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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6578448 No.6578448 [Reply] [Original]

Why is fast food is disgusting, /ck/? Seriously I took my first visit to America yesterday and I tried some fast food shop in California, I feel so shitty afterwards and I only eat a hamburger.

>> No.6578468


Chances are, that "hamburger" was at least 60% semen.

>> No.6578469

Which fast food place?

>> No.6578484



>> No.6578486

>Why is fast food is disgusting
Because it's made from the cheapest shit ingredients possible. How do you make cheap shit taste good? Fat, salt, sugar and industrial flavor additives. You could dress cardboard with that shit and it would taste good. Why do you feel like shit after eating it? Fat, salt, sugar and industrial flavor additives.

>> No.6578511

In an out hamburger

>> No.6578514

Makes sense thanks anonymous
Not all of American food is like this correct?

>> No.6578515

I am learned english what do you think I am speaking idiot

>> No.6578520

I quit eating fast food years ago, and I'm not at all sorry and I never crave it. It's cheap filler food. And those "fast casual" places are just as bad, they just put more into marketing and making you feel like you're making a good choice, even though their food is crap too. If I'm out and about, and I get so hungry I don't think I can wait until I get home, I stop at a grocery store and get some fruit or some summer rolls from their sushi bar, or a little quality deli meat if I feel like i need some protein.
tl;dr Not all Americans gobble up fast food all the time, and speaking as someone who lives in California, there's so much better things to eat here than fast food. If you're in NorCal, you should be able to get some of the best produce in the nation. Go to a farmer's market while you're here. It won't be as glorious as it normally is, because of the severe drought we're having, though.

>> No.6578521

I hope you are joke I do not like men

>> No.6578527

Yes in Iran we have the fast food also, but it is good like khoresht it does not taste like fake

>> No.6578843

Seriously, where are you from and why are you traveling to another country to go to a chain restaurant? Are you on business? If so I understand but vacation /pleasure why aren't you on yelp looking up places? Or asked before coming here?

>> No.6578870


There are very nice restaurants in every major city. Find a place where almost everyone is dressed like there's a code.

>> No.6578983

You only deserve the worst of food. Travel to another country and seek out fast food so you can blah blah online about it. You know that CA is littered with delicious restaurants and I know that whatever place you're from has shitty hamburgers. You stupid.

>> No.6578993

The low rung of fast food is really terrible, I can't eat at McDonalds or Taco Bell or somewhere similar without feeling like shit the rest of the day. Places like Chipotle or Panera are more expensive but just as fast and the food is pretty decent. If I eat out and don't want to waste too much time it's usually at a place like that. About $7-10 seems reasonable for lunch, it's filling and most importantly doesn't make me feel like shit

>> No.6579013
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Frozen microwave food is even more shitty than fast food

>> No.6579064

>Not all of American food is like this correct?
Correct. Unfortunately the percentage of American food that is utter crap is much larger than it ought to be. Plenty of us consume fast food on a day to day basis. Those who don't cook round things out with heat and eat meals that are no better. And even those who do cook are often led astray by the huge amount of garbage in our supermarkets - various mixes, canned soup, poor quality cheese, sugary condiments and the like that become "ingredients" in recipes made by people who don't know any better. Some people in America will dump a jar of salsa into a slow cooker with some chicken breasts and call the result dinner. People will take a can of cream of mushroom soup and make a casserole out of it with frozen green beans. People do buy salad dressing in bottles and pasta sauce in jars because it doesn't occur to them they can make their own.

The food industry in America is heavily weighted against lovers of good food, and what passed for normal is pretty fucked up sometimes. Even someone who only buys ingredients and cooks all their food themselves has to contend with the overall low quality of most of the meat and produce in the average supermarket.

But this is a capitalist country, so if you have the dough you can eat as well as anyone in the world. We have many world class restaurants where talented chefs dish up amazing meals from meticulously sourced ingredients. Of course the cost of entry is beyond what the average American can afford on any kind of regular basis. But top flight ingredients are available (depending on where you live) to those willing to hunt them down and spend the dough to get them. They just cost a lot more than the crap most of our supermarkets are full of.

>> No.6579069

>I took my first visit to America yesterday
Do they not have fast food in your country or something?

>> No.6579074

>But this is a capitalist country, so if you have the dough you can eat as well as anyone in the world.
Better actually, that's the thing about the USA. If you have the money to afford it you can get the best in the world, because it's a country with a dual economy. There is one that caters to the masses and the other that caters to the rich, the one for the rich is the best at it on the planet.

>> No.6579089

This, is the absolute god's own truth.

The worst, shit tier no.. wait... below shit tier, for shit is at least useful for composting.. of all food known to be available in the North American market, is known to reside in the Heat-N-Eat section of the supermarket nearest you.

>> No.6579110

>There is one that caters to the masses and the other that caters to the rich, the one for the rich is the best at it on the planet.
Agreed. If you can manage to sidestep the mass market crap you can eat very well. Most of the time this means dropping more dough on food than the average American, because that mass market stuff is cheap as fuck. If you're poor that isn't a possibility. In which case the trick to eating well in America is not eating an American diet. Go to the immigrant neighborhoods and eat what they eat.

>> No.6579113

Or go to a rich neighborhood and be willing to shell out.

>> No.6579125

Even then you can get good food that isn't for the masses without spending to much (yes you get what you pay for but there great places that aren't for masses and for the elite that you can find. I love the culinary culture in America. )

>> No.6579129

You still have to be selective. Plenty of rich folks don't give two shits about food as long as the appearance and service of the place where they get it lives up to their expectations. And plenty of markets and restaurants in rich neighborhoods are aimed at those kind of people. You have to know your shit AND be ready to drop some coin.

>> No.6579232

I agree, you are speaking idiot.

>> No.6579239

do we have to have a fast food bitching thread every day? This isn't your blog faggot.

>> No.6579243

>I only eat a hamburger

Learn English you retarded monkey.