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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 14 KB, 310x233, DontStealLunchNote.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6554307 No.6554307 [Reply] [Original]

My roommates are stealing my food and ruining my cookware.

>move into new place
>immediately mention not to use specific cookware and that I'm on a strict diet
>everything cool
>few days later go to make a sandwich
>no pickles, just the jar with juice
>no mayo, had a brand new jar when I moved in
>all chicken thawed in fridge gone
>two of my pans ruined with scratches and burned on food
>mention it again
>one roommate comes forward, promises to stop
>half gallon of milk gone
>put up sign on fridge "if you didn't buy it, don't eat it!"
>pasta gone

She won't stop. How to I make this stop? I don't have the money to keep restocking this often.

>> No.6554313

laxatives, all the laxatives in the world

>> No.6554348

they think ur a bitch, so >>6554313 & sleeping pills will fix that. just prepare an "elaborate" dinner for them & end it with i really enjoy sharing food with you when i offer, so please do not eat my food from the fridge... it keeps this from happening!". they will leave the table with a tinge of regret but the admirable appreciation of such a level-headed, cool roommate.
later the diarrhea covers their bed & soaks through to the mattress.

>> No.6554356

But what if you want to eat the food yourself?

>> No.6554360

The best thing to do is to buy a mini fridge with a lock and lock the important shit there. Put your pans and *your* shit in a drawer, where they have to go out of their way to mess with your shit.

Have you clearly marked your stuff? If you didn't before then they could have been thinking they were eating the other's food. Devil's advocating.

>> No.6554362

You go out and buy more and eat it before the bitch wakes up.

>> No.6554371

How does your niggardly ass decide to live with someone before knowing what they're like

Are you seriously that desperate

>> No.6554376


laxatives and sleeping pills are a good way to get arrested and/or sued.

go for a shitload of cayenne pepper instead

>> No.6554405

Give him a few 'hot dogs.'

You know what I mean.

>> No.6554412

Beat the shit out of these braindead fuckhead cocksucking dim excuses for human beings. Our actions are a proxy for our will, and the ripple effect of beating them within an inch of their life or further is net positive. People who lack any sense of consciousness beyond themselves absolutely do not need to be alive.

Fuck them. Do the right thing. Do the world a favor.

>> No.6554417

You leave your green around me, nigga your green gonna get lit up
You leave your drank around me, believe your drank gonna get drunk up
You leave your food around me, yo food gonna get ate up

>> No.6554433
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You leave your monkey ass around me, your monkey ass gonna get strung up.

>> No.6554445

Based Ziklon B

>> No.6554457


>> No.6556073


I had a roommate like this. I spiked all my stuff with laxatives, wrote my name on em, and lived on an admittedly sucky diet for a week. I pretended to cook and slowly use the items myself while actually dumping it in the neighbours' trash, handing it to my boyfriend to throw away at his house, etc.

They very clearly got the runs. I then spiked random products for a few more months, just always having one thing with laxatives in it in between the normal food.

It took 2 months of that, but they silently stopped doing it.

>> No.6556080

Write your name on your stuff, including stuff with laxatives/sleeping pills.

You put up a sign warning them to not eat your food, AND you clearly marked it. It's not a crime to put laxatives in your own food.

>> No.6556089

>cayenne pepper
How cute,babbies first le hot food

>> No.6556103


>> No.6556114

Stop buying food to stock up with.

Eat out, make food then store it at a friend's house or something. Store it at work, etc. Stop giving them the opportunity to eat your shit.

They already aren't listening to you, telling them again won't solve anything. Make them buy their own food. If you have dry foods like oatmeal keep them in your room (locked up) or car.

Be serious about this.

>> No.6556149

jesus fucking christ I never know if these are real. I've lived with 2 other people and one other person and now alone. They were all nice and respectful. Unfortunately my autism makes it hard to live with people.

>> No.6556158

It is. I had the same problem as OP. I moved out.

>> No.6556167

Eat their food. If you don't like their food just throw it in the trash.

>> No.6556171
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>spend two hours making a big meal for everyone in the house, taking care not to mess up the kitchen as I go
>they all compliment me on it
>fucking gobble that shit down, plates are clean
>stack their plates and look at me expectantly
>well anon, you made the mess, you clean it up

>> No.6557452

Holy shit. That's brutal, anon.

Honestly I don't have any stories to contribute. I've only ever lived with a roommate once and we got along great.

>> No.6557613


What's worse is when someone offers to cook you for dinner then expects you to tidy up their mess.

Fck that, don't be such a shit host.

>> No.6557738

i never really understood some of the posts in these types of threads

if your roommate continuously steals certain types of food (i.e dry things like pasta, cereal) and it's gotten to the point where you've confronted them etc. and they flat out ignore you and whatnot

why not just put it/hide it in your room? it's a better solution than complaining on an image board, right??

the same goes for your certain cookwares

>> No.6558261
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solution spiked food with drugs. They could never prove it was the food. They never suspected it was the food.

Drugs used
> phenazepam

simply dissolve drugs in propyl glycerol and add droplets on the food you suspect they will eat. They will stop eating your food when they sleep for 14 hours, missing all their classes or jobs. They will also have terrible amnesia.

Be warned these drugs are benzodiazepines and can be habit forming. They may just develop a benzo addiction if they do it daily for a month. In that case you can stop dosing your food and they will suffer terrible withdraws.

seriously though the look on my roommates face when he couldn't remember the entire weekend was priceless. It was also quite funny when she missed two days of work and got fired.

>> No.6558325

>offers to cook you for dinner
sounds bloody

>> No.6558333

>mfw I never had to share living space with someone I wasn't fucking

and yes, my hand counts

>> No.6558334

my roommate and me share food costs evenly so all food is free game. i also have a mini fridge in my room that i use to house important food that i want. luckily he's picky so i can pretty much put anything wherever and it's fine.

>> No.6558340

That picture makes me want to cry.

>> No.6558430

never understood the sharing thing. Sounds like such a stupid idea and unfair if someone eats more/less. Why not just buy your own damn food?

>> No.6558448

I moved in with two Nigerians at the start of the uni year. Their living habits were disgusting, they would never tidy after themselves or wipe down the surfaces after preparing their food (which was a lot of raw meats and fish).

They would cook up pots of white rice and leave it on the kitchen table uncovered, then heat it back up in the microwave the next day.

Several times I'd come home and find that one of them had just left the fridge door wide open and so all the food would be ruined.

Never move in with nigerians.

>> No.6558486

>Never move in with nigerians.
Black people in general.
I shared a house with two black guys. Dumbest people I've ever met. Nearly set the house on fire by leaving pots on the stove and forgetting about them (sometimes overnight, I prayed for a gas explosion when I wasn't there).
They also stole my food so I kept it in my room and made vegetarian meals all the time since they would only eat fried chicken and noodles, best part was when they got scurvy.

>> No.6558489

Get yourself a mini fridge for your room and put a lock on it. It's the only way to be sure your food won't be eaten.

>> No.6558506

OP, please don't listen to the people that recommend the following actions:

> Purchase a minifridge for your room to hide your food
The refrigerator is part of the common area you all pay rent on. You shouldn't have to buy extra appliances because of your roommates

> Stop stocking the fridge with food. Store your food at a friend's house or at work
Or just fucking move out, while you're at it. It's your home, too.

> Poison your roommates with laxatives, ipecac or FUCKING BENZOS
This is way more likely to cause worse problems than you already have.

> Passive-aggressively throw their food in the trash like a tiny baby man
The less food they have, the more often they're going to steal yours. Might feel good, but it doesn't do anything else to help you.

> Beat them up
If you don't mind catching a battery charge, sure, I guess this could work. ...but is your chicken and mayo worth a record?

In my opinion, your problem is mostly due to this:
>mention it again

You can get angry with them about this, OP. They are stealing from you, and damaging your property that you specifically told them they may not use. Get in their faces, yell a little. The type of people who don't care about stealing from you are not the type of people to stop because you just meekly ask that they don't take your shit. Threatening to do some of the dumb revenge crap listed above could help drive the point home.

>> No.6558524

get fucking angry at her and she'll stop

>> No.6558538


Or, just get a mini fridge and you don't have to deal with yelling at your roommates over food.

OP how about you get a safe or lockbox and put THAT in the fridge with your food inside.

>> No.6558540
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Man is a social being, but sometimes,actually always you must set boundaries.Lots of truth to the saying good fences make good neighbors. In college dorms or military, sharing a rented house. If you use a pan or pot,you wash it, towels, tooth brushes,razors are off limits.condiments like mayo, ketchup, mustard or pickles must be replaced exactly (don't eat my dukes and replace it with store brand generic shit) if in doubt, ask. Close quarters.Treat others like you would be treated. And don't play the same music over and over and over.Been a few years but I stomped on then hurled out a third story window a cd of toys in the attic. Hey have you seen my cd? Donno, man think you gave it away.Well doesn't matter, I got a burned back up. I moved.

>> No.6558546

Your only rational options are getting a mini fridge or moving out.

This is one of many reasons why I will never live with roommates again aside from a significant other, and I can almost guarantee that it costs a lot more to live here than wherever op is.

>> No.6558553

Man, it's not about his food, it's about the roommates respecting OP's shit.

Why should he have to spend 100 wing wangs on a minifridge to accommodate the people stealing from him?

>> No.6558554

Unfortunately, while you shouldn't HAVE to do it, in my experience living with losers you just have to keep everything under lock and key.

Buy a minifridge, use it exclusively and check the estimated monthly usage on your main fridge, tell them to fuck off and you're not paying your share of that on the electrical bill.

Keep your cookware in your room or closet, or on a rack if you have one.

Unless you're actually friends with the person, don't waste your time trying to make them more than the pile of shit they are, you're not their mother. Just take away their ability to fuck with you and let them continue being human garbage.

>> No.6558562


I only half agree with this.

It really depends on the type of person you live with.

I ended up getting into a screaming match with my roommate because she would not fucking admit that she was eating my food even though I caught her on camera on various occasions. She would just tell me "THOSE WERE THE ONLY TIMES I DID IT, I NEVER TOOK IT EVERY FUCKING TIME" which was a full fucking lie, but since I didn't record every time, she used that to get around it. She would eat all my LABELED left overs and use my spices and never replace them. How in the FUCK do you use up an entire fucking jar of oregano in two weeks? Are you shitting me?

So I made it really easy. Since the store was on the way to my home from class, I would only buy JUST enough to prepare a single meal for myself. Just enough meat, just enough pasta or rice (the store I was at let you buy it free weight) for my meal for the day.

I didn't even care that it doubled my food expenses. I'd rather spend twice the amount to feed myself than half that and end up feeding her as well At one point there was literally nothing left in the fridge but a jar of pickles and and a tube of mayo. I caught her on camera taking sips out of the pickle jar.

I fucking loved it when she would come back from her job to me washing the dishes with the smell of cooked food in the apartment. She would quickly go to her room and I would loudly open and shut the fridge as if I was putting something in and retreat to my room. Sure enough a few minutes later I would hear the fridge open then angrily shut, followed by her taking her keys and leaving to buy some fast food garbage.

College days man. Good times.

>> No.6558565

many people move in with roommates from random advertisements, especially in large cities where rent is extremely high. it's not uncommon.

>> No.6558569
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Crack their fucking domes

>> No.6558573


Have you never moved out to share an apartment / rent a room?

It's not like they give you a fucking trial period to live with them and see if you like it. Usually they act on their best behavior when they are trying to get your signature on the lease and for a few days after that. Then they show their true selves and that's where you are usually fucked.

>> No.6558575

This is a really extreme case. A rational person would at least stop stealing your shit if they were on video (even if they wouldn't totally come clean).

If that situation ever happened to me, I would probably use one of the psychopathic revenge plots all over this thread, probably ipecac, or just straight up clock my roommate in the jaw. But for anything less than your insane college roommate, I've found that angry shouting does the trick.

>> No.6558585


This, I've only had one roommate who didn't end up being intolerable and they all seemed really cool when I initially met them. Never having roommates again, I'd rather live in a shitbox studio.

>> No.6558589


>A rational person

I had to stop recording because she was threatening to tell everyone that I was some sort of sexual deviant doing secret recordings.

All I had were videos of her stealing my fucking food, but I seriously didn't want to deal with her friends and shit making annoying accusations and making life more shit for me than it already was, so I stopped.

I'm guessing she never told anyone because I never heard anything of it and she probably knew she would be fucked if my cameras were checked and were nothing but recordings of her thieving my food.

>> No.6558591

The problem is that shit roommates are too rational.

They realize that you can't reasonably file a police report on them, no matter how many hundreds of dollars of food they steal over a year. They know that a 'rational' person isn't going to make their home life a constant hell by spending their every moment at home screaming at them. They know that their roommates are stuck with them for a year with not much option, and after it's over they'll move somewhere else and do it again.

The only real solution is to take pains to make it so they CAN'T steal or ruin your shit, and, if you're in a situation that allows it, to go over their head to the landlord/dorm agent.

>> No.6558616

Stop buying food, see what they do. If they do infect buy food eat it whenever you can just enough to get even.

I would literally stop at the grocery store everyday just to spite an asshole like that. I would live off of a sack on potatoes and oatmeal I would constantly carry with me.

If possible whenever they steal your food, destroy some of their personal belongings. They will stop or someone will move. 9/10 they will stop.

>> No.6558617

A landlord will never give a shit, unless it's something that might have the cops involved in the building

And no, most shitty roommates are just inconsiderate and lazy, not calculating masterminds. Unless you really shacked up with the scum of the earth, they won't consider some free food to be worth sitting through an angry lecture every time they steal.

>> No.6558640


>destroy some of their personal belongings

Don't fucking do this. Are you stupid? Your roommate can call the cops on your ass for destroying their property. What are you going to tell the police? "He's been eating my food, I think it's only fair I get to break his MP3 player."

Everything you said up to that point was perfectly fine.

>> No.6558643

My old roommate has a father that played in Major League Baseball, he's a nobody but she is very very we'll off. Also, she has ADD so debilitating she can't live on her own. She can't cook alone or drive alone.

>roommate comes back from winter vacation, her mom bought over 200 dollars of ready-made easy food for her to eat.
>Exchange phone numbers with her mom in case of emergency, mom is obviously worried
>roommate runs out of microwaveable food, left with things she needs to cook (potato, rice, past an sauce)
>"anon, how do I cook a potato?"
Tell her to boil it until tender
>"anon how much water, how many potatoes?"
>uuughh just google it
>she proceeds to attempt to make mashed potatoes without milk or butter or salt. Just smashed potatoes.
> I watch her eat this one smashed potato as a meal, dislike it, save the rest in a Tupperware that gets forgotten and moldy in the fridge
I have so stories of this stupid girl.

>> No.6558648

Agreed. Why does anyone think this passive agressive shit will do anything but cause you more problems?

>> No.6558651


Aw man, it sounds like you could have been a bit nicer in that situation. I'm not saying to literally cook for her, but at least give her an internet link to a recipe if you knew she was that fucked up and unable to operate on her own.

>> No.6558660
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threads like these are why I like ck I can cook, and nicely if needs be, but mostly swapping lies swatting flies and the occasional nugget (said nugget not nuggie) of gold

>> No.6558663


>> No.6558665

Btw she likes to "be independent" by not asking for money from her parents. But she has no income or savings. Prefers to starve.

>go out to eat with her at cheap mom n pop Friendly's type place
>I order burger & fries, total is under 6 bucks
>she orders a large ice cream sundae, total is like 4.50 but she doesn't have enough money on her???
>"anon, do you have 2.50?"
Why don't you just order a small?
>she is upset I'm not giving her money
>cashier says a small would be enough for the $ she has
>she refuses, ruffles through her empty purse as I look on. Line getting longer. Cashier looking annoyed.
>still waiting
> Jesus Christ!! throw my money down n pay for her damn ice cream. Fuck.

>> No.6558672

Now, we don't know this girl, or how much money you may have loaned her in the past, but the way you told this story, you come across as kind of a tool. Who puts up that much of a fight to loan a roommate $2.50?

>> No.6558677

Same situation, different day

Setting: sub shop
>I get a large sub, splitting it with mah boi
>she orders large sub
>doesn't have enough money
>asks if I'll buy it for her
No, why don't you get half a sub?
>cashier waits as she transfers 5 dollars to her debit card
>she doesn't eat the other half, throws it away rather than save it for later

>> No.6558678


These threads make me realize that many people have never actually experienced living on their own with a roommate if their honest to God advice is any of the following

>cause harm to the other person, that will teach them to stop
>destroy another person's belongings, that will show them you mean business
>drug your food with medical grade shit and wait for them to eat it, surely nothing can go wrong

>> No.6558682

She's a multimillionaire

>> No.6558684

Except you're wrong and it does work and has worked for me and will continue to do so.

>> No.6558693

My college roommate's family are multimillionaires too, but when he realized he only had $3 in his wallet in the line at Qdoba, I paid for both our burritos. He paid me back when we went to the liquor store later that week.

I'd understand your reluctance if you'd lent her money several times, and she didn't pay you back, but you're starting to come off as a real dick

>> No.6558696


Then you are rather lucky, as the risks far outweigh the rewards. Police can be involved, constant "Eye for an Eye" scenarios of constant back and forth retaliation or you could actually leave lasting damage on them.

Whoever you've deal with, they weren't very smart or have some sort of fear of the police.

>> No.6558698

How will he prove that it was you?if he starts touching your shit then double down until they are afraid of the consequences. You're a fucking no spined faggot.

>> No.6558706

Actually my sister in law used to be a cop haha. She definitely stopped touching my shit.

>> No.6558708

Some roommates will never be reasoned with and will just be dickbags forever BUT if you discuss it right away to eliminate the problem before it begins it can definitely help a lot. I was in an apartment with me and 3 others and we never had an issue with it. We all bought our own food, and the rules were basically 1) all condiments, baking ingredients, milk etc are fair game, 2) don't eat anything else you didn't buy, and 3) you can have another roommate's food if you ask and/or replace it as soon as you can.

All passive aggressive notes do is piss people off and make things worse. Don't be that guy. Just discuss it in person. If that doesn't work, store all your food in your room, I guess, or tell them you're gonna start eating all their food too.

>> No.6558709

Lasting damage is worth the squeeze if it affords you lasting peace.

>> No.6558713

For a mere $100, you can solve every single one these issues with these issues:



>How will your roommate, the person you share a common living place with, prove it was you who assaulted him?

Are you fucking retarded?

>Fear tactics instead of rational conversation

Nigger or spic confirmed. Clearly you live in one one of those NO SNITCHES areas if you can get away with bodily harm on someone without any fear of them reporting you.

>> No.6558724


you think its worth getting in possible shit with the law for some fucking food thief that you wont be living with permanently? i dunno about that man

>> No.6558725

She has never paid me back. She even would get mad when I ask to clean up after herself or do apartment chores like clean, sweep. She's a rich princess, but I guess I'm the dick. Whatever.

>> No.6558728

not all of us have a bunch of prescription drugs lying around man

>> No.6558729

buy something that is poisonous in an uncomfortable or embarrassing way.
Coat some of your food with it.
tell your roommates and put a sign by your food saying that you've got prescription medicine on the food that you need and will also make people who don't need it sick.

>> No.6558730

Cept it's not possible to commit a crime if you don't get caught.

>> No.6558769

dude how would the law get involved?
>he steals food from you
>he gets diarrhea
>you say "dont steal my food man"

what's he gonna do? he doesn't even know the food was spiked, he can't prove ANYTHING and they sure as fuck won't get a search warrant on these loose allegations.

cops will fucking laugh at you if you go and tell them "i ate my roommates food and got diarrhea! arrest him!"

>> No.6558773
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>Oh my English is not so good

>> No.6558778

surely he means things like doing a factory reset on the mp3, not physically breaking it

>> No.6558783

First off, every time something of yours is taken, make a lot of noise, shout at the fuckers. If it persists for more than a couple of weeks, inform your roommates that you will deliberately contaminate one, some or all of your food items. Don't tell them which or with what. Then deliberately contaminate everything you leave in the fridge and go fast food for a couple of weeks.

>> No.6558905
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OP, I'm going to give you the best answer for your problem but you're not going to like it. I'm assuming since you have roommates, you have some sort of apartment or house you share? Get a refrigerator for your room - models around ~$150 are a really good personal size, 3.2 to 4.5 cubic feet. Some even have separate compartments for the freezer. An example can be found here: http://www.walmart.com/ip/Igloo-3.2-cu.-ft.-2-Door-Refrigerator-and-Freezer/15162472

For dry foods, store them in your room and lock it when you aren't there. Same goes for your cookware, just store it in your room. I recommend getting containers for them for ease of storage, but always make sure you wash directly after using so you don't give them the chance to use it without breaking into your room. They would be stupid to break into your room for food or cookware, I 100% would move out if that happened.

Put back some money specifically for this over time and it won't be a problem any more. A good refrigerator and doorknob set is <$200. Combination locks are a couple bucks if you are extra paranoid.

Some people are just shitty and disrespectful to everyone. If it's really an issue and costing that much, tell them you're going to move out because of it and maybe one will snap the other into some sense. If they don't, move out.

pic related - previous housemates would use my containers to store their chili or soups and would microwave it in the container, staining and scarring it on the inside. I'm hoping they at least got a bit of cancer from leeching plastic into their food.

>> No.6558910

If you have four people, one person can cook each day and just make bigger portions. Then you only have to cook one every few days. If I just cook for myself, I have to eat the same leftovers for several nights in a row and it gets boring.

>> No.6558940

>buy really nice nakiri
>tell father not to dishwash it, rather he didn't use it at all
>come home that night from work
>open dishwasher
>the fucking knife is in there
>two big chips in the edge
>spend two days grinding a new edge on it

Anyone else with fucktarded family/roommates?

Also, OP, wasabi oil.

>> No.6558950


Landlord here, we don't give a shit about problems between the roommates until the police are called and there's an actual domestic violence charge pending.

>> No.6559086

>A good refrigerator and doorknob set is <$200.
you could easil;y get a second hand bachelor fridge for 50 bucks off kijiji or craigslist.
the indoor locking doorhandle costs 10 bucks.

what fucking deserted island do you live on where that shit can even approach 200$?>

>> No.6559189

share more

>> No.6559219


had they mixed that with alcohol they could have died. bad idea.

>> No.6559254
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You have your own room right? I always get confused with foreigners say "roommate" when they mean "housemate" but whatever. If you have your own room with a lockable door...

>keep your cookware in your room
>keep stuff you don't need to refridgerate in your room
>spend $80 and get a mini-fridge (or a bar fridge)
>keep your milk, leftovers, meat etc in there

Best investment you can ever make when living in sharehouses is a bar fridge. Seriously.

>> No.6559266

works great if you're really good friends with 1 or 2 housemates and can trust them.

When I was in college I shared a house with 5 good friends. We'd each chip in $50 and go to the supermarket together and buy 2 week's worth of food. Any money left over we either split the change or put in a jar in the freezer for more bread/milk if we needed.

In general though, shit like "drug the food", "add laxatives", extra spicy peppers etc is immature as fuck and honestly just stooping down to their level. Confront the fuckers about it, buy your own fridge or move out. It's that simple.

Protip: re-labeling things works great too

>buy icecream
>peel stickers off an icecream tub
>put duct tape over the lid
>mark the container "COOKING LARD"

>get box red wine
>pour it out of the goonbag into an empty bottle of prune juice

>> No.6559268

this is why you never share a house with a girl you aren't having sex with. Nearly all housemate problems are caused by white chicks.

>> No.6559287

>get large glass/plastic jars
>get large padlocks
>make holes in a way that you can just lock up the jar
>put stuff in you don't to go missing

not to mention costs nearly nothing.

>> No.6559290

>Have you never moved out to share an apartment / rent a room?

not him youre replying to, but I have and i always room with people i know.

you dumb fucks deserve shit if you just room with random people.

>> No.6559358

>poorfag, some pans were given to me, some bought on special clearance sales
>housemate scratched up one pan early in year
>didn't even know he was using my shit
>tell him not to use metal implements on teflon
>he says okay
>keeps doing it
>all pans ruined now
>sit him down and give a long explanation, including that teflon flakes are harmful if ingested and he could be giving us cancer
>still catch him doing this shit
>he has a ton of wood utensils, but uses only the metal
>the battle is already lost, don't bother any more
>in retaliation, I take his condiments without asking, although he also nabs my and other housemate's shit all the time

He's also a creepy bastard who comments on my ass a lot and is always leering and making disgusting comments. I swear to god, I need to get a good job after graduation so I can have my own goddamned apartment/house/van.

>> No.6559373

If it's clearly your food in the fridge, and you label it as such, you are totally safe. What are they going to say
"The food that explicitly said not to eat it in the fridge made me sick! They tried this!".

It'd be like someone stealing your car then suing you because they got in an accident because your breaks didn't work.

>> No.6559377


I just eat ridiculously healthy, unappealing food. Let's see the fuckers steal celery and kale. My nice housemate buys ice cream for herself, and the thieving fuck always jacks it. Funny thing, he's never touched my kale. "Gross" food like offal is great, too. I even offered him some and he refused.

Also, get foods that take a lot of prep work. Usually college students are too lazy to prepare raw meat, dry beans, raw vegetables, etc. Anything that takes more than ten minutes is completely safe.

>> No.6559380

>It'd be like someone stealing your car then suing you because they got in an accident because your breaks didn't work.

Just wait until they establish precedent for that. A thief can already sue you for hurting himself on unsafe conditions in your home...as he's there to rob and rape you.

What I'm saying is that legally, it's not a surely safe thing.

>> No.6559403

Eh. I guess I'd preempt this shit and make the first meals I cooked all food poisoned for a month.
Then I'd keep labelling my food as poisoned so they'd know they'd be playing Russian roulette with their assholes.

>> No.6559408

>Just wait until they establish precedent for that. A thief can already sue you for hurting himself on unsafe conditions in your home...as he's there to rob and rape you.
>What I'm saying is that legally, it's not a surely safe thing.

This still astonishes me. Any lawfags care to shed some light on the case(s) that led to this precedent.

>> No.6559419 [DELETED] 


Bongcucks and liberals. I don't know, I get too disgusted at the concept to look into it. The thing about if a kid drowns in YOUR pool on YOUR property, you're liable... Lost my shit, every time, even after the prof sat and calmly explained the logic. There's a reason I'm not in law.

Probably just lawyers being greedy cunts and using clever argument to subvert justice, just like how the rest of the system works.

>> No.6559428

This is going to sink to the back of my mind eventually and I'll get enraged again once I see this pop up elsewhere.

>> No.6559438

those are not prescription you can just buy them on the internet

>> No.6559440

>How to I make this stop?

>> No.6559447

>In general though, shit like "drug the food", "add laxatives", extra spicy peppers etc is immature as fuck and honestly just stooping down to their level.
that sounds like something a food thief would say

>> No.6559800

let things spoil super quick, leave that open jar of mayo under a lamp for a few hrs, no need to poison. Label everything.
As farr as stupid/ asshole room mates go. None of them have ever known how to use a garbage disposal. Eggshells, coffee grounds, plastic wrappers they think it disposes of garbage.

>> No.6559894

So much this. In college, second year, I moved in with a couple of guys I knew from my first year dorm floor. One of them turned into a giant asshole and managed to get the second guy to leave for the entire year (but pay rent). He was trying to push me out, too, but I didn't have the money to do that, and there was no way in hell I would have anyway.

Third year, I lived with two friends-of-a-friend. One of them turned out to be an entitled asshole who thought I should do his dishes for him because he was so cool. The other guy thought I should do it just to keep the peace in the apartment. Fuck that.

Life is too short to room with fucktards.

>> No.6559910

Actual lawfag here (sort of), it basically meets the elements of negligence. Contributory negligence is a factor however it doesn't absolve the home-owner of liability. It's better to be fucked on some bullshit technicality than to arbitrarily disregard the law, if you feel like challenging said law take it to congress because crying about it on here isn't going to help.

If you want a system where you can just not follow the law because you disagree with it give Mexico a shot, I hear their political system is working pretty well.

/pol/ pls go, you don't need to blame the first scapegoats you can think of when you disagree with something. It's not "subverting" justice, it's acting in accordance with the law.

>> No.6559927

Also I'm not here to explain whether the legislation is fair or not. The only thing that can be considered objectively fair is the fact everybody has the right to pursue justice [the actual kind, not the fairy-tale black and white king] for legally-recognized wrong-doings done upon to them regardless of what they-themselves have done. If this weren't the case the law would effectively be condoning vigilante justice which is basically a horde of borderline-retarded, overzealous cunts bypassing the law to extract vengeance upon those who they believe have wronged them.

What if you're in the position of the person who they feel wronged them? Who will protect your from this nonsense? The law? Good luck, we've established it doesn't mean shit.

Also /k/, shooting people isn't always the answer, fuck off.

Also also excuse the rambling, I just can't stand when people hold "MUH OPINIONS MUH FEELINGS MUH FAIRNESS" as equal to the actual law/science/whatever

>> No.6559971

hardest i've laughed in a while thanks anon

>> No.6560414

How do you figure feeling come into any of this? I don't believe you are an actual lawfag whatsoever.

If a fucker breaks into your home and is inside your home without invitation, it doesn't matter how anybody feels about it any more, he has wronged you. Any harm that comes to a burglar while breaking into a home is on the burglar. How the fuck is that even a question?

And with the foodstuff again, how do feelings come into it? If somebody steals your shit he's doing you wrong.

What is the basis for this shit? some kind of commie think that your stuff isn't yours so it's okay for fuckers to take it and you're the bad guy if you stop them? What's up with that? Fuck the law, that is not justice.

>> No.6560457

>What if you're in the position of the person who they feel wronged them?
You're asking what I would think if I stole somebody's car and got hurt in a crash because the brakes didn't work? It probably wouldn't even occur to me to take the vehicle's owner to court.

>> No.6560462

ITT: Sperglords who have no clue how to handle basic social confrontations.

>> No.6560470

Enlighten us on how it's done then, oh social phenom.

>> No.6560987

But shooting them does seem like the answer

>man breaks into your house
>injures himself
>he rapes you
>he sues you

>man breaks into your house
>injures himself
>shoot him
>local community congratulates you for taking scum off the street

>> No.6560989

Hi there!

You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of 4chan are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!

Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bit to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!

>> No.6561042


>live in city with highest rent in my country save one
>severe shortage of housing (after a natural disaster)
>can't move cities - at uni
>moved to this country several years ago
>severely depressed since shortly after arrival
>the couple of friends I made moved to Oz a few years ago
>low on money - can't hold down part time jobs long due to depression

How the fuck am I supposed to do anything else but room with strangers?

>> No.6561049


>> No.6561066


Matt Gibbons, pls go.

>> No.6561115


Chch fag, across the ditch. All the labourers have taken any affordable housing. \I'm living with a bunch of well-meaning but retarded hippies. Rich hippies. They dress normal and act normal when they have to get someone to agree to live there, but now all of my food is gone because tee-hee, munchies bro.

>> No.6561131

confiscate the metal utensils

>> No.6561137

put your food in a small locking cashbox and put that in the fridge

>> No.6561141

>It'd be like someone stealing your car then suing you because they got in an accident because your breaks didn't work.
Wouldn't suprise me if that happened before.

>> No.6561145


I already hide any dry goods in my room, and they don't drink milk so I'm safe there. It's mostly leftovers and sometimes meat, butter, cheese etc. despite the three of them preaching veganism.

Cashboxes aren't cheap, mate. I have $20 for food, and household shit after bills each week.

>> No.6561146

There was a case a while back where a guy knew his neighbor was repeatedly breaking his car window and stealing his things, so he set traps. I think it was just mace with small explosives on it or something, I can't remember.

Guess who got sued and went to jail though.

>> No.6561171


The rule is:

> I cook
> you clean

Unless you have specifically invited someone over/cooking for a special person.

>> No.6561192

i lived with a guy who always used to steal my food and deny it. I also found out he was fucking my girlfriend behind my back. I brought a couple of lead bars. Then i ground it up ( wore a mask and set up a sealed grinder) into a fine powder. I could always count on him stealing my mac and cheese leftovers. So i'd put it in disposable plastic containers and mix small amounts of lead powder in. This continued for about a month before i left.

Last time i checked on facebook he's been looking thin and pale. He works as a construction worker so he'll pin it on working on contaminated areas.

>> No.6561210


>> No.6561240

There's a fine line between traps and expected danger. Shit like tripwires can get you in trouble.

I'm not saying I agree with it, I mean fuck the burglar in his ass, but from a legal standpoint that's where it gets messy.

>> No.6561242

I'm surprised nobody had suggested just billing the roommate.

Hey you ate $37 of my food, so here's $443 rent instead of $500.

>> No.6561272
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>what about the other $20, bro....?

>> No.6561279

Talk to them about it. If that doesn't work look for a new place?

>> No.6561280

Why not make her dinner then do lewd things?

>> No.6561298

That's illegal

>> No.6561303

You on the other hand made the ill founded assumption that all human beings are rational and reasonable. What would you have done if the person continued to ignore you when you confronted them on the issue? What if they kicked and screamed and went wild? Many youthful folk will do that.

>> No.6561313

>not calling the cops

Roommates know I'm a law student and they don't fuck with me.

>> No.6561317

>sips from the pickle jar
Holy cannoli

>> No.6561346

You literally cannot do anything about a legal roommate eating your food. It doesn't matter how you spice it up. Nobody would take it seriously. The judge would tell you to get over it and leave or stick it out.

>> No.6561386

Well it SHOULDN'T be messy in the first place. Of course, if the guy was repeatedly breaking into his car and he could reasonably expect it to occur, the question comes up on how this wasn't brought to police attention. Still is wrong that thieves can sue for getting injured in their victims homes.

>> No.6561397

Just bring your food out in front of your roommates and touch your food with your dick, right in front of them. Tell them that you do this for all your food now

>> No.6561407

Best advice in this thread.

>> No.6561441

I at least hope she was bejond broke.

>> No.6561468

Why not buy a few containers that you can slap padlocks on and keep your shit in there? You can probably even find one that will fit in the fridge. Obviously this might restrict how much you can store at once but it will all but guarantee that nobody can access your food but you.

>> No.6561759

My friends figured I was a heavyweight when it came to hot sauce. I douse most of what I eat in Tabasco sauce; I snack on jalapeños sometimes. You get the idea. So for my birthday recently, I received The Source, innocuously perched on top of a small pile of gifts. I decided to try it the same day and to reassure everyone that my mouth was an impenetrable fortress. 7.1 million Scoville units seemed like quite a challenge, but is the sauce an unstoppable force against an immovable object?

I tested it out on some chips and salsa (hot, of course) remaining after we devoured pretty much everything else. Just two or three drops mixed into this half jar of salsa should do the trick, right?

I bit down onto the salsa-coated chip and immediately could not comprehend what was going on.

My pupils must have doubled in area. My knees buckled. No one around me could understand the agony I went through past my teary blubbering and groans. The first bite had a profound effect on my senses as the world faded around me, but would only become more intense with time.

I couldn't think straight. I gagged, I wailed, I pleaded for help. My bowels broke down as the salsa dripped little by little into my esophagus, making a sound like a dragon's gullet before projecting flame.

My body had prepared itself for only the mildest of capsaicin encounters. Not even a steel maw could have stopped this. And as if the dragon noises were omens, I returned to my senses and vomited. All over the table, some of the guests, everywhere. It was a travesty. The Source's foul domain flew out in a projectile, but soon followed the cake and pizza. Then everything. I'm pretty sure blood made it in there.

I only felt alleviated while breathing again after the ordeal

>> No.6561826
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>he couldn't handle the source
what a weak ass bitch nigga

>> No.6561846

>7.1 million

I couldn't even handle 1 million, I immediately got the hiccups, my mouth wouldn't stop watering and I physically couldn't swallow.

>> No.6562094
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I endured 4 months of this.

Indian housemates, not even once.

>> No.6562106
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Lazy fucks took forever to empty the bucket after I repeatedly left the cabinet open to show them it was full from them using the leaky side of the sink. Those towels were soaked with fermented mouse dishwater.

>> No.6562123

i dont understand why this is a fucking debate
1) confront, get angry, make clear demand
2) if food goes missing, file police report
3) move out

how hard is this?

>> No.6562127

Christchurch fucking sucks huh

>> No.6562131

How about you dump the bucket instead of pulling passive aggressive bullshit.

>> No.6562134

Only third worlds, asians and the british share rooms.

>> No.6562167

How about I already have. How about you do it now since you're the one filling the bucket?

>> No.6562172

looks pretty bad, i would be totally embarassed to bring a friend over there, let alone a girl

indians take shits in the woods then wash themselves in a river full of fecal matter, you can't expect much from them. the chinese are a close second in terms of poor hygiene standards

>> No.6562176

the police would laugh in your face if you tried to file a report about food stolen from your own refridgerator

and a lot of people have year long leases, it's not that easy to just "move out"

>> No.6562183

>How the fuck am I supposed to do anything else but room with strangers?
make new friends anon

>> No.6562222

Cooking is fun

Cleaning isn't

>> No.6562234

How fucking beta are you, it's the priciple of it you retard: you shouldn't have to worry about your own getting stolen in your own house

>> No.6562439

I agree, Indian housemates are the fucking worst.

>move into a 4 bedroom place with 2 good close friends.
>4th room, double bedroom, was empty for a good 6months
>was fantastic, all our stuff was clean, bathrooms immaculate, kitchen tidy
>Indian couple moves in
>they cap out our monthly bandwidth limit in a night, and constantly lag our internet from streaming video all the time (this was when 1mbit was considered SUPER FAST internet)
>upstairs bathroom gets constantly covered in thick, curly, black Indo-hair and stinks of fucking sweat
>it's so bad I shower at my mate's place nextdoor
>within a week the tile floor in the kitchen is covered with thick, black, sticky tar because they never fucking wear shoes and never fucking wash their feet
>had no respect for our food, dishes etc
>every meal (they had 4-5 meals a day) was a fucking massive production for them, with 2 hours+ prep
>the boyfriend would wake up his wife at 5am to make her cook a 3 course breakfast for him while he read the newspaper in his underpants
>never fucking once said "please" or "thank you" to her, or anyone
>always had 15 of his best friends around at all hours of the night

Yea, so my 2 mates and I just fucking up and left that place without warning one weekend when he was away. fuck the bond or security deposit, it wasn't worth staying in that place for that.

Last I heard from the neighbour was that the Indians couldn't afford the rent of the whole place by themselves and got deported when they couldn't afford the $5000 the landlord charged in damages. Apparently the entire kitchen floor had to be re-done.

Chinese can be cool when they're cool. Koreans and Japanese can be great but Indians...never. Not fucking once. Same with Papua New Guineans.

>> No.6562442

fucking best advice ever
or just make a passing comment that you like to cook your jizz (or menstrual blood) into your food.

>> No.6562531

I have a few Papua New Guinean friends that want to move in together. What's the low down?

>> No.6562541
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>got deported when they couldn't afford the $5000 the landlord charged in damages

>> No.6562574

I had an indian housemate who was a total neat freak and one of the best roommates I ever had

My worst roommates were american white trash, and my second worst roommate was a chinese (only child syndrome)

>> No.6562595

they might try to eat you

>> No.6562645


>> No.6562650

You dont eat the bait anon.

>> No.6562654

was she a fatty?

>> No.6562752

The only "negligence" is the fact that the home owner "neglected" to shoot the burgler.

>> No.6562777

I always see shit like this when I have been considering renting out my house.

>> No.6562832 [DELETED] 

Buy a mouse used for feeding pet snakes, kill it and leave it in a container of clearly marked food. Keep doing this with more mice every time they eat your food.

>> No.6563069

That's a horrible rule. Ever heard of cleaning up after yourself? Cleaning is usually10x worse than cooking even with a dish washer.

Good thing I live with reasonable people. We usually help clean unless it's a birthday meal then the birthday person is excused. The expectation to clean when you didn't make the mess boggles my mind. Sure, cooking for people is nice, but sheesh.

>> No.6563076

Yeah, fuck that. You use something, you clean it yourself. I use something, I clean it myself.

I'm not cleaning up someone else's mess unless it's in the way.

>> No.6563110

This guy knows what's up

>> No.6563112
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I could have spilled my beer! Who would pay for my dry cleaning?

>> No.6563121

You shouldn't, but not losing out on food you bought with your own money is higher priority than a principle. You can defend your principle and continue to lose food, or you can buy a locking minifridge to spite your shithead roommates and not lose your food.

>> No.6563126

Then his roommates say, "so do we."

>> No.6563129

Looks a bit like my place, but I live alone and get no visitors. You just stop caring after a couple of years.

>> No.6563148

>living with several housemates for a while because bad financial situation

>nobody ever does their own dishes
>they'll literally use up their clean dishes, pile them by the sink, then start using someone else's until someone does the dishes
>they never clean up a damn thing
>the stovetop winds up being a mix of pasta and cheese after a week
>the counters are all covered in some mixture of grease and sugar
>the fridge is a container in and of itself, with whole sandwiches just thrown into the door
>they broke my Brita
>they never close any containers (flour, salt, etc.), and we wound up with mice and shit for a while
>they never take out the trash, so we wound up with flies and maggots for a while
>they never get rid of their leftovers, so we wound up with a mould-filled-fridge for a while

Eventually I just said "fuck it" and acted like a maid (for the common areas, at least). Shit was brutal.

And yes, I tried having them clean up their shit, but to no avail. They had been living in filth LONG before I got there, so it's not like they were going to change just because the new guy told them to.

>> No.6563194

easy way is to get some ludicrous hot sauce, take some gloves and smear it all the fuck over the plasticwrap on your food as well bowl edges. Tell no one. Watch them suffer

>> No.6563266
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Put this up to stop idiots from cluttering the sink.
> mfw i see this

>> No.6563308

I lived in a decent household where you cleaned up after yourself and were considerate of other people for the first 18 years of my life. Maybe it's just me, but I couldn't stand to live in filth like some of these fucking people

>> No.6563361

If you clean things straight away and not the following day, cleaning is simple

>> No.6563374

>Live with three other dudes
>two of the guys come up with some retarded idea where we took turns doing the dishes
>us other two reluctantly agree to it, for lack of a better plan
>one of the dicks decides to throw giant stoner dinner parties for half his fraternity when it's my turn to do the dishes
>he actually expects me to clean up after that shit because "hey, I thought we had a deal, man?"

>And don't play the same music over and over and over
Oh my god, this. One of my old roommates was one of those people that only had like 30 songs in his iTunes because he was too retarded to pirate. But he had those same thirty songs (mostly Drake and Nikki) bumping pretty much any time he was home and not doing homework. I almost blocked that memory out, dammit.

>> No.6563375

Which leads to the person cooking making as much mess as they want because they aren't the one that will have to clear it up.

Similarly with sharing dishes: the more people you're sharing with, the less chance you will end up using the item you're washing yourself, so the less motivation to wash it properly.

Sharing a house with someone you aren't boning really is awful, awful, awful.

>> No.6563388

I feel for you people such roommates suck
I had a roommate who couldn't cook for shit
he just didn't have it in him he said,
So I always cooked but he did the dishes and peeled the potatoes and cleaned the vegies etc...
He always said thank you for the meal I prepared
I miss that bro

>> No.6563432
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>tfw old roommate's gf was at our apartment 24/7
>tfw they were both huge slobs

I wouldn't mind if she was only over 2-3 days a week but goddamn she was there all the fucking time. It was such a relief when they finally decided to get their own place together. Our 2BR apartment really wasn't big enough for 3 adults, wouldn't have agreed to live with that guy had I known I would be paying half the rent despite having two roommates.

>> No.6563438

>Also /k/, shooting people isn't always the answer, fuck off.

No, only when they're attempting or just succeeded at murder, assault or rape, breaking and entering, mugging, or trying to take your guns.

>> No.6563444

>I mean fuck the burglar in his ass

That's actually worked before.

>> No.6563447

>I caught her on camera taking sips out of the pickle jar.

You should have run in to laugh in her face.

>> No.6563453



>> No.6563461

This Guy
>Not wanting to shit yourself while you passout

>> No.6563467

Just keep cumming in her shampoo, my girlfriends roommate kept being a cunt and stealing food so i kept cumming in her shampoo

mfw it probably ended up being 50/50 sperm and shampoo and she threw it out from the smell thinking it "went off" or something

>> No.6563483
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Part of me wants to call you a bitch, but the greater part of me respects that you tried, failed, and addresses the problem in the only way that was going to result in your peace of mind.

>> No.6563488

This is always a problem, especially when they are young and "in love," since the guy won't actually be able to realize the stress and shit he puts on everyone around him -- he can't see any reason having someone basically live in the house would be a problem at all

>> No.6563518

My fucking sister is the worst when it comes to making a mess in the kitchen

here is how she will make a sandwich
>Get bread, cucumber, tomato, ham etc out
>slice the tomato and cucumber on the bench
>assemble sandwich
>walk off with it
>leave everything exactly where she had it on the bench
>half cut cucumber and tomato, packet of ham and bread just left on the bench to go all old and rotten

also after specifically telling my family when using one of my knives to use, wash, dry and put away immediately after use, i keep on finding them chucked in the sink among all the other dishes getting a dinged up edge and being a nasty cutting hazard to whoever decides to do the dishes

only way i could get through to them about cleaning up after themselves was to just push everything on the bench off onto the floor then do my cooking and leave it all there on the floor for them to deal with

>> No.6563537
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It was ridiculous, he had a spare key made for her and she would be there just hanging out while he was working. It's not like she was homeless either. She had her own apartment but they never went there. I remember once he had to go out of town for the weekend for work and she was still there the entire time.

The worst part is that other than being too messy for my preferences and forcing an additional, unpaid roommate on me they were otherwise decent people so I couldn't even get angry at them without coming off like an autistic fuckhead. We never had any food/grocery disputes, bills were always paid on time and the guy was really good at cooking. Once or twice a week he would cook something really good for the three of us without ever asking for money or if I could get any of the ingredients.

>> No.6563564

>just push everything on the bench off onto the floor
I like your style anon

>> No.6563569

is that your shelf/storage area inside your fridge?

I have some bad news anon, you have the assburgers

>> No.6563570 [DELETED] 

is that your shelf/storage area inside your fridge?

I have some bad news anon, you have the assburgers

>> No.6563604


>loading a dishwasher is harder work than cooking a meal

You can fuck right off.

>> No.6563617

i know its the point of this image, but the bread in the fridge is triggering me so hard, look at the fucking condensation.

>> No.6563621

they might not have a dishwasher, but im still on your side, if you get a free meal, then its only fair to help wash up

>> No.6563622

>Buy a mini fridge for your room
>store all your food in fridge
>use only one plate and set of knife, fork, spoon, wash them each use, return them to your room after using them
>all your cooking shit in your room too
>watch as they fail to survive and rely on their parents sending them food and money
>they will soon all fall as they steal and fight amongst each other, the kitchen will fall into a mess, there will be nothing left to cook with, they will resort to eating whatever scraps of shit they can find

It may be a step too far, but it will remove you from the situation, it sucks you'd have to do this shit, but that's what you get for living with complete strangers, talking has clearly not worked, so just keeping your shit to yourself is the only way to go.

It's weird as shit, but fuck them, it will feel good when they are complaining about the lack of food and you cook up some nice meal and enjoy it with some un-stolen beer's then watching them scrounge over to the fridge after left-overs only to find none.
>inb4 but but they will call me weird
Of course they will call you weird, they are doing this to attempt to make you feel stupid and continue paying for their food for them, let them know you was just mad at people blatantly stealing shit without asking and you found an easy solution to the problem. If they was not taking your food then they should have no problemo at all as it should not affect them in any way at all.

>> No.6563624

>took turns doing the dishes
>lack of a better plan

What in the fuck was you 8 at the time or something living with your parents?
Only rule to doing dishes is to do your own, make some food? clean either before or right after you eat. Fail to do so and that shit is molding up in the sink the next day? start eating with your fucking hands on a napkin because the shit you never washed is going in the bin and you are not using other peoples shit, buy more for yourself and learn your lesson.

>> No.6563701

quads speak the truth

>> No.6563704

you could just fucking live on your own and stop bitching constantly, like a cunt on her period

>> No.6563715

Murrica - land of the free

>> No.6563831

I feel you, man. I was in the same situation, but luckily I was on my way out when he moved in, so it wasn't worth making a fuss. Otherwise, it might have gotten messy or at least akward. My house is my castle, you know?

>> No.6563858
File: 222 KB, 460x1806, 1423765711325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>those games in the fridge
WHat the fuck

>> No.6563922

>not keeping your video games in the fridge


>> No.6564032
File: 25 KB, 500x312, 1432783959105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>brothers roommate is a slob
>gets a gf and she is a slob too
>mfw the roommate turned 21 and then knocked her up and has to move back with his dad

>> No.6564040
File: 500 KB, 500x282, 1432758268069.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Last time i checked on facebook he's been looking thin and pale. He works as a construction worker so he'll pin it on working on contaminated areas.
devious nigga

>> No.6564048

You man up and tell her this shit isn't going to fly. If it keeps up then lock your kitchenware up with a chain/padlock or keep them in your room. Write your name on everything in the fridge that's yours, and if she knowingly takes it, then "mislabel" some spoiled food. Once she gets sick from eating your food once or twice she'll hopefully learn never to touch your shit again. Alternatively there are special made ziploc bags with little dots to give the bag's contents the appearance of having gone moldy. That should discourage your room mate from touching your food.

>> No.6564051 [DELETED] 
File: 11 KB, 501x585, Jewcartoon.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"that's okay, just pay me the $30 later"

>> No.6564063

Booby trapping your own property is illegal AFAIK.

>> No.6564099

Hey, fuck you buddy. I have a medical need for those laxatives. I have digestive issues.

I fucking told them not to eat my food!

>> No.6564111

Tell them that if it happens again, you'll evict them.


If it does, serve them with an eviction notice by certified mail, 30 days from the date of receipt.

>> No.6564156

unless you shoot him dead then he still sues you and wins

>> No.6564169

>all these people suggesting tampering with food/poisoning roommates
I didn't have the money for a mini fridge, so I just bought a bunch of tupperware, drilled two holes in each of them and closed with a small lock. They said I was a paranoid schizo, but my shit never went missing again.

>> No.6564184

talk to your household again, and maybe store your pots and knives in a plastic bin or box you can keep in your room?

with shared fridges before i just used to keep things in tupperware boxes in carrier bags to clearly label what was "mine"

have you sorted your fridge into personal shelves and cupboards? it's not ideal, but it's doable. if there is cupboard space usable you should get a lock, even if its super flimsy it might guilt them out of it.

TBH with crappy room mates in the past, the most useful measure against food theft is teaching them how to do a grocery shop.

>> No.6564331
File: 12 KB, 300x198, confused-face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shoot him dead then he still sues you

>> No.6564448

>mfw you realize the burgalars in home alone could've sued
>mfw I have no face

>> No.6564643
File: 117 KB, 1224x440, Refrigerator-Lock-wide-angle-x800-5144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: people with an abhorrent lack of the ability to use locks of any kind.

>> No.6564646

These locks can all be shimmed with a can of cola.

>> No.6564664

all you need is the fridge locker:

>> No.6564731
File: 47 KB, 463x494, 1413063318811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>the boyfriend would wake up his wife at 5am to make her cook a 3 course breakfast for him while he read the newspaper in his underpants
Living the dream

>> No.6564743

I will never understand how some people can be so inconsiderate. I have lived with the nicest roommates but I have also lived with some where I just wonder how the fuck their parents trained them because god dammit if you're 29 years old I shouldnt have to tell you to put your plates into the dishwasher instead of leaving them on top? Its so easy I dont get it

>> No.6564761

I literally can't understand how people do shit themselves when mommy is gonna do it anyways.

>> No.6564773

God those people are the worst
>best friend used to hang out with this girl whose mother was making loads of money in the fur business (Russians idk)
>this girl would have new shit worth thousands every month (mind you we were still in school)
>each time my friend bought a snack at school shed want some
>when she bought anything and my friend asked for a bite shed say
>"... I kinda paid for this ..."
moral of the story rich people who have done nothing to deserve their money are the cheapest when it comes to spenidng money on others and are generally worst people

>> No.6564783

white guys can be just as bad if not worse tbh
the worst person I have ever lived with was this entitled mamas boy who never did shit around the apartment but thought he deserved praise when he did
also before I moved in he had been living in his gfs room with her (she was living in the apartment with 3 others at the time, when she moved out he took her room), eating everyone elses food, not paying any rent, but when a while later one of the other guy's long distance gf came over for a month he threw a tantrum because he wanted her to pay rent

>> No.6565324

> keeping games in the fridge

>> No.6565348

Add a gallon of laxatives to your stuff. It works.

>> No.6565446


>Takes issue with the bread in the fridge

>Ignores the fucking cereal, bananas, spaghetti, ramen, salt & pepper, and fucking video games.

>> No.6565655

> nigger detected

>> No.6565671

Reminded me of

>> No.6565838

I bought a two litre and made a point of drinking directly out of it in front of my roommates just so they wouldn't take my shit.
Still don't know which cunt stole my root beer.

>> No.6566068

OP here.

Like some of the ideas, but not so much others.

I don't have space in my room to store all my stuff. I never eat out, and don't plan to start, so A. that idea is out (as well as putting anything in my stuff to make them sick) and B. my things make up about 70% of all the cookware, dishes, food, etc. I obviously also don't have space for a mini fridge, and putting it downstairs might not work either (they took over the last girl's mini fridge for booze).

They don't have support outside of their own jobs, which means my food is the only food that comes through here. They also don't use the dishwasher, so that is good news for me. I just put my stuff in there and run it when its full while they pile their (my) shit in the sink. Bad news there is then I have to move my shit they use into the washer so it doesn't get ruined.

I've started to put my name on everything, but I keep getting the "well my next paycheck hasn't come in..." "It was just a little..." "I'll buy some and you can use it..." excuses every time.

They know I'm going to clean my stuff no matter who uses it, so they've been only using my stuff now. I don't want to take it up with the office because they've been here longer, and I just got here. I can only hope their terrible habits will give them food poisoning or something.

And those who corrected people saying to just move out are right-- its not that simple once you've signed a long-term lease.

One of the people that was here before I moved in was a good friend for a year. We got into some drama when she was drunk and now we don't speak. The other, well, I've seen here twice the whole year I was coming over to hang out with my friend. I see her just about as often now. She's the primary culprit.

>> No.6566316

Having lived with roommates and all, and having read the comments, the solution is simple.You are letting her laziness roll over you. She knows she can get away with it and you wont stop it, so she will continue with impunity.
Either you stop it in a nonviolent way or you quit complaining.
Since you are unwilling to spike the food and have no space, then stop buy food she likes.
Buy just enough for one day for yourself.
Cookware is replaceable, throw it away.
A mini-fridge is the size of a nightstand so honestly you can have one in your room, Keep it near you and put an outside lock on the bedroom door.
1. buy small portions enough for one day, (alter your budget)
2. quit filling the refrig for food.
3. throw away all cookware they use. You can replace it when you leave. You will want to anyway.
4. quit buying anything that supports the place that you cant use immediately.
This will force them to either buy it themselves or leave.
And when they do actually buy it, wait until they leave and dispose of it. They will get the point far quicker.

>> No.6566326 [DELETED] 

Don't give me 100% advice that involves spending money when you don't know my financial situation. I also can not fit a mini fridge in my room. Won't happen. Can't do it. I buy food /I/ like because its MY food. Its the principle of the matter.

>> No.6566330

Really just all that advice is terrible.

>> No.6566331


If only you were this assertive outside of the internet. You weak-spined fucking faggot, fix your own bullshit.

>> No.6566386

Same to you.

>> No.6566391

>I can only hope their terrible habits will give them food poisoning or something
It's not about hoping. It's about actually doing something about it.
Spiking your leftovers with laxatives is totally fine as they'll just suspect your food went bad and could possibly be the best solution as they will now think twice about taking some in the future.

You can also spike it without using medication like purposely adding too much salt. They will think your cooking sucks and avoid it in the future.
Stuff like this works, get creative

>> No.6566407

So is theft, they don't seem to care.

>> No.6566436

Being a walking pharmacy, I justspike it with whatever will fuck em up most.
Morning oj? Hello benzos
Evening tea? Welcome amphetamines
Milk anytime? Laxatives sound nice
I don't even drink milk, but that straightened them up quick.

>> No.6566503

Tell them to stop eating your shit. I did that to my roommate. Be direct don't leave passive aggressive notes and shit.

>> No.6566517

Happened in Britistan, you stupid cunt.

>> No.6566839

>used to be that lazy, food stealing flatmate
>end up moving in with best mate and his gf
>and these two disgusting hippies
>no sense of boundaries
>eat all my food
>so brazen they do it when I'm in the room
>countless other things that will trigger me to recall
>have tasted my own medicine and it is bitter
>say fuck it and skip town one night
>now trying to right my wrongs by being ideal flatmate

Feels eh man

>> No.6566863

That's actually really cool. Read the first 5 paragraphs. Will finish the rest when I don't have this damn headache.

You kinda seem like an opinionated douche touting yourself as an authority figure in this area.

>> No.6566873

Holy shit why do Americans lack any basic sense of human decency

What's wrong with your education system

>> No.6566966

The worst flatmates aren't Chinese, or Indian or even Niggers (although I wouldnt recommend em)
The worst ones are "artists" (basically anyone who goes to art school or music school etc.)

Had this one guy who was such a slob he had to go to the hospital because of some lung infection or whatever, caused by mold on his pillow

>> No.6567039

Plenty of these posters are from outside the US, fellow shitposter.

>> No.6567064

honestly? if you're communicating and theyre being assholes, you're allowed to be an asshole right back. get a clipboard, and mark up everything that goes missing, and remind everyone how much they owe you the next time they have spare cash.

it seems passive aggressive, but it's just being protective of your belongings and what you're spending money on.

write it all down. don't let anything slip. grill everyone constantly.

>> No.6567103

>Roommates only steal food in America

>> No.6567140

Sounds like a real cunt. I would want her to pay for a lot more if I knew she was loaded. I hope she's being duped into taking hardcore drugs right now.

>> No.6567266

Drama student. Actual musicians are fine, they're usually quiet, nerdy, tidy, religious types that love to have a few beers on the weekends.

Visual Arts students can be shit but they generally keep their socialising etc out of the house.

Drama students are the worst. I once had a drama student housemate that had a NEST of used condoms under his bed. His room was so bad we found chicken bones in the shag carpeting of his room. Despite the fucking grot though the fucker got laid like a champ. I guess dirty girls can't smell dirty guys' mess.

>> No.6567271

buy mini fridge, lock ,and chain. problem solved.

>> No.6567273

LOCKING MINIFRIDGE, YOU FUCK. They exist. Get another locking container for non-perishable goods. Focus on foods that require little cooking, wash your cookware when done and store it in the locking container. No space for these containers in your room? Guess what faggot, the minifridge is now your desk. You aren't trying hard enough.

>> No.6567280

>paying $100 to accommodate your thieves

Saddest thing I've read today.

>> No.6567282

It's fucking manners. If someone, ANYONE cooks for you it's your unwritten social obligation to do the dishes for them and tidy up.
At the very least you're expected to OFFER to do the dishes for them.

>> No.6567285

Invest in that now and solve food theft problems forever, or continue having your food gradually stolen indefinitely. One of these choices makes your life much easier and spites your shitty roommates by making it impossible for them to mooch off you.

>> No.6567290

Don't get a whole minifridge, just get a locking crate to store in the main fridge.


Doesn't have to be this brand, but this general idea.

>> No.6567299

They're weird. On a social level, if you get on their good side and buddy up with them they're bros. They'll always have your back.

On the downside they have no idea what "speaking softly" means, forget that people are sleeping, leave curly black hairs everywhere, have loud parties every night and they stink.

I mean, they stink of fucking sweat.

It's so bad that they stink like they've had a marathon fresh after getting out of the shower.

So... if you don't mind noisy dudes that have 15 of their best friends and cousins over every day, drinking until 3am, not working or studying and making your place smell like crusty gym socks then you should be fine.

>> No.6567305

Neat freak Indians are awesome, especially if they've been in western society for a long time or their whole life. It's the ones fresh off the boat like >>6562439 had that are the problem.

>> No.6567323

Not even necessary, just put a mini-fridge in your room under your desk.

Added bonus, don't have to get up for a beer when playing games or surfing the 'net.

>> No.6567334

make guacamole with wasabi

problem solved

>> No.6567351


This, I straight up poisoned some ice cream with laxatives since some fucker on our dorms floor was stealing everyones ice cream. I was not surprised when the my friend said her really fat roomy had been shitting bricks the next day.

>> No.6567364

Yeah, that's one way, if you're got a lot of spare cash lying around and want to use it to avoid confrontation like a tiny baby man.

Most rational people don't want their housemates to be constantly pissed at them. If you don't let them know you're pissed, they'll keep doing it. Get mad at them and yell a little and they'll probably stop.

Yelling is free.

>> No.6567371

you literally copy and pasted a review from http://www.amazon.com/The-Source-Sauce-Million-Scoville/dp/B001BIXJG2

fucking shit

>> No.6567394

>the british
u wot m8
It's an american thing

>> No.6567431


Are you surprised to see copypasta on 4chan?

>> No.6567435
File: 183 KB, 894x894, 1420825328964.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in university dorm
>we agree to a dishwashing rota thing for some reason
>realise that I produce absolutely no dirty dishes because I wash up immediately after eating anything and don't use cups or glasses

>> No.6567444

>I put laxatives in my food because I have had issues shitting
>I told him not to eat the food
seems pretty reasonable

>> No.6567448
File: 75 KB, 316x208, 1413140996318.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Evening tea? Welcome amphetamines

>> No.6567459
File: 125 KB, 800x707, 1421267063941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>looking for rental houses, go into one where this art student (fashion I guess) had all kinds of shit hanging everywhere in her room like fabrics and fur and just colorful shit
>end up moving in, and that will be my room
>keep finding huge needles in the carpet for the entire year, as well as sequins

>> No.6567550


Taking everything else out of context I agree. Fucking harem master lord

>> No.6567582

if you cant be bros with your room mates its time to move out why would you live with aquanentces

sharing a food bill is a great way to make it less impactfull on your wallet.

if there are certain foods you dont want anyone touching then ya some more measures may need to be taken lock and key, name labling, catanoir mislabing.
The fridge should be pretty librial so its not a house problem you guy already got bills to worrie about together.

>> No.6567590

but I can't afford 30 dollars

>> No.6567599


In Ethiopia there is no food to steal to begin with

>> No.6567677

damn that's nice

>> No.6567766
File: 204 KB, 918x733, 1361212368881.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>salt and pepper shakers
>un opened can of spaghettios
>top ramen
>boxed cereal
Is there a reason why you put all of these items in your fridge? I mean, other than to piss me off??

>peach schnapps

>> No.6567877

I have lived with in houses with up to 6+ roommates. I detest curry smells, I don't suck on fish heads nor do I want to hear you speak your godforsaken language.

It really made me hate multiculturalism.

The lessons I learned were to only live among your own race/culture and to have a mini fridge in your room. If you can't afford that luxury only buy what you are going to eat that day.

>> No.6567965
File: 118 KB, 544x517, 66693.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't suck the fish head, eat the eyes and nibble on the tail too

>> No.6568995

You wouldn't understand the image, as it refers to things that were popular on 4chan more than a year ago, newfriend

>> No.6569004


>i hate multiculturalism because people are different


>> No.6569007

>people who are different don't get along
>They can if we just TRY hard enough


>> No.6569020

>I detest curry smells
Sucks to be you.

>> No.6569136
File: 15 KB, 409x311, angryarnold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know how people can be such douchenozzles.
I got a roomie right now. He doesn't drive or have a car, and has me do all the grocery shopping (he pitches in money for it). Okay. But then, he won't cook. If it is more complicated than taking it out of the freezer and putting it in the oven, he won't do it. If I'm in the kitchen, immediately he's like "What are you making?". He won't even make his own fucking sweet iced tea. He puts the jug on the stove and waits for me to make him more, and complains that there's "nothing to drink" if I don't do it fast enough. Absolutely 100% lazy. He has lived with me for almost a year, and I can count the number of times he has taken out the trash on one hand. He will literally start piling trash next to the trash can or leaving it all over to avoid taking the trash out...with the big trash can being about 2 steps out of the front door. And I have to fucking beg him to do dishes - we have to literally have nothing left for him to wash them, while I often will just go and wash a load of dishes.
tl;dr I have to grocery shop for both of us, cook for both of us, he wont take out the trash, and almost never does dishes.
>mfw I come home from being gone for a week to find both sides of sink overflowing with dirty dishes, a full kitchen trash can, trash piling up around it, gnats because of dirty dishes/trash, etc.

>> No.6569137

Or do it the legal way and get an enormous heat tolerance and spice everything up the max.
I can eat habaneros on an empty stomach, if I make something spicy I make sure it's spicy.

>> No.6569379

Oh fuck off, cooking is a pleasure, doing dishes is a chore

>> No.6569428

Are you fucking retarded or something? When the symbol is in that direction it means less than...

>> No.6569456

Sounds like you're his bitch. Man up.

>> No.6569463

>tfw /ck/ roommate threads are the best thing on this site now

>> No.6569556

>...avoid taking the trash out

Man do I know that feel. almost 2 years living with flatmate and he's taken out the trash maybe 4-5 times.

Best bit was when I went abroad for more than a month and came back to 6 full garbage bags, and later found out from my landlord that the neighbours had complained about the smell.

Plus a mutual friend told me that he was evicted from his previous flat for the exact same reason - his neighbours had signed a petition to his landlord.

Honestly, some people...

>> No.6570013

i never said either of those things. It's fucking manners.

>> No.6570019

Don't bother trying to teach 4chan kids about adulthood. It's not worth the effort.

>> No.6570032

You're exactly right. In an ideal world you want to share a house with some friends or at the least, acquaintances.

However sometimes your friends move away, you move to a new town, rent is too high etc and you need to share a 2 or 3 bedroom place with some randoms.

Often times it can be an awesome way to make a bunch of new friends. I know it was for me. Occasionally though you get horror stories like a lot of the ones in this thread.

Not to mention often times you'll have a friend, be like "yea let's get a sharehouse it'll be awesome!" and then you see all their shortcomings about a month after living with them.

>had sharehouse with 5 good mates
>was awesome
>everyone dropped out or graduated or moved away for work
>another good friend says "Oh lucky, we have a spare room in our apartment, come stay"
>sweet, I know all those people, they're legit
>a young couple (halfway hot nympho and her beta boyfriend), a balding ponytail neckbeard, my friend and me
>the /v/ clone literally sat on welfare all the time, playing games, being autistic as hell, never fucking cleaned up after himself
>every night someone would invite 5 friends over
>house rule was "no PC's in bedrooms" so everyone was in the living room 24/7
>the couple were alright, but dysfunctional, constant fighting.
>she at least tried to clean up the place but did so half-assedly
>it was her job to collect money for the bills and pay them
>paying them was as simple as transferring the money online or going to the post office
>bills were always overdue cuz she "never found the time" in her busy schedule
>her busy schedule was "sit around the house in her underwear and listen to 3.14 by the Bloodhound gang
>dishes werent done for months. Were so bad we had they had mold on them
>the other housemate was so lazy he wouldn't even bake his cake mix into a cake, he would just eat uncooked cake mix
>/v/ clone would wake everyone up at 4am on a Sunday to do War of Emperium in Ragnarok Online

>> No.6570046

>house ends up "breaking apart" when the couple break up, they sneak out before the end of the lease
>"we promise we'll come back and help clean up the place when the lease ends"
>never see them again
>some random drifter "friend of a friend" starts sleeping in our garage
>house is actually becomes pretty awesome for a month until the lease runs out and we have to clean
>god has no place within these filth-ridden walls
>carpet is fucked, walls are so dirty that you may as well just paint over them
>never got our bond back
>turns out the chick didn't pay the last stack of bills and there were overdue fees etc
>get sick of her shit and confront her about it
>"it's so hard anon, you don't know what it's like!!"
>mfw she was the one that caused my own relationship break up
>mfw I had to pull 60 hour weeks at university and finish up two 70-page reports while she just sat around listening to the bloodhound gang

At the time it sucked but looking back we had some good nights in that place. Funnily enough in the 10 years since then everyone's sort of mellowed out, gotten their shit sorted and are getting on with life....well... except the /v/ guy. He's still a creepy, balding ponytail neckbeard gamer.

>> No.6570048

>house rule was "no PC's in bedrooms" so everyone was in the living room 24/7

how did this become a house rule? were you guys the foster family for jessie slaughter?

>> No.6570051

nah just some dumb rule everyone agreed on "so we can talk and hang out while all playing games". At the time we all played nearly the same stuff so every night was 6-player Counterstrike 1.4, Age of Empires and Ragnarok Online.

I got sick of it after a couple of months though and moved my shit upstairs. Didnt give a fuck how many drunk people tripped on the lan cable on the stairs.

>> No.6570053

were there fap parties too?

>> No.6570062

>dishes werent done for months. Were so bad we had they had mold on them

So why the fuck didn't YOU clean them?
You call the others lazy when you're just as lazy as they are.

>> No.6570070 [DELETED] 

nah. it was a cool idea but got old quickly because no-one would fucking wear headphones, or when they did they'd crank the volume so loud you could hear it anyway.

Not to mention the nympho blaring the same 2 bloodhound gang songs 8 hours every day for a few months.

She and her boyfriend didn't work either (I was the only person who even had a job) so at one point he agreed to let her take money from other people for blowjobs and sex so they could pay the bills. He consented to being a cuck and whoring his g/f out.

I had my own dishes, a pot and frypan which I kept in my bedroom when I saw how bad it was. Cleaned them right after I used them and took them back to my room again.

They ended up resorting to take-out and just eating food out of whatever container they cooked/microwaved it in cuz they were too lazy to clean more than one dish.

Their dishes werent just moldy. The cutting board actually started rotting. We had to throw away all the wooden stuff and I borrowed my gurney from work to get the crust off of the other dishes. Still had to throw a bunch of plates n shit out.

>> No.6570072

>white trash stories

>> No.6570075

'Straya cunt!

>> No.6570507

>get roommate addicted to stealing your food

>> No.6571258

Leaving people to clean up your shit is not fucking manners, you've clearly lived a sheltered life

>> No.6572054

My favorite part of this was Bloodhound Gang tbh. I might be a dumbass that sits around listening to Beer Coaster on repeat but at least I do dishes. (But also oh god that sucks, sorry man)

>> No.6572112

that child has such a full diaper it is literally overflowing out the top... what the fuck

>> No.6572260

>roommate makes jar of chocolate sauce
>weeks later half of it is gone
>accuses me of eating it and calls me a liar when I said I didn't
>he probably ate it when blacked out
>he still thinks I did it and I'm still mad about it

>> No.6572587

Shouldn't have ate his chocolate sauce if you didn't want him bitching about it

>> No.6573618

I fucking love benzos. I'd eat all of your food.