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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 25 KB, 300x300, cherry-hill-wrongful-death-lawyers-discuss-dangers-of-energy-drinks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6546488 No.6546488 [Reply] [Original]

What does /ck/ think about energy drinks? I personally like them, they're ok.

>> No.6546494

Fucking terrible for you.
That being said, I keep a few around to chug in case of an all-nighter.

>> No.6546517

I know, that's what I'm doing right now, lol

>> No.6546521

They are unfairly stigmatized, as they are no worse für you than sugary Starbucks coffee. They keep me awake, taste good, and are a stimulant so they help me to feel like a God.

>> No.6546524


I drink multiple monsters daily

>> No.6546526

Enjoy heart diseases in your 30s. Not to mention Monster tastes awful.

>> No.6546531

Citation needed

>> No.6546532
File: 27 KB, 180x400, LiftPlusGreen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my vice. I'm trying to get my thesis finished. Coffee makes me tired at night, need something cold

>> No.6546593

for me, they're a quick and fun way to get some caffeine, as long as they're sugar-free that is.

>> No.6546633

they make my cock smell weird and sugary

>> No.6546645

literally acceptable only when you are in college and maybe if you work some all night shift

>> No.6546661

great, now i'll never finish college and i've been taking too long already.

they're like my ex for the most part, i know they're not good for me but i still want to have it around as often as possible.

>> No.6546666

I like songs about drifters, books about the same. They both seem to make me feel a little less insane. Walked on off to another spot, I still haven't gotten anywhere that I want. Did I want love? Did I need to know?

Why does it always feel like I'm caught in an undertow.

>> No.6546671
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Finland loves em.

Nice quads but MM is still plebcore

>> No.6546692

Well that is that and this is this, you tell me what you saw, and I'll tell you what you missed.

>> No.6546698
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>> No.6546704

Vodka and Monster >>>>> Vodka and Red Bull

>> No.6546708

Lying in a field of glass underneath the overpass. Mangled in the shards of the metal frame, woken from the dream by my own name. I was such a wretched man, searching everywhere for a homeland.

Now we under the same sun. Feel it through the leaves, let it heal us.

>> No.6546739

Just drink LSV, it's the same shit for half the price

>> No.6546869

>terrible for you
[citation needed]

>> No.6547351

Basically energy drinks are no worse for you than anything else with a bunch of sugar. It's probably even better for you than drinking which is why I don't understand this "those things will kill you" attitude.

>> No.6547357

>why I don't understand this "those things will kill you" attitude.

Things loaded with sugar can indeed kill you.

Frankly I don't see the point. They're expensive as hell for what you get. Want caffeine? Take a tablet. Want sugar too? Drink a coke along with it. Why the price suddenly triples when a little more caffeine is added is beyond silly.

>> No.6547372

they're ok but very over priced. I don't drink them too often anymore since I got into coffee.

I use to drink ripits constantly, those fuckers make you so much more thirsty

>> No.6547378

The price is indeed fuck-tarded but they taste really good (much better than caffeine pills). I do wish they had less sugar because I kind of drink them for that gasoline taste anyway. What I don't understand though is that plenty of things have a ton of sugar in them. Why is it normal and acceptable for a fatass eating a pie to tell me that drinking energy drinks will kill me?
That's like someone smoking a cigarette telling you mineral water will kill you.

>> No.6547397

>common sense needed

>> No.6547403

They are overpriced caffeine infused sugar water.
Most taste pretty nasty, I like Monster once every few years if it wouldn't be so sweet.

>> No.6547420

Yeah, that's what I thought. Can't provide proof

>> No.6547422

The sugar content alone is enough to put me off, and don't even get me started on the caffeine. Glad I never got into the habit of consuming em as a teenager.

>> No.6547424


I don't think he can cite his own taste buds


>> No.6547426

I found green tea to be more effective in that regard.

>> No.6547450
File: 9 KB, 177x315, Happy Sheep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Green Tea
Are you 80?
>Oh deary me this tea is going to have me up all night
>Goodness! My hip!

>> No.6547459

You are so hardcore for needing more caffeine to reach a high.

>> No.6547472
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I love you reviewbrah.

>> No.6547483


>tfw no Monster Cuba Lima
>tfw so very few energy drinks available in general

It sucks.

>> No.6547491
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I am all about my frosty beverages

>> No.6547493


> wanting more energy drink variety
> implying they don't taste all the same

>> No.6547498

Most taste disgusting. Sugar free nos and the cherry mountain dew one, I think it's called amp, are the only good ones. Red Bull, monster, rockstar, etc taste disgusting. I'm trying to figure out how to make my own energy drink. I want a base flavor profile of grapefruit with notes of cherry, lemon, lime, anh possibly bergamot, neroli, or hibiscus. Maybe some orange too. I'll sweeten with aspartame and acesulfame pottasium. I'm thinking about bottling with a cork and wire cage in a belgian beer bottle, going for an ultra premium energy look to it since apparently image is a big part of why to drink energy drinks. As for the magic I'm thinking 5g l - arginine hcl, 1g oxiracetam, 300mg niacinamide, 300mg caffeine base or 500mg caffeine citrate, 150mg l-theanine, and maybe some other shit, but that should be plenty. Loranns makes all the flavor oils so it's just a matter of getting the ratios right and using a little grain alcohol and gum arabic to get it to dissolve. I already make beer, so energy drinks shouldn't be much more trouble.

>> No.6547506

Yeah, that's what I thought. Can't use google

>> No.6547515

It's not about how tough or hardcore you are, it's just amazing to me that it would even be possible for someone to be amped up on green tea. That shit is straight up funny to me.

>> No.6547520

>makes a claim
>won't back it up with any evidence
>called on bullshit
So here is what I find on google:
' Cardiology professor Williams agreed that further research is needed, adding that these results need to be followed up.

"Without data, one can only speculate," he said. "If you speculate on existing drugs that have that effect, it would be cause for concern." '


"But if you're generally healthy, do you need to swear them off? Probably not, but the key—like with most things—is moderation."

So excellent evidence there champ.

>> No.6547529

the fedora of beverages

>> No.6547538

oh sorry, did I trigger you?

>> No.6547618

Nah, but you are continuing to display what a dumbass you are. You know because I'm being sensible your only defense is to act dumb and niggerish about the whole thing

>> No.6547636

I get the sugar free rockstars when I'm on a road trip but otherwise I don't buy them. It's definitely not something I would drink regularly since coffee serves the same purpose without all the extra crap.

>> No.6547666

I enjoy them. I like to have one with me when I go to work for the night shift.

That said, I don't get much of a buzz out of them, it's not like 1 can of redbull is like 4 cups of coffee or something crazy. I just kind of like the generic energy drink flavor at this point.

>> No.6547938
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I am an ES addict

>> No.6547949
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this was the best when it was still 80% juice

>> No.6547956

I get upset when I dont get my caffeine fix

>> No.6547992

Skip caffeine all together; Adderall and water is healthier and more efficient

>> No.6548046
File: 200 KB, 559x682, anton-ego.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fact : 99% of energy drink users are fatasses/skinnyfats who have no business using them.

>> No.6548125
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I will drink a NOS original or a Full Throttle citrus.

Fuckin love the flavor of full throttle, who cares about energy though, why can't they make a soft drink that tastes like it and has little caffeine.

Coke has 35mg per can, Full Throttle has 80mg per can, also 12oz vs 16oz, if anything they have less than a small cup of coffee from mcdonalds. But caffeine like a calorie may be different depending on where you get it from.

>> No.6548145


Caffeine is exactly like a calorie in that it doesn't matter where it comes from

>> No.6548152

it may be man, i dont know.

there have been caffeinated beverages that i have had that had zero effect on me and some that made my heart want to stop, there was no alcohol and the amount of caffeine was no more than 80mg.

Can you really say caffeine from coffee bean is different from caffeine from coffee extract or guarana?

>> No.6548163


It could come from butts and be the same. Same with nicotine. A robot dick will feel different than a cigarette. That's because there's stuff besides nicotine in a cigarette. Coffee and guarana have stuff besides caffeine.

>> No.6548369

I'm pretty sure getting mad on the internet everyday is more unhealthy than energy drinks.

>> No.6548377
File: 637 KB, 1210x583, starbucks-doubleshot-energy-coffee-mocha-vanilla-light-white-chocolate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love coffee energy drinks.

>> No.6548393

Perhaps you should drift into Fazoli's! The 6 never lies, bread sticks are your destiny brother.

>> No.6548433

Fucking lel. When I read that I smelled moth balls and a leaky old gas stove and imagined an 80 year old man brewing green tea in a pot with his 20 year old obese cat on the counter and smoking Pall Mall lights next to a 45 year old radio blaring Rush Limbaugh full blast because he can't hear a fucking thing anymore.