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File: 151 KB, 331x221, 821SecretIngredient_465222810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6559549 No.6559549 [Reply] [Original]

What are your secret ingredients?
Share some recipes and your special ingredient to make that recipe stellar.

Il share one of mine.

> When I bake pies I use tapioca powder to get a thicker filling.

I know this is quite common but still.

>> No.6559550

spraying salt water on any fruit before serving it.

make sure to go light with the spraying.

>> No.6559585

it's a secret

>> No.6559586


>> No.6559587

Shallots and MSG make everything better.

>> No.6559592

I throw cinnamon into a few things I make (mostly things that also have cumin), but that's hard to keep a secret considering you can taste it.

>> No.6559593

tomato paste. Love the stuff. I don't bother buying any other tomato product.

>> No.6559597

I put olive oil in my instant ramen

>> No.6559598


>> No.6559599


Makes me feel special :)

>> No.6559621

Not exactly secrets, but some things that make the dishes I make taste better than they otherwise might include:
Aleppo pepper
toasted nuts
fresh herbs
peanut oil
fresh lemon/lime juice
sherry vinegar

>> No.6559632

Sour cream
Especially when making a tomato pasta sauce

>> No.6559685


Jamie Oliver please go.

>> No.6559752

Cayenne pepper

>> No.6559767


Cayenne pepper

>> No.6560411

salt and butter

>> No.6560417

I like to put a little bit of cinnamon in my beef ramen.

>> No.6560419


>> No.6560420

Worcestershire or fish sauce. Brainless way to make foods taste better that no one around me seems to think of using.

>> No.6560421

Sugar. Put just enough sugar in things not to make it sweet and people always want more.

>> No.6560598

Shallots, grains of paradise, Greek seasoning, MSG.

>> No.6560606
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>> No.6560609
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sugar to any mild curry
coffee to any beef based stew

and pic related to anything savory

>> No.6560630

garlic salt on everything savoury.

>> No.6560638


depending on the dish

usually all of them

>> No.6560648

not him, not doing it myself, but might be flavor enhancer.

>> No.6560652


>> No.6560653

Bacon fat in food I cook for vegetarian friends.

>> No.6560654

This video shows the secret ingredient for the best grilled cheese sandwich out there


>> No.6560990
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just because I feel like elevating all of your game:

Marmite in any dish with beef, especially gravy. Dilute Marmite in water and brush on a roast or grilled burgers
Nutmeg in any dish or soup with greens
Lemon juice in stews, gravies
Tomato paste in stews, gravies
Cracked pepper on salads
Msg when serving guests or for competitions
Vodka in sorbet puree and ice creams
Curry in chilli
Mustard powder in Mac & cheese
Dry white wine in Mac & cheese
If something is missing, usually you can just add bayleaf or Worcestershire

People won't know about these additions but they will go nuts for your shit.

>> No.6560997

I add red pepper and a few drops of lemon juice to red wine and beef veloute. It expands the flavor without being powerful enough to take away from the other flavors
I add a little nutmeg to cinnamon/sugar mixes when I make snickerdoodles and french toast

>> No.6561025

slight drop of beer in crepes or pancakes for that dere creamy texture

>> No.6561027


A fucking based addition to most things.

>> No.6561038

yoghurt with paprika, garlic powder and piri piri mix
pour it over fish or chicken or vegetables or whatever the fuck you want before putting them in the oven

>> No.6561040

enhances the taste I suppose

>> No.6561048
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MSG everything.

>> No.6561050

>Nutmeg in any dish or soup with greens
it's based, try it with spanakopita

>> No.6561093

is this a joke. He chared the sandwich so much it has a 2cm crust of black carbon.

>> No.6561096

I put tumeric in nearly everything I cook. It adds some nice color and a subtle background flavor, I think.

Not much of a secret but some salt in otherwise sweet dishes really helps too.

I also put tomato sauce in all my soups.

>> No.6561105

I want bakery quality cake frosting.

I dont have a paddle attachment on my mixer so I use the beater attachment.
what do I do?

also if some one could tell me how to use these to take my baking to the nest level please do so


>> No.6561166

shallots in lieu of onion is almost always dynamite.
In a lot of sautees I start with a little ajwain in the butter, adds a great flavor to the base of whatever I'm cooking.

>> No.6561453
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shrimp paste everything

>> No.6561485

Garlic. If a recipe doesn't call for garlic, I add some. If it does call for garlic, I add a clove or two more than it says.

>> No.6562735

Page 10 bump

>> No.6562766
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pic related on any Thai dish.

>> No.6562815

hey guys have you tried srichahcha? its really good on everything!!

>> No.6562831

every self made meal needs a little: salt, sugar and cinnamon. also if available vinegar or lemon.

>> No.6562979
File: 591 KB, 2304x1296, 2015-06-02 22.30.15_text.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's how I make neptune salad. Same as all neptune salad, except I soak the krab in seafood stock for about 2 hours beforehand.

>> No.6563025

I prefer using poblanos to jalapenos

>> No.6563275

I use a hand mixer (with the normal beaters, no whisk shit) for my buttercream and always get an obscene amount of compliments on it even though it's crazy simple.

2.5 sticks of softened butter, 5 cups of powdered sugar, teaspoon of vanilla and sometimes a teaspoon of whole milk as well. Cream the butter, add sugar in parts so you don't make a huge mess, then the rest. (It's also pretty sturdy for piping and decorating)

>> No.6563288

Cayenne Pepper

>> No.6563302

The secret ingredient my grandma and mom use are mayonnaise and/or mustard. Found this out while helping in the kitchen and my grandma casually starts glopping mayo into cake batter. I stop midsentence in horror, she looks at me and laughs and says don't tell anyone or they won't eat it.
Turns out it works. Somehow. Makes the cake deliciously very moist.

>> No.6563321

Small splash of vodka in everything.

But I don't know if it actually improves anything. The theory goes that some flavors are alcohol-soluable, and the alcohol makes those flavors more intense or pronounced.

If you made two batches of penne alla vodka, but secretly left the vodka out of one batch, would people be able to taste the difference between the two?

>> No.6563471

Vanilla extract the shite out of everything remotely sweet, I can't help myself

>> No.6563478

cake mayonnaise isn't really a secret, just a really old tradition just give it a google. It's extra fat/oil of course it's gonna add moistness.

>> No.6563479

get vanilla paste, infinitely better than extract.

>> No.6563694

Grapefruit juice on salmon
Pickle juice in cream pasta
Ground cardamom in pancake/waffle batter

>> No.6563755


>> No.6563758

Some men just want to watch the world burn

>> No.6563767

Here's a couple I have

Spaghetti Bolognese:
Worcestershire Sauce
Dash of ketchup
Balsamic Vinegar
couple of drops of tabasco
1-3 shakes of cinnamon (1-2 tsp.)

Fresh ground cumin
1-2 squares of dark chocolate
1/2 tsp. mustard powder
semen - i'm serious

It neutralises some of the acid that forms from the spice - helps with upset stomachs.

>> No.6563792

A bit of curry in mac n cheese
Banana in omelets (seriously the tastiest shit ever, holy fuck)

>> No.6563793

>Ground cardamom in pancake/waffle batter
This is really good, but some faggots out there put way too much in and don't mix it properly so you get bites without any and then suddenly cardemom explosion the next.

>> No.6563805

Are you fucking serious? Do you just whip your dick out and jerk into an open vat of chilli?


>> No.6563808

>Some men just want to lose their friends.

>> No.6563813

Yeah, i'm serious.
Mostly I do it for the lulz - when my brother and his wife & kids come round for dinner.

>watching his kids eat my semen unknowingly
>struggling to keep a straight face
feels good, man

>> No.6563919


ITT: lies and /b/tards

>> No.6563924

mustard when roasting a meat. slather it on there. doesn't taste like mustard after cooking but is objectively superior taste

>> No.6563930

>implying only /b/tards have mental problems

>> No.6563966

Spicy mustard ribs are the only way to eat ribs
Fuck this Carolina honey bullshit

Wanna take it even further? Add some mint cream to the mix as well.

>> No.6564143

get out of here you furry bastard

>> No.6564363

I add a dab of sesame oil to almost everything I fry. I also use it as salad dressing.
I use soy sauce as a substitute for salt in a lot of things--tomato-based sauces, especially.
Hot paprika in pizza sauce.

>> No.6564407
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>coffee to any beef
eggsblane dis blz

Do you marinade your meat in it ? or do you actually add coffee to sauce ?

>> No.6564413
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>having vegetarian friends

>> No.6564431
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>>6560990 >>6560638 >>6560598

>> No.6564534

i also do this, i dont think most people like it tho

>> No.6564588

chef john plz go

>> No.6564687

I will not

>> No.6564693

Fucking this.
I'm european and MSG was a thing in the 80's, then they discovered it's fucking cancerogenous and now almost everything is labeled 'glutamate free'. Do you guys really use it as a spice?

>> No.6564771

That's why you only use it when cooking for competitions and other people

>> No.6564775

>intentionally giving people cancer
>to win useless competitions
>cooking for competitions
if you seriously do this, kill yourself you cancer spreading fagget

>> No.6564808

>implying everything isn't useless anyway
Which is why life is about pursuing happyness and I find mine by blowing people away with cooking. Your msg causes cancer bs is completely unfounded fearmongering.

>> No.6564844

i stick a teaspoon of marmite/yeast extract in most sauces/soups, and it actually makes a hell of a difference

>> No.6564854

iodized salt

>> No.6564858


it is literally sodium + glutamate

our body can't function without glutamate

>A 1995 report from the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB) for the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) concluded that MSG is safe when "eaten at customary levels" and, although a subgroup of otherwise-healthy individuals develop an MSG symptom complex when exposed to 3g of MSG in the absence of food, MSG causality has not been established because the symptom reports are anecdotal.

>According to the report, there is no data to support the role of glutamate in chronic disease. A controlled, double-blind, multi-location clinical trial failed to demonstrate a relationship between the MSG symptom complex and actual MSG consumption. No statistical association has been demonstrated, and the few responses were inconsistent. No symptoms were observed when MSG was administered with food.

>that article
>the only source is Russell Blaylock

>Blaylock has endorsed views inconsistent with the scientific consensus, including that food additives such as aspartame and monosodium glutamate (MSG) are excitotoxic in normal doses and that the H1N1 influenza (swine flu) vaccine carries more risk than swine flu itself.

>Blaylock has called the American medical system 'collectivist' and has suggested that health-care reform efforts under President Obama are masterminded by extragovernmental groups that wish to impose euthanasia. He blamed the purported collectivism of American medicine for the retirement of his friend Miguel Faria. According to Blaylock, the former Soviet Union tried to spread collectivism by covertly introducing illegal drugs and various sexually transmitted diseases into the United States.

>taking culinary cues from an anti-vax nutjob

>> No.6564870

implying you taste the difference between that and regular salt ?

>> No.6564874


You don't. You eat iodized salt so you don't get goiter.

>> No.6564878

thread is about:
>Share some recipes and your special ingredient to make that recipe stellar.
>to make that recipe stellar

>> No.6564879



>> No.6564892


So what you're saying is that you didn't realize the person who listed "iodized salt" is doing so to be ironic? He listed what's probably the most common ingredient on the planet as his "secret ingredient". How is that not ironic? Would you have gotten the joke if he posted "water"?

>> No.6564962

Fun fact: the reason why MSG is popular in Chinese food in particular is because the flavor of kombu broth is largely from glutamates.

>> No.6566234

usually add coffee to the sauce, seems to bring out some good flavor in the beef

>> No.6566609
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I have a bottle of fermented Lime juice I like to splash on things as a final touch.

>> No.6566719


fish sauce and soy sauce to make almost anything taste more meaty.

coriander seeds and absolutely minimal amounts of cardamom.

salt, butter, cream, coconut fat.

there, that's all there is to my cooking. am I proud? you better fucking think so.

>> No.6567479

Jesus christ, push that man onto an iceburg already

>> No.6567522

>frying a sandwich in flour used to be common before fast food companies made people dumb
he's pretty funny. all of his videos are a joke. it's subtle. people probably think he's old and stupid.

>> No.6567524

this'll be henry when he gets old


>> No.6567538

tender loving care

>> No.6567788


>> No.6567800

smoked paprika is surprisingly useful