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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6568591 No.6568591 [Reply] [Original]

Hard cider thread.

What are the best hard ciders on the market? I'm sick of drinking the shit the dollar store sells (Redd's, Johnny Appleseed)

>> No.6568598

have you mixed curry with your cider britfag?

>> No.6568599

out of the stuff that's readily available everywhere, I like Angry Orchard and Woodchuck the most. Redd's is okay, Johnny Appleseed is pure garbage.

>> No.6568603

The doctor can't stay away?

ah, 'cause cirrhosis

>> No.6568607
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Been into smith and forge for a while. It's breddy gud.

>> No.6568614

Woodchuck is my go-to.
Angry Orchard has a weird taste to it that makes me feel sick.
Redd's is ok, but I'd rather get something else when I can.
Crispin/Strongbow/Hornsby's were all unmemorable.
Johnny Appleseed is shit like >>6568599 said.

>> No.6568625

I would rather drink some snotty artisinal shit than anything the macrobrewers are making. All the stuff that's mass produced in America is way too fucking sweet and made from really boring apples.

>> No.6568632

I've tried some artisan ciders, but I think my favorite has got to be Sea Cider's Prohibition. Tastes amazing and 12.5%

>> No.6568634

The elderberry Angry Orchard is pretty tasty.

>> No.6568658

I know this sounds snobbish, and I hate coming off that way especially about booze, but all the basic ciders you'd find at a grocery store are undrinkable shit (Wood Chuck, Angry Orchard, Redds, whatever).

If your cider doesn't come in a bottle that looks like it'd be for wine and doesn't list the types of apples used, it's shit. There are a few gimmicky exceptions like the hopped Wood Chuck.

>> No.6568661


Yeah, no.

>> No.6568740


>/ck/ having opinions I agree with


Has anyone here tried the stuff at Schilling in Seattle? They do some good work.

>> No.6568747


easily the worst shit out there

crispin reserve is solid

>> No.6568769
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I'm not particularly eager to get into cider but I keep seeing this local offering in stores and wondered if it's any good.

>> No.6568777

Redd's isn't even cider, it's like beer with a shitload of apple flavoring or some shit.

I haven't tried very many hard ciders to be honest, but Woodchuck's probably the only decent one I know of. Expensive as fuck around here, sadly.

>> No.6568786


>> No.6568794
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wow is that George Costanza's mom?

>> No.6568842

Angry Orchard is the best I have had.

>> No.6568855

Drank Woodchuck hard cider when I was a teenager. I think this was after 4 india pale ales of some sort, because I only had two and ended up pretty drunk.

Then I decided to drink a Samuel Adams, Summer Ale. Soon after I vomited repeatedly, wandered around outside, came home and passed out on the bathroom floor.

It was okay. Pleasantly sweet, but a bit too sweet. Haven't drank any since though.

>> No.6568910

Some of my faggot friends actually like Redd's. Shit, once I bought Redd's for some underage fucks at the corner shop. The way big beverage advertising gets into people's heads really pisses me off sometimes.

>> No.6568919

Obviously it is. Have you even ever watched Seinfeld before?

>> No.6568945

Try Sonoma Cider if you are in California. It's amazing and doesn't taste like babby's first drink.

>> No.6569030
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I like Hornsby myself.

>> No.6569044
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Cider is best when it has multiple apple types in it, and is minimally sweet. The trouble we have in the US is that the apple industry is absolutely not geared towards this type of production, it's all about eating apples, and if they have extra, they throw them out.

It's sad. Those could have been the less sweet, more fibrous and complex-tasting varieties. We could be making the best cider in the world, but instead we're making partially fermented apple syrup. It's shit.

It's fucking shit.

>> No.6569133
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she's a relatively obscure actress who's only identifiable by her role on Seinfeld 15+ years ago.

>> No.6569282

Westons Old Rosie is my favorite from the ones I can get in local stores or bars

>> No.6569326
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Old Rosie is great for a draught cider you might actually find at a pub.

Pic. related is glorious though. As is Black Rat (the still, draught, version, not the fizzy shit they sell in cans & bottles).

Then of course you've got all of the cider-in-a-box's, made by an old guy in a barn somewhere, where the actual alcoholic content is dubious because they don't add sulfates and it just continues to ferment.

>> No.6569537

I like the big Strongbow cans

>> No.6569554

Ciderboys First Press is pretty good. Had it when I was on vacation but it's unavailable where I live.

>> No.6569560

>Hard cider
>US brand

>> No.6569621
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>> No.6569629

>Flavored ciders

As nice has honey & cider sounds, I just can't.

I will say I've had a great cider with nettle, and another great cider with elderflower, but I figure as long as it's made with anything the farmer might have found around the orchards it's okay with me.

>> No.6569651

britfag here, what's the difference between cider and hard cider?


>being a prick about which brands of apple juice you will and will not drink

>> No.6569656 [DELETED] 

hard cider is hard. regular cider is not. are you sure you're british, and not just retarded?

>> No.6569657

cider isnt alcoholic here
its just apple cider
sometimes hot
with doughnuts

>> No.6569661

>what's the difference between cider and hard cider?

In America, "cider" is cloudy pressed apple juice. It is not fermented and therefore, not alcoholic. In order to differentiate the fermented & alcoholic stuff, the term is "hard cider".

In the UK "cider" is always alcoholic and the non-alcoholic stuff is just "apple juice"

>> No.6569665

after googling it, what you call cider we just call cloudy apple juice. your hard cider is just cider
hot cider is the shit

>> No.6569667 [DELETED] 

But how do they differentiate between apple juice and apple cider in Sharialand?

>> No.6569670

apple juice is halal cider

>> No.6569673 [DELETED] 
File: 32 KB, 250x132, Apple-Cider-Apple-Juice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So do Britjihadis not have unprocessed apple juice?

>> No.6569676

>how do they differentiate between apple juice and apple cider

That's like saying "how do you differentiate between a duck and a duck". They're the same thing. Even Burgerfats aren't stupid enough to use different words for "Orange juice" and "Orange juice with pulp", so fuck knows why they do it for Apple juice.

>> No.6569685

once i went to a bar and there was a sign advertising stella artois "cidre" and it said Cidre, Not Cider
i thought it said cidre, hot cider so i asked for it and they just thought i was dumb
to be fair i dont even know that hot hard cider would be possible

>> No.6569688

Heating up Stella Cidre couldn't make it any worse to be fair.

>> No.6569690 [DELETED] 

I don't think you've ever had fresh apple cider from an orchard. It's so different from apple juice.

>> No.6569696

>I don't think you've ever had fresh apple cider from an orchard.

I have.

>It's so different from apple juice.

It's juice. From an apple. It may be fresh pressed apple juice, but it is apple juice. You don't suddenly start using a different name for fresh pressed orange juice do you?

>> No.6569702

yeah, we do. It's just called cloudy apple juice.

>> No.6569703

wait, people actually drink this stuff?

>> No.6569704 [DELETED] 

>I have

I don't believe you.

>It's juice

It's cider

>> No.6569705

>Hard cider

What's that, cider distilled like a spirit?

>> No.6569715


fermented cider

>> No.6569721
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>I don't believe you

>> No.6569724

Why would you ferment something that has been fermented?

>> No.6569726

Yeah it's called cider.

>> No.6569727 [DELETED] 

[citation needed]

>> No.6569730

Cider is, by definition, fermented.
Fresh-pressed, unfiltered apple juice is still juice.

>> No.6569732
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>> No.6569736 [DELETED] 

and barbecuing is, by definition, low and slow. yet i see dumb britbongs call refer to grilling as barbecuing all the time.

>> No.6569739


In English cider is fermented
In American it is not.

You need to pay attention to what language you speak on 4chan. It is an American website after all.

>> No.6569740

>barbecuing is, by definition, low and slow


>to cook (food) on a barbecue : to broil or roast (meat, fish, etc.) over hot coals or an open fire

No mention of "low and slow" there, and it's an Americlap dictionary, too.

>> No.6569745

Grilling on a barbecue is still barbecuing.

>> No.6569750

it's hardly an example of gourmet shit, but in the winter rekorderlig do a winter cider infused with cinnamon that's served hot. it's pretty good

>> No.6569755 [DELETED] 

there is no such thing as "a barbecue"

there are grills, on which you grill things. and there are smokers, which can be in various configurations, but still never called a barbecue.

I don't lecture British people on how to make halal food, so don't lecture me on how to make American food.

>> No.6569760



>: a flat metal frame that is used to cook food over hot coals or an open fire

You're really going balls deep on this aren't you?

>> No.6569761

I'm American, though.
If I walk in to the hardware store right now, there will be a line of barbecues for sale right up front, and a couple grills near the end.

>> No.6569762 [DELETED] 

10/10 bait

I have to give you credit, you're damn good at shitposting.

>> No.6569765
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>> No.6569769
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>> No.6569770


>> No.6569774
File: 160 KB, 500x332, fox-barrel-ciders.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its berty gud

>> No.6569775

I'm not baiting.
Every hardware store in the city will have barbecues in them.

>> No.6569781 [DELETED] 

Those are charcoal grills.

>> No.6569782

See >>6569760

>> No.6569788

The charcoal grills are located beside the barbecues, and some barbecues have charcoal grills integrated into them.

>> No.6569789

Cooking food on a BBQ is food cooked on a BBQ. Cooking food under a grill is grilled food.

Fuck you and all of the other inbred yokels that are such super special snowflakes.

>> No.6569792 [DELETED] 


>> No.6569794

Boy you murifats sure do love shitposting, I think it's your high blood pressure.

>> No.6569795

>under a grill

That'd be broiling.
Grilling is over a grill.

>> No.6569796 [DELETED] 


Do you mean a broiler?

>> No.6569800

It's an Amerifat dictionary. He created your child-like version of English. It's a canonical definition.

>> No.6569803

I don't know what sort of fucked up universe cooking food under a grill means boiling in, but it certainly isn't this one.

>> No.6569806

Broiling, not boiling.
Do note the R.

>> No.6569808

Nah chuck, you know, a grill, the thing you cook food under.

>> No.6569810


>: to cook (food) directly over or under high heat

God damn, you Americlaps literally don't even know your own language do you?

>> No.6569812 [DELETED] 

>your own language

last time I checked, it was called English, not American

>> No.6569815

when when they decide to make the fat loser dictionary the new standard i'm sure they'll give you a call

but for now we've got this and the oxford one

>> No.6569816

Considering broiling isn't a real word, you clearly meant boiling, which is retarded.

>> No.6569818

Burgerclaps have their own special neutered form, I like to make the distinction.

>> No.6569824 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6569827

Well, that's another thread ruined by American shitposting.

>> No.6569829

Broiling is a real word, you utter dingus.
It's been in the language for five hundred years.

>> No.6569831 [DELETED] 

>American shitposting
>implying this wasn't all started by buttmad Britjihadis calling apple cider "juice"

>> No.6569836

Yes, keep being a good special snowflake with your newspeak terms.

>> No.6569839

Why would Bongs call cider juice?
They're well aware that cider and juice are two different things.

>> No.6569841 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6569849

> R. A. Fletcher notes that in the Liber Sancti Jacobi, cider was said to be more common than wine in 12th-century Galicia and certainly the idea of it was present in England the Conquest of 1066, using crab apples: the word "Wassail" is derived from a Saxon phrase, wæs hæl": it is what would have been said by Saxons as a toast at Yuletide.

>The word "cider", referring to fermented apple juice, is 4 times older than your country

>> No.6569852 [DELETED] 

But that's hard cider, not apple cider.

>> No.6569853

I know expecting any better from Americans is a lost cause, I blame myself.

>> No.6569854


perry is not a cider

it's a perry

>> No.6569856

>Before the development of rapid long distance transportation, regions of cider consumption generally coincided with regions of cider production: that is, areas with apple orchards and the knowledge of how to turn very bitter apples into alcohol.
>apples into alcohol

>The word "cider", referring to fermented apple juice, is 4 times older than your country

>> No.6569859
File: 37 KB, 448x300, Oh dear oh dear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw apples aren't even native to North America

>> No.6569862

Pear cider is pear cider.
Perry is perry.

Perry should be made from specific varieties of pear (Perry pears, oddly enough). Most commercial "Pear cider" is made from common commercial varieties, so isn't Perry.

>> No.6569867

Cider is "hard" and made from apples.
If it isn't alcoholic, it isn't cider.
If it isn't made from apples, it isn't cider.
"Hard cider" and "apple cider" are both redundant.

>> No.6569868 [DELETED] 

but that's hard cider, not apple cider

what's wrong with that image? i think it sums up my entire argument; it's all right there, you just gotta read between the lines

>> No.6569879

>The word "hard" not appearing in either of those quotes
>Pretends he can see the word "hard" or the phrase "hard cider"

>The word "cider", referring to fermented apple juice, is 4 times older than your country
>4 times older. Than your entire country.

That must really burn you up, as you keep trying to pretend it's not true.

>> No.6569893 [DELETED] 

But apple cider is not cider.

>> No.6569899

putting the word apple in front of cider for no reason doesn't make it not cider.

>> No.6569901
File: 137 KB, 320x500, 476277370_3bee71f55c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>apple cider is not cider

>Before the development of rapid long distance transportation, regions of cider consumption generally coincided with regions of cider production: that is, areas with apple orchards and the knowledge of how to turn very bitter apples into alcohol.
>apples into alcohol

>> No.6569903 [DELETED] 

but apple cider is unprocessed, unpasteurized apple juice. when referring to the alcoholic beverage, it's just cider.

>> No.6569907

Unprocessed, unpasteurized juice is still juice.
Cider is fermented apple juice.

Putting "apple" in front of "cider" implies you can make cider from other fruits, which is incorrect.

>> No.6569910 [DELETED] 

what about pear cider?

>> No.6569914

That'd be perry, not cider.

>> No.6569915

>apple cider
>not cider

>Apple cider (also called sweet cider or soft cider) is the name used in the United States and parts of Canada for an unfiltered, unsweetened, non-alcoholic beverage made from apples, usually from specialized cider apples.

>used in the United States and parts of Canada

As we've proven, Amerifats don't know what "cider" means (even though the word is 4 times older than their entire country), so who cares? It's apple juice.

>> No.6569916 [DELETED] 

Pear cider is pear cider.
Perry is perry.
Perry should be made from specific varieties of pear (Perry pears, oddly enough). Most commercial "Pear cider" is made from common commercial varieties, so isn't Perry.

>> No.6569919


Pear cider is a new word invented for the people that do not know what a perry is.

Perry means beverages made from pears through fermenting, regardless of variety.

>> No.6569922 [DELETED] 

who cares nerds? lol fag

>> No.6569929

Fermented pear juice can't be cider, since it isn't apple juice.
Singling out specific varieties of pear for perry is a bullshit commercial thing.

>> No.6569941


wow you guys are fags

>> No.6569968

Distilled cider is applejack.

>> No.6569971


in america that is known as hard applejack

>> No.6569982


Nobody in the world cares. I've never heard it called that, everyone here knows what you mean by applejack.

>> No.6569988

I think that was probably a joke.

>> No.6570127
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>> No.6570162
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I'm partial to the Amber.
Good stuff.

>> No.6570173

I like Crispin a lot.

Woodchuck is also good and has a nice range of experimental and seasonal ciders. The oak aged winter cider was phenomenal.

>> No.6570219

Perry producers are glad for the term"pear cider", gives them easy product differentiation from shit-tier beetus juice.

>> No.6570249
File: 127 KB, 700x374, ACE+product-lineup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kinda meh

a bit better than other basic ciders

Pic related is the best cider, traditional apple.

>> No.6570250



>> No.6570259

What's the difference between a "fruit" beer and a cider? For example something like this. http://www.beeradvocate.com/beer/profile/22/3523/

>> No.6570268

Cider is fermented apple juice, fruit beers have a beer base with fruit juice or berries added.

>> No.6570593

I've never had it from a big distributor, but a couple of times I've had cherry hard cider and it's fucking god tier.

my go to in college

>> No.6570596

STRONGBOW. and Stella Artois Cider

>> No.6570604

start a company

>> No.6570614

She voice acts a lot

>> No.6570615

Not him, but the problem is that the US isn't growing the sort of varieties you need to make a good dry cider. It takes decades of hard work to create a fruiting orchard of any reasonable size, so it's not like he can just start making cider tomorrow.

>> No.6570622

These things sprang up overnight in my area, along with some brand that has the jolly Roger symbol on it. It was weird because they were in damn near every liquor store I walked in after a week

>> No.6571263
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I bought me some of this. Not cure how I feel about it yet, I'll think it'll take me 5 more before I can make an opinion. :v

It's better than that hop-infused cider bullshit though.

>> No.6571271

You have shit taste my friend

>> No.6571546
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>I know this sounds snobbish, and I hate coming off that way especially about booze, but all the basic ciders you'd find at a grocery store are undrinkable shit (Wood Chuck, Angry Orchard, Redds, whatever).

100% agreed, anon. That said, I used to think that Angry Orchard was top tier until I started searching out higher quality ciders and ruined my blissful ignorance. Pic related is by far my favorite but is annoyingly difficult to find.

At least the increasing popularity of shitty grocery store ciders should pave the way for easier access to quality ciders. My local supermarket just started stocking single bottles from a regional brewer so hopefully they'll add some more in the future. Fuck knows they don't really need hundreds of brands of shit $10 a bottle wine.

>> No.6571597

good stuff
angry orchard is great!

>> No.6571653

Laird's Applejack.

>> No.6571722

Why don't you start arguing about why Europeans call a Moose an Elk? If youre Canadian and you need something to be upset about, look no further than gee... any of your hockey teams.

The american colloquialisms:
-Apple juice (pasteurized, homogenized)
-apple cider (unpasteurized, unfermented, unhomogenized)
-hard cider (fermented)
-applejack (fermented, distilled i.e. it is a spirit)

Ace has apple, perry, honey apple, dry apple, pumpkin, berry and pineapple ciders. The pineapple is my favorite. The perry tastes like a green jolly rancher, probably too sweet for most people. Ace is from callifornia.

I tried a drier apple cider that hasnt been mentioned yet last feek at a craft beer/wine bar. its been my favorite so far, so ill have to get the name.

>> No.6572507
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so 'hard' cider simply refers to alcoholic beverage as opposed to non-alcoholic, 'normal' cider?
its 32 degrees celsius outiside and im having some right now, pretty delicious and refreshing. cheers!

>> No.6572523
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>At least the increasing popularity of shitty grocery store ciders should pave the way for easier access to quality ciders.

That's certainly what's happened here in the UK. It used to be the only cider you could get at a store was terrible max produced fizzy yellow cheap stuff, and you had to go a specialist or direct to the farm to get anything else.

These days I can pick up some decent bottled ciders like pic. related from ASDA (actual Walmart) even.

>> No.6572526
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Got a 6 pack of that from Morrisons last night and a bottle of pic related. We're getting there son

>> No.6572548

bretty sure laird's is like 80% corn, breh
glad to see yuropoors have the same shit taste as uhmmerrilards

stay classy, /ck/

>> No.6572738
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This one is pretty awesome from what I remembered.

Woodchuck is also pretty great.
Bulmers is normally the one I drink here in Norway, since its the only proper cider we got available at the local pub.