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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6564767 No.6564767 [Reply] [Original]

Alright, anon from /fit/ told me this works great, but I know nothing about making food unless it's protein shakes or chicken breast. Can the all knowing masters of /ck/ tell me whether this is too good to be true or if it actually seems right?

>> No.6564781

Ive made them a couple of times but without cottage. Its pretty easy.Follow the instructions and add some honey in the end.

PS: be careful not to burn them

>> No.6564787

Every /fit/ recipe ever tastes awful.
Especially the tuna patties one.

>> No.6564834

>tuna patties
>post em

>> No.6564840

>/fit/ recipes
>low fat, no salt , no sugar
>expecting what?

>> No.6564847

they taste like shit. look up protein chef on youtube if you want good low fat/carb recipes. then again ig you're a hungry skellington you probably dont need to be overthinking this and just eat more.

>> No.6564882
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I'm not expecting them to taste good, and I'm not a skellington, just /fit/. I just didn't know if it was a ruse and I was going to end up with pancakes or a pan full of bullshit and lies. It just seemed like something high in protein for a cheat day.

>> No.6566680

It makes me happy to know that /fit/'a diet is so awful and flawed that it'll kill all of them long before I'm gone.

BROTEIN BRAH. Yea, sure, fine, but they base a lot of that on animal proteins, which is what'll end up killing them, rather than supplementing in plant proteins and eating a healthy mix of both.

Also their sticky advocates the 'calories in, calories out' dietary theory, which is a crock.

>> No.6566686

You, my dear friend, are a FUCKING RETARD. Have a nice day :)

>> No.6566710

>wah I hate vegetables you can't make me eat them

>> No.6566726

You can make pretty much anything into a pancake, but that recipe looks like it will taste like shit.
Might as well just have oatmeal with blueberries if you want a health breakfast.

>> No.6566734

yeah..that is exactly what I said..lets ignore the fact that you say eating animals will kill you. Definitely had no part in what I said at all, right? Go jack off your little sisters dick you limey

>> No.6566738
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>> No.6566745

>but they base a lot of that on animal proteins
>a lot
All I'm say if to replace a portion of what you would intake in animal proteins with plant proteins instead. Eating only the former is actually bad for your health wouldn'tyaknow.

>> No.6566747

>cheat day, not a skellington and pancakes in one sentence
Just coz you sit on your ass, read and look at gay lifting pictures does not mean you are fit m8

>> No.6566752

I don't know about the rest of people I only worry about myself mostly. If I eat meat, I have vegetables. It isn't a meal to just eat only meat. You need vitamins, other proteins, stuff from different sources in different variations. I agree with this comment but not the one up there.

as was in reply to my other comment.

>> No.6566774

vegan gains pls go

>> No.6567026

Oatmeal only has like 4g protein for a 50g serving
Might as well eat kid's cereal to that end, all cereals' protein content is more or less the same