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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 261 KB, 1280x960, Dragonfruit_Chiayi_market.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6550065 No.6550065 [Reply] [Original]

Are there really fruits that exist other than apples, oranges, cherries, berries, limes, lemons, coconuts, and melons? Tell me about them..

>> No.6550074

Are you really old enough to be posting here?
Tell me...

>> No.6550075

Oranges suck, apples are good, cherries are good, berries are good but expensive, lemons and limes I dont eat on their own, coconuts suck, melons suck, bananas suck, mangos suck, kiwis are good, Ive never had dragon fruit

>> No.6550084
File: 104 KB, 500x333, 261203349_8c8a585716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

apples are good, oranges are good, cherries are good, berries are good, limes are good, lemons are good, coconuts are ok, melons are good, dragonfruits are boring

>> No.6550094

Id eat more uncommon fruit if it wasnt all meme shit that gets imported every so often and is jacked up in price because its suburban moms pick of the week

>> No.6550097

Comically only by one year..
Yeah, but it's so rare to find lets say custard apples, I've just recently heard of that anyways, the rarest fruit I've had was dragon fruit one time in the 5'th grade..
I want to know what these other natural foods taste like. How nature could produce so many different forms of flavor all from the same general concept, all from one group of plants called the Angiospermae.

>> No.6550102

Do you even bother to read the front page or the catalog before making your superfluous thread?

>> No.6550105

>I want to know what these other natural foods taste like.
Buy some. I see star fruit every so often I just can never be assed to buy one. Its like way pay a few dollars more for all the benefits of an apple?

>> No.6550117

I feel like most uncommon fruit are just hard spiky dull, and biter balls.
I'm afraid that you have to prepare them in some way or else you will die..

>> No.6550127

>I feel like most uncommon fruit are just hard spiky dull, and biter balls.
That sounds very accurate.
No they are safe most of them are just stupidly hard to prepare, like opening a coconut is a retarded amount of work for little pay off. Either that or they will just taste bad.

>> No.6550135

that might be why they aren't common huh?

>> No.6550137

I think we cracked the case.

>> No.6550247

Love coconut
Love milk
Coconut milk?
Absolutely disgusting

>> No.6550252

I nominate Ru Paul.

>> No.6551042

I eat dragon fruit by the ton when I was in Southeast Asia. Shit is more common than apples there.

>> No.6551182

Theres an entire world of fruit out there.

I find dragon fruit to be sort of bland.

Cherimoya is the best fruit in the world. Anyone who disagrees just hasn't tried it yet.

>> No.6551187
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Best fruit coming through.

>> No.6551204
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Feijoas are pretty good

>> No.6551207
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>coconut a fruit

>> No.6551222
File: 119 KB, 1024x1024, MAMEY2020-1024x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The sapote is one of the greatest fruits that I ever had. The variety in the picture is a mamey sapote, the variety I tried. It's extremely good, easy to prepare, and I highly recommend it.

>> No.6551245
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>> No.6551255

Fuck off with your meme food

>> No.6551258

Lychees are delicious.

>> No.6551262
File: 1.87 MB, 2592x1944, WoodApple.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok let me just tell all you guys that just like American fruits, there are dull asian fruits.
Just because Lychee berries look weird doesn't mean they're anything better than grapes (99% water).
If you want to try asian fruits that actually taste good and aren't fuck all water, then try these.
>Wood apple
Full of protein, tastes like raisins and nuts. Widely popular in India.
>Black Sapote
This isn't called the chocolate pudding fruit for nothing, although it smells like an orange.
King of fruits nigger.
There are others, but a good bit of them are too strange for the American palet. With that said, you fucking soccers moms can venture paste your apples and bananas every once in a while...Faggots.

>> No.6551263

Mangosteen master race.

Rambutan come is a far second place tho.

>> No.6551266

>implying they aren't

>> No.6551269
File: 3.31 MB, 2838x2577, Cherimoya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That being said, I don't hate on all fruits from America.
The cherimoya is the god of all fruits, even over asian fruits. Fuck off lychee and apple faggots. You're both medicore at best, nothing special, nothing bad.

>> No.6551273

so are hearty scrotes

>> No.6551285

there are asian variations, I ate one in China that tasted like a cross between mango and lychee.

>> No.6551310

mangoes, luckily they are not uncommon here and the season will start pretty soon.

>> No.6551313

also mamon, cotoperi, pumalaca, pumarosa, almendron hindu, ponsige, passion fruit, guavas

>> No.6552052

there are better sapotes

>> No.6552055

pawpaw supposedly tastes somewhere between mango and papaya

>> No.6552061

Do you live in flyover land, circa 1963?

>> No.6552067
File: 868 KB, 638x555, mad men 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

quince or loquats?

>> No.6552251

who /soursop/ here?

It's really hard to find, only comes once a year, but it's pretty nice, sorta fermenty and creamy.

>> No.6553557

Mamey idiot not sound like meme dumbfat

>> No.6553562

Litchi is good

>> No.6553564
File: 100 KB, 500x500, Froot_Loops-0003800039122_500X500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6553685
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These Zebra lemons are pretty cool.

Mamey is the only one I tried.

>> No.6553689
File: 81 KB, 1024x537, fingerlime_kath-705747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are awesome.

>> No.6553694
File: 2.75 MB, 2560x1920, Prunus-persica-1060223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone here ever have a donut peach?

>> No.6553695

> being this retarded

>> No.6553816

I don't usually like peaches besides white but those are breddy good.

>> No.6554209

dragonfruit tastes like water it has no flavor at all

>> No.6554213

Are those jalapenos crammed full of dyed caviar?

>> No.6554293
File: 141 KB, 1000x938, passionfruit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Passion fruit is pretty GOAT

I've only had it a couple times. Shits fucking incredible. Highly recommend.

>> No.6555203

>but a good bit of them are too strange for the American palet

Can you list some of these? I'm always up for trying new foods.

I tried a few and the local asian market, strangely, doesn't actually have any fruits I've not already heard of/tried (except jackfruit and durian because the rest of the family won't allow me to bring it into the house because they're all "bland is grand" and won't try anything new).

>> No.6555213

I bought a cherimoya once after reading so much praise, but it didnt taste much at all. I was disappointed, but I guess I just got a bad one? idk

>> No.6555215

The red dragonfruit tastes great if it's ripe.
The white one tastes like nothing.

>> No.6555219


>> No.6555243

But Anon... most Americans have never many American fruits. They've had old world fruits.

How many Americans do you know that have had prickly pears, scuppernongs, pawpaws, aronia, persimmons and shallons?
Each of those is pretty popular outside of the US while most Americans seem entirely unaware or disinterested that they exist.

>> No.6555259
File: 76 KB, 379x676, Maui_Gold_Pineapple.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

possibly the best pineapple in the world

I had fresh guava a few times, and it's usually kind of soggy. not as good as other tropical fruits

>> No.6555278
File: 22 KB, 304x240, calypsomangoes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best tasting stonefruit right here.

>> No.6555768

papaw tastes/feels like cherimoya with a more banana flavor and just a tad more bitter. never had one that remotely reminded me of a mango and i have a couple of trees. the flowers have this strange odor too that draws little flies. its kinda chemical-like. like citronella mixed with varnish or something.

>> No.6555786
File: 2.90 MB, 4128x3096, 20150531_205158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had my first ever mangosteen today
It was surprisingly fucking delicious

normally uncommon fruits like the dragonfruits and custard apples that are in your pic are rare for a reason, they either taste like shit like dragonfruit or they are too fiddly to bother like a custard apple

Mangosteens looks like a soft peeled clove of garlic when you cut into the pod and the flavour is pleasantly sweet and slightly sour
Will definitely buy more, they are underrated as fuck. Definitely one of my favourite things now

>> No.6555829

Pineapples and carambolas are fucking amazing, god tier. I also like the taste of mango but I'm not a fan of the texture so I just stick to mango-flavored ice cream and condoms and whatever the fuck. The texture isn't disgusting or anything but it simply doesn't do the taste any justice.

I'll never understand applefags. Even the juiciest apples are "meh" at best.

>> No.6555838

Why are you tasting prophylactics, Anon?

>> No.6555929

use to have dragon fruit all the time back in japan, its really mellow in flavor think of it like an underipe mulberry flavor.

>> No.6555945

>I'll never understand applefags. Even the juiciest apples are "meh" at best.
they need to be cooked. their textures are too much like potatoes. modern varieties of apples and pears are softer and juicier then older ones, but it's not the same as a banana or mango, or other soft fruit. they need to be cooked or broken down a bit first.

cooked apples with plenty of sweet spices are really good though.

what kind of mangoes are you eating? if you're eating the big red ones, they're really fibrous and i can see why you don't like it. try to find smaller yellow ones called honey or ataulfo mangoes. they have less fibers and are a bit sweeter.

>> No.6556226

Fucking love loquats

>> No.6556250

Never had an actual fruit but tried some juice. Basically slightly sweet and a little bit flowery tasting water. Would not reccomend over other juices but supposedly hella high in vitamins

>> No.6556264

here in the south of mexico we cultive that fruit but we call it "Pitahaya", it's kinda funny that you guys call it dragon fruit.

>> No.6556606

Grows all over my florida town, been eating since very young. Fuzzy little fucks

God tier. Tastes kinda like pumpkin and fall spices. Have 2 saplings growing right now because every mamey i get is already germinated wtf

Really want to try this

Tastes like really potent concentrate orange juice. Would eat more if they werent so pricey.

Never once have i seen these at any store. Everyone hypes them up. I had canned ones and they were gross.

I always eat this shit before it's ripe enough and i hate it.

>> No.6556618

underraided boast

>> No.6556665

Mah brethren of African descent. It looks like a purple tomato with a green, leafy "cap" on top of the fruit. You have to squeeze the rind and pop open the fruit, and inside you'll find 6-8 slices of milky sweet flesh. Would recommend, but only if you can get the fresh product aka in some SE Asian country. The imported ones tend to be bruised and of lower quality.

>> No.6556739

Ist that a guava

>> No.6556795
File: 18 KB, 300x201, 5064d672b37dd_59305n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really want to try a paw paw
Too bad they don't ship well, Im in NY, right outside of where they grow naturally

>> No.6556799
File: 225 KB, 800x800, pricklypear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know people say mangosteen is king of fruits. But lychee is definitely the emperor of fucking fruits. Was just eating some right off my friend's tree yesterday, holy mother fuck.

Dragonfruit gets shit on by pic related

>> No.6556805

I second this

favourite fruit, got a tree in my garden they're popular in new zealand

>> No.6556910
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>> No.6557140
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>> No.6557227

I saw mangosteen for $16.99 a pound recently. Is it even worth it? Lychee is a fraction of the price.