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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6570770 No.6570770 [Reply] [Original]

Foodbank just gave me a bunch of these. I don't know what type they are, but I usually enjoy mushrooms. I don't get to cook with them often though so I don't really know how to prepare them.

They smell fishy and kind of like shit. They also had a bit of a nutty flavor when I took a snall bite. They don't look bad, so I'm assuming that's how they should smell?

The foodbank also gave me a couple of pieces of salmon. Would they go good with some fish?

>> No.6570792

If you took a bite of the raw mushroom, they will taste weird. It's fine. Also. What is food bank?

>> No.6570799

Its a food donation place. And ya, I was assuming they wouldn't taste that great raw but I was curious of what I would be working with.

>> No.6570806

Is it enoki?

>> No.6570826

Looks to be

>> No.6570831

Google images seems to agree. Thanks, now I know what to look for.

Anybody cook with these? Would love a good recipe or tip.

>> No.6571213

>a tip

Don't be poor and eat shit given to you by a food "bank"

>> No.6571217

>going to foodbank

shit dude, are you a hobo? I remember I used to volunteer there

>> No.6571245

>access to internet
>taking food from foodbank

I'm just guessing but I'm thinking Southern USA.
wtf anon? Leave that shit to people who need it.

>> No.6571357

Dice up and use in spaghetti sauce. Looks like enoki. If you have a ton of it, use a dehydrator to preserve them. Use them in soups and stews.

A lot of people have free internet or free net with their phones and can't go without their phones due to their jobs. There's also free internet at public libraries. And, get this, you can steal wifi very easily from any source, protected or not.

>> No.6571359

That is some unusually large enoki, they shouldn't smell of much though

Cut the bottom off and wrap the rest in bacon then put in oven until cooked or steam in something like a lekue or similar microwave steamer - makes a nice little snack.

Otherwise all I use enoki for is throwing in with ramen dishes or other asian noodle based things

>> No.6571379

i can only buy shrooms like those for retardedly high prices at hipster markets like whole foods and you get them for fucking free at a food bank? with salmon?

>> No.6571464

g2Asian grocer. They're cheaper there.

That's because people ITT are fucking wrong. Those are white beech mushrooms also known by the weeb name "bunapi shimeiji," b-baka!

>> No.6571470
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They look like enoki in the OP kid's hands though. A shitty flush at that too.

>> No.6571477

Those will make you vomit throw them out

>> No.6571482

>a goddamn food bank that gives out fresh fish and salmon
>in the US
>in goddamn Southern US
You clearly don't know much about the southern US. Republican lawmakers down here would have a heart attack.

>> No.6571504

Are you retarded? There are food banks in the south. Normal ones and also many churches have food pantries the poor can come get shit from.

Now why he would think the southern US idk, nothing in OP's post really hinted to that for me.

>> No.6571556


I don't mean to kick you off your high horse but no foodbank in the south ever gave nigga's salmon and organic mushrooms.

>> No.6571563


haha i thought you were saying there are no food banks in the south, didnt see the salmon part

yeah never been to one but I assume they wouldn't either and mostly just have shit like cans of chef boyardee

>> No.6571574

No, they really don't. Enoki stalks remain thin from head to end. Beech mushrooms get a little wider. Even at their thinnest point, beech mushroom stalks are never as thin as enoki stalks.

They have a family resemblance to one another, though, both being shimeji-type mushrooms, just one's the fatter cousin. Kinda like Melissa McCarthy and Jenny McCarthy.

>> No.6571587


post your botany degree nao faggot

>> No.6572579

Thanks for the tips guys. Ya, I have too roommates, and we still struggle to pay the bills every month. We only use the foodbank when we really need to, otherwise we usually just get bulk food stuff from the store. Ours gets government commodity half the month, then donated food the other half. The donated food is what usually has good stuff like salmon and such. Not always, but sometimes.

Also, Mendocino county if you were wondering.

>> No.6572582


>> No.6573039

They fucking well aren't enoki. Enoki mushrooms are long and stringy, and don't branch like that at all.

They look a little like immature oyster mushrooms, but probably aren't.

>> No.6573043

see >>6571464 you non-reading gaylord.

>> No.6573050

They're white shimeji, OP.
Completely edible but not much taste.

>> No.6573056

Yeah? What kind of shimeji? Enoki are shimeji, too. So are a fucktonne of other mushrooms.

>> No.6573079

Enokis are usually referred to the ones with thin stalks. The pic OP posted clearly resembles the buna-shimeji, not an enoki.

>> No.6573084

Oh... you mean the one I already said it was several posts before yours that you missed because you're unable to RTFT?
Imagine that. :-)

>> No.6573118

>salmon and mushrooms in my foodbank? No way you poor faggot!

Catering businesses, restaurants, institutions (retirement homes, some schools maybe), and other groups mass order a bunch of food, including salmon (which is on every sit-down restaurant menu everywhere always).
>Oh no, it's looks like we sold less than expected or ordered too much, what do we do!
Into the trash it goes!
>But wait, that's not socially responsible! Remember the people from the Food Bank that came around and said we could donate food that is close to expiring? Good for us and the community, and we all know to market a hip restaurant these days, we have to care about the community.
So they do that. They donate food. So it doesn't end up in the trash as waste.

So while your mom and dad buy a bunch of Chef Boy-ar-dee (yum!) around Christmas to donate so they can feel good about themselves giving poor people the 'beetus, restaurants and other groups have year round programs that cycle food into donations rather than trash cans and landfills.

Because of this, OP, if the mushrooms smell a little off, then cook them immediately. I think they are probably fine to eat and I would eat them myself, but don't put it off three+ days because they'll probably go bad in that time.

>> No.6573178

Alright. Thinking about a little butter and garlic salt, pan fry.

>> No.6573409


>> No.6573416


>> No.6573470


>get a load of this faggot that doesn't think botanists study fungi

>> No.6573484
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You should thank KBDProductionsTV Op its thanks to his generous donations that you get food

>> No.6573499




>> No.6573507
File: 462 KB, 1280x720, ジャストフォユー.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no one likes you joeybroeys faggots take a page from the book of good losers and bow out now before you embarass yourself further

>> No.6573523
File: 4 KB, 225x225, wat wat WAT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


get BTFO Ken

Joey will always be the KING of /ck/.

>> No.6573526

>Botany Bay?... Botany Bay! Oh, no!

>> No.6573670

Those are enoki mushrooms, fucking delicious. Batter dip them and deep fry them for extra awesome noms! :0)

>> No.6573679

It is like those fags that insist on calling Portobello mushrooms by at least 5 different names. "Button mushroom", "Crimini", "Champignon mushroom", "Portobello mushroom", fucking etc.

You know what I call them? "Agaricus bisporus"

>> No.6573848

Entirely different.

Shimeji are a class of mushrooms.
There is no single mushroom called "shimeji."
And this class of mushrooms are all different species. Hence asking "what sort of shimeji?" Though both shimeji-type mushrooms, enoki and beech mushrooms are entirely different species. They're not even in the same family let alone the same genus. Nonetheless, they're both classified as 'shimeji' by the Japanese.

Similarly, shiitake, matsutake and maitake, as you'll notice, all end in -take, meaning that they are 'take'-type mushrooms according to Japanese classification. Three completely different families of unrelated mushrooms all classified under the same -take category.

Your example isn't a very good one because portobello, button, crimini etc are all the same species at different stages of development and with or without exposure to light while several shimeji refers to a broad category of various, largely unrelated species.

>> No.6573866

>has a job
>uses foodbank

You're a cunt.

>> No.6573868

If you are what you eat and OP's a cunt, does that mean you're a dick?

>> No.6573877


actually the only thing it implies is that you're a faggot.

>> No.6573882

Don't say shit if your unwilling to try and change someone's life. I make $300 a month, sometimes less. I'm not even the one getting the commodity, my fiance is and he barely makes $600 a month.

And like I said, we don't ise it all the time, only when we have to. So shut the fuck up unless your willing to get off your ass and try and change the economy around my town so I can get more hours at work.

>> No.6573890


you have just confirmed for me that only stupid people are breeding, thank you for ruining the human race.

>> No.6573893

You're the one that eats dick, Anon. And can girls even be faggots?

>> No.6573898

You know, I don't even own a TV. I've been around the world. I found that only stupid people are breeding. :-(

>> No.6573907


of course, look at you.

>> No.6573912

But I'm neither of those things.

>> No.6573913


how could you have been all around the world and not own a TV, are you some kind of human trafficking victim?

>> No.6573929


neither of what things, faggot?

>> No.6573931

I'm just paranoid. Everybody's trying to get me. I hear the voices in my head. I swear to God, it sounds like they're snoring.

>> No.6573939

Top kek

>> No.6573940


oh ok, you win. but I am trying to get you and I may or may not be snoring when I do it.

>> No.6573947

Just run it up the flagpole and see who still looks. But no one ever does. :-(

>> No.6573953


I don't understand, are you asking me to kill you by anally impaling you on a flag pole in public?

>> No.6573964

You put me in the hospital for nerds. They cut off my legs. Now I'm an amputee, goddamn you.

>> No.6573978


I'm really confused now, do you want me to cut off your legs before or after I anally impaling you on a flag pole in public and bring you to the nerd hospital?

this is why I don't let bitchz choose the way they go out.

>> No.6573984

>So while your mom and dad buy a bunch of Chef Boy-ar-dee (yum!) around Christmas to donate

In my family we are all Marxists and wouldn't engage in such vain bourgeois actions

>> No.6573985


>> No.6573992


I know who you are and I'm sick of your shit.

>> No.6573999

>i'm sick
But I'm not well.

>> No.6574013


idk, what you're on about m8 but when you hear someone knocking on your door tomorrow....its me.

>> No.6574016

But it's so hot.

>> No.6574026

It's 2015 brosef, having the internet is like having electricity.

>> No.6574029


wait....hot like date rape buttsecks or it's a hundred degrees out?

>> No.6574033

easier to steal than electricity too

>> No.6574035
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Haven't got to cook this good in a long time. Does /ck/ approve?

>> No.6574043

Like I'm in hell.

>> No.6574050


You mother fucker, your not even poor you bastard. Stop stealing food from those that really are in need you son of a bitch.

>> No.6574059


well considering the shit i've done, I got a one way ticket for a date with your ass.

>> No.6574062

>Assuming that poor means trashy and homeless

>Assuming I can't get some nice things from hand me down stores every once in a while

Shoo fly.

>> No.6574076

On a private helicopter? With my former best friend?

>> No.6574078


Your not even in "need" you human roach, when are you going to suck it the fuck up and get a GD job....MOOCH.

>> No.6574087
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>getting a job

haha wage slaves are hilarious

>> No.6574088

Are you having fun? Cause it sounds like you're having fun :)

>> No.6574095

A lot of that picture is correct. The sooner people start to reject the disjointed mashed together collectivist and individualist composition of our culture, the better. It's a mess.

>> No.6574097

That picture is depressingly accurate.

>> No.6574120


what, so NEET is just some new word for free loading hippy.

>> No.6574128


fire up another one there cheech.

>> No.6574129

>topkek how's middle school anon?

>> No.6574291
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those are shimiji, delicious in a smoked pork broth with udon, 5 minute egg and scallions

>> No.6574324

>using the internet means you can't be poor
are you fucking stupid or just rich

>> No.6574331

Making minimum wage isn't enough to feed yourself.

>> No.6574348
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You just made my point more validated, thanks.

>> No.6575232

>>using the internet means you can't be poor

Not necessarily however it does imply that one has time for leisure activities when they should be getting a job and some kind of device to access the web which they could sell for the food they really need.

>> No.6575246

Not him, but no...no I don't think he did.

>> No.6575288

Dear me, you're just two halves of a whole idiot, aren't you?

>> No.6575293 [DELETED] 
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Food bank so you're a worthless bum why don't you get a job and work like a decent person

>> No.6575295
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>being a sucker

>> No.6575310

Also, on the same street as the food bank, are these places called "business establishments"

They often do things like sell food, sell apparel, sell items, provide services, etc.

These "establishments" require people called "employees" to operate them.

If you go to one of these establishments, you can enter into a contract with them, where they will pay you more than $9/usd per hour that you work there.

Just think, in 3.2 hours you could have enough money to eat 3 meals a day. If you work an actual 8 hours, you can have $72 dollars. If you do that 5x a week, they will give you a check for $360 dollars.

>then you can buy whatever kind of mushrooms you want and quit complaining to /ck/ about the handouts you got at the foodbank

>> No.6575312 [DELETED] 

Amen thank u mabe the worthless piece of shit will do something🐵🐻🌸

>> No.6577032
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Much opinionated

Much judgement

Such ignorance