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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 142 KB, 484x645, ScreaminSicilianPizzaBurger1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6551513 No.6551513 [Reply] [Original]

>screamin sicilian. more like screaming israeli.
>hardly any toppings
>small size

>> No.6551530

Not enough meat in your mouth, huh, faggot?

Not big enough for you, huh, lardass?

>> No.6551532

calm down steinberg. i didn't get hurt feeling money from germany like your grandparents did. i work for my money. why don't you go cut suck some baby dicks. kike.

>> No.6551547

Nothing's ever good enough for you cozy ass faggy-trans-xenomorph American's is it? Always gotta be bigger and gayer.

Do you want me to make it gluten-free for you, fuccboi?

More sausage for your pizza and your asshole, queer lil bitch?

Is that mustache triggering you?

are you from Scilian decent and are offended?

Let me change EVERYTHING to comfort the deeply offended, fag.

>> No.6551552

>666 g

>> No.6551553

Face it. He blew you the fuck out.

>> No.6551555


>> No.6551556

Damn you are salty as fuck man

This is hilarious

>> No.6551557

How do you feel about genital cutting, anon? I'm beginning to believe the other poster was indeed correct about you as well as your heritage.

You are Jew to a significant degree, if not entirely.

>> No.6551564
File: 30 KB, 648x365, dawson_crying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, he just doesn't know how good he has it.

Bought one of these super excited, pre/ck/ Hype and the oven fails on me. All other appliances in my house have failed and know my oven's dead. My family's poor as shit and will probably be evicted soon. And this bitch is complaining about it not having enough toppings. Fucking bitch.

>> No.6551570

I have my hood attached. I also fuck my girl with my dick, unlike OP who at least gets to eat that dank pizza.

Get fucked.

>> No.6551577

>Get fucked.
Probably not for quite a while. I have to either finish being a seemingly irreconcilably broken mess, or die off. I can't yet let anyone trick themselves into thinking it's worth getting attached. The latter is what I'm better off with.

You thought you were projecting force or some kind of harm, but I took it more as vague positive wishes. Thanks I guess. Good to hear you aren't Jewish, there's enough of em' around as it is.

>> No.6551584 [DELETED] 

just because you cucked yurope doesn't mean you can cuck us jacob cohen. your god chosen people. chosen to suck ass and be the rest of humanity slave. go build some pyramids hooknose.

>> No.6551586
File: 386 KB, 634x618, Screen Shot 2015-05-29 at 3.56.57 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucks girls. ok pedophile. you're suppose to fuck women. have seat.

>> No.6551591
File: 76 KB, 755x569, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do people shill so hard for this goofy hipster stache cool kid frozen pizza

it's frozen pizza and people here talk it up sooo much. really OP's just [rightfully] mad at you folks for making it seem better than it is

>> No.6551595

But have you actually seen the other frozen pizzas?

>> No.6551598

The general consensus as far as I've seen (and my opinion as well) is that it's a good frozen pizza but nowhere near worth the price.

>> No.6551603
File: 54 KB, 500x375, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah. crust on Digiornio's too thick/doughy
i prefer Tombstone supreme
i've got some red baron french bread pepperoni in the freezer for when i'm too lazy to cook. i actually just had one a couple hours ago. i put it in the oven and it was nice and crispy. if anyone goes to the store and buys it dont be too disappointed though :o)

>> No.6551871

like as in your parents and you or your wife and kids or what (family)

>> No.6551919


How much is it?

>> No.6551924

The pepperoni is better than most other frozen's I've tried. These things blew up over the past 3 months and I have no idea why though.

>> No.6551939


JIDF mad as fuck

>> No.6551951


>> No.6552021

I just had one of these today, the 4 cheese.

This is easily the best Frozen Pizza I've had.

>> No.6552023

the sicilian is screaming because it's an insult of a pizza.

>> No.6552043

In small town, IL. It's $9.

>> No.6552045

Better off spending a few extra bucks and getting papa johns