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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 77 KB, 600x305, DerrySpread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6540523 No.6540523 [Reply] [Original]

So what's your favourite chocolate kind, /ck/? What do you usually pick? Favourite brand? Do you make your own?

>> No.6540525

>using superfluous vowels

>> No.6540527


I'm not murrican and thus never received murrican edumaction

>> No.6540534


Also since you're murrican get out, your chocolate tastes like vomit.

>> No.6540582
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I don't like eating too much sweets, so I barely eat chocolate. I think Chocolate tastes good, but not enough that I'd eat them more than once a year.

>> No.6540591


>> No.6540593


But there is chocolate that isn't sweet and it's good for you.

>> No.6540624
File: 17 KB, 234x256, d01de6987285f033677d4aa5f359cc92.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Raspberry buttercream please, from Fannie May Candies.

>> No.6540714

See's key lime truffles

>> No.6540717

>assuming I'm American because I make fun of your superfluous vowels

Stay butthurt lmao

>> No.6540720

I like any kind of chocolate, I take it and stick it in your mum's fat arse for a while till it melts then lick it on out and she loves it m80.

>> No.6541828

/b/ pls go

>> No.6541850
File: 146 KB, 750x585, cnc-bar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love dark chocolate

My one weakness though is cookies n cream white chocolate.
No chocolate is a bad chocolate really, the only ones I would pass up on is russel stover's sugar free shit and any holiday foil wrapped candy.

>> No.6541991
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Pleb coming through.
Could move to the UK for these.

>> No.6541996
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>> No.6541997
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I don't eat chocolate because I'm not ten.

No, grow up, you're a grown man theres no reason to be eating chocolate.

If you wanna eat some chocolate because your girlfriend wants you to try some that's fine...I have no problem with that, but other than that just stop it.

>> No.6542004
File: 1.11 MB, 2987x2057, Chocolate-coated_Dried_Plums.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like those Polish chocolate covered prunes. Although you can only eat one or two at risk of it giving you some serious diarrhea

>> No.6542009

A man after my own heart. Grew to love them on grueling army cadet marches as a teen. Would bring 2 packs of 5 to weekend camps.

>> No.6542016
File: 119 KB, 1024x768, DSC01924-1024x768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Belgian truffles. They have a really nice texture, and the way they melt in your mouth leaves a satisfying after taste

>> No.6542019

>No, grow up, you're a grown man theres no reason to be eating chocolate.
>Adults can't enjoy chocolate
what the fuck are you doing

>> No.6542021


They are only superfluous in clapistan

>> No.6542025

Today was the day when I discovered that chocolate has cokroach parts on it accidentally and unavoidably.

I don't want this food anymore.

>> No.6542062

So does most precooked, bagged and tinned food.

>> No.6542106


>Cookies N Cream

This shit right here. This is the one thing I fold on. I haven't had one in years and I already recall the flavor. I normally don't like white chocolate but this right here man.

I'm going to get one today after lunch. Thanks for reminding me.

>> No.6542450 [DELETED] 

Nice try shitstain but I'm from Alberta and I've never used them.

Stay butthurt cuck.

>> No.6542463
File: 1.36 MB, 3264x2448, sees1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most glorious candy store. Everything in it is amazingly delicious. I can't pick just one.
Maybe the Scotch mallow, which is dark chocolate over caramel, honey and marshmallow.

>> No.6542473
File: 172 KB, 640x639, 1426496551159.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh and before you try to say "nuh uh" have a looksie


We don't give a shit if people use them or not, just that they differentiate between check and "cheque"

>> No.6542492
File: 490 KB, 350x292, 1431740168233.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

come at me

>> No.6543132
File: 530 KB, 720x960, Lindt-Passion-Orange-Pistachio-Box.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lindt is best mass produced chocolate ever.
Ghirardelli is a close second.

>> No.6543149

Chocolate is good for you to an almost excessive degree. Everything else added with it is not.

>> No.6543159

that's fine dude. who cares

>> No.6543167

If I told you what was in your air, hopefully you'd suffocate yourself and get it over with.

>> No.6543201
File: 129 KB, 735x327, article_mastbrothers_13_grid_4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For stuff that I don't have to go very far out of my way for, Mast Bros is really nice and pretty much everywhere. I like Askinosie a lot but it's not so easy to find.

Also where is that guy who posts tl;dr about the weak pharmaceutical properties of muh raw cacao, no chocolate thread is the same without him. Although now that I think about it more it's probably a chick.

>> No.6543271
File: 276 KB, 460x550, 93184-the-dark-chocolate-lovers-chocolate-bar-85-percent.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like every kind of chocolate, and people give me shit for it constantly.

Like what sort of fucking pleb only sticks to ONE type of chocolate? I love white, milk, dark, and extremely dark chocolates.

My favorite at the moment is the dark chocolate lovers bar from Trader Joe's. So fucking good, and really cheap for a high quality 85% bar.

>> No.6543276

I miss working here. There was a truffle with dark chocolate cream and cherry pieces and it was the best.

>> No.6543301

What's the best chocolate I can get in Munich to bring back for Americans expecting European chocolate?

>> No.6543392

White chocolate anything.

>> No.6543441
File: 172 KB, 1012x728, Milka_chocolate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just bring them back several flavors of Milka. Everyone loves Milka and if you get them a marzipan one that's pretty stereotypically German.

>> No.6543444

Lindt can be pretty fantastic. I love their salted pretzel bar.

>> No.6543474

Is that a double decker bar ?????

>> No.6543482

Yeah, I just had one of those, it was amazing.

>> No.6543542

Dove dark chocolate is the only American thing I really like.

>> No.6543549

Milka caramel is like a drug to me. Too bad I haven't seen it aroud in a while

>> No.6543651

My local coffee roaster sells some cocoa beans.
Could i make good quality milk chocolate from them?

>> No.6543661

For casual munching, probably Ferraro or Lindt even though it's midbrow luxury chocolate bought for it's fancy wrapping.

I did get a chance to try some dark chocolate orange peels and it's was a rather new experience for someone who likes milk chocolate. Now I wanted to try their freeze dried fruit/nut chocolates

>> No.6543776

Always dark chocolate, never milk. Never selection box chocs unless expensive, as these tend to be overly sweet. I tend to go for 70% Lindt when it's special price in the shops. There is better choc I'm told, but not at a reasonable price.

>> No.6543798


>> No.6543802
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>> No.6545569


>There was a truffle with dark chocolate cream and cherry pieces and it was the best.

Yo, See's bro. You talking about the Mayfair? Because I love that fucking candy.

>> No.6545632

Don't worry I'll fix it.

So what's yor favrit chocolate kind, /ck/? What do you usually pick? Favrit brand? Do you make yor own?

>> No.6545636

Milk chocolate but there is too much to make an accurate decision.

I would love to make my own chocolate. I shall look into this now.

>> No.6545681

Sure, if you want to roast and conch yourself. That requires some investment in gear though.

Considering how much the internet freaks out over activated almonds I'm amazed at how little this raw cacao thing gets brought up. The raw foodist fascination with mostly unprocessed cacao is the real activated almonds.

>> No.6545874



>> No.6546410
File: 546 KB, 635x486, frango.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get on my level.

>> No.6546435
File: 61 KB, 775x313, Cote-d-or-mignonette-4seasons-320g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mignonnettes Côte d'Or 4 Seasons - a damned bitch to find in the states, though.

>> No.6546437

milka gives me diarrhea

>> No.6546444

They are roasted, i am not sure about what is conching.
Are there better recipes or guides out there than Instructables tier stuff?

>> No.6546458

I eat baking chocolate. It's pretty good! It's like 76%, which is how I like it

>> No.6546469

Get back to sweeping my chimny guvna

>> No.6546500

>mint chocolate
Worst memefood.

>> No.6548460

You go fuck yourself, pleb.

>> No.6548470
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>> No.6548899
File: 30 KB, 460x276, Cadburys-Dairy-Milk-001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

da best

>> No.6548907

Chocolate that wasn't "manufactured in a facility that also handles peanuts, tree nuts, and other nuts". Oh wait it doesn't exist.