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6547099 No.6547099 [Reply] [Original]

Someone know how to do mead? I'm trying, but I'm not sure in the details

>> No.6547124

Homebrew is difficult, expensive, and seldom rewarding, OP. I tried it quite a few times with homegrown and locally with decent results, but it's nowhere near as good as storebought. But hey, I've never done mead and your mileage may vary.

>> No.6547140

I'm itching to do a one gallon batch, but I hear it takes a long time to condition, like 6 months or more before it becomes good.. I have a hard time waiting 3 weeks for beer sometimes.

>> No.6547148

You probably did a bad job of sanitizing or didn't keep it in an area with a regulated temperature. 9/10 times a batch of homebrew comes out bad it's your own fault. My friends have been brewing for years, and while their first few batches were lacking, their shit is better than anything storebought.

Anyway, OP, a website to look at:


As I stated above, the little things are extremely important and can make or break your booze. ALWAYS sanitize every single piece of equipment. My friends prefer to use bottled water as opposed to tap because we live in the city and our tap water is shit, but obviously that is up to you. If you want to make a fruit mead, I would try and hold off and just do a basic honey mead first to make sure you have the right method.

Good luck, OP. It does pay off in the end.

>> No.6547154

Op here is a great place to start-

This site sells quick mead kits for 10$ each. These are a great way to try making mead for the first time.

>> No.6547161

Well, 8€ in honey in 5L water. Were do you buy mead? Here can buy beer or wine, but don't mead :(

>> No.6547166

>Homebrew is easy, cheaper than regular(non-discount brand) booze, and fairly rewarding

ftfy. The only downside is the time investment.

I live in a 'city' of 100k people. I can buy homebrew supplies within walking distance at a health store. These are the prices I've experienced:

5L demijohn - €7
airlock+bung - €2
food-grade tubing - €0.50/metre

For the single use(unless you breed the yeast) required items
champagne yeast - €2/sachet
alternatively if you're poor, you can get bread yeast at €2/12sachets, it'll just require more aging
Honey - €2-4 per lb(454g).
I'm aware honey is more expensive in USA and apparently ye can have HFCS labelled as honey sometimes, too. In a 5L I would use between 3-4lbs, depending on what kind of mead I'm making.

The one I've enjoyed the most has been ginger mead, which I use 3lbs honey, 1lb ginger(shredded or thin cut), adding the ginger at the start and allowing it to stay in the must for the 4 weeks of fermenting.

>> No.6547178

Use champagne yeast and aim for 15% initial gravity, I think 3 pounds of honey per gallon of water can give you this gravity. If you use only honey I'd also advice to put in some lime juice because yeast needs vitamin c. Some people add raisins and orange slices but it's not needed and in fact when you add fruits it becomes a melomel, not real mead.

>> No.6547183


thanks for the info and the link, I was read about sanitizing and it was clean at start :)


thanks for the link

is necesary to filter it when past the 4 weeks, or is better to migrate to the bottle without filter?

>> No.6547193


for the first test is only two diferent honey tipes, water and yeast (https://www.google.es/search?q=levital+levadura+fresca&espv=2&biw=1152&bih=774&site=webhp&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=6UpnVfPNGovuUrr9gKAB&ved=0CAcQ_AUoAQ))

>> No.6547221
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>Homebrew is expensive, seldom rewarding and nowhere near as good as storebought

this link might help you, op: http://www.gotmead.com/

>> No.6547249


I have a gallon fermenting in my kitchen, and I'm about to start another batch up in a few days. I'm more than happy to answer any questions you've got.

>> No.6547278

How do you stop the fermentation?

>> No.6547283


You ask it very nicely.

But seriously, that gallon is my first batch, so I have no experience stopping it. IIRC, you don't really stop it...you're supposed to just let it ferment on it's own.

>> No.6547285


Wait. Fermentation stops itself when the alcohol concentration gets high enough to kill the yeast, or when the yeast eat all the sugar, whichever happens first.

>> No.6547288


>> No.6547289

I rack it to secondary after a month, let it sit for another month and rack it another time to let it sit in the fridge so it drops more sediment. Once sugars are gone yeast will go inactive but if you want to kill yeast before you get a certain gravity for a sweeter mead add potassium scorbate.

>> No.6547294

Potassium sorbate*

>> No.6547348

Potassium sorbate change the flavor?


I do not want to exploit bottles at home, if that happens I will lost my drink and my girl kills me. :P

>> No.6547387

>I do not want to exploit bottles at home, if that happens I will lost my drink and my girl kills me. :P

What does any of that have to do with the post you replied to?

>> No.6547413

I'm not sure because is my first time, but I read about when move the fermented mead to the bottles, it makes a second fermentation and is posible it broken the bottles. I think it is because when I move it to the bottle mead take some oxigen.

sorry if my english is broken ^_^

>> No.6547418

>but I read about when move the fermented mead to the bottles, it makes a second fermentation and is posible it broken the bottle

Normally that does not happen. The situation you are describing was an unusual mistake, not something you normally have to worry about.

>> No.6547423
