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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6539670 No.6539670 [Reply] [Original]

just got a decent chef's knife and i can't wait to use it. i want you to give me ideas what i could have for dinner tomorrow that makes me use the knife a fair bit.

few things about myself:
-vegetarian but i eat any cheese whatsoever. (feel free to give me shit about being vegetarian, try to include a fitting dinner suggestion though!)
-love making pizza
-love making pasta
-love italian food (well, duh) but i also enjoy some of the westernized chinese food quite a bit
-i have literally all day to go grocery shopping and preparing

>> No.6539693

I'll give this thread a 3/10

>> No.6540131

no one?

>> No.6540165
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I remember when I used to be respectable and lurked egullet instead of shitposting on 4chan, they were really crazy about Soup of the Bakony Outlaws as the "new knife" meal to make.

Still haven't made it, and I've bought like 5 knives since those days. You should do it and post pics. Oh wait you're vegetarian. Well fuck.

>> No.6540236

a pity, really, cause it sounds like a decent idea otherwise

>> No.6540238

Maybe you can be a carnist just for one night?

>> No.6540244

Vegetarians don't need good knives. They need wooden spoons for bean pot stirring.

>> No.6540256

nah, but i might talk someone into doing the dish and then offer to do the prep so long as they have a few beer for me.