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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6539080 No.6539080 [Reply] [Original]

Why do things that tend to be very high in nutrient content tend to taste bad, but things that tend to be lower in nutrient content taste better or neutral? Why wouldn't low nutrient content foods taste bad to us?

>> No.6539090

I think it has to do with energy content. Energy dense foods appeal.

Of course 50 Anons will now appear with reasons and links as to why I'm wrong, but hey,,then we will both know better.

>> No.6539094

It's not so much the low nutrient content as the high energy content. We evolved in a hostile environment where the availability of food was spotty, so our sense of taste is geared toward foods that provide lots of calories. You found sugar? Good, eat all you can before a predator chases you away from it. Fat? Great, shovel it down before it spoils.

>> No.6539096

>healthy food is gross
american detected

>> No.6539101 [DELETED] 

>Why do things that tend to be very high in nutrient content tend to taste bad

I literally can't think of one example.
Are you a child?

*tips fedora*

>> No.6539104 [DELETED] 

Because you were raised on cheeseburgers and candy?

>> No.6539107 [DELETED] 

Like what?

>> No.6539140

i was thinking like kale and algae and shit like that, aren't they the most nutrient dense?

>> No.6539145 [DELETED] 

What's wrong with kale?

>> No.6539160

It tastes like fish shit.

>> No.6539161


>discussion of evolution merits the fedora meme

Fuck off retard

>> No.6539162

Just learn to use the filter, it's easier than trying to talk sense to kids.

>> No.6539164 [DELETED] 

Because it doesn't make any sense.

>> No.6539175 [DELETED] 

*unsheathes katana*

>> No.6539253

There are two kinds of nutrients, macronutrients like carbohydrates, fats, and proteins which give us the energy to sustain life, and micronutrients which help us process macronutrients. Things you think of as "healthy" actually just contain large amounts of micronutrients, but they also have a lot of other compounds that taste bitter. Those bitter compounds may be good or bad for you, but many poisons are bitter, too. You can get enough micronutrients from sources that aren't bitter, so it isn't strictly necessary to eat "healthy" bitter plants.

>> No.6539263

kale chips are the bomb!

>> No.6539414

>reverse image search
>duck face

>> No.6539422

I generally disagree since I like vegetables. You are probably considering bitterness. Dandelion greens for example are INSANELY nutrient dense, compared to even kale, but normal ones are very bitter.

>> No.6539522

medfag, some ppl got most of the good points but i'll elabourate a little bit

the taste buds really dislike the flavor bitter as a child; we're adaptive eaters so things that are bitter are more likely to be poisonous. as kids we're expected to be fed what adults have tried and found safe to eat, so over time, as we eat those, we begin to enjoy the flavor of them. anybody who's ever tried to cut salt out of their diet and succeeded knows that after a few weeks of changing diet, your tastes adjust. theoretically this is supposed to keep us safe from eating dangerous things- also works with rotten meat or foods... some cultures like the fermented/bad tastes despite it being a warning sign at first for us to spit it out.

now, if you're an amerifat, and you don't get fed these vegetables semi forcefully as a kid, you only learn to like foods that are safe to eat in your mind. this combined with the fact that our body craves and is naturally addicted to salts, fats, and sugars, means that your body will always want those instead of the nutrient dense and delicious foods because you haven't adjusted your diet as such.

i personally find sweet and salty foods very intense, not unpalatable but hard to eat in large amounts. my sis raised me on rabbit food because she was amerifat and so i never really ate those flavors growing up.

>> No.6539591

Lets see:
-Berries tastes good
-Fruit tastes good
-Root vegetables taste good
-All fish tastes good, and you can season them if you don't like the initial taste of that spesific fish
-All herbivore meat tastes good, and can be seasoned
-Some carnivore meat tastes weird. But again: Seasoning & preparation

Honestly i can't think of anything that actually tastes bad, unless you spoil it. Or you let the fat go rancid.

>> No.6539594

I ate a whole cup of lentils and apparently that was 59 grams of fiber and 50 grams of protein

And they tasted delicious as fuck. Holy hell I'm eating lentils every day now.

>> No.6539747

You can't think of a single bitter food?

>> No.6539762

What's the sauce on the pic?

>> No.6539849

What about nuts?

They're pretty nutritious, and taste good

>> No.6539900

what is that pic even

>> No.6539926

its the thing that first made me come to this board, and the reason I stayed

a guy had either hit a deer with his car, or found one on the side of the road. I dont remember
but basically he brought it home and butchered it in his bath tub and posted pictures

>> No.6539964

>high in nutrient content tend to taste bad

it's ok, anon

when you grow up things will be different, i promise

>> No.6539968

also curious

>> No.6539979

it was a sticky years ago on /ck/. basically a guy ran over a deer on the way home and decided to make a meal out of it. he butchered the animal in his tub and asked /ck/ for advice on how to cook it.

>> No.6539983

Oh Jesus Christ, thanks anon

>> No.6540020

He should have at least laid down a tarp or some shit and taped up the walls, that looks like it would be a bitch to clean.

>> No.6540063
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I thought that was the point of doing it in the tub, easy clean up. Sheesh, haven't you ever seen that scene in Training Day?

>not having menstrual sex in the shower while making the Psycho noise

>> No.6540088

Nature doesn't exist to keep you healthy fuckwit

It was probably using those nutes for its own babies, and making poisons to keep you away

>> No.6540094

He'd still have to break out a sponge and rags to clean the edges and the walls, while if he'd laid down a tarp he could just spray it afterwards and direct it all down the drain.

>> No.6540107

Or he could just do it outside.

>> No.6540171


Nonsense, of course.

My supper tonight includes some leftover beans I cooked for a party on Saturday. They are really delicious and nutritious.

Recipe was:

Brown three coarsely chopped large onions and one pound of bacon cooked into one to one and a half each pieces.

After browning them, simmer for forty five minutes with two cups clamato juice, four coursely chopped tomatoes, two cups finely chopped cilantro, and eight finely chopped medium to large serrano peppers.

>> No.6540181

I'm sorry to have to break this to you, but based on the contents of your post and your writing style, I can draw no other conclusion than that you suffer from autism.

>> No.6540187


I'm sorry to have to break this to you, but based on the contents of your post, you suffer from being retarded.

The people I know who are autistic tend to be very finicky about their food and avoid foods with strong flavors.

>> No.6540192
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>posting bean recipe sans beans
>simmer for forty five minutes with two cups clamato juice

>> No.6540202



Four cans of pinto beans, too.

For what it's worth, while I was cooking it Saturday afternoon, I simmered it for about five minutes before I remembered to add beans.

Some people might balk at the canned beans. It seems odd, but many people who have made it with canned beans and cooked with dried beans, have said that they prefer it with canned beans.

>> No.6540204
File: 871 KB, 200x224, le assburgers man.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are only validating my diagnosis, friend.

Fuken saved

>> No.6540225

Fat has many nutrients, it tastes great left in my full fat milk and ice cream

>> No.6540234

not enough clam8o

>> No.6540252

Add some vodka, and you've got yourself a pretty mean Bloody Caesar.