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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6553789 No.6553789 [Reply] [Original]

Why is it that naengmyun, ropa vieja, pabellón criollo, ashok, and other foods from "evil" places are considered exotic and cool, but when I suggest to my friends that we go out for Israeli food there is an uncomfortable pause followed by a change of subject?

The food is actually pretty good, what exactly is the problem? Is it too familiar?

>> No.6553792

jewish food?

must be.. cheap

>> No.6553796

Very few people like Jews. Oh sure they like lox, bagels and a few other jew dishes, but nobody wants to go the whole way.

Tldr; Jews and real jew food are despised the world over. Except maybe in Israel

>> No.6553799

i imagine it's mostly european (german, russian, etc) food, with a touch of middle eastern.

doesn't sound very exciting.

>> No.6553801

Liberal democrats, which are the majority among the young population prefer to take sides based on their feelings for MUH PALESTINIAN CHILDREN.

>> No.6553802
File: 802 KB, 2048x1152, shakshuka-superJumbo-v2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Op here, I'm Jewish as are many of the people I'm referring to who get uncomfortable at the idea of Israeli food.

Jews =\= Israel, remember that. I am not Israeli, I have never been to Israel, I feel nothing but disgust for the Israeli government, and I consider the Israeli regime to be a major threat to the sovereignty of my own country. Don't believe the propaganda you hear.

Can we move on now? I want to talk about food.

>> No.6553812

all my friends growing up except for 1 were jewish (my parents tried to make me catholic but I was too devilish for that to work)
yeah their parents were bad cooks except for one lady who made me eat chicken soup when I was trying to be vegetarian. I thought I didn't like it and pretended to be disgusted but in retrospective it was excellent soup. she also made matzo ball soup that was really good.
most of my friends parents were better at baking.

>> No.6553822

speaking of ethnic cosine that I had never tried until it was forced upon me. I just got a soft taco with cilantro and pollo and it was excellent. previous to today, the only latino food I had eaten was burritos and chips with salsa + quesadillas (cheap cheddar cheese on a tortilla, melted, so fake ones mostly).

>> No.6553853


Idk, haven't noticed that to be a thing, then again I don't know of any israeli restaurants around me unless its one of those places that goes by "Mediterranean" and their signage and doesn't indicate which part of sandland they hail from.

I assume it would the same type of shit as one of those places anyway.

>> No.6553855
File: 947 KB, 285x235, 1366081330450.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jews =\= Israel, remember that.

>> No.6553872

what do you mean by isreali food? aside from being kosher its not really any different from any other Mediterranean food.

or did you mean jewish food?

>> No.6553875

Are you serious? Catalan food = Israeli food?

>> No.6553880
File: 24 KB, 300x300, Manufacture_of_Madness-Thomas_Szasz-51JXnkvpljL__SL500_AA300_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who's claiming that those things are cool or edible? It's like eating insects, it's some shit from TV or from a socialogy class before people get out into the real world.

Read this book, it'll set you straight.
The Manufacture of Madness
Thomas Szasz.

>> No.6553885

>muh normal food
You just went full flyover

>> No.6553887

No real such thing as Israeli food. As other posters have mentioned, it's usually generic mediterrenean (like your image). I've been there and I can tell you that other than the staples that they share with most their neighbors (hummus, kebabs etc) most restaurants serve food from other countries. Because those are the places they emigrated from.

Yiddish and Central/Eastern European Hebrew food on the other hand is something completely different and shouldn't be confused with Israel. That's your latkas, kugel, gefilte fish etc.

>> No.6553889

You must be right.

>> No.6553899

Oh boy here we go.

Mexican food is imaginary too, right? I mean, there would be no Chile en nogada since pomegranate is an old world food
>muh authenticity
Fuck off

>> No.6553902


because jews are literally hitler

>> No.6553914

You must have your head so far up your own ass that you think braised beef is eating bugs just because it's got a "foreign" name
Kill yourself, I mean it

>> No.6553917
File: 23 KB, 580x372, adolf-catler06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

catler loves you too
peace and love
peace and love

>> No.6553920

It's not that, it's that you're too stupid to think for yourself so believe what you see on TV and buy into "green" shit. That's for morons and dumb bitches that want to get into hollywood the old fashoned style, by sucking cock.

>> No.6553926

>believe what you see on TV and buy into "green" shit
1. I don't own a television
2. What did you smoke because it was some good stuff

>> No.6553929

it probably depends on where you're from cause none of my friends would mind and in fact all of them would be like 'yeah let's go get some israeli food' so

>> No.6553930

>vaguely looks like a moustache
>ehehe liek hitler

that's not even close to a hilter-stache NO

>> No.6553935

eating Israeli food is indirectly supporting Israel.
Israel is a shitstain of a country that has caused nothing but headaches since its foundation. Fuck them

>> No.6553936

>too devilish
>trying to be vegetarian
look out we got a badass over here.png

>> No.6553937

Quit projecting, you insecure faggot.

Mexico has invented plenty of dishes and has plenty of specialities. Are you going to argue that falafel and hummus are Israeli dishes now? Or better yet, stuffed grape leaves and kebabs? If you want to roll up all traditional hebrew food as Israeli go ahead but it sure as shit wasn't invented there.

>> No.6553942

>but when I suggest to my friends that we go out for Israeli food there is an uncomfortable pause followed by a change of subject?
probably has to do with the foreskin stealing and bloody babby penis sucking

>> No.6553946

Mexico has been around for about 500 years. The kikes only invaded Palestine like 50 years ago. And in that time they managed to ruin baba ghanouj and make other unique abominations.

It's one thing not to like it but only a sperg would claim it's not its own thing.

>> No.6553951

hahahaha 2015 and you don't have a TV?
Are you some psycho killer type that lives in a teepee like daryl hanna?

The good green stuff is best green stuff.

The Jimi Hendrix Experience - All Along The Watchtower (Official Audio)

>> No.6553958

No I live in a yurt, who the fuck lives in teepees anymore? Did your pervy uncle touch you in the naynay?

>> No.6553960
File: 43 KB, 332x396, 1418530450304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't own a television

>> No.6553961

hahaha I was about to ask you that.

>> No.6553965
File: 14 KB, 500x340, Ricardo_Montalban-Khan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a nomad from the steppes of asia?
Do you think that you're the next Gengis Khan?

>> No.6553978

Man, you really fail at reading comprehension. Never said I didn't like it, just that it's not a unique thing. I've yet to hear reasonable counterarguments. What would be the difference in menu between an Israeli restaurant and a generic arab one?

Better a sperg than an edgy /pol/ack though, I guess.

>> No.6553981

Because even among people who aren't /pol/-tier neonazis, jewish stuff has a reputation as just being really, really boring.

>> No.6553984

No, I understood you just fine. You're expecting a fifty year old culture to exhibit the gastronomic diversity of a 500 year old culture. Of course it's going to be less distinguished than older ones.

>> No.6553986

Allow me to set you straight. "mexico" wasn't a nation 500 years ago, it exist as "mexico" back then. And you're not natives anymore then people from the USA are, you came across from a landbridge from asia. That's why you look like chinks.

You like to use that shit to get free shit from our stupid government and they're stupid enough to pander to votes to give it to you without being able to pay for it.

You're all a bunch of cunts to me.

>> No.6553989

yeah I was a kid diddler until I graduated middle school

>> No.6553991

>implying you have the slightest idea where I'm from
Someone is mad Paco took er jerrrb, I see :)

Should have studied more

>> No.6553992

oh yeah I'm circumcised it blows

>> No.6553995

My 6+ incher is circumcised and I've never had any complaints. GAA GAAA GOOBLE

Plus it's real easy to keep clean, I don't have to deal with smegma and shit under the foreskin.

>> No.6553999

I wasn't the one that brought up the mexico analogy in the first place. And no, I don't expect them to have nuance or specialized because of their age. Never said otherwise.

Like I implied on my first post, they have a shitton of immigrants from everywhere, so there's a lot of types of foods available in Israel. It's kinda like the US in that regard.

>> No.6554003

>smegma and shit under the foreskin.
That's not really a thing.

It's fine to be comfortable with yourself. Just don't cut your kids and this all goes away. It's actually unfortunate circumcision doesn't cause a blatant crippling of functional, otherwise it would've quickly fizzled out like the brief lobotomy trend we went through.

>> No.6554004

But americans dont claim immigrant food.

Only a few groups intersect american cuisine but are still seen as foreign and ethnic like italian or chinese food.

>> No.6554020

thanks that was my original point in >>6553887

>> No.6554035

your friends are bad goys. also they don't support the persecution of palestineians.

>> No.6554070

>Liberal democrats, which are the majority among the young population prefer to take sides based on their feelings for MUH PALESTINIAN CHILDREN.

Tinfoil much? Israel isn't seen as evil by the vast majority of Americans young or old. Jewish customs are more well respected in America than any other country bar Israel. I bet you more conservatives dislike jews than liberals. Stop blaming anything you don't like on liberals.

>> No.6554085

>I don't have to deal with smegma and shit under the foreskin.
No one has to deal with that any more than we have to deal with smallpox. People think keeping your penis clean is a big chore but it's really no harder than keeping your armpits clean.

>> No.6554086

>Stop blaming anything you don't like on liberals.
Out of curiosity, when you say things like this, what's actually in your head?

Do you truly believe people are capable of meaningful change through their interactions with others? Do you actually think most people saying such things are capable of forming an honest perspective with any kind of depth or width? It seems more like you're talking into an abyss to hear a little echo of yourself back as it fizzles out into waste and the nothingness.

>> No.6554098

>No harder than keeping your armpits clean
You have to reach all the way up and actually move to clean your armpits, or at least lift your arm up and let the water hit and wash that all out.

Cleaning your penis is much easier.

>> No.6554104

Yeah, yeah I know how pointless everything is. But I can't help myself, it's a reflex of sorts. I've always had this irresistible force driving me to correct others. There have been times when it's turned out that I was wrong but it's honestly harder for me to not try and correct people. I think I'm very slowly getting better at it.

>> No.6554109

>Cleaning your penis is much easier.
Honestly even if you completely and willfully ignore cleaning your dick as long as you masturbate somewhat regularly and with some sort of vigour it'll stay clean.

>> No.6554124

Highlighting flaws with other people's ideas and mentalities is the same sort of thing for me, in truth. How I use this does change, and I've attempted to reconcile it in some ways, but the internal basis is a dualistic curse I expect to carry until my death.

>> No.6554134


I would say this is pretty much the mindset that would explain OP's situation, but I'm also friends with a few Israelis who left the country because they didn't agree with their politics.

>enjoying israeli food /=/ supporting israel

>> No.6554135

Some of my friends have learnt to take it in their stride as a part of who I am but some still get really pissed off when I correct them. They think it's me trying to seem superior to them when in truth it's something I have to do for myself rather than anything involving them.

>> No.6554150

They'll likely never understand. People have a difficult time understanding doing something strictly for yourself, they believe it inherently must be to create a certain perception in others and thus feel gratified via that or some sort of perceived stature within the group.

It presents itself in a few different archetypes, but it's all mostly the same. Always. People won't can't expand their consciousness in the way I'd like, thus I am alone. We're all flawed, limited, and unwilling in our own ways.

>> No.6554161

I respect you a lot, actually. My deep-rooted hatred for all thing Jewish and Israeli have melted away. Props to you, I look forward to co-existing with you.

Muslim btw. I don't know anything about your foods besides that ya'll eat falafel too.

>> No.6554169

Are you going to blow me up Mohammed?

>> No.6554330

>naengmyun, ropa vieja, pabellón criollo, ashok
I have no idea what country these come from. They can't be this "evil", can they?
>Israeli food

Try renaming it "eastern fusion cuisine" or something.
Yes, people are *this* retarded.

>> No.6554365

You really need to get with the times. Israel is being vilified everyday by liberals and their love for Islamic apologism.

>> No.6554378

>>enjoying israeli food /=/ supporting israel
it does equal it when you buy from israelis

>> No.6554382

>Anyone who doesn't like Israel is a Muslim apologist

>> No.6554388

Go to bed Ahmed.

>> No.6554394

I already called your liberal hyperfixation dumb above, don't make me expand it to chip away at your muslim fixation as well.

>> No.6554403

Ahmed, plz.

>> No.6554408

Way way down in a hole there's no feeling, cause when you're so far beneath the floor, everything's a ceiling.

>> No.6554420


it that's how muslims feel more power to them I guess

>> No.6554423

And I've got nowhere to go except further below, so I keep digging. It gets darker everyday, but I see no other way.

>> No.6554677

Yes they do. They do it constantly.
So do Canadians, Brazilians, Germans, Singaporeans, Australians, etc

Except Israel has more of a claim on hummus than America has on pizza because it was there before jews even arrived, so even if you don't believe Israel is a legitimate country, the food is Israeli to the extent that Israel is a thing.

Would you suggest that hummus is not Lebanese either?

>> No.6554679

why wouldn't I want to support Israel?" It's is a great country and is the sole reason the middle isn't a completely useless place for mankind

>> No.6554815

Kill yourself.