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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6553296 No.6553296 [Reply] [Original]

What does /ck/ think of him?

>> No.6553305

maybe if you fuckin bropwsed 4chan more you n=would know tat ck gets a ramsey thread like every fuckion day and you would already know there opninon of him you fucking normioe get the fuck out fucking reeee im mad

>> No.6553324

All these memes! LOLOLOLzzz

>> No.6553327

His actual show where he cooks at home is fantastic. the rest with le screaming man personas is shit.

>> No.6553331


You mean The F Word? That's a great show.

I still enjoy the other shows for what they are. Somehow I just love watching him scream at people while they get stressed out. It's like any other reality show. If you don't like being fucked with all the time then why did you sign up for it? It's all voluntary anyways.

>> No.6553337

annoying and useless, like any hollywood creation, created to fill time between commercials however that's done.

>> No.6553339


Hardly a Hollywood creation when his television career started in the UK.

>> No.6553342

Over rated and fraudulent ugly old cunt and has the all time worst hair i have ever seen

He even lied about playing for rangers proffessionally before becoming a chef

>> No.6553343

Understands the industry well. He opened up restaurants during the recession, knowing they would fail, just to pump a little money into the economy. Also a really nice guy past his fake dick persona.

>> No.6553346

uk tv is nothing without hollywood teaching them "drama" and "shock" and other bullshit. Hollywood created that so called reality tv "genre."

>> No.6553348

So my assertion stands, ramsay is a boring hollywood creation. YAWN!

>> No.6553349

I think he's a better chef than anyone on /ck/.

>> No.6553350


It's still relatively suspect and he was at one point a trail player for the Rangers regardless.

Here in the US, even if you were on the practice squad of our brand of football it still means you technically played for them.

>> No.6553352

he was cool back in WCW but nowadays he just shills for WWE and sucks

>> No.6553353

Yeah right, but not a real NY Ranger. He'd get his face punched in at Madison Square Garden.

Hey, I was a trial player for Manchester United, so fucking what?

>> No.6553357


>NY Ranger

Are you fucking with me? That's a hockey team.

>> No.6553366

I dunno, some other anon made that stupid assertion.

>> No.6553369

> jerichoprah wasnt based until a few years ago

>> No.6553371


In the UK it's not a fucked up shooting gallery with dramatic music playing in the background. I enjoy it a lot more because I don't feel like the producers are trying to manipulate me into giving a shit.

>> No.6553377

I agree with you on that one. I used to get BBCA here in the USA and his shows are a lot different, but it's still "reality tv" invented by hollywoodland.

>> No.6553379

The music, stupid drama drums and the camera movements are downright pathetic.
It's for the ADHD crowd.

>> No.6553380

He creates circle-jerks on image boards, without knowing what an image board is. Respected chef, a bit of a media whore, but who wouldn't be given that much money?

>> No.6553382

bu... bu... you didn't post an image

>> No.6553435
File: 72 KB, 250x186, 250px-Do_Shut_Up.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


UK tv is shit. Extremely dull with shitty dialogue and seasons with only 4 episodes. Pic related is the only decent thing to come off that godforsaken forlorn island

>> No.6553457
File: 58 KB, 634x369, article-2183699-14604947000005DC-343_634x369.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thick, stupid American detected.

Bet you can't even focus on a TV show if something doesn't explode or sing the national anthem every few minutes you stupid fucking donkey. Get out.

>> No.6553484
File: 4 KB, 185x82, 1432271598281.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

British tv is like British food: bland, shitty, and sad.

I wonder how you cucks go on each day without blowing out your brains

>> No.6553488

Jealous brit detected, didn't like that revolution or the war of 1812 when you were trying to impress and enslave our citizens?

>> No.6553491

His home personal is as fake as his screaming personal. I don't think even he knows what sort of person he has.

>> No.6553503

You brits are really lucky that we speak a similar language, otherwise we would have sailed up the Thames after the war of 1812 and put a few on London, for the fun of it.

We do like blowing shit up, it's fun. Hey look at your shithole now, it's overrun by islamics. Do people even speak English in London anymore?

>> No.6553516

Who the fuck are you replying to? Are you talking to me? Who the fuck do you think you're talking to?

>> No.6553519

Apologies if that was mistargeted.

>> No.6553592


In fact, we would not have.

It would have been far too difficult to cross the Atlantic and there was a massive expansion of land and resources waiting for us in the west. It's why our country became a national power.

Are you a southeasterner, troll, or both? Either way you're a retarded fuck. We didn't start a true defiance of the crown until we ignored it culturally.

Now many of us get annoyed by seeing any mention of British royalty in the tabloids as we go to an aisle to buy milk and eggs.

We may not like the Aussies very much (and they sure as fuck don't like us), but we share a distaste for British bumfuckery.

>> No.6553597


he's an excellent chef and his TV shows are about 'not fucking up' and 'doing a good job' and 'no excuses for failure'. i can get behind that sentiment.

>> No.6554512

Did we burn down the White house during the war if 1812?

>> No.6554521
File: 126 KB, 720x945, 17335098.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

About as much as I think of mobile posters.

>> No.6554888

How does everything on Hell's Kitchen end up raw? Seriously, like I'm not even a cook and I can cook fucking scallop