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6544916 No.6544916 [Reply] [Original]

I wanna buy one, but will it look silly or bad?
As a single malt lover I wanna enjoy it all day long, even if the locale only serve inferior stuff.

Do kyou have one? what do you keep in it and have you ever had complaints or strange looks?

>> No.6544930

>will it look silly or bad?
For me at least, the point of having the flask has nothing to do with how I look. It's having a little firewater close at hand to surreptitiously drink right before I have to do something I reaaaaaally dont want to do, or to spike a drink at a restaurant where the liqour on the menu just doesn't do it for me, or to make waiting at the barbershop with nothing but ancient copies of redbook and golf magazines to entertain me bearable. Don't be brandishing the thing around and showing it off.

>> No.6545090


A pocket flask, properly used is only ever seen by the flasks owner.

>> No.6545093

>will it look silly or bad?

If you wear a proper jacket, just keep it in your jacket pocket, you drunk bastard. But people will still know.

>> No.6545103

>will it look silly or bad

nobody cares, only people that use them are lushes who always vanish to a dark corner or a bathroom like coke addicts who need a bump.

>> No.6545107

All of this.
>will it look silly or bad
Yes, but the point is you don't let anyone see it.

>> No.6545108


Pocket flasks are literally alcoholic fedoras

In every sense of the meme. Antiquated accessories that young men cling to in an attempt to look cool.

There's almost no modern situation this is useful in. You might as well carry around the pint bottle. If you're using the flask 'properly', sneaking alcohol into somewhere it shouldn't be, then not only are you an alcoholic but it will likely print in summer clothes and get you banned/fired from wherever you are.

PS: flasks count as "open containers" for DUI purposes. Yes, its bullshit, but it's all a cop needs to ruin your life and feel like a hero.

>> No.6545132

>do you have one
>what's in it
Bottom shelf overproof rum or neutral grain spirit
>complaints or strange looks
I use it while camping or at a cookout to help start charcoal and disinfect animal bites, not for being a fedorable alcoholic

>> No.6545146

>single malt lover
Then why would you drag it with you, get it warm, and pound it back from a serving container you can basically only take swigs from, not sips?

Leave that shit at home. Flasks are for alcoholics drinking where they shouldn't.

>> No.6545156

There is a time and a place for them. I took mine when I climbed Everest, me and the girlfriend shared it when we reached the top. Nothings ever tasted more satisfying. That said, 'As a single malt lover I wanna enjoy it all day long, even if the locale only serve inferior stuff', sounds like something an alcoholic would say, and if thats your reason for getting one then yes it will look dumb.

>> No.6545162

>disinfect animal bites

I seriously hope you don't do this

>> No.6545163

>of all the shit that never happened

>> No.6545166


If fact I'm pretty sure it used to be a big faux pas to ever let anyone see it, back when dudes of all sorts carried them around.

>> No.6545167

What, 2 people climbing Everest? They even do guided climbs now you mongoloid.

>> No.6545177


>no modern situation

I want booze that fits in my pocket relatively inconspicuously, and since a cop already fucked me with a misdemeanor dui I really can't bring myself to care.

You're being alarmist about it. People like to drink, sometimes their preferred brand of booze, and like to have a couple fingers worth on hand for the bus, downtime, etc.

>> No.6545181

>is a hip flask ok?
>will it look silly or bad?
only if you display it
keep that shit in your jacket
>as a single malt lover
Hold it, kiddo. You don't love single malts. You love the idea of loving single malts. If you loved single malts, you wouldn't subject them to a fucking flask. You need to get that shit on your nose first and drink from glass so you don't add any metallic flavor to it. Get a flask, put some cheap rum in it, enjoy.

>> No.6545183

>oh fuck that cat bit me
>dash of alcohol
>scrub with soap and water
>dress the wound properly
>rabies shots

What's wrong?

>> No.6545184

>You don't love single malts. You love the idea of loving single malts.

So much this. I'm willing to bet OP had his first drink of scotch today after months of much anticipated build up and between grimaces and choking managed to convince himself he needs to enjoy it 24/7 since he's one of the scotch drinking gang now.

>> No.6545191

Do you, too, drink cheap rum and gin?

>> No.6545194

Nope. Currently working my way through a bottle of Knob Creek.

>> No.6545208

Acceptable. I've got a bottle of New Amsterdam Gin on my desk I'm almost done with... not even sure why. I don't particularly enjoy the taste of gin. I just drink it because vodka is for girls and it's the cheapest liquor besides rum.

>> No.6545215
File: 109 KB, 1024x569, 1428342255605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fedora detected. It's a free country, don't be another pretentious tool that ruins Scotch threads as badly as the scotch is a forced meme people pretend to like shitters.

>I'm willing to bet OP had his first drink of scotch today after months of much anticipated build up and between grimaces and choking managed to convince himself he needs to enjoy it 24/7 since he's one of the scotch drinking gang now.

Holy fuck, did Ardbeg rape your mother? Not all scotch is grandpa-flavored peat reek. I like Four Roses Single Barrel as much as Glenlivet 16, I clearly must be pretending to like both.

>> No.6545220

>Fedora detected.
Naw m8, it's the fuckin' fedora who thinks scotch ought to be enjoyed hourly from a flask to look cool.

I enjoy my scotch once/month in the privacy of my own home with a couple of friends.

>> No.6545229

Yeah, I wouldn't usually think of carrying a hip flask unless I was bringing a bit of nice juice to a wedding that was more expensive than the full sealed bottle I brought. Just enough to pour into spare glasses for me and four other close friends.

Bringing it into a place that serves alcohol on a normal occasion is as cunty as bringing your own cooked steak to a restaurant. Sure you might not like the restaurant's selection, but you're still screwing the front of house out of tip money...

>> No.6545373

The only time I used a flask was in college when I didn't want to pay for overpriced drinks at the shitty bars
I was always a bigger guy and it took a lot to get me drunk so I just started carrying Everclear in a hip flask

I saved a fuck ton of money but slamming grain alcohol in a small room that reeked of stale piss wasn't fun

That or formal events but that's because everyone is underage

>Good times

>> No.6545397

I used to have one. Would typically keep cheap, strong vodka in it to add to my coffee at work. Until of course my loved ones found out I had one. That's how I started on the road to sobriety.

>> No.6545416

I have one and hardly ever use it. I just drink at home anymore.

Just don't get one with shit printed on it. It's like those shitty knock off zippos with the grim reaper on them. It's that god damn tacky.

>> No.6545425

As an alcoholic, most flasks out there don't carry enough booze to kill the DT's let alone get me tipsy.

Better off just buying a bottle from the liquor store, drinking it on the dl and then throwing it out. That way you aren't looking at some open container DUI situation.

>> No.6545428

Just get a plastic water bottle and fill it with vodka. That's what every alcoholic do.
Or, don't be an alcoholic, it fucking sucks.

>> No.6545435

>Or, don't be an alcoholic, it fucking sucks.

There is this....

>> No.6545451

>out with friends
>order shots
>jigger glasses
>$5 each

Fuck every business that does this. Thats why barhoppers carry a flask

>> No.6545493


You know that $5 isn't just for the booze right?

Its also to pay to maintain a business with an environment that you and your douche bag friends can hang out in.

Simple business 101...how does it work....

>> No.6545501

I fill a nalgene bottle with vodka everyday, sometimes I use a Gatorade bottle. And yes being an alcohol fucking sucks, I would not recommend. Its expensive and its only a matter of time until I hit trouble, I feel the walls closing in on me. Two days ago I passed out in a movie theater and got escorted out.

>> No.6545516

Like fedoras, capes, and canes, flasks are out of style.

>> No.6545538

I take either a vodka bottle filled with water or a scotch bottle filled with barley tea with me as post match hydration when I play volleyball.
Whatever looks you get for having a flask can't be half as bad as the looks I get for taking swigs straight after a game.

>> No.6545553

It was during prohibition when they were popular, so yes, it was a big faux pas. It was sort of like carrying a one hitter and stash around today. Showing one to a cop could get you arrested.

>> No.6545559


So you put non alcoholic things into alcohol bottles?


>> No.6545562

I've got one. My ex got it for me and it has my initials on it. It's kind of shitty but it works. I use it at concerts and parties where I'd like to be more drunk and there's no drink around.

>> No.6545571

Not him but get bent. Liquor costs way too much. I'm not paying $3-5 for an ounce and a half of liquor. That's why I bring a flask of my own shit and save money.

>> No.6545584

I can't be bothered getting a real water bottle and I want attention.

>> No.6545590


Ohh I loved kicking retards like you out of bars when I did security

>"What, you mean I can't bring in my own booze? I thought this was America, are we not in America?"

That $5 is paying for the booze, the utility bills, maintenance fees, the rent/property taxes, the support staff, insurance and so forth. Don't like it? Go drink under a bridge with all the hobos.

>> No.6545741

Yeah I never got this either.

This is why you down a few beers as a pregame, kids.

>> No.6545743

I know what my money's worth. I dont pay for the upkeep cocksucker. I pay for the booze and the service. And if the booze is too expensive, Ill buy cheaper alternatives (beer) which will likely offer far less profit, or sneak my own

>> No.6545758

>I pay for the booze and the service.

Which includes the cost of keeping the place open.

Go chug some skol at home if you're going to be a little bitch about it.

Or better yet, make enough money to drink at a bar.

>> No.6545771
File: 2.31 MB, 390x277, 139215039192.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that $2 beer on tap cost them 79 cents to pour
>cheaper alternative

>> No.6545776

>throwing out the business
My best friend would scold people and offer to hold their contraband booze behind the bar for them, or they would have to leave

>> No.6545782

>I know what my money's worth

Not really since basic economics is beyond your grasp.

Either that or your just a dick.

>> No.6545802


same anon

Were I worked if we caught the booze on the way in we would hold it at the door. Its cool, you wanna carry booze from point A to point C while stopping at point Bar along the way. We will hold what you have.

Get caught drinking inside? Your out for the night. Do it repeatedly and your banned.

>> No.6545812

Even relying on guides, if he was smart enough to get to the top he'd have been smart enough not to drink booze there.

>> No.6545821

My point was that if liquor were more reasonably priced, Id be more inclined to purchase it. At the end of the night, if I had puchased liquor, the total profit earned from my ticket would be higher than if I had just purchased beer. The business is missing out on potential sales because of their high prices.

>> No.6545835

At virtually all bars, the pricing scheme for any liquor also includes ancillary materials.

Ordering a shot is charged precisely the same as ordering a liquor and cola, liquor on the rocks, liquor with club soda, liquor with an iced tea chaser, etc.

Your basic shot still requires you to pay whether you want to or not for a measure of soft drink, a straw, ice, etc.

It's broken as hell but for the sake of simplifying inventory management and ensuring that the house doesn't lose money, most bars refuse to deviate from this model.

This also subsidizes any "designated drivers get free soft drinks" incentive in place.

>> No.6545841

Use it at movie theatres that don't have booze, because if I'm going to spend $20+ for ticket, popcorn, and drink, and be sitting for 2+ hours, then dammit I want some libations as well. Wild Turkey 101 goes great in dark soda, as well as coffee (like diners that don't serve booze).

Carrying it every day, on the other hand, is a little to alcoholic for my blood.

>> No.6545846

A shot of something mid shelf and a pint of something craft are the same price.

You're pulling this entirely out of your ass.

>> No.6545855

Damn, I miss capes.

>> No.6545882

how do those two things correlate

>> No.6545891

Does it make me a faggot if I do too?

>> No.6547136

At least you're honest

>> No.6547139

>$2 beer on tap
Holy shit, where do you live? UP Michigan? Where I am, you can't even get bud light on tap for less than $4. Dogfishhead will run you $9

>> No.6547222
File: 191 KB, 700x1050, shame.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon, this was a christmas "gift" from someone i know

i have drunk from this in public on several occasions
right now its filled with dalwhinnie

does this put your situation into perspective?

>> No.6547233
File: 46 KB, 992x465, Ted_Baker_Stag_Hip_Flask_Large_1024x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get a nice hip flask. let's say a quarter of the world will scoff at you and another quarter will think you're cool and the remaining half of the world won't give a shit.

pic related, got this for an ex.

>> No.6547240

>got this for an ex

>> No.6547244


we were going out at the time brah

>> No.6547488

Why is it called a hip flask if you keep it in your jacket?

>> No.6547502


It's meant to be carried in your pants pocket which is why it's shaped like it is.

>> No.6547505

The shape is supposed to make it conform comfortably to your leg when you put it in your pocket. That's where I keep mine, but keeping it in your jacket pocket if you live where it's cool enough to wear one makes it slightly less noticable.

>> No.6547952

>That said, 'As a single malt lover I wanna enjoy it all day long, even if the locale only serve inferior stuff', sounds like something an alcoholic would say

As a recovering alcoholic, that is not what we would say. Actually, we'd keep the flask but if at the restaurant we'd still load up on their booze to keep the stuff in the flask for time reasons. Never know when you'll get dragged to some impromptu record store that's nearby.

>> No.6548130
File: 31 KB, 280x280, flask_keychain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a flask keychain with rum in it for emergencies~

>> No.6548161



because in order for us to enjoy something, it's got to be approved of by you, right?

>> No.6548164

my nigga

>> No.6548170

My flask is just a plain 7oz flask. There's a leak in the lid seal, it's not big but it's enough, is there some sort of gasket I could make for that?

>> No.6548179

Only if you take another dude under the silken folds of your cape to suck you off.

>> No.6548317

>Is a hip flask okay?
If you're an alcoholic
>will it look silly
If you using it as an accessory or bling yes, if it's to drink no.
>Do you have one?
Never leave home without it.
>What's in it?
Usually cheap rye. Sometimes rum. Depends what's cheapest when it's time to refill
>any looks?
Not really, I only ever pull it out when alone or with people I trust not to squeal. Been asked for a sip a few times before.

Basically, good if you're an alcoholic, fedora tier if you're not.

>> No.6549576

but whats the point of hiding it if people will still be able to smell its content on your btrath?

>> No.6549595

Do you routinely sit 4 inches away from your friends and lean in to talk to them?

>> No.6549639


yes, where else would i sit? 3000 miles away on a computer?


>> No.6550171

How about using those marathon runner belt bottles? Then nobody would ever know

>> No.6550180

There is nowhere on earth you could be 3000 miles away as the earth isn't even 3000 miles around so unless you're in space, you're an idiot, go back to geography class.

>> No.6550183

If you have to ask, you are the sort of person who will fuck it up.

It's a 15 dollar purchase at most. Could you not have just quietly gone out and done it? That would have been what might have made it work for you. However you sought affirmation here first, showing to everyone your ineptitude and inability to pull hip flasking off.

Sorry. Fail. Poop on your head.

>> No.6550189

>There is nowhere on earth you could be 3000 miles away as the earth isn't even 3000 miles around so unless you're in space, you're an idiot, go back to geography class.

The earth is about 25 thousand miles in circumference. 24902 in fact, but it varies between the poles and the equator.

>> No.6551636

All lies, the earth is never ending. Its not really round since you never come back to where you started!

>> No.6551640

Where does a circle begin?

Without greater frame of reference, all discernible intervals are rendered both a beginning and an end.

>> No.6551657

>most flasks out there don't carry enough booze
Not even an alcoholic, but still this. Flasks are a great supplement if you're at a show or something and don't want to hit the bar during the middle of the headliner, but 6-8 oz of 40 proof doesn't really cut it if you actually want to get drunk.

>> No.6551664

Put absinthe in it?

>> No.6551667

>just 40 proof
even New Amsterdam and Jack is 80 proof

>> No.6551683

80 proof/40% I meant

>> No.6552092

>using the injectable jew
Cats don't even carry rabies you fuck

>> No.6552453

>hip flask
You make it obvious you carry a hip flask and think its makes you look cool = Fedora Tier

You hide the fact that you carry a hip flask and never bring it up in conversation = Alcoholic Tier

>> No.6552480

And the beer will be bigger, tastier, and contain more alcohol.

>> No.6552483

>liquor with an iced tea chaser
I'm too young to go to bars. Is this a thing? Sounds pretty nice.

>> No.6552545

What do Fedoras have to do with anything ???

>> No.6552558
File: 67 KB, 540x309, cat_rabies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Once again you are proven wrong you fucking mong-tard.
Why don't you stop shitting up the board with your ignorant bile ?
You're fucking scum.

>> No.6552564

You can do whatever you want. Just know that if you are under the age of 30 and you are using an out of style "ol-timey" thing like a pocket watch, monocle, top hat, fedora, cane, tailed suit jacket, flask, etc you are going to look like a try-hard douche with bad taste.

But if you don't care, which you shouldn't, just do what you want. Are you going to let your life be controlled by strangers on the internet who judge your entire character based on things you carry with you/find cool?

>> No.6552574
File: 71 KB, 588x350, FedoraVsTrilby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, I see you were getting your hats mixed up again.
Easy mistake (if you're an ignorant cunt who falls for /pol/ in-jokes).

>> No.6552582
File: 61 KB, 800x533, 6a010535d07789970c0133ec495449970b-800wi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Both hats, if worn by a young person, look ridiculous.

Now if you are an 80 year old guy, yea it probably looks cool.
But just know that neither hats are really in fashion for young people and the vast majority of people who see you will think negative things about you.
Again I emphasize that you shouldn't care. If you think fedoras or trilbies make you look cool to yourself, then wear them. But don't delude yourself into think fedoras or trilbies make other people think you look cool. It will just upset you whenever they don't respond as well to you as you would think they should.

>> No.6552590

>vodka is for girls

I've missed this board

>> No.6552916

>When I climbed Everest and reached the peak, I consumed a systemic vasodilator that spikes and then crashes your blood sugar, is prone to making you sweat and getting your clothes wet, then clamping your blood vessels shut and limiting your capacity for heat distribution and thermogenesis, all while impairing your judgement
>I did this after climbing Everest and implicitly possessing knowledge of high altitude cold weather survival

No. That's how people leave the world. I suppose it's possible you aren't bullshitting, but I wouldn't have chances that even if I planned to or had somehow already made camp very nearby. A lot can go wrong that you didn't see coming in a disturbingly short amount of time.

>> No.6552948
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Check your facts before you post again, pleb

>> No.6552952
File: 80 KB, 351x483, me_fedora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he carries a flask

>> No.6552954

that picture is really gay

>> No.6552977

That guy looks like a douche, what is your point?

>> No.6553001

so what we learned here is that fedoras are so awesome it turns you gay

>> No.6553033

pointing out the difference between fedoras and trilbies is some high-tier fedora stuff

>> No.6553054
File: 26 KB, 367x500, 1432685946027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hehehehe...bet you wish you were me right now...*sip cough cough* nothing personell kid, its from my personal stash. cant stand being around these normies