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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6580599 No.6580599 [Reply] [Original]

Do you ever share your food?

>> No.6580605

/r/ing food prank vids

>> No.6580607

I always share my food, as do all my coworkers. I don't expect them to and almost never take them up on the offer, but they always do. We all also bring various things for everyone else to consume, be it various candies or energy drinks, whatever. I hate selfish cunts, not because I even want their shit but I just can't stand people who get all uppity if someone wants 1 fucking french fry or something.

>> No.6580608

always. i genuinely enjoy sharing it and/or cooking for others. don't be a selfish fat fu/ck/

>> No.6580615

Nobody would want my asian shit even if I offered it. Everyone else just eats burgers and fries for lunch.

>> No.6580618

I'll take your food dude

>> No.6580620

Yeah, I'd like some too.

>> No.6580622

As far as my actual plate of food goes...sometimes I share, it depends on what it is and how much I love it or how hungry I am. But, I cook for people often, and so I share my food in general with people a lot.

>> No.6580640

Depends on my mood.

>> No.6580645

And I hate fucking pricks like you who feel free to even TOUCH my food.

Keep your filthy hands OFF my stuff.

>> No.6580646

Only shareable items like chips.

Otherwise get your disgusting germs away.

>> No.6580654

i'll give you a bj

>> No.6580663


I already said that I didn't even want their food. People who just grab at other peoples food without asking are also stupid.

>> No.6580756
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I like sharing food. It's part of the enjoyment of cooking. Make a big pot of stew, share with everyone. Make too much bread or pastries, give them out.

But if I've offered something, they have declined after I've asked again to be sure, then tried to take it from my plate. Then that's a bit enraging.

Plus the typical "Do you want X side for yourself?" " No I'll just have a salad. it's fine". Not five minutes in is stealing from your plate

>> No.6580767

Assuming you mean when people are eating together, but not the same thing. In this case only with a girlfriend, really. Not that I wouldn't if somebody asked, but a girlfriend is the only person I'll actively offer bites off my plate.

>> No.6581942

I have a group if friends that are always happy to share whats on their plates when we are eating out together but there is typical protocol to how this works.

Say we got 4-6 people at our table. We have eclectic and varied palates for the most part so many different things get ordered. Once everyone has food and we are getting into the meal there is always some commenting on our own food and others. Then if I were eyeing one friends plate and say "damn that looks good, will have to try it sometime" said friend will almost immediately offer me a bite. From there I ask if they want some of mine, and if it looks good to them there is an exchange, if not I just get to try their food. Sometimes this will set of a chain of everyone trying bites of each others plates, other times it's isolated to 2 or 3 people.

Other times when trying to determine what we are ordering 2 people might realize they are trying to decide between the same 2 dishes, so they agree to get to 2 then split them evenly.

>> No.6581949

Exactly this. Sharing is good, food is a social activity but people who play stoic then beg off someone else's plate are losers.

>> No.6581971

I don't constantly stuff my face in public like some chubby retard, so I don't get a chance.

>> No.6582161

I used to not mind, but my friends abused the privilege.
>move in with friends
>do 80% of the cooking
>they don't help clean up
>whenever they cook they only make enough for just them

>go out to eat
>get an appetizer
>friends eat the entire thing

The previous just happened again this weekend. 4 of us went out to eat and we split into groups of 2 for appetizers. Friend C wasn't in my group, but still ate the majority of our (non-refillable) chips for out queso, when it just started out that he wanted to "taste the salsa"

>> No.6582532

Tell them to go fuck themselves and get a hotplate then cook only behind the locked door of your room.

>> No.6582549


I've had friends eat a bunch of my food, but they actually internally acknowledge their having done so because they'll later offer to buy me something since they ate a bunch of my shit (even if it happened weeks prior).

But if your friends won't help clean up I imagine they don't do that. If you buy food and cook for them then it's fair to expect them to help clean up, have you ever actually asked them to?

>> No.6582568
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i love to share my food and let other people taste what i got just as much as i love to try what other people have to eat. although i keep it to one small bite.

i'm kind of a retard sometimes though and ask strangers if i can try their food. surprisingly people usually don't mind at all.

>> No.6582593

I love sharing my food. I'll go to restaurants, try the new item and offer others a bite to try.
if I enjoy a food I'm naturally inclined to share.
But then again I make good money and live alone so I don't have to worry about my 'share' of food being enough on my small budget

>> No.6582944 [DELETED] 

Only when I fuck it up and end up with raw meat.
Then I'll eat the bits and the cats will get a treat.
I'm not good at cooking, but I'm really good looking
I think it's a good time for a /ck/ Melbourne meet.


>> No.6582949

Only when I fuck it up and end up with raw meat.
Then I'll eat the cooked bits and the cats will get a treat.
I'm not good at cooking, but I'm really good looking
I think it's a good time for a /ck/ Melbourne meet.


>> No.6583367

If I'm cooking for other people, which I often do, yes. If I've got my meal and someone just expects me to hand them over free food that I paid for, no. Get your own and you can have an entire portion of your own to enjoy. It's not "selfish" to want to eat your own food in peace without beggars hassling you for a handout.

>> No.6583379


If people leave food on their plate, I take it. If they try to take food off my plate, I cut their hands off.

>> No.6583382

Is sharing only necessary outside your home?

>> No.6583460


share/don't share wherever the fuck you want

if I invite people over to my house I always make sure that I have plenty of food that I can prep to feed them, but I know not everyone cares about that sort of shit

>> No.6583467

I am fiercely defensive of my food. I don't even like eating around other people.

>> No.6583730
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>be me
>whenever I eat breakfast or dinner my dad jokingly asks for some
>say no because there's more somewhere else
>says heb was just joking
>does this shit all the fucking time
>fucking lectures me about offering food and not being greedy
It's not like I'm eating a bag of crisps, it's a fucking dinner and there's plenty of food around the house and sometimes in the oven. I hate him.

>> No.6583746

Not really. If i'm eating something with fries for example, i'll let them have one or two, but that's my limit. If they wanted food, they should have made/ordered some themselves.

>> No.6583761

yes, but not happily

>> No.6583792

>Share snack or drink with girlfriend whilst we watch a movie or play a game
>she keeps putting it in her mouth
>movie is only 5 minutes in and most are gone
>literally no snack throughout the entire movie because she can't fucking space out how often she eats a crisp or takes a sip of drink

Started giving us separate bowls and glasses after that shit, so i can snack slowly throughout the movie as she finishes within the first 5 minutes.

>> No.6583801

It's hard being a kid. Once you live alone you can be a selfish faggot

>> No.6583816

I had stomach cancer 6 years ago and they removed 3/4 of my stomach, so I can only eat about 4 ounces of solid food at a time. My husband doesn't eat much either, so we always just get one plate and share. On the plus side, our food bills are extremely small. Couple hundred a month, and that's with us eating out most of the time.

>> No.6583819

A kid sure, but he does not sound like a selfish faggot. His dad and you sound like assholes, people that expect to be offered free shit from others then act like you are the bad person for not wanting to when they can clearly get it themselves. Are you going to offer me some free shit anon? or are you just being a selfish greedy prick?

Its really rude, his father is most likely asserting his dominance over his son with this.

>> No.6583824

y would u even eat cancer

>> No.6584010

What I do with MY food is completely my business you entitled shit.

>> No.6584017

Were you a poor kid? My girlfriend is rabidly against sharing anything. Gets super pissed if anyone even insinuates she share food or drink. She came from a super poor family and 2 or 3 days a week never got to eat at all. So she's really protective of her stuff.

>> No.6584038


>> No.6584040

No, food is fucking everywhere. Who the fuck even offers their own dinner opposed to offering chips or a piece of chocolate? The dinner I make is for JUST me snacks are for sharing and I don't even eat snacks anymore.

>> No.6584159

>I had stomach cancer 6 years ago and they removed 3/4 of my stomach, so I can only eat about 4 ounces of solid food at a time.

That's pretty interesting.
Do you eat more number of meals throughout the day to compensate for how little you can have at one moment?

>> No.6584181

I share my food, but holy fuck do a lot of my friends refuse to eat it because theyre veeeeeeeeeegaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan
