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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6551283 No.6551283 [Reply] [Original]

Do you ever wonder if the Burger Arms Race is adversely affecting your ability to enjoy a goddamn hamburger?

>> No.6551308

Why would it? There are so many goddamn hamburgers to enjoy!

>> No.6551435

>burger arms race
>burger cold war
Mr. McDonald, tear down this arch!

>> No.6551537

What the fuck is a Carls' Jr?

>> No.6551538

Basically Hardee's

>> No.6551541

do people with self respect actually eat at carls jr?

>> No.6551549


>> No.6551734

OP, I wish you could see the metric tons of salt that burst forth from me every time I think about Carl's Jr.

I live where it's called Hardee's, you see. What you may not know it's that their menus are subtly different. There's about 80% overlap, but some burgers served at one aren't at the other and vice versa.

Carl's Jr carries the jalapeño burger, literally my favorite fast food burger of all fucking time, on its normal menu...whereas Hardee's only had it one time as a special. My favorite burger of all time, and I can't buy it for love or money, because somewhere, some corporate office faggot thought it was a good idea to make their menus regional.

This isn't really about you, OP. But you're still a faggot for reminding me.

>> No.6551761

Yes. Without question, that can be said for any restaurant. Having self-respect and having that self-respect seen as valid by others are not the same thing. Drunk young people are not big on self-awareness.

It's not like it's actually any worse than any other fast food place.

>> No.6551770

i gave up on fast food in general. you find something you like lol sorry limited time. orders get fucked up. a weeks worth of sodium in one item. angsty teenagers who can't even put together a burrito or hamburger right. etc. etc.

>> No.6551783

no, because the places where I get burgers don't give a shit about their competition

>> No.6551874

I rarely go to ff anymore. Costs too much for what you actually get.

I waited 20 minutes for taco bell two nights ago. It was a drive thru where once you get past the order box you're stuck and cannot go anywhere.

20 minutes. The entire time you could see the staff not working and not preparing anything. They are lucky I don't care about fast food service but I'm not going back to that Taco Bell.

I have a strong feeling that all the fight for 15 people were fired and now they have nothing but newfriends.

>> No.6551901

No because I like a (cheese, or not) burger with bacon and red onions, and that is it.

>> No.6551906

>Carls' Jr

Fuck you! I'm eating!

>> No.6551911

90% of this board is too young to even know this quote. How sad is that?

>> No.6551923

fuck off everyone knows this

>> No.6551928

>How sad is that?
It's far sadder that anybody who was old enough to hear the speech is on 4chan.

>> No.6551967

Shouldn't you be watching your Saturday morning cartoons?

>> No.6552048
File: 51 KB, 640x360, 21823917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I work in a Carl's Jr test market area. So we get a new burger almost every month. Some of them look ok but the most recent one scares the shit out of me. They call it the "Most American thickburger." It has a hot dog and lays in it. I am tempted to try it but I don't think I have the "American" will to do it

>> No.6552053

I have one of those around the corner. That thing intrigues and repulses me at the same time. I don't know how they do it...

>> No.6552090
File: 492 KB, 460x345, giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saturday morning cartoons aren't a thing anymore. I found out when my mom said she couldn't get her Saturday morning fix of Yu-Gi-Oh anymore.


>> No.6552179
File: 175 KB, 368x206, IMG_20150528_155040.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Saturday morning YuGiOh fix

Jesus your mom is a fucking manlet and/or weeb

>> No.6552238

>Jesus your mom is a fucking manlet and/or weeb
Well... she's already booked a room for Otakon. So you're right on all counts. I think she's dressing up as a character from Code Geass. I dunno, I've never watched it.

>> No.6552413
File: 268 KB, 1024x1411, IMG_20150527_004140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I want to fuck your mum like Ryan Reynolds fucked the green lantern