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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6543725 No.6543725 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Post food you have recently cooked

it's my first time ever cooking salmon, and came out pretty well i think, a very creamy texture when all i did was salt and lemon juice the flesh and pan fried it

>> No.6543738

what kinda salmon doesn't look as pink as we have here….
maybe half the cutlet next time and cook. that almost looks like a tuna cutlet

>> No.6543744

i may have over cooked it for all i know. it's Australian salmon btw

>> No.6543752

ahhh ok that makes sense now… fellow aussie here.
must have been a decent samba with a cutlet like that!
my only tip is to maybe cut it in half like they sell atlantics for in the shops and cook skin side down for a bit then lemon pepper the meat side and flip until just cooked! looks good tho and those prawns are cranking! happy eating!

>> No.6543757


It's overcooked, yes.

They say 145 for seafood, but that'd too high for salmon. You want it medium rare to medium, so more like 135 or 130F, so... 55-60 Celsius for you Commonwealth types.

>> No.6543761
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>> No.6543762

It is really nice.

i was just told buy a guy on /fit/ that i should use a hotter pan next time

>> No.6543769


>> No.6543778



nah dawg, 50 master race

>> No.6543867
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Meat patties with shit ton of spices on bread with veggies and beans macedonian style(my favorite dish)

>> No.6543868
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And carrot dill soup before that

>> No.6543879

definitely use a hotter pan

that salmon actually looks disgusting in your pic, like a grey, tasteless hunk of mystery meat. and salmon shouldn't have a "creamy" texture. you typically know when it's done immediately when it begins to flake away with a fork

>> No.6543882


>and salmon shouldn't have a "creamy" texture

i wouldn't describe it that way but i can see it

>> No.6543948

M8 your burger is upside down and missing the bottom half of the bun!

Looks nice though. I looked up Macedonia style beans and it sounds very good. I'd leave out the seaweed though. I'm always adding olive oil, garlic, chili and onion to my baked beans and a couple of times added paprika, oregano and possibly even vinegar as well so I guess I was kind of halfway there by accident.

That's a nice spread too, I'd be very happy with that.

>> No.6543953

Could you post your recipe for those beans? They look really good.

>> No.6543988
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Lol, that's why I called them meat patties because I'm not sure if that would qualify as a burger. It was an improvisation since I didn't have enough bread for all the guests.

> I'd leave out the seaweed though
what seaweed tho?

Mine is basically a simplified version of what you'll find if you google Macedonian beans.

You'll need:
a 16 oz. can of white beans(Great Northern or Cannelini, but you can use any beans)
1 large onion, chopped in stripes
2-3 cloves garlic
2 slices of prosciutto or 4 slices of smoked bacon(can be substituted with any type of smoked meat)
1 tablespoon of paprika powder
1 teaspoon of chili powder(if you like it spicy)
salt,pepper - to taste

>chop saute the onions in vegetable oil until they're soft
>chop the garlic and smoked meat and add, stir for 2 minutes
>add paprika and chili powder, stir
>drain the liquid from the beans(but don't rinse them in water) and add the beans
>stir for 3 more minutes until it thickens
Some people put flour for it to thicken, but the residual liquid from the beans works even better and there's no dusty texture flour usually gives.

Pic kinda related

>> No.6543994

My bad. For 16oz. of beans (400g) it's 2 tablespoons paprika, not 1.

>> No.6543999


I take my salmon off at 42-46 celsius. Perfection, my friend, perfection.

>> No.6544000

>what seaweed
I only looked up one recipe and it included seaweed. It only occurred to me that that might be unusual after I'd posted.

>> No.6544002

That isn't safe.

>> No.6544019

>nd came out pretty well i think

Lol, what? The fish looks like you steamed it. It has no color on it at all. It ought to be golden brown on the surface from pan-frying. It also appears to be completely unseasoned

>> No.6544089
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>> No.6544100
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>> No.6544107
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>> No.6544109

Not if it's the Australian salmon I'm thinking of. It isn't the same species as Atlantic etc.

>> No.6544111
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>> No.6544114


>> No.6544117
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>> No.6544290

>these are the people giving cooking advise

>> No.6544300

Welcome to /ck/!
>these are the people who are also talking about 300$ knives

>> No.6544303


>> No.6544431

Is this bacon-wrapped... braciole?

>> No.6544435
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>> No.6544479


>> No.6544613
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Extremely bad photo but tasted like heaven. It's somekind of bastardised/stew version of ratatouille or something.
half a garlic
2 bell peppers
2 shallots
2 cans of crushed tomatoes
whole zucchini
whole eggplant
1 pound of button mushrooms

little bit of
black pepper

and of course top that all of with a juicy, medium-rare steak.

>> No.6544765
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>> No.6544794

The salmon looks like someone from the waist down. Maybe a dog even. You can even see the butthole (or vagina maybe?)

>> No.6544812

Don't you fuckin pretend for a second like that's anything but vegetable soup.

>> No.6544843

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA you fucking retard. You're telling me you intended to make burgers, fucked up and didn't get enough buns, so you "improvised" by placing each patty on one half of a bun, and called it "Meat patties with shit ton of spices on bread with veggies"?


I hope you know that every guest left your house thinking "what the fuck was the deal with those weird burgers?"

>> No.6544851

whats wrong with you

>> No.6544854
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It's not that weird, search Google images for "open faced sandwich" and you'll see it's relatively common.

>> No.6544859

I know what an open faced sandwich is chief. An upside down burger is not an open faced sandwich just because you can't face the shame of your terrible cooking. That's like putting ketchup and cheddar on a bagel and toasting it, and calling it pizza, and being all "no no, this is an Italian delicacy called pizza, it's quite common." The fuck outta here with that shit.

>> No.6544864

I don't think they did because they thought it was somehow fancy. Also, I didn't intend to make burgers at all. We have no "burger culture" here, amerilard.

>> No.6544884

>no burger culture

Listen friend. I don't care what backward ass country you came from that failed you so entirely as to think you could fool your friends into thinking that hamburger bun, topped with lettuce, tomato, and a patty made from ground meat isn't a burger, but you really aren't the culinary genius you think you are.

You could serve that same meal to members of ISIS, to a Mongolian goat herder, or an Inuit infant, and all of them will ask what you did with the other half of their burger bun. If nothing else you can be pleased that your friends are polite enough not to call you out on your bullshit.

>> No.6544900

Tell me, how many burgers did you eat toda, amerifriend?

>> No.6544905

None today, but last night I grilled up some absolutely beautiful ground sirloin burgers, that looked an awful lot like your "Meat patties with shit ton of spices on bread with veggies" but were right-side up and had both halves of the bun.

Oh and my meat wasn't studded with green onions. Because that's just silly.

>> No.6544955

Okay, so call it an "open faced burger." The bottom line is that he/she was good enough to cook for their friends and post the food on here for us. It looked pretty tasty, who cares if the presentation was a little unorthodox?

You make yourself look twice as silly as that guy by sperging out over a little culinary improvisation. Why don't you post your superior cooking instead of shitting on other people's?

>> No.6544961

>who cares if the presentation was a little unorthodox?

Because what's the point of posting it if it's not noteworthy? Nobody cares about mediocrity. If it's not excellent then why bother taking a picture of it?

>> No.6544984

The thread is for food you have recently cooked, not the best food you ever cooked. You might post something that wasn't great in order to get advice on how to improve it, or maybe someone isn't a great cook but they recently did something they're proud of or did something that's a bit different (like an open faced burger).

Besides, that food looked as good as pretty much anything else ITT, what have you posted that's any better?

>> No.6545004

I agree with the other anon, that's a janky burger, would be good with other bun and a condiment. Pretty sure you are baiting with that shit. There are McDs in fucking Ethiopia, you know what a burger is, if you have electricity and internet you know what you made is a ghetto variation of a hamburger. If you're going to hate on Amerilards at least don't do it right after imitating them.

I disagree with him here >>6544961 though, I and a lot of people care about mediocre OC food pics, I actually find them more entertaining than food porn style photos because it looks more like real food.

>> No.6545092

I just ate the meat anyway. Bread sucks.

>> No.6545120

>damage control

>> No.6545128
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Teriyaki chicken

>> No.6545224

Why would you put whole eggplant and zucchini? Why not chop it up first?

>> No.6545464
File: 2.47 MB, 3264x2448, 20150527_142745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Baked chicken tenderloins and green beans.

>> No.6545487

Looks like the kind of meal you'd get in prison.

>> No.6545566

My area feels like a prison... at least its not those other flyover regions

>> No.6545606

That salmon looks BOILED.

>> No.6545755
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Made tacos for dinner tonight.

>> No.6545779
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I made a variation on Chaliapin Steak recently because i watch too much anime

I really have to work on presentation to make it look more impressive i feel but anyway it was tasty as fuck

>> No.6545858

>weeaboo detected
>didn't even use right kind of onions