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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6574742 No.6574742[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why do restaurants and eating establishments require a shirt and shoes or otherwise they will deny you service? It's not like people are going to be eating off the floor, so who cares if someone enters a restaurant barefoot?

>> No.6574751

Well, because humans are a disease unto themselves. Take a stayph infection. Normally a totally benign infection that spreads through a hospital worse than the black plague. You probably have it at a less-than subcuteaneous level right now.

The reality is that all biotic life is basically a complex bacteria. So as a medical resident- put your shoes on you fucking cunt.

>> No.6574754

drop a glass, cut your foot, sue restaurant.

that's why.

Keep in mind at all times though: The rules only apply to you because you're poor.

>> No.6574762

Is it bad I want to lick his foot?

>> No.6574788


You're gay, or just female and weird.

Go do your....whatever it is you do.

>> No.6575066

Not really. I don't have a foot thing but the way he's presenting it kinda says "Bring me near your face. Smell me." I don't have a foot thingy.

>> No.6575073

Thank you. Modern life has made people foolish and soft to the dangerous of parasites and disease.

>> No.6575079
File: 355 KB, 972x972, 1431925493019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck. That's disgusting. Oh jesus.

How do you even leave the house without shoes.

Like have you seen a typical sidewalk and or road. People like to litter and spit and dogs poop.

Holy shit I live on the same planet as these people.

>> No.6575082

You'd have an aneurysm if you ever set foot in India.

>> No.6575085


>> No.6575094

>the Earth's energy

>> No.6575104

Eh, i tend to go put barefoot too, its just easier, but i live in a small mountain town so i really don't have to worry about much. If the place I'm going to requires shoes I'll put them on, though

>> No.6575108

Even though it's all dirty and grimy?

>> No.6575125

because other customers will see it and lose their appetite

>> No.6575132

Do they? Just the fancier ones maybe.
I ate just dressed in swimwear and an open shirt a few times and there was no problem at all.

>> No.6575142

>How do you even leave the house without shoes.
It's not that complicated.

The fuck? I can think of health benefits because it trains the muscles but what on earth is this?

>> No.6575145

Why would feet make you lose your appetite?

>> No.6575164

I guess it's the same phenomenon as when people start to feel cold if they see someone walking around in t-shirt and shorts while it's freezing.

>> No.6575453

its a blue-law holdover to make it so only people that can generally afford to eat at your establishment can walk in. if every barefoot shirtless hobo sauntered in every time they felt like begging your customers, you'd have little to no legal recourse to kick him out. This gives the owners a "sorry you aint got no shirt/shoes on bro, so get to steppin" without resorting to saying " i think you're a hobo and prob cant pay to eat here, so please leave. also you smell like urine"

>> No.6575460


>> No.6575470

It's so they don't cut their foot and sue you.

>> No.6575534

What about the forcing people to wear a shirt?

>> No.6575546

would you want to see some fat fuck eating at the table beside you? I know I wouldn't.

troll thread, OP is a fag, OP has autism, OP is fat etc

>> No.6575611

Pretty much this, it's to keep out bums, drunks and other undesirable people.

>> No.6575787

What if it's a muscular dude with a nice chest, whose basically a surfer or something?

>> No.6575792

Only if you get to sit on his lap.

>> No.6575795

Well if what OP says is true and you're not allowed in a restaurant barefooted, then why is that boy in OP's picture barefoot in a restaurant?

>> No.6575921

By law, every employee of the restaurant needs a shirt and shoes.
Restaurants extend this requirement to customers either because they misinterpret the law, or because they know health inspectors will make damned sure to scrutinize the place extra hard if they see naked customers.

>> No.6576186
File: 8 KB, 480x360, frogr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no foot fetish bf

>> No.6576279

1. so you dont step in something and hurt your food and sue
2. so you dont spill something hot all over your bare naked skin and sue

3. Common fucking decency. People don't want to eat around half naked people unless the situation calls for it. Its called goddamn respect.
That said, I have been in fast food establishments (when i was a little kid) without one or more of those items and it usually wasnt an issue even if they had the rules. hell, i've been in without pants and nobody said a thing. that shits distrubing if an adult does it though.

>> No.6576302

Learn some manners you fucking hillbilly.

>> No.6576359

because feet are disgusting. i don't wanna see your nasty feet while i'm eating

>> No.6576373
File: 11 KB, 187x140, 1433261010293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>burgers keep their shoes on at home
>refuse to wear shoes in restaurants

>> No.6576380

This is you

>Why WOULDN'T you like to see me wandering around near your food buck naked, cheeks spread, gaping asshole glistening in the sun?

For every 19 year old smoking hot co-ed with a perfect pink tight asshole, there's 50 fucking landwhale middle aged soccer moms with maggots falling out of there. The same goes for feet, if you're one of those freaks who likes feet due to brain sickness.

It's fucking gross you degenerate scum.

>> No.6576418

ayyyyy lmao i fucking love you anon, tell it like it is

>> No.6576421

You're way too uptight anon. And just about everyone has some sort of fetish or odd sexual proclivity.

I like walking around outside barefoot, I feel more free and natural, and not confined. That's how our ancestors walked around, and it's good enough for Frodo and Sam Wise Gange.

>> No.6576425

what? Its the exact opposite in america

>> No.6576428

our ancestors also used to pour their feces off their balconies and into the streets you ignorant fuck. just shut up

>> No.6576438

Finally someone speaks the truth.