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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 75 KB, 499x419, calamari.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6549692 No.6549692 [Reply] [Original]

Dear /ck/. Give me your best recipes for this tasty creature.

>> No.6549697

Tempura that shit. Everything taste better fried.

>> No.6549709
File: 235 KB, 1000x750, IMG_0675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I score it, slice it for cooking, blanch quickly, then stir-fry it with veg in hot-and-numbing oil.
Pic related: I cooked that.

>> No.6549710

Fried calamari is best calamari!
It's also great when done properly in some tomato sauce over pasta.

>> No.6549713

I scored yer mum last n8~!

>> No.6549714

I feel bad for Nate, but I'm not him, buddy.

>> No.6549716

Go back to reddit.

>> No.6549725

I've never been.
What's it like?

>> No.6549728

Stop giving people advice that you should follow but don't

>> No.6549731

Cry more, shitposter.

>> No.6549739

Shitpost more, crybaby :^)

>> No.6549744
File: 2.82 MB, 1024x576, 1428540847037.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6549747

I'll do my best, faggot. :^)

>> No.6549754

Nice movie magic.

>> No.6549760

Just me

>> No.6549763

quality thread

>> No.6549773

Is this magic?

>> No.6549778

Babymore post shitcry ['.^\

>> No.6549784

I can almost believe the first 3 steps but the fire would cook the shrimp very unevenly.

>> No.6549799


I usually fry them, add some lemon juice and parsley.

>> No.6549842


>> No.6549846

Detach tentacles from top part. Slice top to make fried calamari (dip in tomato horseradish sauce). Insert 4.0 hook in tentacle portion and use to surf or pier fish.

>> No.6550449

>hook in tentacle portion and use to surf or pier fish

You're using the best damned part for bait.

>> No.6550656

you're a squid now

>> No.6550981

You better off using a live squid with a 6/0 to 8/0

>> No.6550989

that was incredible

>> No.6550997

Yeah six is probably better, but since I usually catch shit any way, I like to dream big. I use an 8 with a light outfit and cut shrimp or blood worms to play around the little croakers and sheephead around the pilings.

>> No.6551001

I'm from australia so we have a whole different range of fish compared to the states. The tentacles make good bait for whiting

>> No.6551847
File: 1.72 MB, 4000x3000, P1000669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've already posted this for rating
But here is another way of squidding:
in a spanish risotto w/chorizo

>> No.6551855

calamari is so delicate; why use a sauce designed for strong-tasting offal on something like that?

>> No.6551860

the fire would cook at all, it's like moving your fingers over a cancel, the air movement around the moving object prevent the hot air to even touch it.

>> No.6551861

calamari isn't delicate, it's literally tasteless. It's like chicken, you must add something strong to it.

>> No.6552015

>chicken is tasteless
you may need to get your taste-buds checked out bro

>> No.6552022

cook some chicken breast with nothing, not even fat nor salt, then try to eat it.

>> No.6552070

I don't know what squid you're using, but mine is anything but "delicate." It's got a nice, delicious, squid-y flavour that goes quite well with hot-and-numbing oil, I think.
In fact, I detest offal and mostly use hot-and-numbing oil with squid and a handful of other dishes.

>> No.6552293

Um, I cook chicken breast all the time. You know what it tastes like? Fucking chicken. Is it as flavorful as chicken thighs or legs? No. But it does have a taste.

>> No.6553871
File: 58 KB, 547x362, img_9405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Close enough...Pork Bung


>> No.6553891

Gross, who are you trying to impress? A bunch of foodie faggots? What's wrong with normal food? Get real, as in the real world. You ever been? Obviously not.

>> No.6553904

>go on internet
>find italian restaurant
>order calamari
>go back to internet
>search up calamari dipping sauces
>make your own sauces at home
>or just squeeze a lemon over it and dig in

calamari is best shared between bros. two forks, a few sauces, and one big plate of calamari

>> No.6554533

I want a recipe for your family. What do you think I should drip over their meat, lemon juice or lime juice?