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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 53 KB, 450x450, depositphotos_44482477-One-Single-Lettuce-Salad-Leaf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6536455 No.6536455 [Reply] [Original]

A single leaf of lettuce doesn't make it healthy!

1/3 a portion of lettuce head makes it healthy. Don't fool yourselves.

Keep it green on Veteran's Day.

>> No.6536460

lettuce is mostly water.

healthy my ass.

>> No.6536461

Okay. At your request, I'll wait until November to have a salad. Good advice, OP!

>> No.6536511

Water is healthy.

>> No.6536517

>a proper healthy vegetable
Don't delude yourself, lettuce is water. Same goes for cucumber.

>> No.6536520


Lettuce makes white suburban women "feel" healthier. There's nothing in lettuce. Eat kale or spinach like the little faggot you are

>> No.6536579

>healthy my ass.
>Don't delude yourself, lettuce is water.
>There's nothing in lettuce.

What drives 4chan shitposters? I mean I understand satire done for comic effect, or trolling, but this style of misinformation seems different. The pattern of starting with a fact, then exaggerating like the above until it's patently false and misleading, seems like a compulsive personality disorder with shitposters. Are you just generally contrarian about everything, like "ooh this song is popular, it sucks...this politician is popular, he sucks"? Are you wedded to an unhealthily non-vegetable diet and justify your behavior through self-delusion? I just don't get it.

If you want to argue about actual lettuce nutrition, save it shitposters. I mean just google "lettuce nutrition"; it's not packed with vitamins, and it does vary between varieties, but it's very different than water, and this is a incontrovertible fact there's no point in arguing about.

>> No.6537119

THANK you!

>> No.6537132

Tomorrow isn't Veteran's Day. That's on Nov. 11.

Tomorrow is Memorial Day.

Two separate holidays, bruh...

>> No.6537138

see >>6536461, slowpoke.

>> No.6537149

Alright, I didn't open the thread to check for that.

>> No.6537160

Read every post in my threads before you post for efficiencies sake and if all you are going to post is a correction note then you can Fuck off. I don't need a new jerk to patronize me. I deal with enough of you when ALL I do is post threads of a helpful nature that get sidelined by this kind of really bad behavior y'all pummel at me daily. I'm okay with admitting it offends me on a personal and spiritual level. I'm okay with admitting I have shed a few tears because of the abuse I get. It isn't fair that I have to feel degraded for being myself.

>> No.6537187

Inhale deep. Hold it for ten seconds. It's okay.

I repeat this mantra.

It's okay. Maybe...

Maybe they'll accept me starting today.

Maybe I'll get it right...

No, more abuse.

Repeat the mantra.

Maybe today...



Repeat it. Some day. I deserve better.

>> No.6537432


>Veteran's Day


>> No.6537440

So what's it like being a huge cum-guzzling faggot?

>> No.6537447

Edgar. You're likely a troll, but have you ever considered that you don't actually deserve better. That there is duality in all things and variance in people's perspective?

Says the cuck who's worked their entire life to make their bosses rich. Don't kid yourself, you haven't reaped shit for the fruits of capitalism, and you have sown much.

I might very well be the first person to use "cuckoldry" as a concept correctly all day. Everyone, pay attention. These are the true cucks. They convince themselves vaguely collectivist slavery is worse than their present illusion of freedom.

>> No.6537457

You're complaining about shit posters, but you're the biggest of them all. We realize lettuce is not actually water you autistic fuck.

>> No.6537500


my work is funded exclusively by grants, capitalism pays all my bills, nigger