sugar to the already sugared cans of beans. Pasta? Lets add some sugar to that canned sauce. I won't eat most of what she makes because literally she adds TONS of sugar to every single thing. It's like..her recipe..just add sugar to everything canned or boxed and burn the ever loving shit out of it.

You may have to mess around a little with the teas if you try it. First time was great. Second time the black tea over powered the raspberry herbal and it just kind of tasted weird. I don't have it down to a science yet because they both brew at different temperatures and strengths. Also, the raspberry zinger tea I think has food coloring in it because as soon as I added it, it started leaking red all over just like if it were food coloring. So I am looking for better fruit tea blends to try.

>> No.6587628

Holy shit so I had some xylitol for the first time today and I can confirm that it is good. I hate most artificial sugars too, so this really is a great substitute that I highly recommend. A very interesting thing about it is that it is actually good for your teeth. The little microbes that try to damage your teeth eat it like sugar, but then they can't process it so they starve to death. I think that's really cool. Don't ever feed any Xylitol to dogs though, it kills them pretty fast.

>> No.6588376

spoiler alert. OP's drink is actually Sharkleberry Fin kool aid. that is OPs ruse.