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6571176 No.6571176 [Reply] [Original]

This is a current McDonald's drive-thru menu.

>> No.6571190

>eating mcdonalds after they upped the price of the mcdouble

>> No.6571192

Their menu placement is dumb. Here atleast, you can't stop to read it because you have multiple cars behind you waiting. They should make a V segment, one that takes you straight to the window and one for people who wanna read the menu

>> No.6571193

That isn't current, they don't have MLP and Transformers anymore unfortunately, now it's LPS and Skylanders

>> No.6571195

Is anything here supposed to come as a surprise to any of us?

>> No.6571201
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If you don't know what you want you should take your fat ass inside

>> No.6571206

I have a basic idea of what I like, but I go so infrequently, and the menu seems to grow so rapidly that I dont know what anything is anymore. And no, i'll stick to the drive thru. Back when I used to go more they had these amazing BBQ chicken burgers on the $1 menu. Think those are gone now.

>> No.6571218

There really isn't much that's worth the price...just get the cheapest thing on menu rather than a combo meal...you'll be equally disappointed either way.

I do still love breakfast though.

>> No.6571226 [DELETED] 

I think people from EuroCuckistan are shitting themselves that we have such cheap, plentiful, bountiful food at a moment's notice, because they have to wait until the pickle-man drives his horse-drawn carriage into town before they ever get to taste a pickle, and have to make sure their chicken is healthy enough to lay an egg before they can have breakfast

>> No.6571227

Cheap food comes at a price on the environment, and the economy. If not for all those beef subsidies, do you have any idea what that burger would cost?

>> No.6571231

>do you have any idea what that burger would cost?

Yeah it would cost exactly 1776 YOU REDCOAT FAGGOT




>> No.6571232

Probably a reasonable price for a burger that actually tastes good, rather than whatever mcdonalds pushes out as 'burgers'

>> No.6571235

>price on the environment

I giggled.

>> No.6571246


>you can't stop to read it because you have multiple cars behind you waiting

Yes you can. It's a drive through. No one is honking at you, no one is going to pass you. Quit being such a submissive piece of shit and read the goddamn menu if you want to.

Just tell the order taker that you need a moment.

>> No.6571314

They would not have the menu there if they did not want you to be able to look at it and decide what you want. Just don't be a huge sloth about it and weigh out every option and be like..hmmm..hummmmm...well...HMMMM...the time clock doesn't start until they put in your order and any one in front of you isn't slowing it down because they are in front and not behind you. Make them fatties wait. Especially ones that drive the whole way there repeating their order in their head so they blurt out the exact WRONG thing when it comes time because they're so nervous talking to a speaker thing.

>> No.6571361

Mcdonald's burgers are so fucking shit

I only go there for their ice cream now

>> No.6571370

Once they did that, I started eating the McChicken because thats still a dollar.

But to my surprise, it feels like they made the patty a lot smaller?

Am I crazy?
Its been really shitty the last 3 times, mostly breading not much meat.

I cant justify buying a big mac or quarter pounder when there are other better places for the same money

>> No.6571373


>black coffee
>1 hash brown.

I don't see the problem with this

>> No.6571380

But their ice cream's is shit too.

>> No.6571389

I don't know the point of this thread but Wendy's is better anyways.

>> No.6571391

I actually prefer Whataburger to McDs or Wendy's.


>> No.6571404

I remember when a double cheeseburger was $1.
Then they upped the price and put out a McDouble for $1 (a double cheeseburger but with only 1 slice of cheese instead of 2).
Then the McDouble went up to $1.19.
Now it's $1.39.
The only thing a McDouble had going for it was that it was cheap for the amount of food. But now, taco bell has a value menu too.
Also, at Wendy's...a baked potato is no longer $1. A potato is cheap as fuck, so I don't know why they raised the price.

>> No.6571408

I fucking love that they have to post the calories. It literally makes me eat less when i go there

>and it makes the fatties cry internally

>> No.6571414

Yep. I only really went there for their cheap shit, because the biggest burgers...for the price, you can get better ones elsewhere.
I don't like the McChickens anymore...seems like it's all breading.

>> No.6571418


>> No.6571420

It's called inflation.

It's the same reason why a full dinner at a restaurant doesn't cost 25 cents like it used to in the 1920's.

>> No.6571423

And they wonder why their company loses market share every day. Discounting the crap quality of their food, discounting the perception (a mostly true one) that their food is unhealthy... Discounting all of that, the cost of maintaining, cooking and serving such a wide variety of foods is killing their restaurants. They want to be everything to everybody and the whole thing suffers because of it.

Hamburger/Cheeseburger, Double Cheeseburger, Quarter Pounder, Big Mac, Filet O Fish, McChicken (fried and grilled), McNuggets, fries, apple pies, shakes and soda. That's all they need. Maybe trot out one specialty burger every month (or the McRib). Go ahead and serve salads so Mom will have something to eat.

These days the only time I eat McDonalds is if there's no other quick/convenient/cheap choice. Airports, toll highway rest areas, stuff like that. Between Carls Jr and Five Guys I don't even entertain the idea of dining at the Golden Arches these days.

Except breakfast... Egg McMuffins still rule. Although the Jack In The Box breakfast menus is slowly overtaking them, mainly because you can get them anytime.

>> No.6571424


>> No.6571426

Mcdonalds might have a website where they have a menu. You could look at that before going.

>> No.6571427

Then how is it that Costco can continue to offer their hotdog & drink for $1.50 for decades?

>> No.6571435

Chances are they sell it at a really slim margin, if not at a loss. Costco makes their money from their normal store sales which have higher margins, not from their shitty hot dogs.

>> No.6571437
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>> No.6571448

the jack in the box grande sausage breakfast burrito is good but they need to make one half the size that you can actually hold and eat and doesn't fall all over you while driving 90 mph changing lanes on the interstate trying to eat the fucking thing

>> No.6571457

>their shitty hot dogs

Their hot dogs are the bomb.

But Costco as a company runs very low markups for everything in the store. IIRC nothing ever passes 20% markup with most stuff much lower than that. And they pay workers decent so customer service is great

Its all about getting you into the store, and keeping you buying a membership each year.

You dont walk out of there without spending double what you intended to buy, but on the other hand I have NEVER bought something that was overtly bad or low quality.

I have a certain level of trust that anything I buy there will be at least good.

>> No.6571492

I agree. Those are good for splitting with a friend, though. Each of you get a value drink and value fries, and then split the burrito. Like 4 bucks each.

>> No.6571500

It ain't free to shop at costco dipshit. And $1.50 for a hotdog and drink they probably make a buck off you

>> No.6571518

definitely and for the price it actually comes out equal or better than some other places but the taste is normally better. It actually has flavor. Granted it's sausage/hashbrown/egg/salt/sriacha flavor..but still. Better than just egg and cheese on an unbuttered burned biscuit or muffin

>> No.6571532


>> No.6571549
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>> No.6571669
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>mfw my McDonald's is test marketing sausage burritos 24/7

Nothing else on the breakfast menu, just the burritos. It's weird, but I'm not complaining.

>> No.6571832

Shit, I kind of want a happy meal now.

>> No.6571865

Hey somebody has to care about the environment. Cattle take a lot of water and especially in California, there's not much water to be spared.

>> No.6571975

>drive from Saskatchewan to ND to go shopping
>grab some McDonald's once we get there
>order meal I normally get from mcdinks, quarter pounder meal with poutine instead of fries
>"Uhh... poutine?"

Americans, get with the program.

>> No.6571981

>no Spicy McChicken

>> No.6572202

You can walk in the exit and buy a fucking hotdog without a costco membership at any costco with a food court area.

>> No.6572433

What if he doesnt have internet

>> No.6572446

>tfw all you want is a coffee and some bitch ahead of you orders half of their inventory.

tfw all you want is a fucking coffee and when you are about to pull in some faggot cuts you off and darts strait to the drive through and orders something that takes ages to make

tfw when they have:
two windows
two speakers
two lanes
inside three registers,
all you want is the fucking coffee, drive throughs are full so you just go inside, go to the register, and noone is there and the few people that are are only working the fucking windows for three orders before comming over to the counter.

Sometimes I wonder how they are still in business.
Went in one night for fries, got them and left. went to eat one and it was ice cold. but made fries at 3 am like its rush hour and left them sit out for 20 minutes atleast.
Go back and explain that they are cold.. she takes them back through the window (voilation of health code or something.. takes them to the fucking back, and comes back with "new" fries. Im sure she refried the ones I just gave back to her, huge violation Im sure.

A different one never changes their coffee filters or doesnt clean the pots or something. There is some film crap floating in the coffee EVERY time at that location.
Fucking disgusting place.

>> No.6572448

Fuck I want a mcgriddle, can't get them here in the uk sadly.

>> No.6572453


absolutely disgusting.

>2 cheeseburgers

Why can't you just buy 1?

>> No.6572475

cause anon, one wont fill you up!

>> No.6572599
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This is a McDonald's in Houston where over 40,000 people have died from el niño flooding this July.

>> No.6572610

Keep it coming, hopefully God can wipe the state clean by the end of the summer and we can build a park there or something.

>> No.6572623

>go to McDicks on a roadtrip
>go inside
>can't read menu because it keeps moving on the unnecessary electronic screens
>appears and disappears between ads for its other crap
>can't find the dollar menu
>can barely read the menu at all
>decide to order a chicken sandwich
>get real one for 4 bux because I figure better quality than a mcchickun
>tastes like a mcchickun anyway
>total came to 7 bux between a sandwich, side salad, and small fries
>"cheap" my ass; I could get an actual meal for that
>guy at register kept asking me if I wanted to make it a meal
>don't drink soda, told him I don't want a beverage so didn't want to pay for a meal
>nigger has difficulty wrapping his mind around it
>everything was shit anyway
>even other people in party complained the food was shittier than usual
>same roadtrip
>go to taco bell
>solid menu at least, but writing is small and the plastic cover is smudged a lot
>can barely read it
>no idea what any of these bizarre things are
>never eaten at a taco bell before
>can't decide
>don't even see coffee on the menu, which is the only thing I really wanted
>order nothing, drink from personal water bottle while the others eat

It's like you can't order from a fast food place unless you already are so familiar with the menu that you know what to get in advance.

Only thing good was mcdicks posted calorie information. This kind of shit is why I never eat fast food. They don't even have an actual menu with descriptions of this crap you can take and read.

And they were out of balsalmic...and italian...I had to get sesame, which tasted like burnt ass.

>> No.6572715

Are you sure? Where I live, the McDouble is $1.79.

>> No.6572725

No it isnt, those toys arent on the menu anymore.

>> No.6572732

>29c big macs
This is why america is fat

>> No.6572740

>have to do thing at place
>get lunch out because of it
>rarely eat fast foods
>restaurant is not busy
>read menu carefully choosing
>"how can i help you sir? :)"
>"i just need a minute."
>cashier stares straight at you
>feel his penetrating gaze
>become very uncomfortable
>"uh i'll just get a burger..."
>didn't even want a burger

>> No.6572751
File: 401 KB, 778x776, breakfastmenu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no mcdonalds for 35 miles

>> No.6572770


Breakfast sandwiches are my only weakness. I had to stop buying the wawa ones because I can't budget 500 calories of delicious grease.

But places stop serving breakfast at 11. I want them for lunch, gdi. I always eat breakfast at home because I need my mu'ffuggin oatz.

>> No.6573018
File: 69 KB, 640x540, 900d5c4d08f2b9163e8ec9f9e75adf5e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For comparison with OP, here's a drive through menu from around 20 years ago. How did people even see what to order back then?

>> No.6573203
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No Veggie burger? Fuck you. I am not getting a salad.

McDonald's is bad news.

>> No.6573209

Holy shit. dat nostalgia

>> No.6573243


>veggie burger

I'd rather eat rancid lettuce from a garbage bin than eat a "veggie" "burger". If you're vegetarian, why do you insist on eating fake meat? Just eat some goddamned vegetables and shut the hell up, you obese shit.

>> No.6573247

I remember that design when I was a kid

>> No.6573256

so what is the biggest burger you can get for the cheapest price now?

>> No.6573259
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>They should make a V segment
But they already have...

>> No.6573261

Most veggie burgers aren't take meat.
They're potato or lentil things that aren't designed to imitate meat.
Tbh I bet you classify tofu as imitation meat.
Not even a vegan. But fake meat products exist because vegans don't have a problem with the taste of meat. Likewise, things like non meat tasting veggie patties are used as unique filler in meals that require them for flavour profile and texture. It's really quite simple. I get the vegfag (or false flag omni) was being dumb, obtrusive and bringing up irrelevant shit, but there's no need to respond so moronically.

>> No.6573278
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>> No.6573430

>35 miles

Do you live in the Alaskan tundra or some shit? I can't drive three miles without seeing 8 McDonalds, and I live in a relatively healthy state.

>> No.6573437

No Hot 'n' Spicy McChicken on that dollar menu? That's incredibly sad.

>> No.6573602

they got rid of this AND hot mustard in my area

fucking brutal

>> No.6574158

Costco brings people in and creates loyalty that way while people shop for their crap
the hotdog and drink for 1.50 is probably still making a slight profit by itself too.

>> No.6574161

Why do you keep going?

>> No.6574175

doubt it

im pretty sure costco doesnt make a profit on anything they sell thats why they have membership fees

>> No.6574186


>> No.6574646

smaller city and its the only place that doesnt chage almost 3 dollars for a cup.

>> No.6574652

The membership is only 50$ a year.
They do have lower profit margins than most other companies, but it apparently never passes 20%.

Auto Parts stores work on about 200% profit margins.

>> No.6575161

I have no fucking clue why they think its a good idea for the menu to change every 30 seconds like that its retarted

>> No.6575744

Does McDonald's still sell Apple Pies? Everytime I ask for one I get a strawberry pie in an apple pie box, it makes my blood boil.

>> No.6575939

Either mickey d's will have to go fast casual and lose some menu items or they'll tank by 2025, I predict.
Here's the new menu
Egg McMuffin

seriously, has anyone ever ordered a menu item involving steak from McDicks?
also raise the price a little and get better quality burgers.

But could you imagine it? No McDonald's? Seriously would be a culture shock, it seems like the fast food kings are getting replaced by better alternatives (Mickey D's/Five Guys ; taco Bell/Chipolte).

>> No.6575948

>seriously, has anyone ever ordered a menu item involving steak from McDicks?
I once ordered the "steak" breakfast sandwich from mcdonalds, huge mistake. thing was tough and chewy and full of gristle and sinew

fucking disgusting, threw it in the trash after taking a few bites

>> No.6575949

Anyone ever order a burger and a mcchicken, discard the bottom bun of the burger and place it atop the chicken sandwich?

>> No.6575956

I find it hard to believe McD's will ever tank...but at the same time, their reputation is increasingly turning into just "the shittiest food in the world"

>> No.6575981

McDonald's should try selling onion rings and make a Jr Mac

>> No.6575983
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>> No.6575987

Get a can of spam, the regular full salt, full fat, fry it up, coat it in cheep, sweet BBQ sauce, add old onions, put it on a roll. I've done this many times, it tastes identical.

>> No.6576028

Yes. Everyone has had a "mcgangbang" / "mcchurger"

>> No.6576078

I must have been the last guy to eat this. I dont even know why its a thing

>> No.6576192

>Bobby's World
Fucking Howie Mandel

>> No.6576206

how do they keep track of the order
I am sure that shit can get fierce in the US
Maccas doing god's work