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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6554719 No.6554719 [Reply] [Original]

Does /ck/ like beef Tar Tar?

>> No.6554726

with raw onions, salt and pepper

>> No.6555422

Based king of the hill

>> No.6555726


>> No.6555743

This guy saw some people get butthurt about a guy calling it Tar Tar instead of Tartare, and he's trying to b8

>> No.6555744


No, I like beef jar jar

>> No.6555746

no because you are LITERALLY eating raw meet

enjoy the taste of blood faggots

>> No.6555750
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>Medium Rare

fuck you all. Not eating your steak Bleu is a fucking crime.Shame on anyone who goes above.

>> No.6555759

Red pigmentation from muscle cells is not blood. I bet you think that thin red purge in grocery packages is blood too. Well-done tards are truly stupid.

>> No.6555781


Bleu ruins it. Tartare is for those with a discerning palate

>> No.6555792

All forms of beef are trash, cow is for the plebbest of plebs

>> No.6555797

>steak temperature

>> No.6555830

Are you this anal about sushi too?

>> No.6555848

Weeb tartare

>> No.6555851

When I was a kid, back in 1982, and I worked in a proper butcher shop, we used to eat the lean ground beef raw all the time.

We could do this, because we had STANDARDS and we didn't allow shit to get into the product.

Today, when you buy ground beef, or what the Brits call "Mince" at the Safeway or Walmart or Tesco... you have no idea what's in the stuff.

I would not eat THAT stuff less than well done for love nor money.

Fortunately, we have a real actual farmer/butcher in our town. And from time to time, I eat a bit of his ground chuck, raw. It's never been a problem.

It's an acquired taste perhaps, but one I enjoy.

>> No.6555853

I really hope no one uses Walmart steaks for tartare

>> No.6556014

What if that's all I can afford?

>> No.6556021

Then cook it thoroughly

>> No.6556097


I can dig it blue rare, but I think I prefer rare.

>> No.6556100

It's alright.

My grandfather used to just put a piece of ground beef on a crispbread, put salt and pepper on it and eat. He loved the stuff.

>> No.6557829
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>anything less cooked than Medium
Lel enjoy your less than USDA recommended raw cut m8, I'm enjoying maximum safety for maximum savory flavor and juice

>> No.6559634


>> No.6559658

Fish don't have blood though.

>> No.6559662

>the average /ck/ poster is this stupid

>> No.6559672

I love it, order either beef tartare or duck in restaurants. I'm french so it's fairly easy to find tartare in restaurants, I had much more difficulty finding it in other countries such as denmark or canada

>> No.6559679

Can you make taretare out of any meat or just beef?

>> No.6560071

I've had deer, duck, tuna, and salmon. Prefer beef, tbh.

>> No.6560128

>enjoy the taste of blood faggots

>thinking myoglobin is blood

>> No.6560130


Literally the most retarded thing I've seen all day

>> No.6560154

>falling for the troll

>> No.6560165
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never tried it but would like to.

>> No.6560168

I like beef tartare. And I admit I like a lot of cold raw meat, like pork, beef, and chicken. I don't eat massive amounts, but I do eat a bit while cooking just because the flavor, mouthfeel, and chewing is interesting.

>> No.6560173

That fucking pic.

>> No.6560182

I've had it a few times. Breddy gud.

>> No.6560193

>College, living in a house with 40 guys and a really shitty in house chef
>One day it's hamburgers for dinner
>The outside of the burgers are charred black, the inside is completely raw
>Tell the chef the inside is way undercooked, we cant eat it
>He says, in an incredibly thick mexican accent, "they are steak burgers"
>"They're raw. You need to cook them so they're safe to eat"
>"They are steak burgers"
>No matter what we say to him, he just says they are steak burgers and refuses to put them back on the grill
>Apparently, steak burgers are a mexican delicacy of meat that is charred on the outside and raw on the inside

>> No.6560200

not getting stabbed or diarrhea are also mexican delicacys.

>> No.6560248
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Last week's lunch, delicious.

>> No.6560310
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mother fucken kek

>> No.6560315

It's okay to eat fish, cause they don't have any feelings.

>> No.6560377

Blue steak is god tier.

>> No.6560585

Yes they do

>> No.6560613

PETA pls

>> No.6560624

Not peta, people have just done new studies on it. I'm on my phone though so Google it for yourself

>> No.6560627

Just googled. You lied to me. Only some fish don't have feelings.

>> No.6560629

No its not, medium rare to medium is the how all steak should be cooked. Anything below is just overly chewy

>> No.6560740
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Surely you aren't that stupid. Do you also think they don't have hearts?

>> No.6560747



>> No.6560896

Something's in the way

>> No.6560928

I used to love raw foods, but I got pinworms a couple years ago and it kinda ruined it all for me.

>> No.6560960
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>> No.6560963

why OLD people on the internet LOVE to capitalize some words?

>> No.6560981

Because back in the day, there was no tweety blingee font rendering, so we had to get by with other ways of expressing tone or emphasis. We never would have expected you kids to migrate to even more gimped media such as twitter where you have to put stupid shit like @ and # in front of your non-English or that you'd switch to ideograms, so we're still in the habit of using forms that were dictated by technological limitations, rather than slavishly following whatever Justin Bieber is using on her iPhone, regardless of justification.

Also, please pull up your pants you little shit. You're going to trip.

>> No.6560986

Old people's excuse is that they never learned new technology well enough to express themselves in a normal way on it.

>> No.6560993

You don't get pinworms from raw food. You get them from people that have worms, scratch their ass, and transfer the eggs to something you put in your mouth.

>> No.6560996

What's "a normal way"? No one over 30 gives a shit about twitter except maybe the head of ISIS and other people who are attempting to lure children into their depraved schemes.

By the time you're old enough to get a job you won't care about it either. It will be something else by then, and meanwhile you never learned how to type - oops! I mean u nvr lrnd how 2 type (baww why won't anyone hire me)

>> No.6561003

My entire life I've not felt much of anything beyond the most base similarity to my peers. I wasn't always sure exactly why I thought what I thought, I wasn't always right, I did screw up, but I never came out with things like this.

The frame of what is "normal" simply changed. Are you so incapable of seeing beyond the immediate? I'm in my early twenties and have been alone for years now, can anyone older than me weigh in, does this ever change? Will this misery ever get better? Is it so irreconcilable as it feels?

This shit is all I see. Doesn't matter whether 10, 20, or 50, it's all different manifestations of the same. I'll probably never change either.

>> No.6561011
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>I'm in my early twenties and have been alone for years now

4chan: the post

And no, the misery doesn't get better, and people don't get smarter. The misery just changes, and people are still stupid, but in a different way.

The nice thing is that old people stupid is mellower and more agreeable than young people stupid, for the most part. Old people have been slapped down enough times to temper their stupid in a way that makes it socially acceptable whereas young people will talk your ear off about some hogwash they concocted about race relations or the economy that they think is the most brilliant thing ever and anyone who disagrees Just Doesn't Get It.

>> No.6561022

Any business owner should know how to use social media in a way where they don't look like an out of date RETARD!!!!!

>> No.6561026
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>> No.6561043
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Sure, that's why they hire a 23 year old blond sociology BA cardio bunny from a reasonably non-shit school for $30k a year to post tweets and get ogled by middle management.

You think the creepy lipstick-wearing CEO of United Airlines writes those tweets himself? He's too busy adjusting the panties made of human skin he's wearing under his Brioni suit.

>> No.6561113
File: 60 KB, 4000x4000, 1433248388053.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could not help but notice your png was not optimized anon.
I have optimized your png.
Your png is now optimized.

>> No.6561371

Pity this man, for he has never had a quality cut of meat in his entire life.
How sad.