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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6536168 No.6536168 [Reply] [Original]

Mushroom thread.

Let's talk about these amazing shits, your favorite type and the best way to cook them.

>> No.6536242

I like a nice grilled Portobello sandwich, with lettuce, tomato, red onion, red paper, fresh mozzeralla, aioli, salt and pepper and optional hot sauce.

My gf is a Celiac so sometimes when I grill a traditional beef burgie for myself, we make her salmon or crab patties and use roasted or grilled Portobellos as buns.

I also enjoy mushrooms in my spaghetti sauce, and fresh cold mushrooms in crudite or in my salad.

Sometimes I like them pan fried with some onion to put on my steak, but only if it's a strip cut.

I love mushrooms but for some reason cream of mushroom soup makes me sick. I do however have polish relatives who make this mushroom soup with just a thin broth and it's delicious especially with a side of kraut and fresh grilled kielbasa.

>> No.6536479

I hate mushrooms. Its the only thing I've ever had problems keeping down. I can eat it on pizza. Psychedelics aren't a problem. Pretty good imo
But I wish I could appreciate them. I really want to like them. But I gag and vomit if I even get one in my mouth

>> No.6536485

My dad is the same way. Something about the texture really, but he likes to tell people he won't eat "anything with a shhh sound" in the name.

>> No.6536529

Fish, mushrooms, quiche, crème chantilly, shabu-shabu, pistachios, shrimp, shallots, shumai, shortcake of any variety, shortbread, milkshakes, shish kebabs/shashlik, shepherd's pie, sherbet, beef shank, shawarma, mushu, she-crab soup, shishito peppers, umeboshi, radishes, mashed potato and worcestershire sauce are all delicious.
Your father is a faggot.

>> No.6536534
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>> No.6536574

Did you really take the time to list our ~20 different foods just to prove that you're superior on a Mexican ramen boiling forum

>> No.6536590

Anyone who says anything other than Kennett Square white button mushrooms is a hipster faggot who enjoys having human penises shoved down their throats.

>> No.6536601

My dad's actually a boss and loves everything except mushies and caulifolower, and it was a joke comparing mushrooms to "shit".

Cool autism though.

>> No.6536603

Most autistic thing I've ever seen.

>> No.6536608
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I love sharing a board like this with retards.

>> No.6536610

But how does he feel about caulileader?

>> No.6536615
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He likes that! But only if it's glorious.

>> No.6536643

>not grolious reader
Ya blew it.

>> No.6536664

>Kennett Square
Following the horse show, Anon?
Also, I enjoy human penes (this is the correct plural form of penis) in my mouth as much as I do mushrooms.

>> No.6536668 [DELETED] 





1 (I wish there was a number lower than this but what can you do)


2. Celtics
3. Jazz
4. Kings
5. Spurs* (the real fans are always here dont even start)
6. Mavericks
7. Bulls
8. Warriors* (the real fans have been cheering since they were shit and as a Lakers fan watching Kobe shit on them I can confirm)
9. Wizards


10. Grizzlies
11. Trailblazers
12. Suns
13. 76ers
14. Pistons
15. Timberwolves (this will drop to 20+ next year for sure)


113. Bucks
114. Pacers
115. Nets
116. Kniskc
117. Cloppers
118. Hueshits
119. Hornets

1020. Pelicans
1021. Cavaliers



>> No.6536701

Is this where I commit Sudoku?

>> No.6536707

No. You photograph your father eating any two of the foods in >>6536529. This will cleanse your soul of the impurity it acquired when you missed that opportunity.

>> No.6536723
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Ok I have to wait until tomorrow for our Memorial Day bbq. He has a big stash of pistaches and I'll bring some shrimp to grill up.

>> No.6536742

Mushrooms genuinely upset me. It's mostly the gills, but also the concept of a fungus in general. Never trust a mycologist.

>> No.6536747

>Least bandwagon fanbase
Pick one.

>> No.6536756

I eat mushrooms everyday. Sort of.



>> No.6537257
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>> No.6538958

le bump

>> No.6539032
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Black trumpets are goat. I was about to cook up some trumpet and egg to eat on an English muffin

>> No.6539054

I wanna make chicken breast stuffed with mushrooms and mozzarella.

Do mushrooms go with mozzarella?

>> No.6539130
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>> No.6539167

Yes, that sounds delicious.

Carry on anon.

>> No.6539186
File: 119 KB, 800x600, Cantharellus_cibarius.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pan fry a steak
>while resting, add chanterelles to pan, deglaze with cognac
>add black peppercorns and a touch of cream


>> No.6539204

Hey I want some of those.

It's raining all week. Should I wait until it ends or until it's rained once or twice??

>> No.6539210

I picked some last year and made a chanterelle alfredo sauce. It does work really well.

>> No.6539216

can you really eat peppercorns whole? they arent like crunchy little pieces of glass in your mouth?

>> No.6539248

I grow my own Shitake, Reishi and Lions mane on pasteurized sawdust pellets in a city environment. I just LOVE this whole urban agriculture hype, dont you agree?

>> No.6540028

Chanterelles and porcini, of course.

Don't forget a finely diced onion

>> No.6540043
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when's the best time to look for puffballs?
I remember finding a few in summer.

>> No.6540047
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>> No.6540056
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>> No.6540061

i love her, who is she?

>> No.6540078
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>> No.6540096

so good sliced and sauteed in butter.

>> No.6540156

Bought a morel mushroom kit last year and got like 13 morels

Shitty thing is I planted it near a fence and the growth was spread out so my neighbor got like 9, but only found out later when they yelled at me and showed me these dried up ones that they thought were poisonous

>> No.6540164
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what the fuck do they even taste like?

>> No.6540175

You're not supposed to bite into them They just impart flavour. But even if you do it's no biggie they're not that hard.

>> No.6540191

its been awhile since i've had them but its a wonder on its own seeing one growing somewhere
you can pretty much cook it in any way
its kinda earthy, tastes great with butter and in soups

>> No.6540223

So, I actually just picked up a box of Baby Portobello mushrooms from Publix a couple hours ago.

I made whatever mushroom it is that's meant to taste "meaty" once properly prepared, which obviously I can't remember the name of or I'd say it, but I don't think those were Portobello. Maybe they were. As you can see I'm not well versed when it comes to mushrooms.

But I'm willing to try again, and for some reason I trust the input of this board.

How best may I prepare these things, and what do they go well with?