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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6554861 No.6554861 [Reply] [Original]

What do you think of my lunch, /ck/?

>> No.6554865

sounds like a pretty good hungover breakfast

>> No.6554868

You're a teacher aren't you?

>> No.6554869

hangover. i'm a moron.

>> No.6554987

Why do you have the halves of four different sandwiches, who got the other four halves?

>> No.6555011

Just 1/2 sandwich (far right) and a cup of soup from Panera + baguette. And a full sandwich and cup of soup from Schlotszky's.

>> No.6555016

Looks alright, what meat is that, corned beef?

>> No.6555024

"The Original® Sandwich. Lean smoked ham, Genoa and cotto salamis, and melted cheddar, mozzarella, and Parmesan cheeses layered with black olives, red onion, lettuce, tomato, mustard and our signature dressing on our toasted Sourdough bun."

>> No.6555043

looks good but thats a massive amount of food bruh. the soups alone must be 900 kcal

>> No.6555115

seems like a lot of food for just one person. how fat are you?

>> No.6555118

I hope you don't eat like this all the time OP. Otherwise, 7/10 for the overpriced meal.

>> No.6555128

I'm not fat, I'm 238 lbs but I'm tall enough (5'9") that I don't look very big.

>> No.6555155
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>> No.6555163

Fat ass. I'm 6' 202 lbs and I'm over weight

>> No.6555178


fukcing manlets, when will they learn

>> No.6555184

>schlotzskys AND panera

>> No.6555187

>2 cups of soup, 1 1/2 huge sandwiches and a baguette

what is that, like 2000 calories?

nice man

>> No.6555191

That's a lot of carbs.

>> No.6555193

Niggah I'm 5'5 and weigh around 135 and even I am slightly chubby.

>> No.6555198

I don't know if this is funnier if you're joking or telling the truth.

>> No.6555208

you're almost 100 pounds overweight..that's legally obese

there is no possible way you dont look fat

>> No.6555253


>> No.6555849

Not that guy but you neet little neckbeards have heard of this new thing called muscle right? It's pretty dank guys, you see you eat a lot of food and exercise and it actually turns into muscles, which ironically weigh more than fat. I'm 5'10 and around 230lbs, I eat meals like OPs every damn day, bigger even, and the word on the streets is that I look pretty good. Could also toss you little string beans around like folding chairs.

I'll bet you can see your guys ribs like Auschwitz victims, must feel good to look so healthy huh fellas.

>> No.6555938


>> No.6555940

Nice Maths homework you fucking infant.

Stop posting useless shit that you can buy at your local store.

>> No.6555947
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>> No.6555950

>Nice Maths homework you fucking infant.
looks like a stack of papers for a teacher. spastic mongoloid.

>> No.6555954

>stop calling me fat women love me and i can beat you up
ok cartman

>> No.6555955

Only an absolute inbred retard would think that.kil urself

>> No.6555961

you wanna fucking fight kid well guess what I just hacked your IP address. yea thats right you can't do shit you fucking pussy... if you try to start ANY MORE shit with me, I'll hack the shit out of your computer so be warned you terrorist piece of shit. and if you try to come to my house just be warned that I know Kung Fu and have a GUN so if you wanna start some shit I'll fuckin be ready to kick the shit out of you. You've been warned, motherfucker. don't FUCK WITH ME again.

>> No.6555984

The fact that you nerds refuse to believe there are actually fit people here is hilarious and speaks volumes about your lifestyles. Stay skinnyfat or whatever you stringbeans are calling yourselves these days. topkek nigger

>> No.6555997

at least you're keeping it food related, fatty

>> No.6556013
File: 295 KB, 386x376, average_ck_poster.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol sure thing Sceak

>> No.6556033
File: 17 KB, 444x299, 1317152902089.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 6'1 and 220 and I'm a fat fuck.

>> No.6556349


>> No.6556364
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>> No.6556442

ITT people who never lifted a weight in their life

238 is definitely fat but it might not be super fat depending on how much he works out

fucking manlets never learn