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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6543490 No.6543490 [Reply] [Original]

So I went to McDonalds the first time in 4 years, had nuggets and was expecting the mushy fried mass I'm so familiar with. I bit into it and found that it was actually sliced/diced chicken breast? It looked exactly as you would when you cut up a chicken breast.

Is it just McD Canada that is doing this, or have they raised their standards internationally?

>> No.6543497

Has to be just in Canada because here in USA it's still chicken mush.

>> No.6543584

Its like than in NZ too. It's been like that for years. They actually put out some higher quality burgers too.

>> No.6543594

I agree with the Original Poster.
McDonalds has really stepped their game up lately.
Check some of my reviews out for proof.

>> No.6543604

It's just shaped chicken, "pink slime" was an urban myth that morons/food newbs like to keep talking about because they don't realize how passe bitching about McDonalds is to everyone else.

>> No.6543658

over here in the UK their chicken products (and almost all products) have vastly increased in quality in the last 10 years. I couldn't say for anywhere else

>> No.6543669
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go fuck yourself retard

>> No.6543765

So, here is McDonald's video with the recipe, in respond to the pink slime picture
(When searching for it, it appears pink slime is now a thing served at school, not a McNuggets thing anymore. Welp, I missed a revival of this myth.)

I can't imagine they cut chicken breast in the shape of their nuggets, it would be tons of loss. They probably just changed the texture to make it look better.

>> No.6543803

Are chicken selects still a thing at McD's? I think those are/were made from slices of solid chicken.

"Pink slime" is a beef thing, not chicken. The term refers to tendon and ligament "meat" that's chemically treated to break down the collagen, bleached, and mixed back in (as a liquid) to ground beef. Even as McDonald's bailed, the beef industry reps were all like "No, fuck you, it came from the cow, so it's beef!"

I'm guessing that they changed the process years ago when they switched the McLugnuts to "all white meat"- and in doing so, found that the higher quality composition could be ground and re-shaped "normally" and still hold together.

My understanding was that McNuggets, at least in the the original formulation, required the mechanically separated chicken to be completely liquefied, sanitized/bleached with ammonia, and then artificially re-colored and flavored before being formed into nuggets and battered/fried.

I'll give credit where it's due though, whoever thought of making them with a tempura batter is a fucking genius. It really sets their product apart from every other nugget, and somehow complements the reconstituted meat texture very well.

>> No.6543806

Been confirmed to be chicken breast here, which I think is dumb because they don't need to be pure breast, they could add leg meat too you know.

>> No.6543810

>"Pink slime" is a beef thing, not chicken.

Sure but there is such a thing as mechanically separated chicken meat, which most people these days would probably call "Pink slime".

>> No.6543811
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>credit where its due
>chicken nuggets from mcdonalds

what the fuck am i reading

>> No.6543819

Here as in, Australia. Whoops.

>> No.6543827

In Sweden it at least has the texture of a coherent piece of meat.
So I guess.

>> No.6543849
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>> No.6543880

who are these semen demons?

>> No.6544056

Filtered, and I suggest everyone on /ck/ to do the same with any and all tripfags they find.

>> No.6544067

this makes me really happy that abortion is legal.

>> No.6544071

I wish these kids never had to grow up, they look so happy now. Can't imagine how shit their life will be once they grow up.

>> No.6544087
File: 23 KB, 446x362, 1345905478803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, those shit genetics, I know they're doing awesome by trying their best, but you can tell it in their eyes, how disappointing

>> No.6544095

Their lifespan is very short. It's unlikely they'll make it to their twenties.

>> No.6544097
File: 565 KB, 964x1414, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how the fuck can you take care of this thing for the rest of its life?
it's just sad. having an actual muppet for a child.

>> No.6544108

Lmao these all look unrelated

>> No.6544112

Got any more?

>> No.6544129
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>> No.6544137

I was being sarcastic but as all McDonald's threads go...

>> No.6544147

Those fucking amber beads, you know those parents are some retarded holistic hippie anti-vax believer. I met a woman that had them on her 9 month old child because "I heard it helps with teething!".

>> No.6544148

>actually sliced/diced chicken breast
Its been that way since... what? 1979?

>> No.6544149

>some retarded holistic hippie anti-vax believer.
Be honest, why are your sort so bent out of shape about "anti-vaxxers"?

>> No.6544151
File: 113 KB, 600x600, peach.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What ever happened to the old dark meat nuggets?

I was addicted to things as a kid

>> No.6544161

Propaganda, fear mongering and slander via Super Size Me happened

>> No.6544173


>> No.6544197

I asked you a question. Answer it directly.

>> No.6544201

yeah, cuz they're murderers.

>> No.6544215

Too retarded to understand that the fact that Cali has that many measels outbreaks is all the reason we need to be bent the fuck out of shape about these ignorant assholes?

>> No.6544503

What a tragedy, I loved those

>> No.6544560

Not him but vaccines work to protect the herd not just the individual. They're being selfish cunts and benefiting from other people that did get the vaccine.

Also i work for big pharma and we make vaccines at my site and i like money.

>> No.6545692

Just saw this in the the Sydney Morning Herald today:

>McDonald's strategy for improving food: toast the buns longer

>McDonald's Corp. is moving to toast its sandwich buns longer and change how it sears and grills hamburgers as part of its effort to reinvigorate growth with "hot, tasty food."

>The increased toasting time makes the sandwiches hotter, while the new grilling technique produces juicier burgers, Steve Easterbrook, the restaurant chain's global chief executive officer, said at an investment conference in New York on Wednesday.

>"These little things add up to big differences for our customers," Easterbrook said. "We're recommitting to tastier food across the menu."

...Full link at http://www.smh.com.au/business/mcdonalds-strategy-for-improving-food-toast-the-buns-longer-20150527-ghba3y.html . And no I'm not some paid shill, it honestly just popped up on news.google.com in the "Most Popular" sidebar. (Granted, it might have gotten *there* due to paid shills.)

>> No.6545706


>> No.6545716


>> No.6545727

fuck even is that

>> No.6546279

this better be bullshit

>> No.6546282


>> No.6546284

yeah i remember when they switched to all white meat. definitely weren't as good

>> No.6546298

Why did you remind me? I had completely forgotten

>> No.6546367

Because they are demonstrably ignorant, poorly educated morons that haven't had to live through the major diseases that we no longer see because of vaccination.

I guarantee that if polio, mumps, rubella, measles or smallpox were still common, no one would be an "anti-vaxxer" unless they were insane or retarded. Which is what they are now.

>> No.6546384

I think most of europe has never cut the corners near as bad as they do on the new continent.

>> No.6546385

Subtle, 8/10. Almost got me.

Fuck you, that breading is delicious. (and horrible, too, but still)