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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 74 KB, 300x229, pepperoni-pile_83191517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6559603 No.6559603 [Reply] [Original]

Ask someone who has never had pepperoni anything

>> No.6559606
File: 33 KB, 580x437, peperoni spaventosi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you had green peperoni?

>> No.6559608

do you suck dicks?

>> No.6559610

I didn't know it existed
No. Sorry

>> No.6559614
File: 12 KB, 250x250, peperone spaventato.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about red ones?

>> No.6559617

No I haven't had any pepperoni at all I have had peppers though, is that what you are talking about?

>> No.6559618

This isn't funny.

>> No.6559622

Those are peperoni.

Neither is cancer, but you're still here.

>> No.6559627

No need to get buttblasted, shitposter.

>> No.6559628

Oh I get it it means pepper in Italian. I didn't know that, pretty funny.

You know I didn't mean that though. Do you have any other questions?

>> No.6559633

I tried it for the first time this year (raised vegetarian).

It's really good, definitely my go-to pizza topping now.

>> No.6559640


Do you like cantaloupes?

>> No.6559642
File: 146 KB, 800x600, Jalapeno-Bottle-Caps-Batter2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not even jalapepperonios?

>> No.6559643

Does your mother know you're gay?

>> No.6559645

Have you had soppressata? Or spicy salami?

>> No.6559663

Would you help Twilight win the crown?

>> No.6559668

shit sorry
I'm actually not too crazy about cantaloupes. The texture is a bit weird for my tastes and I hate eating them with a spoon because biting the fork makes my teeth feel weird. Is it possible to cut cantaloupe like water melon slices? I think it would make my experience much better.
I'm not gay
Actually yes I have had soppressata once in an antipasta. It was pretty good.

>> No.6559675

I don't get the joke

>> No.6559678
File: 100 KB, 500x474, Terran Strategic Policy on Indar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6559681

>I hate eating them with a spoon because biting the fork makes my teeth feel weird.
>biting the fork
What fucking wizardry is this shit?

> Is it possible to cut cantaloupe like water melon slices?
Yes. That's the only way I eat them. I don't generally buy pre-cut melons of any sort, especially not watermelon because watermelon rinds make fantastic fucking pickles. Goddamn, I love pickled watermelon rinds.

>> No.6559687

In yo' opinion, can ya cook?

>> No.6559691


why not? do you understand how good it is?

>recommend anything east or north of delaware, Hormel a shit, Applegate Farms a dogfuckingshit
>Carando or bust

>> No.6559694

I'm fine. Can't cook cook but I can throw together any recipe I find it seems. Not making anything to fancy
Sorry messed up the first thing.

Cool I will try that next time I have a canteloupe. I learned the method from my parents and didn't know there was another way.

>> No.6559708

Why the fuck did you make this gay ass thread?

>> No.6559722

Just thought people were curious

>> No.6559755

What about pepperocinnis?

>> No.6559761

Yeah they were in the antipasta I was talking about earlier I believe.

>> No.6559764

>i'm not gay
dude, this is a safe space, you can be honest with us.

>> No.6559779

This entire thread was one big lie. I have actually had pepperoni probably thousands of times throughout my life. I live on Long Island and there is a pizzeria every 5 feet. I think I had my first slice around age 2 or so, probably as early as I could chew.

I just wanted you all to like me. That's all I ever wanted.

>> No.6559783

News Flash: we don't like you

>> No.6559784

I know.


>> No.6559786

>I live on Long Island

So you've had pepperoni, but not real pizza?

>> No.6559797

My former brother-in-law's family is from Great River. Are you from anywhere near there or are you poor?

>> No.6560231


Have you ever fucked a sibling?

>> No.6560262

You don't have to bite utensils to remove food from them. You close your lips over them while leaving your jaw apart. The food will fall into your mouth while the utensil comes out.

Seriously, don't bite forks and spoons. I don't know why some people do that. It's disturbing to watch.

>> No.6560301

Why did you decide to trip?

>> No.6560319

Is there more to life than just sitting at home alone drinking cheap scotch and masturbating to pictures of people I knew in high school?

>> No.6560327
File: 680 KB, 3300x2553, 45738012_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is if you think there is, there's not if you don't.

>> No.6560332

You're right, looks like I'll be jumping off a bridge in the near future then.

Thanks for all the good times /ck/.

>> No.6560339

Strange. I had decided on the bridge method early this year. I knew the impact wouldn't likely do me in, so the subzero water and getting sucked under the ice would have little chance of failure.

It is summer now. If I have some strange event where I rapidly spiral into having "the answer", I'll likely go out deep in the woods, sever both femoral arteries, and then the pulse at the source.

I don't know you. I don't know why you want to go. I do know life has an inherent ratio of good and bad, and I hope you find some way to have it feel like it truly is worth continuing, maybe even a place where there isn't necessarily more good than bad, but some good that matters. Good luck Anon, whatever happens.

>> No.6560341

What do you think pepperonis taste like

>> No.6560358

How do you intend to sever your femoral arteries. Do you know a "sweet spot"

>> No.6560372

Shotgun to head >>>> nitrogen bag = charcoal burning >>>>> jump from bridge = cutting blood vessels

>> No.6560379

Bye anon. Stay safe.

>> No.6560383

I know how to properly administer an injection in the general area. Figured I'd just make it work, on the off chance it didn't yield the desired effect I'd try another way. It's not that good a way to go about it ultimately, there's a lot of muscle in the way and no region where what you want is very close to the surface. Figured that method for a reason however.