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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6581138 No.6581138 [Reply] [Original]

Post what groceries you plan on getting the next time you go grocery shopping.

>> No.6581141

This is a fucking hell and I have no ice cream left. Does this answer your question?

>> No.6581142

Greek yogurt
Heavy cream
Parmesan cheese
Pepper cheese

Green olive

Ramen noodle
Short grain brown rice
Whole wheat linguine
Whole wheat penne
Whole wheat spaghetti

Salmon fillet
Snapper fillet

Bell pepper
Chinese cabbage
Plum tomato

Cajun seasoning
Chicken broth
Chopped almonds
Ginger beer soda
Kimchi OR Korean red pepper powder
Mint sprig
Pinto beans
Portabello mushroom
Shitaki mushrooms
Soy sauce
Toasted seaweed snack
White wine vinegar

>> No.6581235

Knorr porcini-flavoured stock cubes.
That's it, actually. Light week.

>> No.6581327

I just went shopping yesterday. If I go out today, I'll probably just pick up something like popsicles. It's ungodly hot here.

>> No.6581333

Nut butter

>> No.6581385

Next trip won't include produce as I'm stocked up; normally 2/3 of my budget goes to produce.

>sale chicken
>beef heart
>cottage cheese
>canned/jarred fruit for the cottage cheese
>almond milk
>olive oil

>> No.6581474

bread loaf/rolls (not sure what type)
probably a chocolate bar of some sort
chicken breasts
bell peppers
smoked cheddar block
activated almonds

actually just back from shopping (just a few things though) and am pretty much stocked as it is

>> No.6581522
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milk,tea, eggs, tillamook cheese, ham, bread, apple juice, raisins, peanut butter, tarragon, skirt steak, coconut aminos, ponzu sauce, cherry tomatoes, mayo, yogurt, and jasmine rice. I am good on everything else for now.

>> No.6581555

Candy i guess? Beyond restocking on carbon water and soda, i don't really shop food that often.

>> No.6582377

cheddar cheese
mozzarella cheese
vodka sauce
frozen peas
frozen beans
frozen broccoli
paper towels
toilet paper
paper plates
plastic forks
plastic cups

>> No.6582459

london broil x 4 (its on sale)
frozen peas x2
bag of onions
Copious amounts of store brand whiskey
a bottle sippable whiskey

and if its on sale some spam.

>> No.6582466

10 gallons of milk
chicken breast
brown rice

>> No.6582814

Didn't buy to much today. But I have been trying to healthier lately.

50/50 salad mix
4 cans of tuna
8 Roman tomatoes
Brown rice

>> No.6583770

Chicken breast
Chicken thigh
Lamb mince
Beef mince

Bread rolls

Goats cheese
Mature Cheddar

White rice
Cous cous

>> No.6583776

Canned tomatoes
Chard (or whatever greens look good)
Peanut oil

I'm pretty set for everything else for a while.

>> No.6583812

>all that unhealthy grain shit making up third of the circle
It's like USDA is actually trying to make us sick and obese.

>> No.6583843

>meme diets

>> No.6583850

Nigga grain is nothing but sugar. As nonessential as it gets.

>> No.6583855

If anything out of those should be considered meme food, it'd be cereal.

>> No.6583939 [DELETED] 

Hey there /cuck/, this is the most appropriate thread I've seen, I have a somewhat odd request.

I want someone to tell me exactly what to eat to have all of the shit I need. Until now I've been a lazy NEET fuck eating only takeaways and microwaved food.

So if one of you has a little time on your hands and wants to help me eat healthy, I ask that you suggest a week worth of dinners drinks and snacks for one of those "balanced diets" that are available here: http://www.tesco.com/groceries/

I don't expect anyone to do it, but fuck, everything always says "have a balanced diet" but never explains exactly what the fuck to eat every day.

>> No.6583975

>> never explains exactly what the fuck to eat every day.

And why would it? Different people live in different places with access to different ingredients. People also have different preferences.

It would be retarded for someone to create such a list because it wouldn't apply to most people.

You, however, can do this yourself very easily. Just about every country has a recommended daily allowance for vitamins, minerals, etc. Start with that. Then choose foods that you like and that are available in your area which satisfy those requirements. Don't know what foods contain what? That's what reading labels and internet searches are for.

>> No.6583976

>So if one of you has a little time on your hands and wants to help me eat healthy
I'm in the middle of writing that book right now. But you're going to have to cook in order for it to be useful to you.

>> No.6583995
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Why is this chart still used when it is so painfully wrong? If this list was correct, we wouldn't have this obesity crisis. "Healthy wholegrains" as they call them is causing obesity and isn't part of a real diet. Wholegrains didn't exist millions of years ago which makes them unnatural. They are manufactured like materials.

>> No.6583998
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>pork and beans
>frozen peas and carrots
Pretty much that's what I eat everyday.

I just hang out here in /ck/ to see what people are eating.

>> No.6584000

They are

>> No.6584006

>Wholegrains didn't exist millions of years ago which makes them unnatural. They are manufactured like materials.
As are domesticated animals.

>> No.6584025

Animals aren't manufactured, just grown inside. Would you say that people are unnatural because they're raised inside? Breads and cereals aren't whole foods. They offer no nutritional value and we're better off without it. This "healthy wholegrains" craze is the residue of the damage caused by the low fat craze. Grains are nothing but a calories filler.

>> No.6584028

Got that stuff today. Also picked up some whole fat yogurt, dried tortillini stuffed with porcini and parmigiano, a bit of gianduiotto and some spicy ketchup because fuckyeahspicyketchup.

Oats, potatoes and milk is all anyone needs. Seriously. Look it up.
If you could live with the monotony, you could not only survive, but thrive eating nothing but those three things. You could condense it into a lab-block-like, perfectly balanced food, but for people instead of test rats.

>> No.6584046

Eggs are the ideal well-rounded food. All the essential nutrients, and a perfect proportion of macros. Oats, milk, and potatoes are way too much sugar.

>> No.6584055

Your brain literally runs on sugar, Anon.


I've never seen anyone recommend that people eat nothing but eggs. I could see eggs replacing the milk in the MOP equation (EOP?), and I'm hoping that's what you mean, but not as the sole dietary choice.

>> No.6584074

Fuck, that's way too much effort for my simple mind. I wouldn't mind scoffing down stuff I don't like every day if it meant I got everything I needed.

So can you lads agree on exactly how much oats/potatoes/milk/egg I would have to have in a day? I assume i'd either have to take supplements or eat a metric fuckton.

>> No.6584088

The brain literally *can* run on sugar. But it isn't the only way. If a person's body goes into ketosis, their brain and cells run on ketones that are derived from fat, which eggs provide. If the brain _needs_ glucose for emergencies, it can be formed from protein which also comes from eggs. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ketosis

Eggs have all the body's essential amino acids that cannot be made but have to be taken in through food. There is no essential carbohydrate.

>> No.6584097

Brah, you're stupid, but I forgive you because you're starving your brain of glucose. It's not your fault. ;^)
>just kidding! you're a faggot!

>> No.6584130

>fruit and veg


plain greek full fat yoghurt
sterilised whole milk
coconut/hazelnut/almond milk
Grass fed cow cheese
spicy cheese

sourdough bread


>> No.6584136
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> I can't win this, better try shitposting

>> No.6584142

>Animals aren't manufactured, just grown inside.
The actual breeds of animals we use for meat are as much our creations as the varieties of grain we grow.

I would also say being reactionary against grains is as silly as being reactionary against fat or meat. You're just being silly.

If you want to rail against something rail against cheap sugar and cheap cheese. From what I can tell that's what's making us obese: consuming 150lbs of sugar and 25+lbs of fucking cheese in a year on average.

Leave the fucking grains out of it.

>> No.6584160

>>6581142 here.

Just bought all of this and some more. I love decorating my fridge after I went shopping, is that weird?

>> No.6584215

You've confused funposting for shitposting, you big silly.

And no: I know >>6584088 is right, but you and >>6584088 (also you?) have forgotten two big, important pieces of information.
• the vast majority of people do not follow ketogenic diets
• maintenance of ketogenic diets is not cost-effective to the vast majority of people

That's not to mention the health risks (or boons) of following (or not) a ketogenic diet. I'm not a dietician and won't pretend to know much about the effects of long term ketosis on people. It wouldn't be very honest for me to use that as a point of argument, so I will instead argue from the second of the two points above: ketogenic diets be 'spensive, yo.

1760 calories of potatoes (5lbs) costs $1 in my area. 5088 calories of rolled oats (3lbs) costs $1.49 in my area. 2176 calories of whole milk (1 gallon) costs $3.89 in my area.
For $6.38, you've got 9024 calories, which is 7¢ per 100cal.
By contrast, 852 calories of eggs (a dozen large) costs $2.49, which is 29¢ per 100cal, over 4× more expensive than the diet I proposed.

And I'd be very, very surprised if similar cost disparities aren't the norm found throughout the industrialised world.

I didn't want to actually argue any point, hence the funpost, but here you are.

>> No.6584349


Brown Sugar
Cheese slices (variety)
Wheat sliced bread
Bakery bread (choice)
Lunch meat
BBQ Sauce
Meat product (choice)
1 pack Hebrew Nationals
Water pallet
Unsweetened Tea
Grape Juice
Orange Juice
Fruit (choice)
Ramen (2-3 Packs)
Spaghetti or Shells
Pasta sauce
Ground beef
Chicken Breasts
Frozen Pizza (my great weakness)
Large bag of Japanese rice
Carrots (or Parsnips)
Potatoes (raw)
Apples (Usually a different kind each week)
Peanut Butter
Grape Jam (Sometimes marmalade)

And whatever else I feel like eating. I kinda shop as I go rather than dropping hundreds on one big trip to the store. The listed items are what I try to keep my kitchen stocked with in general. Depending on what I want to cook I buy other shit.

>> No.6584356

Throw that all out. Don't you know that all you need is eggs?

>> No.6584462

I think this leaves out satiety and fullness. I don't know how it works quantitatively, but at 6am 3 eggs with some cheese (maybe 300 cal) left me feeling not hungry until past 1pm when I decided that I should probably eat lunch. People eat fewer calories worth of food when they cut out cheap carbs. But can I assign a number to it? No. I know that in many studies comparing low fat and low carb diets, the researchers have to restrict calories for the low fat individuals, while not for the low carb individuals

>> No.6584472

>I think this leaves out satiety and fullness

that's what willpower is for.

>> No.6584519
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>Rye bread
>That's all because I have NO fucking money

>> No.6584839

Goat cheese
Greek yogurt
Maréchal cheese

Baby spinach
Bell pepper : 6
Butternut squash
Green onions
Limes : 1
Red grapes

Pork loin : 2
Sausage : 2

Couscous spices
Coffee : 500 g
Vanilla beans : 12

>> No.6584873

How far do some of you people shop ahead?
How do you decide what to get? Do you get stuff and then decide what to make, or vice versa?

I always wonder because I usually buy some stuff and it only lasts me like two meals so maybe I'm just awful and don't know how to shop still

>> No.6585000

>>6584839 here

I plan 5-6 dinners and shop for 1 week at the time. Lunches are taken care of via left overs and breakfast usually handle themselves.

So the meal plan for the list I posted is :
>Farro and Butternut squash salad
>Beet salad with goat cheese
>Stuffed peppers
>Barley and red grapes salad with marinated bavette
>Couscous spiced braised pork loins

>> No.6585018

>How do you decide what to get? Do you get stuff and then decide what to make, or vice versa?

I do kind of a mix of both. I always keep the same standard stuff in my kitchen, then I'll think of a few meals I feel like having over the next week or two, get those specific ingredients as well as see what's on sale when I go to the store and think of some stuff on the fly while I'm at the store and maybe get a few additional things if I don't have it already.

>> No.6585262

It's the same things every month or two

Dairy: Fat free mozzarella, low fat cheddar Jack, feta, fat free vanilla yoghurt, fat free plain Greek yogurt, almond milk, butter

Veg: carrots, celery, spinach, kale, mixed veg, zucchini, potatoes, tomatoes, poblano, red onion, garlic, mushrooms, broccoli, cauliflower

Fruit: watermelon, grapefruit, pears, cantaloupe, pineapple, apples, oranges, papaya, honeydew melon, coconut, canary melon, peaches, mangoes, pears, cherries, bananas, limes, lemons

Breads/grains: whole grain bread, corn tortillas, flour tortillas, rice, oats, pasta noodles

Protein: eggs, beans of all kinds, chick peas, mixed nuts, pistachios

Others: milk powder, raisins, prunes, popcorn, crackers, life cereal, olives, honey, stevia, oil

Then of course there's condiments and spices and things.

>> No.6585461

Nice to know.

I always see these people buying a fuckload of things that can get nasty in a few days easily (like chicken) so I always wonder.

>> No.6586134

Meats you can portion out and freeze.

>> No.6588138

Too tired to type you a list, anon. Watch the Good Eats episode entitled "Live and let diet". It's a good starting point. There might be a second part, idk

>> No.6588197

Switch the volume of bread and dairy around and you got me

>> No.6588243

Sweet Potatoes
Brown Rice
Wholegrain Oats
Almond Milk
Frozen Berries
Red Kidney Beans
Four Bean Mix
Chopped Tomatoes
Frozen Broccoli/Califlour Mix
Wholemeal wraps
Flax Seed

>> No.6588259

frozen fish
frozen chicken breasts
shredded cheese
ice cream
frozen spinach, broccoli, and brussels sprouts

i've got enough rice and other dry staples. fresh veggies come from garden, eggs from chickens, beef from cows

>> No.6588421

>all these retards buying almond milk
that shit is vile

if you're not a vegan and you buy this garbage then i feel bad for you

>> No.6588431

>6-8 yellow nectarines
>4-6 yellow peaches
>2 bunches red onions
>3 baskets (small 3"x3" ones) of strawberries
>3 baskets of other berries
>2 pounds top sirloin
>2 pounds stew beef
>2 pounds chicken

Not sure what else, doing the paleo diet but diversity's somewhat of a bitch to do.