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File: 86 KB, 1920x1080, kraft-macaroni-cheese-ninja-turt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6542456 No.6542456 [Reply] [Original]

Which shaped mac n cheese is your favorite? Mine is


>> No.6542458

Shells don't take so long to cook and hold the most sauce. The objectively correct answer.

>> No.6542461


Frozen all the way

>> No.6542462

why are americans so childish?

>> No.6542464

that guy should definitely kill himself.

>> No.6542465
File: 6 KB, 125x126, 1431946558503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same. Spongebob shaped always tasted the best.

>> No.6542470
File: 142 KB, 1165x647, americans.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6542471
File: 219 KB, 1920x1080, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


They're legally allowed to call that cheese? Jesus Christ, America.

>> No.6542477

I like wheels, dinosaurs and ponies.

>> No.6542491

Dragon master race

>> No.6542494
File: 235 KB, 854x480, 1332636255363.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6542502

vanilla ice looks good for someone approaching 50.

he looks 35.

>> No.6542503

I was a fan of the Blues Clues one

>> No.6542505

Dude does fucking interior and exterior design now.

Go Google "Vanilla Ice Goes Amish".

>> No.6542509
File: 290 KB, 382x648, Super-Mario-Kraft-Macaroni-Cheeze-Dinner-Box-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any one of these shapes, but overall, Yoshi

>> No.6542511

Any of the fun shape ones. Spongebob, scooby doo, dinosaurs, wheels, anything. They just taste better as far as kraft blue box goes. I don't even know why. I think because it's less pasta, more sauce. I always add extra milk too so it's soupy at the bottom. So good. Cheese flavored milk.

>> No.6542520

isnt canada in america?

>> No.6542525

I don't get it. They eat an average of 3.2 boxes of it per year? Am I missing something? I am American and I eat like 2 boxes a week like 104 boxes a year. Compared to 3.2 that is a big difference. Yet they buy more than I do?

>> No.6542528


>European geology

Great job!

>> No.6542530
File: 32 KB, 220x459, pc-mac-and-cheese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kraft Dinner is shit. President's Choice White Mac & Cheese is figuratively sex in my mouth.

>> No.6542534

Hipster trash

>> No.6542545

How old is this box?

>> No.6542551


>> No.6542552

Sometimes I get the other shapes by accident and me and my daughter both say that it's tastes different.is it nerve gas?

>> No.6542565

All due respect to your colon

>> No.6542568

I mean I'm not totally truthful with that statement. Most weeks I go without any. But sometimes..I eat 2 boxes in a week. And I know it's more then twice a year. So is that statistical figure for Canada like..they take the amount purchased and divide by the population of the whole country? Because if kraft mac n cheese is purchased 3 to 4 times a year by canadians...and that's their number one thing bought..what the fuck DO THEY EAT

>> No.6542575


>> No.6542579

Please tell me you're joking and not really this autistic

>> No.6542583

theres probably like some pasta science or something to explain it..

noodle math

>> No.6542597

get out

>> No.6542600

You Canadian? I grew up outside Buffalo, NY. Which almost makes me Canadian. But look..peameal bacon. If you're Canadian..send me peameal bacon for my cash. Fair trade. Shit is retarded pricing online to have it sent to South Carolina. Please? Please? Wait does Canada have internet?

>> No.6542611

Yes i'm in Canada. Peameal bacon sandwiches are fucking delicious.

>> No.6542678

Peameal bacon in general is amazing. If I ever go to see my Dad again, I'm crossing the river and heading north to buy some and lying about it at the border.

>> No.6542690

I think it was discontinued but spicy jalapeño Kraft was really good

I don't really like mac and cheese with those spiral shaped noodles though

>> No.6542704

the spiral ones get way too soggy way too quickly. I don't know what they do to them before they box them. But seriously like 5 minutes cooking..soggy. 4 minutes cooking..rock hard. But the cheese flavoring is better in that box just like the shapes. All way better than the elbows.

>> No.6542861

fuck elbows

>> No.6543399

Yes, yes it is.

>> No.6543406

I buy the Star Wars shaped and feed it to my nephew. I don't eat that stuff anymore. I eat bad for a single day and I feel like shit. Getting old sucks, anon.

>> No.6543409

Annie's is better.

>> No.6543694

My mac and cheese is usually shaped like a 9x13 rectangle.