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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6547061 No.6547061 [Reply] [Original]

bought some leaves
were told they are spinch
they dont taste like spinach
can anyone tell me what am i eating?
they taste really bitter

>> No.6547063

Looks like paan

>> No.6547069

Not even close.


That shit is as bitter as a runner up in a beauty pagent.

>> No.6547073

poison ivy

>> No.6547076

>eating random leaves
Further proof vegetable eaters are mental patients

>> No.6547081

carnivore, i just had a craving for spinach
thank you, and good recepies with there? i have a pound of them

>> No.6547095

Blanch-and-shock it first to remove some of its bitterness (as well as make it less toxic to your kidneys).
You can then stir-fry it with lots of shallot and a little oyster-or-mushroom sauce to cut the bitterness. If you lack oyster or mushroom sauce, you can omit it and instead use soy sauce and a little sugar. I personally don't like it with soy sauce. I prefer it with mushroom sauce.
Alternately, you can chop it up after blanching and mix it into a mix mash of ube and taro. If you lack either or both, ube can be swapped out for sweet potato and taro for any yellow-flesh variety of potato (ube is bright purple in colour and taro is a very light lavender). This mixture compliments the bitterness pretty okay. A mix of carrots and onion instead of sweet potato also works nicely.
I like to whip solidified bacon grease into the mash/tetragon mixture, too, when I make it with carrot and onion. Kinda like hutspot.


>> No.6547103

thank you, you just saved me 2$ worth of leafs
/thread + kisses

>> No.6548467

That would seemingly make you an omnivore. Which is a misnomer since I sincerely doubt that you eat tree bark, grass, or nudibranches.

>> No.6548504

If ever presented with dores (which is the plural of doris) as a foodstuff, I might give it a try.
And there is no E in nudibranchs. As it stands, though, I've never eaten a sea slug and don't really much imagine I'd like them. I've tried sea cucumber. I was not a fan. At all.

>> No.6548534

>eating meat you have no idea of the source or even animal
Topkek carnists

>> No.6548549

except it's incredibly easy to figure out what animal most meat is from

>> No.6548610

Unless you eat it as some kind of sausege, jerky, party, or otherwise ground product. The English had no idea they were eating horse for who knows how long.

>> No.6548632


OP, you got sum warrigal cabbage

>> No.6548827

Haha, and they still think that was horse.

>> No.6549077
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Op if they taste like eggs then they are bitter and you shouldn't eat them. Certain foods aren't very delicious if they're bitter, unlike eggs which are bitter and delicious.